Thursday, August 19, 2021

Watch Gerer Rebbitzin Wave to the Crowd before the Chupa like the Queen of England


Sam green said...


Zako said...

No she is not "waving like the queen of England".
She is saluting guests who came from far distances.

Imre Emes said...

I'm a Gerer and I was actually there. Most tables were empty and the amount of wedding guests that actually showed compared to the previous weddings was a joke, and that is because of the civil war. Very few people came from "far distances" they were basically locals who had nothing better to do. That's why they asked the Skverer to take 6 brachos under the Chuppah hoping he would bring some people.... In Ger the "rebbetzins" don't count, and are not involved at all with the community. The Rebbetzin waiving to the few women that gathered was staged for photos, to the non-Gerer people, to come across as a normal chassidus where the "rebbitzens" are active in the lives of the chassidic families. The "gerer" don't even know what she looks like, and I'm talking about the women...
It's amazing how DIN picks up on this and in a few words in a headline sums it all up ...keep up the good work .. we need the truth not the shmaltz... shmaltz we have in herring

Zako said...

To Imre Emes

Ok, so if "the Gerrer rebbetzins don't count",
if they are "not involved at all with the community",
and if "the gerer don't even know what she looks like" (which by itself is a pretty nice mark of erlechkeit),
so what in your mind can she be guilty of ??
Is it a new crime to wave hands at people in a chasene ??

Imre Emes said...

With all due respect to you, and I believe that you are a very sincere person trying to set DIN straight, but here you totally missed the mark. This little "headline" has tons of nuances embedded in it that only a Gerer would pick up on. DIN had posted in a previous post and I don't remember in what post, that he learned in the Gerer cheder for a short time, hence his knowledge of what really happened here.
Ger is different than all other chassidim in many ways, for example they are into learning, and all shtiblich learn an hour before Krias Ha'Torah, they are also do not put much emphasis on the davening itself and actually skip most piyutim on R"H and Y"K, they are very much into singing and have choirs singing on the Yomim Naroim.
But they are also very different in their treatment of women in general.Women in Ger are hidden..... that's right ...they are hidden, and basically live separate lives from their husbands, they will dress fancy and don't wear hats on their shaitlach etc .In pre WW2 the women of Ger attended "gymnasium" which was public school, they didn't play any role in the Chassidus itself, and you will rarely see a Gerer Chasid walk with his wife on the street, and if they do, the lady is a few steps behind. You will certainly never see any Gerer Rebbe walking with his wife ..ever. Whereas in Satmar, R' Yoel's wife, Rebbetzin Faigy was by side a lot, in fact many photos erased the rebbetzin. She sat right behind him at the gigantic protest in Madison Square Garden against Israeli Autopsies. She was photoshopped out but she was there, and not only there, but right behind him.
When they first built the Ger Bais Hamedrash Sfas Emes in Yerushalayim they built it with no Ezras Nashim, it was only after huge protests and pleadings to the Bais Yisrael that they added a little "shtible" with a 20 women capacity. In fact most Gerer Shtiblach in Brooklyn have no Ezras Nashim... did you know that?
In this context you can understand that the Rebbeitzen coming out in a public display and waving is an anathema to everything Ger stands for.If you look carefully at the video you cannot help but notice women videotaping the wedding with Iphones... these are not the typical Gerer Women... these are the wives of the fake Gerers like Shloimie Werdyiger who shave and dress modern and on shabbos they wear a "bekeshe" .... that breed is dying out .and so when DIN wrote that she was waiving like the "Queen of England" that statement is hilarious... and maybe now you can appreciate it ...
It's not a crime in the rest of the world ... but in Ger it is ...

Mondrowitz said...

Was fellow Gerrorist pedophile Yeedle Werdyger there? (He's not related to Shloime. He is MBD's son)

Prince Charles said...

I hope Megan doesn't invent another conspiracy that the Rebbitzen is worried her eyniklach will be little Mulattos.

Alter Poilisher said...

Did DIN ever write about the Gerrer "civil war"? Can anyone elaborate?

Pnei Menachem said...

Alter Poilisher



And this classic great one

Pnei Menachem said...

This is when it all started

Was in BMG said...

Altz the Gerrer farfumteh chauvinism, many of their maydelach in Boro Park only want to marry Litvisher. I can personally relate that several of them sent shadchantas after me & after my fellow Lakewooder friends, from the learners as well as the post-learning shnit. It worked out in some cases. I was not davka turned off by the idea but kimat did not pursue any of the ones approaching me due to one factor or another that had nothing to do with affiliation. The one time I agreed to a date was where the father was a parveh guy who got married to a Gerrer girl with tnie that he had to feer zich with Gerrer minhogim. But there was a strange & very palpable tension at the table between the parents that scared me. I later found out they were about to get divorced and it did not end very amicably.

Zako said...

To Imre Emes 11:13 AM

Yes I know all this... ich bin auch fyn a gerrer meshpucha.