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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rabbi Who Could See into the Future Didn't See this Coming


Rabbi Ezra Sheinberg, convicted of sexual offenses against eight women, was released early from prison on Tuesday, serving just six years of his seven year sentence.
The rabbi, a renowned yeshiva head from Safed, was originally indicted in July 2015 on 12 charges of sexual offenses including rape, sodomy and indecent assault.
Religious Zionist head Betzalel Smotrich expressed outrage at the decision to release Sheinberg early, saying the decision is "shameful and constitutes a stab in the back of the victims."
"The punishment was too light in the first place and the early release is adding sin to crime," said Smotrich, calling for the decision to be appealed.
Sheinberg, 48, who is married and has eight children, is the founder of Yeshivat Orot HaAri in Safed, which he established in 1999. He was a respected and prominent figure in the National Religious community and lauded as a particularly spiritual rabbi with preternatural abilities to see into the future and give advice.

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