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Monday, August 2, 2021

He is proud to be a "Pooop'eh"


Satmar Poop said...

Satmar thug Shia Mandel can use this as his theme song when he schnorrs for Pupa. But unknown to Pupa is that his schnorring is like a hobby after he's finished with all the time he spends acting like a Mafia Don in Monsey & yoishev buttel in the country

Uriah’s Wife said...

I was also proud to be a poopeh but my insolence came to an end after I was toilet trained.

Shmitzik vee a Rodney Toilet said...

The ROTTEN eppel doesn't fall far from the boim.

Shia's zeideh is the corrupt "dayan" in KJ who all Satmar factions are angry at for his play for pay "psak". DIN's buddy R' Aron slammed Mandel befarhesya. Even Mandel's own Zaloinis are angry at him for twisting halacha around to accommodate Stein. What a sick mayseh that was!