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Sunday, May 23, 2021

More on Ami Magazine & Gittel Davidson


Last week,  I commented on Ami's fiction writer, Chaya Silber, who took a seemingly innocent story and infused it with hate and venom and heaped it on the State of Israel. 

Click on the link, and you will see what I'm talking about.

This week I got hold of the actual article and I found some great "gems" that really highlight the craziness of this story.

Gittel Davidson, the daughter in-law of Madeleine Lucette Farraille, aka Ruth Ben-David,the French lady that converted to Judaism with her son Uriel, and kidnapped Yossele Schumacher, makes the most bizarre statement about her mother-in law.

Gittel relates that Ruth had a connection with Yasser Arafat's mother-in-law, going back to her old French days, and since Arafat's mother-in-law "knew that Ruth Blau was an anti-Zionist, she tried to persuade her to help Fatah against the Israelis."

Are you guys digesting this? Unreal.... 

Gittel doesn't describe how this connection came about, since it probably wouldn't put Ruth in a very positive light, but we the readers are all dying of curiosity, we are sitting at the edge of our seats ... but Ami's Chaya Silber hears this directly from the mouth of Ruth's daughter-in-law, Gittel, and doesn't ask her..something that is on the tip of the tongue of anyone reading this article

"What? Did I hear this correctly? How did they know each other? Did they keep in touch all these years? What did Arafat's mother-in-law know about Ruth that would even make her think that Ruth could turn on her own people?. Were they close? " What was the connection?"

Chaya Silber who writes fiction for a living doesn't flinch and isn't curious how this came about ...

 Gittel goes on to say:

"My saintly mother-in-law proudly replied, 'Madame, although I am an anti-Zionist, I would never do anything that would harm the Jewish people!" 


I was in suspense on how Ruth would respond; we are all relieved now that her "saintly mother-in-law" decided to do the right thing and not stab the Jewish nation which she embraced. She went "Lifnim Meshuras Ha'din"

A "saint" indeed!

Now for the clincher: 

Sit back and relax but this is not the time to be holding a hot coffee or slurping hot chicken soup.

Way back in 1951, a Jewish child of 3, Moshe Shimon, from a Satmar family living in Petach Tikvah, walked out of his home on Rosh Hashana  and disappeared, and was never seen again. The family suspected that  their Christian neighbour kidnapped him and raised him in a convent in Jordan...

Anyone reading this who doesn't see the irony is not playing with a full deck..

But both Chaya Silber, the Ami Interviewer, and the protagonist Gittel Davidson did not pick up on this ....

The Satmar family approached Ruth in 1980, 30 years after the child's disappearance asking for help to locate Moshe Shimon...

After visiting abbeys and monasteries in the Old City of Jerusalem and Shechem, with no success, Ruth decided to visit Yasser Arafat and ask him for help...

Her link to Arafat? His mother-in-law........

Ruth, of course wasn't successful but I want to steer you to Ruth's impression of Yasser Arafat as related to Chaya Silber by Gittel Davidson..

"After she had met Arafat, whom she disliked immediately, my mother in-law told my husband (Uriel) that Arafat was a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything." meaning to help her in her search 

Wow.... who knew? 

"Arafat was a liar and a very bad person" 

Ruth actually thought that Arafat who had a business of murdering innocent Jewish children would help her locate a missing Jew!

I'm glad that Ami is setting us straight about Yasser Arafat!

How perceptive of Ruth to see thru Arafat and find him a liar and a bad person.... so now Gittel wants us, thinking that we are as stupid and gullible as she, to admire Ruth because she also found "Arafat to be a bad person" even-though Ruth was an anti-Zionist!

This story took place in 1980 or 1981

It seems that Ruth wasn't aware that in 1972, merely 8 years before she met Arafat, the leader of the Fatah Terrorists, ordered the execution of  11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games.....

In 1974 Palestinian terrorists massacred 21 Jewish school children in Maalot

All that and more didn't make Arafat a "bad person" what made Arafat a "bad person' was that he wouldn't help her find a 30 year old lost now grown man living a life of a Christian in Jordan.

So Gittel Davidson sits on her couch and praises her "saintly" mother-in-law, for being  a "saint" and an insightful person; she was able to detect that "Arafat was a very bad person."

By the way, members of her father-in-law's Neturei Karta, such as Moshe Hirsch,  actually thought that Arafat was a great guy and met him on multiple occasions.

Palestinians went on to bomb the Sbarro Pizza Shop in Yerushalyim blowing up 15 people including 7 children and a pregnant woman, 130 were wounded! 

A drink please..... I need drink ......anyone home?... 

Did you just bring me water? Noooooooooooo! I need a stiff drink!




Neutral Litvak said...

The seforim say that a rasha can sometimes be reasoned with but a shoyteh, never. That's why a relative of R' Amram said that no one will ever talk sense into John Kerry.

It's not fair to lump Moshe Hirsch & other more current psychos together with R' Amram. Current NK has totally different hashkofos that are chilul Hashem. Kissing Ahmadinijad in public is chilul Hashem. Having one secret meeting with Arafat to possibly rescue a neshomola is not chilul Hashem. R' Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld also met with a bloodthirsty Arab in an attempt to save lives.

Galechter all the way to the bank said...

You're taking the words of the giyoress out of context.

She worded Arafat is a bad person in connection to her gut feeling that he's just a filthy greedy opportunist who would steal many millions of dollars from his people, that after all his rhetoric & bloodshed he is a profiteer who only cares about lining his pockets. Vekach hava that he looted all the money of the Palestinians by hiding it in European accounts.

Dusiznies said...

There is a major difference between Rav Sonnenfeld meeting with "bloodthirsty" Arabs in order to attempt to save lives .... R' Sonnenfeld was niftar in 1932, we didn't have a State or government.

Lest you think that Ruth had learned her lesson with the failed Arafat meeting, Davidson relates that in 1993, Ruth traveled to Iran to try to save the leader of the Jewish community, Feysollah Mechubad, who was arrested and accused of spying to Israel, after being denied an audience with Ayatollah Khomeini ym"s she managed to speak to his secretary. It seems from Davidson's convoluted confusing story that Ruth did eventually meet with the Ayatollah in Paris, but as soon as she walked out the door, the Ayatollah had Mechubad executed......

You cannot separate R' Amrom from Moshe Hirsch, as Moshe Hirsch was the son-in-law of R Amrom's partner in the Neturei Karta, Katzenelboigen. Hirscs was groomed by both his father-in-law and Blau to become the next leader which actually happened ......you reap what you sow!

Dusiznies said...

Anonymous Neutral Litvak
see my comments to Cyrano in my original article on Ami and Chaya Silber

Dusiznies said...

Anonymous Galechter all the way to the bank said...

Oh I took "the words of the giyoress out of context."

What Ruth really said according to you ...
"She worded Arafat is a bad person in connection to her gut feeling that he's just a filthy greedy opportunist who would steal many millions of dollars from his people, that after all his rhetoric & bloodshed he is a profiteer who only cares about lining his pockets. "

Oh I get it now ....thanks for straightening me out ....
he is a"bad person" not because he murdered Jewish children, and made married women into widows, married men into widowers, children into orphans..."
No no ... that alone is not what made Arafat a bad guy...
Hmmmmm I see
What made Arafat a bad guy according to Ruth was because he stole money from the Palestinians. ....
Ok I get it now!

Now let me tell you something ...
Her gut feeling was that Arafat thinking she is an anti-Zionist, would help her search for a "kidnapped" Jew!
Her gut feeling was that this blood thirsty murderer would make a distinction between a anti-Zionist Jew and a Zionist Jew ..that was her gut feeling !!
she was surprised and disappointed that Arafat .saw her as a filthy Jew just like that kidnapped Satmarer..
Later when she met the Ayatollah she again thought that he would distinguish between Zionist Jews and Neturei Karta, she learned the lesson that victims of the Holocaust learnt, albeit too late ...
That to goyim a Neturei Karta guy is a Zionist ..a chilonie is a Neturei Karta .. to goyim we are are all Zionists... To a goy, Herzl, Ben Gurion and the Toldos Ahron Rebbe are all the same Jews!
This had nothing to do with Arafat stealing money from his people for personal gain...in her heart of hearts that's not what she was disappointed about ......

Frum but normal said...

DIN,I must congratulate you, because you certainly have her number.
By the way this filthy Israel and Jew hating witch, was a Paris night club dancer before she converted.
It also seems, that even when she converted,she couldn't completely get rid of her Jew hatred and had it channeled towards Israel and Zionist hatred

Neutral Litvak said...

True there was no State in 1932 but the Zionists were very actively trying to force it to come into being.

I'm sure if Rav Kook had to posken "is it mutter to secretly meet with Arafat or Khomeini if there is no danger to meet and it might end up saving a life", that he would say yes.

You have a point with M. Hirsch because of any time it's maamid talmid she'aino hogun. But to say that R' Amram "groomed" him to be a psychopath is simply not true & grossly unfair. Hirsch started a new regime in NK that made it unrecognizable from it's predecessors.

Your comments to Cyrano: I believe that you read such things, but what is the source that R' Amram never spoke to his brother & that R' Yoelish was against harboring Yossele Shumacher? I would like to see if the sources could be biased & where they get their information from.

Monsey said...

Who is Chaim Gertner who is currently involved in a suspicious real estate transaction in Monsey? Any idea?

Dusiznies said...

Neutral Litvak
You explain:
"I'm sure if Rav Kook had to posken "is it mutter to secretly meet with Arafat or Khomeini if there is no danger to meet and it might end up saving a life", that he would say yes."

I wasn't upset that she met Arafat or the Ayatollah to save a Jew, my beef with her was her reaction, and the way she really thought that these two murderers were going to "see" that she is a different type of Jew, and at her surprise they they lumped all Jews together....
and this is the way all anti-zionists think, that if they could only convince the Palestinians that they are different type of Jews, that hate and want the State of Israel to collapse and that they are all on the same page ..if that they could only convince the goyim that fact then they would spare them ....

They are very naive ...goyim hate all Jews it makes no difference if they are politically on the same spectrum ... to a goy as I said before ...a Reform, Conservative, Litvish, Chassidish, Sfardie, Zionist, Neturei Karta, Satmerer and even an assimilated Jew like Herzl..to them these are all filthy Jews ..

as to your point:
"I believe that you read such things, but what is the source that R' Amram never spoke to his brother & that R' Yoelish was against harboring Yossele Shumacher? I would like to see if the sources could be biased & where they get their information from."

Yes my "sources" are biased...it's straight out of Ruth's book. she wrote a book in Yiddish where she writes that she corresponded with Rebbetzin Faige the wife of the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoilish. She writes that she commiserated with the Rebbetzin and expressed her frustration that her fellow Neturei Karta neighbours in Meah Shearim were spitting on her and humiliating her and how the Eida Ha'chareidis were harassing her husband, R' Amrom . She writes that the Rebbetzin was sympathetic with her and that the Rebbitzin told her that she, Faige, was also being harassed by the Neturei Karta ..and she confided that it could be it was because the Rebbe, her husband, was against the kidnapping. It seems that the Rebbe planted anti-Zionist seeds and they were now in full bloom and he could no longer control them.
I remember when extreme Satmarer Chassidim broke the mirrors in the Rebbe's home on Bedford Avenue ..

Galechter all the way to the bank said...

Trying to poke fun at me doesn't change anything.

Of course Arafat was a mass murderer & the giyoress agreed. She just meant that there was not a single redeeming quality in him, not even wanting to leave a few pennies over for his own impoverished people. All through Tanach you see they look min Hashamayim to ascertain if the most evil men have even a tiny positive maylah.

There are 2 types of the extremists by the way. The seven shmucks who went to Teheran are nutty enough to believe that the killers will like them. In their neurosis they want the killers to like them. There are others who know what the killers are but hope that it's the interest of the killers to put on an act to the world, that you see, we have a problem with Zionist Jews but the non-Zionists are jolly good fellows.

Dusiznies said...

Anonymous Galechter all the way to the bank said...

I wasn't in the room when Ruth met Arafat and neither were you ...
so all we can do is speculate ....and read what Davidson wrote ...

so there can only be two scenarios ... yours and mine ...

Let's take yours first ....you take Davidson at her word that Ruth came to a brand new understanding of Arafat, and it was only AFTER her meeting that she discovered that he was thief..
as you write:
"She just meant that there was not a single redeeming quality in him, not even wanting to leave a few pennies over for his own impoverished people."

When did she find out that he had no "redeeming qualities?"
it was only "AFTER" she met Arafat did she come to the conclusion that "Arafat was a liar and a very bad person"
as Davisdson says:
"After she had met Arafat, whom she disliked immediately, my mother in-law told my husband (Uriel) that Arafat was a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything."

So this is what must have happened:

Arafat: "Oh wow... Rutele you look much better than my mother-in-law described.... Wow look at you ..Wow all dressed tzneesdik like the ladies in Meah Shearim ..I'm impressed.. so Shefele, what brings you here?"

Ruth: I'm on a mission to find a Satmar anti-Zionist child that disappeared 30 years ago in Petach Tikvah, and the family suspects that he is alive and well living in Jordan as a Christian, do you have any contacts in Jordan?"

Arafat: Listen Rutele, I don't really care about Muslims, Christians and certainly Jews, I'm on my very own mission, to get all the money that the world gives to Palestinians and divert it to my Swiss accounts ..

Ruth: So you can't do me this tiny favor? You know that we are anti-Zionist and we want the end of the State of Israel just like you ....

Arafat: I'm not an anti-Zionist.. where did you get that impression? I murder all type of Jews , it's not about Zionism it's Jews and BTW I make a nice living doing it ... so get the hell out of here and tell my mother-in-law that you are so chummy with..to kiss my arse in Macy's window..

Ruth out the door talking to Uriel: "Arafat is a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything. he is only interested in money"

My version:
Ruth knew that Arafat was a murderer and a thief and thought that maybe she can buy him off...

Arafat: What can I do for you?

Ruth: I am here to find information about a 3 year old child that was kidnapped and the family believes he is being brought up as a Christian and living somewhere in Jordan... can you help me? We are willing to compensate you for your efforts... BTW regards from your mother -in-law..

Arafat: You think that you can bribe me with your filthy money? To me you are a disgusting Jew just like Mrs Ben-Gurion...

Ruth: But but we are sympathetic to your cause to make the entire Israel into Palestine...we love Palestine and we would love to live under your government ..and pay you taxes

Arafat: You think I care what you think? To me you are all a bunch of sneaky Jews and I hate you guys with the same passion as I hate Golda Meir ..now get the hell out of my office ... and BTW tell my mother-in-law to kiss my arse in Macy's window.

Ruth runs out in tears disappointed in Arafat, really believing that he would have distinguished between Neturei Karta and the rest of the Zionist loving Jews ... and could have been bribed

Ruth out the door talking to Uriel: "Arafat is a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything or give money to the Palestinian people; rather he would keep it all for himself"

My version is probably the correct one .... but only G-d, Ruth, Arafat and the flies in the room knew what really transpired