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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Pelosi Runs to the Ohel

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Anonymous said...

Even though I know it's satire, not everyone does. Also with Yumim ...mayim mayim... I would prefer if you just stick to real things. But you know what you're doing so do it as you see best.

Dusiznies said...

Life is very tough and I think that a bit of humor will lighten things up.....

I don't think that anyone takes this Chas Ve'shalom as making fun of the Ohel....
I am there a lot myself and whenever I come to the States its one of my first stops ....

But these stressful times require some laughs...
My readers have written that they appreciate these laughs and it gives them some respite from the real world..
and even if one person laughs out loud ... it was worth it ...

Thank you for following my blog ... and I'm sure that you don't agree with a lot of what I post and write..
but I now know after having blogged for 10 years approx and having over 15 million visitors that I speak for a whole lot of people.........
there are people that i'm sure curse me ..... but I think that RBS"O granted me common sense .... and I write as I see it ..... I'm not always right...and I sure hope that I am not ....
but if I make even one person see the other side ...the "rare view" .....then I feel that I accomplished my mission...
We as Frum Jews believe and know that the majority isn't necessarily correct ....
the majority of the world believe in a God that is a fat big Hindu ... and i"m sure they are wrong...
Again thanks for following

Abe said...

“...the majority of the world believe in a God that is a fat big Hindu ... and i"m sure they are wrong...”

How do you know God isn’t a Big Hindu?
Has he ever appeared to you in his true spiritual shape? Perhaps he once appeared to Hindu religion believers as one? So how would you know how he appears or doesn’t?