Wednesday, February 12, 2020

DIN on Parshat Yitro

וישמע יתרו כהן מדין חותן משה את כל אשר עשה אלוקים למשה ולישראל עמו כי הוציא ה' את ישראל ממצרים
Yitro the minister of Midyan, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that Hashem did to Moshe and to the Jewish people ... that Hashem took the Jews out of Egypt

Rashi asks:
?מה שמועה שמה ובא
"What report did he (Yitro) hear that made such a great impression that made him come to the midbar?"

Rashi answers:
קריעת ים סוף ומלחמת עמלק 
"He heard that Hashem split the Red Sea and he heard that Amalek subsequently went to war with the Jewish people."

Why did Rashi even ask the question ...."what motivated Yitro to come?"
Isn't the answer explicit in the pasuk?

את כל אשר עשה אלוקים למשה ולישראל עמו
"He came because he heard about all the miracles that Hashem performed for Moshe and the Jewish people?"

So guys open your hearts and listen .... to this answer...
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Rashi knew that not only did Yitro hear all that Hashem did for the Jewish people ... 
but the entire world, all nations, also heard what Hashem did for the Jewish people...
Even Amalek heard that Hashem split the sea for the Jewish people...

So Rashi was bothered by the question..
"What motivated him to actually take action to come?"

Even if Yitro  understood the truth and wanted to convert and become a Jew..
Rashi still wanted to understand
"Why wasn't it enough for Yitro to convert to Judaism and remain in Midyan as a practicing Jew..?
Why did he have to come to the midbar?

In other words, Rashi wanted to know ..
"what did Yitro hear that the others didn't?"
What was the trigger point where he said to himself....
"I'm leaving my comfortable life behind and will join the Jewish people in the desert?

Rashi answers
קריעת ים סוף ומלחמת עמלק
He saw that Amalek, despite having heard about the great phenomena, the great miracle of the Sea Splitting ..
ignored the message and went to war with the Jewish people... having apparently learned nothing from the news! 
The Amelikim  gave up their very lives to fight the message, to fight the the warnings, that was implicit in these miracles!

And Yitro hearing the exact same news that Amalik heard, decided that it was not enough to be a practicing Jew in Midyan.... 
he had to take a radical approach if he wanted to remain a Jew ...
He had to join the Jewish People...

My dear friends... in just a year or two, most of the world's Jewry will be living in Eretz Yisrael.......
There are already over 6 million living in the Jewish State "bli ayen hara"!
Just in Beit Shemesh alone where I live there are over 120,000 Jewish souls .... in just another 5 years there will be over 250,000 Jews living in this city alone .....

In Yerushalayim they built  one "Light Rail" line ... 
within two years there will be another three... 

All this building and infrastructure...  is for one reason ...waiting for Jews to make Aliyah and to have everything ready for them ....

According to the ADL and Bnei Brit statistics ... anti-Semitism in the entire world ...and they are including the US, is very close to the anti-Semitism of 1938 -1939 ..

Think about the airplane...

The first Transatlantic flight was June 28, 1939,
Kristalnacht took place in 1938...

Was this a message to the Jews....?

Did Hashem have the airplane invented to make it easier for Jews to flee from the blood soaked cursed earth of Europe?

Hashem created the airplanes for one reason only...and at that particular time for one reason only ....

it wasn't created for Jews to go to the Bahamas ... 
it wasn't created so that Jews could travel to mid-winter vacations, weddings and Bar Mitzvas to Canada, to Detroit or Cleveland .......or even see the Alps in Switzerland...

Listen to the message like Yitro did...
That's why the Parsha that contains the Aseres Ha'dibrois is named  ... Yitro...
Because even before you accept the Torah ..
You must Listen to the message of Yitro!

Understand that the airplane was created so that Jews can come live in Eretz Yisrael..

Don't listen to the naysayers ....even if they are Askanim or even if they are Torah leaders ... even if they bring you all kinds of proof from the gemarrah ...
Or even if they tell you that Israel has  "Chillul Shabbos" and "Gay Parades" etc etc ....

This a message of the Amalikim it is the message of the "Sitra Achra"

The Amalakim heard about the greatest miracles that Hashem performed but because they didn't want people to make a change in their lives ...they decided in their hate to eradicate and annihilate the message that Yitro heard .... 

It was not long ago .... that the Jewish people were advised to remain in the blood soaked countries of Europe..
they ignored the message that there was a  Hand of Hashem in the invention of the airplane.....
they ignored the cries of those who begged them to leave ...
they instead chose to listen to those who gave them false hope...
hope that civilized people like the Germans would never throw a baby against a wall ....  would never have them stand outside for hours in worst elements on a roll call.... they would never take hundreds of thousands of men, women on a death march...they would never murder them after the war when they came back to claim their homes.......

Guys stop davening in those massive shuls that the Rebbelich are building in chutz le'aaretz  for their own ego....Stop davening in these massive structures that hold thousands that is not being built for the sake of Hashem but to display the power of the Rebbe..
Give them a message that this is not ok ....daven in the little shteeblich..

Where are the massive shuls in Europe? 
Where in Europe is Belz, Bobov, Satamare,Klozenberg, Skver, Stolin, Chernoble, Sanz, Sziget,  Lubavitch, Pressburg, Narvardik, Kletzk, Ponovitz, Mir and Telz...even Lublin ...(they are pathetically trying to revive it ..they are better off beating a dead horse!).

Come before it's too late!
Come before your children and grandchildren assimilate ...

Making aliyah maybe very well be difficult like 
"Kriyas Yam-Suf"....
but the alternative is "Milchamas Amalik"
Not too much time left ...


anon1m0us said...

Nice pshat, but we learn after Matan Torah Yisro went back to midyan and lived there to spread the teachings.

While i agree with your message that we should all move to Israel, the point used was not a good one.

Light unto the nations said...

It's not a good idea to be together in one place if we don't stop being exclusive (chosen to be entitled and dark) people. It's easy to take us all out.

As soon as we start being inclusive people (chosen to be helpful, the light) and export it to other nations we will be welcomed everywhere and we will welcome everyone.

The Shcheena (holy spirit) will descend upon the whole earth and universe. Everywhere will be the promised land. Bimhayru B'yumaynee (Speedily, nowadays).

Light unto the nations said...

On the massive shuls, you're right on. It's currently the source of exclusivity, avoida zura (idolatry) and darkness. If we don't change fast, not a single stone will be left standing.

Brisker said...

העניין לא פשוט
לא סיפרה לנו תורה עליו אלא בדבר אחד בלבד , ואותו דבר כלו תימה ופליאה מתחילה ועוד סוף, והדברים עתיקים וטמירים
יש מדרש שיתרו הלך לבדו אחר שנים הרבה וכל ביתו נשארו עם ישראל ,ויתרו בנו שם בית נאמן בישראל
וזכה יתרו לראות את ישראל בתפארתם בלבד ולא ראה אותם בקלקלתם אפילו פעם אחת

אסף יתרו את כל בני ביתו, בתו צפורה אשת משה ושני בניה וגם כל בנים אשר נולדו אחר בוא משה לביתו וגם הרבה נכסים
לקח עמו ויצא ממדין היכן שהוא שרוי בכבודו של עולם ללכת המדברה מפני כבוד ה'
הרבה שנים עשה יתרו עם ישראל במדבר

Anonymous said...

Actually there are a lot of meforshim that would agree with DIN
In fact Reb Zusha Anyipolar z"l actually asks why Yisro didn't stay in Midyan and stay a Jew there?
and he answers very similarly to DIN.....because he wanted to be amongst Jews he actually brings other midrashim supporting his answer ....
The point that DIN makes ...I believe remains...

Dusiznies said...

Thank you for following my blog and your comment...
There is actually a dispute among the Tanaim when Yisro actually came ...
Some say after Matan Torah ...
You are right that there is Midash that Yisro went back to be mekareiv and teach Monotheism to the Midyanim,
however this is contradicted by other Midrashim...
What all agree is that he left his entire family in the midbar ..... in fact Eliezer the son of Aaron Hacohein married another one of his daughters...
Either way you want to learn this obscure story ..... the fact is that he left his entire profession and converted to Judaism and left his family with the Jews....
according to your version ... I would venture to say that he felt that he would have more influence with the goyim since he was once the head of their religion.... to show them the way
My point is valid even according to your version ....
he knew that if he wanted to keep his children Jewish they would have to remain with Jews!

anon1m0us said...

Ok, next step, find me a job :) Don't want to be a burden on society.

Anonymous said...

".....Nice pshat, but we learn after Matan Torah Yisro went back to midyan and lived there to spread the teachings....."

Ramban and others hold otherwise and believe he went along into EY. Regardless, all his descendants lived in Eretz Yisroel , were offered land in Jerico and some became members of the Sanhedrin... all because of their father & grandfather Yisro's inspiration and teaching. They didn't go back to Midian and build shteeblach there , calling them Eitz Chaim D'Yisro, nor rent out its humongous Bnei Tzipporah hall for lavish weddings and conferences.
THIS pshat is indisputable. If you know of an opposite Midrash or vort, please post.

Does anybody here believe that happenings are just merely coincidences?
If yes, read no further.

I just returned from Eretz Yisroel and the flight out of The Five Clowns , N.Y. along with my flying buddies from Shmonsey, Tel Aviv took 10 hours. Our flight back took a torturous 13 hours, due to , as the flight attendant explained, flying against strong head winds to the opposite direction. In plain English- Tailwinds push the plane quickly to EY and the these winds now called headwinds push back against return to Palm Bytch, Smalltimore and Cleveland.
The voice in our heads whispering that the tailwinds also push you to Europe's London and Antverpen ( homes of Torah, soon -to-be-banned shechita and seminaries) is the Yetzer Hara with farkrumte hashkafa in order to test us.
If there's a scientist here who can explain this , taking G-D & EY out of the equation, remember that loads of them also explained the Makos and Kriyas Yam Suf too. Ask Pharoah and his magicians... or Bible critics. Which side you on??

Shlomo Hamelech said , go learn from a nemala… Why can't we learn from a plane? or tailwinds?
Hashem speak in signs and coincidences.. Lots of times it's a whisper.. Just ask Eliyahu Hanavi when he was in the midbar Yehudah..

the Derby
( edited by Cha Cha de Chazente)

Anonymous said...

I remembered a pshat and can't recall the source , but it's in print and could be checked.
This meforash writes that Yisro DID depart when Moshe begged him not to. He condemns Yisro for it because he caused a demoralization and weakening of resolve by Bnei Yisroel to enter the Land since he was now considered an influential gadol to a great degree.
In effect, he writes, this caused the meraglim to succeed.
Comes out, that by trying to make even mishpacha frum in Chul, Eretz Yisroel takes a hit.
