Sunday, February 16, 2020

Israeli Arab Joint List Will Target "Anti-Zionists" in Bet Shemesh in Yiddish

Ahmed Tibi, the Arab Member of the Knesset , and an instigator of hate against Israel has announced that as part of the Joint Arab List's election campaign, billboards will be hung in the Beit Shemesh anti-Zionist communities calling in Yiddish to vote for the party.

But instead of telling them straight to vote for the Arab Party, they are masquerading the campaign as a vote against IDF recruitment..

The Sign reads:
"Your Vote Against Recruitment"

In previous elections the extremest anti-Zionist that live in Bet Shemesh Bet, had huge posters stating that "Voting in Zionist Elections" is prohibited by the Torah...

 Most of them are a bunch of ama-ratzim, none of them can actually show where it states in the Torah that voting in elections is prohibited!

The anti-Zionist shratzim live in a small part of Bet Shemesh called Bet Shemesh Bet!
Recently Bet Shemesh built a highway (38) so that residents and visitors of the greater Bet Shemesh can avoid them altogether!

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