Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rabbi Elya Brudny Branded a "Zionist" Because He Supports Voting in the WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS

First of all what's so bad being called a "Zionist" Chas Ve'Shalom?

So let's start from the beginning.....

As we previously discussed, Rav Malkiel Kotler is a supporter of the late R' Shmuel Auerbach's fanatical position that it is a mitzvah to disrupt the lives of people going to work, going to school, going to a shiur, visiting the sick, by tying up traffic in the Chareidie areas like Bnei-Brak and Yerushalayim.

Over the last few months many frum news outlets have asked frum people to vote in the next World Jewish Congress elections.

 One must first register as a member which is $7.50, and that makes one eligible to vote .

The reason why Rabbanim want us to become members and vote has absolutely nothing to do with Zionism.

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The WZO is an organization made up of mostly Americans that identify as reform and progressive Jews. Their agenda is to infiltrate Israeli society, and discard much of the Charedi influence from policy making. Issues they are trying to influence include having an egalitarian prayer area at the Kosel, that the religious Rabbanim should not oversee legal marriages, divorce & even conversions in Israel, as well as many other issues that directly contradict the values of the Charedi community.

The way the WZO is able to infiltrate Israeli policy-making, is by working with the Jewish Agency and other national trusts that distribute significant funding ($5 Billion) to projects and movements they wish to advance. 
Every five years the World Zionist Congress has elections. These elections determine the composition of the World Zionist Congress which makes numerous decisions in both policy and fund allocations that directly affect the status quo of the aforementioned policies.
Here is where the story takes a dramatic turn.
Recently, one Rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Elya Brudny had reportedly announced his support of those voting in the WZO elections. 
Shortly thereafter, he was branded a “Zionist” on photoshopped signs that were hung all over Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood.
The absurdity of that statement is obvious. Participation in the elections is not an endorsement of anything the WZO was or is. Anyone who cares at all about Israel having policies that don’t contradict Torah values would do well to vote in an election that can help drain the funding for the opposing effort.
There was outrage in the Yeshiva and many complained to the leadership to demand that the Yeshiva take action against the person responsible. 
In fact there was even a demand that there be a public Asifa (gathering) to denounce this outrageous chutzpah. For reasons that had not been known at the time, the plan was squashed.
It later became known, that the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Malkiel Kotler was vehemently opposed to voting in the WZO.
In this case, there appeared to be strong pushback from two prominent Rosh Yeshivos in America, Rabbi Malkiel Kotler of BMG and Rabbi Aharon Feldman of Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. Both are ardent supporters of the extreme views of the late Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, who encouraged violent protests against the Israeli Government in response to the IDF draft controversy.
Well placed sources say that Rabbi Feldman and Rabbi Kotler have threatened Rabbi Kamenetsky that they will quit the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Israel if he does not pull his endorsement.

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