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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ben Gurion Airport prepares for haredi demonstrations

After disrupting movement on the country's roads, especially but not only in the Jerusalem area, haredi protesters against recruitment and cooperation with military authorities are moving up a level ahead of Passover and mobilizing to demonstrate at Ben Gurion airport.

The "Committee for the Torah World" has decided to disrupt movement of Israelis leaving and entering the country during the days before Passover and even during the holiday.
The organization committee makes it clear that the aim of the demonstration is to expose the entire world to the ongoing ruination inflicted by the State of Israel on haredi human and religious rights.

The organization's announcement, published in the haredi magazine Hakotarot states: 

"In view of the escalation of government harassment of prisoners of the Torah community, it was decided to broaden the protest so that it will reach the ears of the entire world. In order to send a message to the countries of the world, mass protest measures will be held in the area of the airport in front of foreign tourists arriving in Israel and returning to their countries. Protest signs in English and other languages will wave. Due to the expected traffic congestion in the area of ​​Ben-Gurion Airport during the protest events, passengers are advised to follow up on announcements that will be published in the next few days so that they can change the date of their flight or, alternatively, arrive many hours early to the airport before the traffic problems are created in the area."

The announcement also stated that
"if the early publication, intended for the benefit of the public, will lead to hostile deployment in the area that will interfere with and prevent protest measures, we will be forced to carry out the protest at different times without notice."

Apparently the intention is to arrive at the airport posing as tourists or prospective passengers, and simultaneously to commence the demonstrations to unleash mayhem at the airport.


Sam said...

Bastards they should be doing the opposite trying to help the state in gratitude for every thing they do for them

AishKodesh said...

Shalom Aleichem everyone:

Good afternoon. I wanted to let you know that I might be leaving the site. I believe it hurts the Neshama to read all this Lashon Hara, etc. -- even if you have a good reason to do so.

And I reccomend to every Yid here who wants to be an Eved Hashem and a Heilige person should also leave.

I might change my mind, but...

Kol Tuv my brothers and sisters!!

AishKodesh -- achsameach.blogspot.com

New Square Talking Fish said...

The Hareidim who participate in these public desecrations of Torah are a bunch of useless parasites who are bored out of their minds from leading lives of uselessness and emptiness.

Abe said...


Don't leave. It's always informative to see a Chareidi ostrich with his head in the sand. If you don't understand that these uneducated fools are as much a growing existential threat to Eretz Yisroel as Iran, you are approaching a level of stupidity that clearly inhibits you from engaging in rational thought.

Anonymous said...

Deport all the fanatic anti semites from Artzeinu Hakdosha

AishKodesh said...

Very touching, Abe.....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure by the levaya of mr DIN, and by the shiva.. they will say how much DIN did for Klal yisrael... cut out the bs and get yourself a full time job...

Anonymous said...

KOL HAPOSEL BEMUMOI POSEL, You probably don't know the meaning of it, stop giving orders to people what they should or shouldn't do, you bastard should get your fat ass and go do it yourself INSTEAD OF SITTING IN SHOMER SHABBOS AND SCHNORRING

Sam said...

Shutting your eyes off is not the answer u should see what's going on and forming a new opinion maybe everything u were told growing up is not true

AishKodesh said...

If someone can give me a good reason to stay -- I might.

P.S. I am sorry if I ever hurt any one of you or insulted you. Please forgive me.

Anonymous said...

youre a good man Aish, stay.

Anonymous said...

Just leave you can join the peleg yerushalmi kooks

Anonymous said...

Aish, please turn off the lights on your way out. Have a chag kasher ve'sameach and a good life. :)

Anonymous said...

He said he's not peleg so why are you nasty , anonymous? maybe doesn't want any kinds of fights.

AishKodesh said...

William Gran, perhaps sometimes true -- however, I still feel it hurts the Neshama to read all this bad stuff about other Jews. A Jew is supposed to strive to grow in Avodas Hashem -- not staying up-to-date in news....

11:08 AM, thank you for the complement. I wish was better....

11:27 AM, I want to be a person who can STOP those "riots" -- not start them, C"V!

12:36 PM, thank you. To you as well.

The truth is, there are a lot of nice people on this site -- (everyone deep down). And I would love to continue conversing with you -- just perhaps we could do it on my blog (achsameach.blogspot.com) instead of here......

I will likely be staying for a little while longer, then....

Kol Tuv! Chag Kasher V'Sameach

Anonymous said...

Aish Kodesh.
Who do think you are kidding,you will never leave this site because this is the only enjoyment you have in your empty and miserable life,
You can't wait to see the next piece of loshon hora or the next piece of rechilus ,in order for you to be able to show us you "KOSHER CHAZIR FISSEL,and put on FRUM SHTICK and giving MUSSAR for everyone.
You are exactly like the insane gangsters in MEAH SHEARIM who can't wait for a car to show up on SHABBOS so they should be able to stone him.


Anonymous said...

Aish Kodesh
Who do think you are kidding,you will never leave this site because this is the only enjoyment you have in your empty and miserable life,
You can't wait to see the next piece of loshon hora or the next piece of rechilus ,in order for you to be able to show us you "KOSHER CHAZIR FISSEL,and put on FRUM SHTICK and giving MUSSAR for everyone.
You are exactly like the insane gangsters in MEAH SHEARIM who can't wait for a car to show up on SHABBOS so they should be able to stone him.

AishKodesh said...

That's what my YETZER HARA WANTS me to think. Really, everyone can turn away from this, B'Ezras Hashem.

Everyone must be on guard against the Yetzer Hara, who, R"L, constantly tries to convince us that we cannot do Teshuva, C"V.

Oh, and Anonymous 1:42 PM, thank you for the support.