“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Meilach Spitzer the animal that slapped a 10 year old finally arrested!
First reported by Dus Iz Nies here exclusively:
The principal of a major religious school has been charged with assault, accused of slapping a 10-year-old student in the face several times.
Rabbi Meilech Spitzer was charged late last week following an investigation by the village police. Police officials have not returned telephone calls about the arrest and have not released details of the Feb. 12 incident involving the administrator of the United Talmudical Academy, a Satmar Hasidic Jewish school on Madison Avenue. But in a criminal complaint obtained by The Journal News, Spitzer is charged with third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, and accused of intending to physically harm the child. The complaint is signed by Spring Valley Police Detective Kevin Freeman.
Spitzer slapped the victim “numerous times on the left side of his face and left ear,” according to the complaint. The boy’s left eye swelled up as well as the left side of his face and ear, according to the complaint. The boy also had red marks across the left side of his face and ear. The incident had been reported by Dusiznies.blogspot.com that caters to the the ultra-Orthodox community. Dusiznies blog posted photographs of the boy’s face.
Spitzer, who gave the police a Brooklyn address of 147 Rutledge St., could not be reached for comment at United Talmudical Academy.A message was left at his home on Monday with a woman who identified herself as his wife. She said she would give him the message.Spitzer’s lawyer, James Licata, declined to comment when contacted Monday morning. Licata represents Spitzer as a private lawyer, but he has been the county chief public defender since 1993, an appointed position by the county executive.Licata said Spitzer has not appeared in Spring Valley Justice Court. His court appearance is scheduled for April 4. The United Talmudical Academy operates a number of schools under that name in New York City, specifically Brooklyn, and suburbs like Rockland, including Monsey and Spring Valley, for boys and girls in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Along with operating the school for hundreds of students, the academy owns a building on South Main Street, up the block from Route 59. In April, the academy was cited by Spring Valley for doing jack-hammering an old school administration building's balcony for removal, causing an asbestos-insulated ceiling to partially collapse.
School officials filed for the permit but had not gotten approval because the Building Department still was reviewing its plans.
Rabbi Meilech Spitzer was charged late last week following an investigation by the village police. Police officials have not returned telephone calls about the arrest and have not released details of the Feb. 12 incident involving the administrator of the United Talmudical Academy, a Satmar Hasidic Jewish school on Madison Avenue. But in a criminal complaint obtained by The Journal News, Spitzer is charged with third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, and accused of intending to physically harm the child. The complaint is signed by Spring Valley Police Detective Kevin Freeman.
Spitzer slapped the victim “numerous times on the left side of his face and left ear,” according to the complaint. The boy’s left eye swelled up as well as the left side of his face and ear, according to the complaint. The boy also had red marks across the left side of his face and ear. The incident had been reported by Dusiznies.blogspot.com that caters to the the ultra-Orthodox community. Dusiznies blog posted photographs of the boy’s face.
Spitzer, who gave the police a Brooklyn address of 147 Rutledge St., could not be reached for comment at United Talmudical Academy.A message was left at his home on Monday with a woman who identified herself as his wife. She said she would give him the message.Spitzer’s lawyer, James Licata, declined to comment when contacted Monday morning. Licata represents Spitzer as a private lawyer, but he has been the county chief public defender since 1993, an appointed position by the county executive.Licata said Spitzer has not appeared in Spring Valley Justice Court. His court appearance is scheduled for April 4. The United Talmudical Academy operates a number of schools under that name in New York City, specifically Brooklyn, and suburbs like Rockland, including Monsey and Spring Valley, for boys and girls in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Along with operating the school for hundreds of students, the academy owns a building on South Main Street, up the block from Route 59. In April, the academy was cited by Spring Valley for doing jack-hammering an old school administration building's balcony for removal, causing an asbestos-insulated ceiling to partially collapse.
School officials filed for the permit but had not gotten approval because the Building Department still was reviewing its plans.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Monsey Rabbis Change Name of Taanis Esther, & Megillas Esther, to Taanis Achashveirosh, & Megillas Achashveirosh because of "Tzeeniois"
קול קורא
היות אז די דורות זענען שוואכער געווארען אין די עניינים פון צניעות , האבן מיר מחליט געוועהן די פאלגענע גזירות:
(א) תענית אסתר וועט מען ריפען ״תענית אחשורוש״ , אסתר׳ס משפחה נאמען
(ב) מגילת אסתר וועט מען ריפען ״ מגילת אחשווירוש״, אסתר׳ס משפחה נאמען
(ג) דער עולם וועט קלאפען ווען דער בעל קורא ליינט די וערטער ״ נערות בתולות טובות מראה״ אין ווען מען ליינט ״והנערה יפת תאר וטובת מראה״ אין אוך ווען מען ליינט ״ ויאהב המלך את אסתר מכל הנשים ותשא חן וחסד לפניו מכל הבתולות״ אין אוך ״והמן נפל על המטה אשר אסתר עליה״ ......
דאת איז כדי די מענער זאלען נישט האבן שלעכטע מחשבות...
אין דעם זכות וועט מען האבען א ישועה בקרוב
מאת וועד הצניעות דמנסי
This is totally outrageous, frumkeit gone mad! Here is a loose translation:
Kol Korah
Since the generations have become weaker in Tzneeios, we have decided as follows:
(A) Taanis Esther will now be called by Esther's family name ... Taanis Achashveirosh.
(B) Megilas Esther will now be called by Esther's family name .... Megillas Achashveirosh.
(C) We will now drown out the reader of the Megillah, by banging, when he gets to the following parts..
" The girl was finely featured and beautiful"
and when the reader reads " The King loved Esther more than all the women, and she won more of his grace and favor than all the girls"
and when the reader reads, "and Haman fell on Esther's
The above rules were instituted so the men listening will have pure thoughts
In the merit of abiding with the above rules, we will certainly have our salvation soon.
Signed Board of Tzneeois
Friday, February 22, 2013
Lawmaker wants to ban anonymous comments from internet
A recently introduced bill in the Illinois state Senate would require anonymous website comment posters to reveal their identities if they want to keep their comments online.
The bill, called the Internet Posting Removal Act, is sponsored by Illinois state Sen. Ira Silverstein. It states that a “web site administrator upon request shall remove any comments posted on his or her web site by an anonymous poster unless the anonymous poster agrees to attach his or her name to the post and confirms that his or her IP address, legal name, and home address are accurate.”
The Democratic lawmaker’s bill, which does not ask for or clarify requirements from entities requesting the comment removal, would take effect 90 days after becoming law.
Pseudonymous and anonymous comments have long been a critical part of U.S. public discourse, though, and the bill may be on shaky legal ground.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) noted on its website that the “right to anonymous speech is also protected well beyond the printed page.”
“Thus in 2002 the Supreme Court struck down a law requiring proselytizers to register their true names with the mayor’s office before going door-to-door,” wrote EFF, noting that the Supreme Court protects Internet commentary as it does pamphleteering.
The bill is part of a larger trend of lawmakers seeking to censor anonymous online speech.
The New York State Assembly sought the passage of a similar bill in May 2012, and Arizona lawmakers worked to ban Internet trolling altogether in April 2012. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill into law in May 2012, but only after the contentious language was cut.
Local lawmakers took similar action in Tennessee in 2012, when the Shelby County Commission pressed for a court order to reveal the identities of online commentators who posted nearly 9,000 comments on Memphis news site, Commercial Appeal.
Silverstein did not return The Daily Caller’s request for comment.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/21/illinois-state-senator-pushes-anti-anonymity-bill/#ixzz2LaH45kj7
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Chaim Halpern, Chasidic Rabbi in London Arrested for rape related charges
A top Hasidic rabbi in London, England, was arrested and charged with rape related charges after raping numerous women, according to press reports in Israel.
The 54-year-old man, Rabbi Chaim Halpern, who is a prominent Hasidic rabbi, is accused of using his unlicensed couples therapy practice to seduce and sometimes rape married women. Halpern is also accused of raping single women and undergae girls.
Three other men, aged 62, 64 and 25, a brother of Halpern and another member of the London Shomrim patrol, were arrested for allegedly perverting the course of justice in relation to the case of Halpern, by intimidating witnesses, bribing victims, bribing witnesses, extortion and violence.
Supporters of Rabbi Chaim Halpern had threatened, harassed and assaulted members of the community who tried to publicize the alleged crimes of Halpern or involve the police. Halpern went to court recently in order to gain access to the names of those who exposed his crimes on internet blogs.
Police have also searched the files belonging to Halpern and seized his computers.
The 54-year-old man, Rabbi Chaim Halpern, who is a prominent Hasidic rabbi, is accused of using his unlicensed couples therapy practice to seduce and sometimes rape married women. Halpern is also accused of raping single women and undergae girls.
Three other men, aged 62, 64 and 25, a brother of Halpern and another member of the London Shomrim patrol, were arrested for allegedly perverting the course of justice in relation to the case of Halpern, by intimidating witnesses, bribing victims, bribing witnesses, extortion and violence.
Supporters of Rabbi Chaim Halpern had threatened, harassed and assaulted members of the community who tried to publicize the alleged crimes of Halpern or involve the police. Halpern went to court recently in order to gain access to the names of those who exposed his crimes on internet blogs.
Police have also searched the files belonging to Halpern and seized his computers.
Jewish Doctor jumps to his death
A popular Jewish doctor committed suicide for an unknown reason, according to press reports in New York City.
The Manhattan doctor jumped 30 floors to his death from his Upper East Side, Manhattan, high-rise apartment in an apparent suicide, police and witnesses said.
The body of Doctor Sheldon Steinbach, 68, who was an anesthesiologist, crashed into a second-floor balcony of the building, at 246 East 63rd Street, in the morning.
"I heard a big bang and we looked out and I saw the docotr. His body just exploded," an eyewitness who lives two floors above where the doctor landed, said.
"A doorman later told us that a woman was looking for her husband," the witness said.
"The police had already covered the body at that time. The doorman however, put two and two together," the witness added.
Police do not suspect any criminality.
The personal description in his twitter account said: "I am an anesthesiologist in New York, and I'm having a good day. I love aerobic activities and music."
Steinbach spent much of his career in New York, studying medicine at New York Medical College in Valhalla in 1968 and completed his training at Staten Island University Hospital and New York Presbyterian Hospital, state records showed.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Meilach Spitzer, principal of Satmar Monsey allegedly beating the hell out of little children
Exclusive to Dus Iz nies
Its being reported in the Satmar Community of Monsey, that the coward Meilach Spitzer the Principal of Satmar Yeshiva Monsey, is beating the hell out of little defenseless children. This coward is afraid to take on people his own size, so he is taking out his rage on innocent little children.
Its being reported in the Satmar Community of Monsey, that the coward Meilach Spitzer the Principal of Satmar Yeshiva Monsey, is beating the hell out of little defenseless children. This coward is afraid to take on people his own size, so he is taking out his rage on innocent little children.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Drew removes her tattoos so that she can be buried in a "Jewish Cemetery," video
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Drew Barrymore |
The longtime actress, 38, will undergo laser surgery to remove tattoos following her recent transition to the Jewish faith.
While the actress has not yet managed to become Jewish, Barrymore shared with a Hollywood, California based newspaper that she and her husband, Will Kopelman, will raise their four-month-old daughter, Olive, according to Jewish tradition.
"I have not made the conversion yet, but I will raise Olive according to the Jewish tradition. I had a very Jewish traditional wedding with Rabbi Rubinstein and I did the ketubah. We had the chuppah and wore yarmulkes. It’s a beautiful faith and I'm so honored to be around it."
Barrymore also said that she wants to be buried in a Jewish cemetery, so she decided to have her tattoos removed from her body.
A source said: "Drew wants to be a Santa Barbara type mom and that clashes with tattoos. She is growing more conservative by the day."
The actress has a total of six tattoos, a butterfly, a flower bouquet, two angels, a crescent moon and even a cross. She has tattoos on many different body parts ranging from her shoulder to her toe.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The entire movie that was filmed in Boro-Park, "Blue Bloods"
Fraidy Reiss speaks out against the Frum Community, Video
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Fraidy Reiss |
Letters to Failed Messiah
Its truly a shame that Fraidy continues to stand on her soap box and lie. She was never a typical yeshiva girl. She was never forced into any marriage. They were boyfriend and girlfriend before they got married. Her family , aside for one sister, didnt speak to her for many years BEFORE she got married. He never punched any walls or threatened her. She used to make out with him all the time, before and after the wedding. Doesn't sound like someone who "despised" her husband!! She lived in a beautiful home on White Road, drove a Infiniti, went to the movies and went to clubs with her husband!!! She just makes up stories so she can get attention. You can verify it with anyone. Trust me, she was a regular girl who had everything going for her. She chose to become irreligious, which shes entitled to do!! Her husband didnt say one word when she started wearing pants and stopped covering her hair. Just imagine for a moment if she was actually honest... She would say " Hi, my name is Fraidy...I grew up as a little rebel, my husband treated me like a queen and I decided I had enough of the religion and wanted to leave town" That wouldnt sell too many books, movies etc... She also never fought for custody of her children as her husband NEVER fought it. Have her show you the court documents and you will see what a blatant liar she is. She spits in the face of journalism by professing to be a journalist and continuing her string of lies and web of deceit. Bottom line is..... Fraidy ain't no Chaya Suri!!
Posted by: Fraidy aint no Chaya Suri!! | February 11, 2013 at 11:10 AM
. . . quite a creative mind, dripping with irony and sarcasm. . . on her wedding day happily walking to her execution with a big smile on her face and an ugly gown. . . is this what is meant by women maturing faster than men. It seems to me that writing and the excape that it provides will be perfect for Fraidy.
All that creativity now to be channeled onto to a computer screen rather than an unsuspecting man who just happens to share the same bed with her. What must it be like to close your eyes to someone who despises you but still took on that marriage vow. I will never condone any man abusing his wife, girlfriend or otherwise. But I also do believe firmly that are far too many cases of excapism occuring where some how the man is to blame. And often this is happening with some of the most eloquent speaking women one could ever encounter. That alone is a red flag for me. The drama of the day. Blame him and be elevated by his demise. The good news is that she will have a chance to be on her own long enough to find out that all that pain and darkness are her own unresolved issues. Many possibly triggered by him. But all uniquely her's!
All that creativity now to be channeled onto to a computer screen rather than an unsuspecting man who just happens to share the same bed with her. What must it be like to close your eyes to someone who despises you but still took on that marriage vow. I will never condone any man abusing his wife, girlfriend or otherwise. But I also do believe firmly that are far too many cases of excapism occuring where some how the man is to blame. And often this is happening with some of the most eloquent speaking women one could ever encounter. That alone is a red flag for me. The drama of the day. Blame him and be elevated by his demise. The good news is that she will have a chance to be on her own long enough to find out that all that pain and darkness are her own unresolved issues. Many possibly triggered by him. But all uniquely her's!
Posted by: anchell | February 11, 2013 at 12:41 PM
I love how they show these run down streets to make you pity poor fraidy. sorry girl, we all saw your beautiful big home on white street nestled on 2 acres. your not chasidish, you went out on regular shidduch dates like everyone else in the yeshivishe community- no forced marriages here. if you couldnt stand him you could have said "no" to him.
if you no longer wanted to be religious you could have simply walked away. Its not your husbands or your families fault that you had a difficult time leaving your comfort zone. your not living under any threat of harm whatsoever.
what a pity that you still cant let go of all the hate. move on.
if you no longer wanted to be religious you could have simply walked away. Its not your husbands or your families fault that you had a difficult time leaving your comfort zone. your not living under any threat of harm whatsoever.
what a pity that you still cant let go of all the hate. move on.
Posted by: z l | February 10, 2013 at 10:41 PM
i agree with z l i also know her ex husband very well he wouldnt hurt a fly fraidy was a rebel before she got married i guess she never changed i really feel bad for her he is obviously still not happy with herself good luck
Posted by: mmz | February 10, 2013 at 11:06 PM
Monday, February 11, 2013
Nechemya Weberman cut off the beard of a Lubavitcher when he was a youth!
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Before and after pictures of Pinchos Korf |
In the Torah it states, that if one hurts another human being, he should repent and ask for forgiveness from the person he hurt. Since God will not forgive a man’s transgressions committed against another man, before he has been forgiven by the person he hurt.
It has long been known in the Lubavitch community that Weberman, participated in the 1983 violent attack against rabbi Pinchos Korf, a prominent teacher of Chabad-Lubavitch.
At that time, the Satmar grand rabbi and his followers, were angry that some people who have previously been very respected followers of the Satmar rebbe, have decided to leave the Satmar community and join the Chabad-Lubavitch community instead.
Rabbi Korf, was teaching the Chabad philosophy to these former Satmar students, when a group of Satmar Hasidim, burst into the room, beat him and warned the rabbi, that he will be killed if he gave another Torah class in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
Three weeks later, when he did return, five masked men, forced the rabbi into a van, where they beat him up and they shaved off his beard. Then they dropped him off at a street corner in his underwear, bloody and beaten.
According to reports, a few months ago, as Weberman was preparing to go to trial in his sex abuse case, he called rabbi Korf, to ask for forgiveness for his involvement in the 1983 incident. Weberman, was the personal assistant of the previous Satmar grand rabbi.
According to people close to rabbi Korf, Weberman told him that when he was asked to go along with the group, he was under the impression that they were going to scare the Lubavitch rabbi, in order to make sure he never returned to their community. He further claimed that when he saw the group cut the beard of rabbi Korf, he asked the group to stop but the leader of the group refused to listen.
Rabbi Korf told Weberman, that he has to apologize to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of blessed memory and must go to the Rebbe's grave to apologize.
Weberman, was seen at the gravesite of the Chabad- Lubavitch grand rabbi shortly thereafter.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about the vicious attacks of rabbi Korf click here to listen.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Der "Groiser" Tzaddik Chaim Halperin that allegedly bedded many women goes to Goyishe Court to out Blogger!
An orthodox Jewish rabbi accused of having extra-marital affairs has won a High Court ruling that Google must divulge the identities of those who blackened his name.
Hayley Dixon • The Telegraph
The judge ruled that those who posted “weasly comments” about Rabbi Aaron [sic - should be Chaim] Halpern on his blog could not hide behind the “shield of anonymity”
Google, who campaigners claim have a questionable attitude toward private data, were not represented in court and did not resist the rabbi's application.
The rabbi brought legal action after a blogger who goes under the pseudonym "Ifyoutickleus" and several others are said to have posted comments on his Google-hosted blog about him having affairs.
Mrs Justice Gloster ruled that Rabbi Halpern "has been identified as the subject matter" of the blog, which suggests "that he is somebody who conducts extra marital affairs, though not on a scale of Ryan Giggs."
She ordered that Google hand over the identities of those concerned to lawyers for the rabbi, a religious leader based in the Golders Green Jewish community.
The rabbi's barrister, Chloe Strong, said that Google had remained neutral in relation to the application for the identities to be revealed and, whilst they did not consent to it, neither did they oppose.
Google, “albeit innocently”, had become caught up in a “wrongful act” and therefore has a duty to assist the rabbi by giving him information so that he can identify the blogger, she told London’s High Court.
Allowing the application, the judge ordered Google Inc to "disclose the registered name, address or IP address in their possession in respect of the blogger Ifyoutickleus", as well as those of the other individuals complained of who made comments about the rabbi.
In what may be viewed as a marker for future cases in the English courts, Mrs Justice Gloster concluded: "I take the view that if people are making what appear to be prima facie defamatory comments, they should not be protected by the cloak of anonymity.
"Though of course the protection of freedom of speech is very important, people who make weasly comments online in circumstances such as this should not be allowed to hide behind the shield of anonymity."
In 2009 Google, who say they will only give out details uwhen ordered, revealed that student Rosemary Port was the author of the anonymous Skanks in NYC blog which attacked model Liskula Cohen. Ms Cohen then launched legal action.
Last month an Australian court ordered that Google provide email addresses, telephone numbers and the IP addresses of the individuals alleged to have defamed sports player-turned-businessman Shane Radbone.
In the UK the ruling is known as a Norwich Pharmacal order, which is granted against a third party when the identity of an alleged wrongdoer is unknown, and it was first used in 1974.
It is now commonly used to force website operators and service providers to reveal IP addresses and other details in potential libel cases.
In July last year it was used to force Facebook to disclose details of alleged ‘cyber-bullies’ to complainant Nicola Brookes.
Hayley Dixon • The Telegraph
The judge ruled that those who posted “weasly comments” about Rabbi Aaron [sic - should be Chaim] Halpern on his blog could not hide behind the “shield of anonymity”
Google, who campaigners claim have a questionable attitude toward private data, were not represented in court and did not resist the rabbi's application.
The rabbi brought legal action after a blogger who goes under the pseudonym "Ifyoutickleus" and several others are said to have posted comments on his Google-hosted blog about him having affairs.
Mrs Justice Gloster ruled that Rabbi Halpern "has been identified as the subject matter" of the blog, which suggests "that he is somebody who conducts extra marital affairs, though not on a scale of Ryan Giggs."
She ordered that Google hand over the identities of those concerned to lawyers for the rabbi, a religious leader based in the Golders Green Jewish community.
The rabbi's barrister, Chloe Strong, said that Google had remained neutral in relation to the application for the identities to be revealed and, whilst they did not consent to it, neither did they oppose.
Google, “albeit innocently”, had become caught up in a “wrongful act” and therefore has a duty to assist the rabbi by giving him information so that he can identify the blogger, she told London’s High Court.
Allowing the application, the judge ordered Google Inc to "disclose the registered name, address or IP address in their possession in respect of the blogger Ifyoutickleus", as well as those of the other individuals complained of who made comments about the rabbi.
In what may be viewed as a marker for future cases in the English courts, Mrs Justice Gloster concluded: "I take the view that if people are making what appear to be prima facie defamatory comments, they should not be protected by the cloak of anonymity.
"Though of course the protection of freedom of speech is very important, people who make weasly comments online in circumstances such as this should not be allowed to hide behind the shield of anonymity."
In 2009 Google, who say they will only give out details uwhen ordered, revealed that student Rosemary Port was the author of the anonymous Skanks in NYC blog which attacked model Liskula Cohen. Ms Cohen then launched legal action.
Last month an Australian court ordered that Google provide email addresses, telephone numbers and the IP addresses of the individuals alleged to have defamed sports player-turned-businessman Shane Radbone.
In the UK the ruling is known as a Norwich Pharmacal order, which is granted against a third party when the identity of an alleged wrongdoer is unknown, and it was first used in 1974.
It is now commonly used to force website operators and service providers to reveal IP addresses and other details in potential libel cases.
In July last year it was used to force Facebook to disclose details of alleged ‘cyber-bullies’ to complainant Nicola Brookes.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Frum Monsey Man gets 14 years for sexually abusing girl.
A Monsey man was sentenced to 14 years in state prison Wednesday after admitting to a sexual relationship with a young girl, Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said. Eliyahu Zarifa, 46, of 252 Kearsing Parkway had sex with the girl over a six-year period, starting when she was 10, Zugibe said.
Now 17, the girl was said to have known Zarifa before the abuse. Zugibe said Zarifa fled to Israel about the same time the victim came forward with her accusations. He returned to the United States a short time later and was arrested . “The courage and poise displayed by the victim when she first came forward and during sentencing was undeniable,” Zugibe said. “The lengthy sentence meted out by the court is more than warranted.” In August, Zarifa pleaded guilty to first-degree course of sexual conduct against a child, a felony, in Rockland County Court in New City, Zugibe said. Upon his release from prison, Zarifa will serve 10 years’ probation and will have to register with New York state as a sex offender. Whether he will be listed as a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 offender has not been determined. In June, Zarifa was charged with third-degree grand larceny, a felony. He was accused of stealing $4,000 in Medicaid benefits between March 2011 and February 2012. Zugibe did not have any information Wednesday on the status of that case. Zarifa is the latest of several Monsey men to plead guilty to sex crimes against children. On Jan. 28, Dovid Kohn, 60, admitted to having oral sex with a 12-year-old girl. Kohn, an Israeli illegally living in the United States, pleaded guilty to first-degree course of sexual conduct against a child and faces sentencing May 7. He is likely to be deported upon his release from prison, officials have said. On Jan. 18, Moishe Turner, 58, of 5 Dana Road admitted to sodomizing a 14-year-old boy seven times in July 2011. A judge previously told Turner he would receive 10 years’ probation for his crime in exchange for his plea, which spared the victim from having to testify in court. Turner is to be sentenced next month.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Viznitzer Rebbi bans women from walking with their husbands!
A Hasidic rabbi has banned women from walking alongside their husbands among ordering several new laws, according to press reports in Israel.
At a ceremony that marked 11 months since the death of the previous grand rabbi of Viznitz, and the end of reciting the Kaddish, a memorial prayer for the dead, the current serving grand rabbi of Viznitz, ordered new regulations for the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.
The new regulations match up to the extreme modesty regulations of other famous Hasidic groups. The rabbi instructed marriage counselors to notify newly married couples about all the new laws he issued.
During the speech, the rabbi also criticized how ultra-Orthodox Jewish women are dressed, fuming that skirts are too long or too short and criticized the type of wigs being used by ultra-Orthodox Jewish women.
Some of the new regulations reported in the Israeli press include:
Followers are only allowed to speak the Yiddish language, banning modern Hebrew.
Followers may only read the Hamodia newspaper, which is published by the Gur Hasidic group.
Married followers are forbidden to walk together as a couple in public.
Women must cover their wigs with a scarf or hat wide enough that covers most of the wig. Critics have noted that the Torah forbids anyone from adding new laws to the laws already stated in the Torah of Moses.
At a ceremony that marked 11 months since the death of the previous grand rabbi of Viznitz, and the end of reciting the Kaddish, a memorial prayer for the dead, the current serving grand rabbi of Viznitz, ordered new regulations for the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.
The new regulations match up to the extreme modesty regulations of other famous Hasidic groups. The rabbi instructed marriage counselors to notify newly married couples about all the new laws he issued.
During the speech, the rabbi also criticized how ultra-Orthodox Jewish women are dressed, fuming that skirts are too long or too short and criticized the type of wigs being used by ultra-Orthodox Jewish women.
Some of the new regulations reported in the Israeli press include:
Followers are only allowed to speak the Yiddish language, banning modern Hebrew.
Followers may only read the Hamodia newspaper, which is published by the Gur Hasidic group.
Married followers are forbidden to walk together as a couple in public.
Women must cover their wigs with a scarf or hat wide enough that covers most of the wig. Critics have noted that the Torah forbids anyone from adding new laws to the laws already stated in the Torah of Moses.
Hamodia going "Frum Crazy" removes photo of Ladies shoes from picture! Insane!
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Original Picture on left, Photoshopped picture on right |
An Ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper, has caused controversy after they photoshopped a picture that had a woman’s shoe in it.
The paper took out the woman’s shoe from the picture claiming modesty reasons.
Many believe that the owners of the Hamodia newspaper, have gone overboard by removing the woman’s shoe, thereby suggesting that when ultra-Orthodox Jewish men look at women’s shoes they could become aroused.
The Hamodia newspaper, published an article about the fire department being called when a baby crawled into a bedroom, closed the door and played with a shoe drawer. When the mother went to get her baby from the room she could not open the door, as the baby had fallen asleep and blocked the entrance. Firefighters were able to safely open the door and rescue the baby.
When they came into the room, someone took a picture of the sleeping baby next to the open shoe drawer.
The Hamodia newspaper, wanted to report the story and a family member gave the picture to a staff member. But when the article was published things were different as the photo has been photoshopped and the woman’s shoes were taken out from the photo.
In the photo the shoes were not worn by a woman, nor was it some sexy stilettos shoe, it was simple, flat, everyday shoes.
When asked about the censorship, the Hamodia staff said the paper allows photos of accessories such as handbags, but censors women's clothing, including shoes even if no one is wearing them, “for modesty reasons.”
This begs the question of where does the insanity end? Will they now ban all shoe stores from displaying women’s shoes, or will they demand men’s and women’s shoes to be sold separately?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Frummies cover up rape of 5 year old in Modiin Illit!
Police are investigating the alleged rape of a five-year-old girl in the haredi city of Modiin Ilit that occurred two weeks ago.
It is suspected that the girl was on her way to kindergarten, when a haredi youth grabbed her and took her to an unknown location close by, possibly a storage room or an empty communal building, where he raped and abused her.
It appears that communal leaders have attempted to cover up the incident and have pressured anyone involved and the broader community not to cooperate with the police investigation; neither the parents nor anyone else involved in the incident reported it and residents are reluctant to speak to the police or media about it.
He then release the girl who arrived at her kindergarten bruised an injured. The kindergarten teachers contacted the girl’s parents to collect their daughter and she was subsequently taken to hospital.
Army Radio, which first exposed the allegations, revealed that the incident was only finally reported last Friday by an anonymous tip off sent by SMS to an officer.
A police investigation is currently underway. Investigators went to the hospital where the child was treated but were not able to see her due to family objections.
Police officers from the Judea and Samaria District Police also went to the kindergarten in question but no-one was prepared to cooperate with the investigation.
A Modiin Ilit resident whose child attends the same kindergarten said on Channel 2 News that the kindergarten management was silencing the incident, specifically accusing the director of the kindergarten association.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Ed Koch's Tombstone!
A larger-than-life Ed Koch arranged it so that even in death he’d remain a New Yorker.
Five years ago, the former mayor, then 83, paid $20,000 for a plot in the nondenominational cemetery of Trinity Church in Washington Heights — the only active graveyard in Manhattan that was still accepting new burials.
“I don’t want to leave Manhattan, even when I’m gone,’’ he told The Associated Press. “This is my home. The thought of having to go to New Jersey was so distressing to me.’’
Koch consulted with rabbis to make sure that resting in peace in a non-Jewish cemetery was “doable,’’ he told the Times.
With the approval of the cemetery, the gate just north of the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 153rd Street near Koch’s plot reads, “The Jewish Gate.’’
Not stopping there, the mayor chose his own tombstone, and had inscriptions carved into the stone that proudly honor his Jewish heritage, proclaim his love of his city and its people and his country, and honor the slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
On the headstone, which bears the Star of David, Koch inscribed the moving last words Pearl spoke before he was publicly murdered in Pakistan 11 years ago: “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish.’’
In an interview with the Journal last year, Koch said that he believed “that statement is as important as the most holy of all statements in Jewish ritual.’’
The former mayor also inscribed the most important Jewish declaration of faith, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.’’
And Koch also wrote his own epitaph to make sure people knew how he’d like to be remembered:
“He was fiercely proud of his Jewish faith. He fiercely defended the city of New York, and he fiercely loved its people. Above all, he loved his country, the United States of America, in whose armed forces he served in World War II.’’
In typical Koch style, he had the tombstone installed in 2009.
“I think he wanted to be prepared,” his spokesman George Arzt said yesterday. He said the former mayor also “mapped out” his funeral arrangements.
At Monday’s services at Temple Emanu-El on East 65th Street at Fifth Avenue, “there will be three flags: the United States, Israel and New York City,’’ Arzt said.
The planned speakers include Mayor Bloomberg and three of Koch’s longtime friends, lawyer James Gill, John LoCicero and Diane Coffey, who was Koch’s chief of staff at City Hall.
Israeli Consul General Ido Aharoni and a representative of President Obama may also speak.
Letter to Satmar Rebbi, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum
The following "Letter to the Editor: appeared in this week's Mishpacha Magazine..I applaud the editors for allowing this letter to appear!
Let's Get Real
(Satmar's Inner Sanctum/Issue 443)
Kol hakovod to the Satmar Rav, Reb Zalman Leib, for adhering to the philosophy of his holy ancestors. However, in reality, the Satmar Rav has recognized the State of Israel, de facto, merely by visiting it.
If it weren't for the Zionists, the Rav wouldn't have an airport in which to land. If it weren't for the IDF, he wouldn't feel safe being in the medinah. If it weren't for the Israeli police (plaincloths, no doubt), he wouldn't have the security force needed. If it weren't for the Zionist infrastructure, he wouldn't have roads to drive on, or gas for his rented car, for that matter. Nor would he have plumbing, electricity, or any of the other infrastructure necessary for this chasunah.
If it weren't for the medina, I doubt if the chasunah would be taking place there at all. (What would Palestine look like if it weren't for the medinah, chas v'shalom?).
The time has come to recognize facts on the ground. While the medinah was not formed by the biggest yerei Shamayim, and while there are those in the medinah who seek to undermine the very basis of the holy Torah, the fact is that the medinah exists and all Jews benefit from it, whether they want to admit it or not.
A. Schwartz
Brooklyn, NY.
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Satmar Rebbi spewing hate against the host country, Israel |
(Satmar's Inner Sanctum/Issue 443)
Kol hakovod to the Satmar Rav, Reb Zalman Leib, for adhering to the philosophy of his holy ancestors. However, in reality, the Satmar Rav has recognized the State of Israel, de facto, merely by visiting it.
If it weren't for the Zionists, the Rav wouldn't have an airport in which to land. If it weren't for the IDF, he wouldn't feel safe being in the medinah. If it weren't for the Israeli police (plaincloths, no doubt), he wouldn't have the security force needed. If it weren't for the Zionist infrastructure, he wouldn't have roads to drive on, or gas for his rented car, for that matter. Nor would he have plumbing, electricity, or any of the other infrastructure necessary for this chasunah.
If it weren't for the medina, I doubt if the chasunah would be taking place there at all. (What would Palestine look like if it weren't for the medinah, chas v'shalom?).
The time has come to recognize facts on the ground. While the medinah was not formed by the biggest yerei Shamayim, and while there are those in the medinah who seek to undermine the very basis of the holy Torah, the fact is that the medinah exists and all Jews benefit from it, whether they want to admit it or not.
A. Schwartz
Brooklyn, NY.
Friday, February 1, 2013
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