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Showing posts with label blue bloods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue bloods. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The entire movie that was filmed in Boro-Park, "Blue Bloods"

Now, CBS has released the movie called “Blue Bloods.” The movie, is about a grand rabbi, who before he died, called his close non-Jewish friend and told him he wants his younger son to become his successor. But when the younger son dies suddenly, the eldest son and other community members, are investigated. Meanwhile, some family secrets are revealed. Sadly, the movie reflects the terrible reality within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, of the fighting between many rabbi family members who are supposed to be a role model and lead the Jewish people. Some ultra-Orthodox Jews, who never watched a movie, were left paranoid after seeing the non-Jewish actors dressed up as ultra-Orthodox Jewish men and women. The non-Jewish actors looked so authentic that one could not tell who was a real Jew and who was an imposter. Some of the extras who dressed as Hasidim were so well dressed up that the locals were not able to tell the difference between the actors and real Jews. One, ultra-Orthodox Jewish man, was utterly shocked at the idea that a stunt like this can be pulled off where a non-Jew can be transformed into looking like an authentic ultra-Orthodox Jew. One man said: "I cannot believe it, it’s mind boggling. We have to watch out, we don’t know who we are talking to.