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Showing posts with label Weberman cut off beard of lubavitcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weberman cut off beard of lubavitcher. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Nechemya Weberman cut off the beard of a Lubavitcher when he was a youth!

Before and after pictures of Pinchos Korf
As Nechemya Weberman was sentenced to many years in prison, it seems like many people had gotten closure from open wounds left by Weberman’s destructive behaviour.

In the Torah it states, that if one hurts another human being, he should repent and ask for forgiveness from the person he hurt. Since God will not forgive a man’s transgressions committed against another man, before he has been forgiven by the person he hurt.

It has long been known in the Lubavitch community that Weberman, participated in the 1983 violent attack against rabbi Pinchos Korf, a prominent teacher of Chabad-Lubavitch. 

At that time, the Satmar grand rabbi and his followers, were angry that some people who have previously been very respected followers of the Satmar rebbe, have decided to leave the Satmar community and join the Chabad-Lubavitch community instead.

Rabbi Korf, was teaching the Chabad philosophy to these former Satmar students, when a group of Satmar Hasidim, burst into the room, beat him and warned the rabbi, that he will be killed if he gave another Torah class in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.

Three weeks later, when he did return, five masked men, forced the rabbi into a van, where they beat him up and they shaved off his beard. Then they dropped him off at a street corner in his underwear, bloody and beaten.

According to reports, a few months ago, as Weberman was preparing to go to trial in his sex abuse case, he called rabbi Korf, to ask for forgiveness for his involvement in the 1983 incident. Weberman, was the personal assistant of the previous Satmar grand rabbi.

According to people close to rabbi Korf, Weberman told him that when he was asked to go along wi
th the group, he was under the impression that they were going to scare the Lubavitch rabbi, in order to make sure he never returned to their community. He further claimed that when he saw the group cut the beard of rabbi Korf, he asked the group to stop but the leader of the group refused to listen.

Rabbi Korf told Weberman, that he has to apologize to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of blessed memory and must go to the Rebbe's grave to apologize.
Weberman, was seen at the gravesite of the Chabad- Lubavitch grand rabbi shortly thereafter.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about the vicious attacks of rabbi Korf click here to listen.