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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

For American Jews, interfaith weddings are a new normal


The article below was written by an Arab ! Read and cry! 

The article states that 61 % of American Jews who have married since 2010, married out of the faith! An additional 7% are living with a non-Jewish partner. The Pew Research Center in 2013 has the rate at 72%. The Bnei-Brith has a rate as high as 85%!

The Satmar Rebbi, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l predicted in 1956 that Israel's assimilation rate would be over 90% and that in 20 years hence there wouldn't be any Chareidie Moisdois in Israel to talk about. The Rebbe reiterated this in 1967. 

Thank G-D he was so wrong in all respects, as the assimilation rate in Israel according to Yad Le'Achim is less than 1.5% and they consider this an epidemic, and Chareidei Population has doubled in less than 10 years, and there are more Torah Institutions in Israel than anywhere in the world! 

For Americans, there is a good chance that if you don't make Aliyah, your grandchildren will be goyim! You heard it here first! 

 written by: Samira Mehta

More than 10 years ago, I attended a college friend’s wedding in New York City.

My friend is Muslim, and her husband Jewish. They were married under a Jewish wedding canopy made from the groom’s bar mitzvah prayer shawl – which, his mother announced to the assembled guests, had been made in India, the bride’s parents’ country of origin. The bride wore a red wedding sari. The groom’s mother read and explained the seven blessings of a Jewish wedding; the bride’s mother read from the Quran and then provided an English translation.

The bride and groom sipped from the same cup of wine, as one does at a Jewish wedding. But knowing that I was writing about her wedding for my book on interfaith marriages, the bride pulled me aside in between the ceremony and the photos. They had replaced the traditional wine with white grape juice, she told me – nonalcoholic in deference to the fact that she is Muslim; white out of fear of staining the wedding finery before the photos.

My friend’s interfaith wedding might seem unusual, but it is part of the American Jewish normal. Approximately 42% of married Jews have a spouse who is not Jewish. Among American Jews who have gotten married since 2010, that percentage rises to 61%.

Many advocates for interfaith families prefer not to call these marriages between Jews and “non-Jews,” because that term defines people by what they are not – erasing their own vibrant religious and cultural heritage. There is great diversity in whom Jews marry. Most spouses come from Christian backgrounds, given the demographics of the United States, but Christianity itself is very diverse. Others marry Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists or people from any number of other religious traditions.

Crazed Biden warns European Countries over Censuring Iran regarding its nuclear programme


In its fanatical quest for an "Iran Deal" Biden has warned Rishi Sunak against censuring Iran over its nuclear programme amid high tensions in the Middle East.

The International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-nation Board of Governors passed a resolution against Iran 18 months ago, demanding it to cooperate with a years-long investigation into uranium particles found at three undeclared sites.

European powers, including Britain and France, are believed to be preparing a censuring resolution.

However, the Biden administration has warned the countries to abstain from the resolution and said it will do the same.

Concern about Iran’s atomic ambitions have grown since 2019 when then president Donald Trump pulled the US out of a deal offering sanctions relief in exchange for curbs to its nuclear programme.

The country has been enriching uranium to 60 per cent purity, close to the roughly 90 per cent that is weapons-grade, for three years. Iran has consistently denied seeking a nuclear weapon and says all its activities are peaceful.

Western powers say there is no credible civilian energy purpose in enriching to that level, and the IAEA says no other country has done so without going on to make a nuclear weapon.

One senior European diplomat said: "There is no slowing down of its programme and there is no real goodwill by Iran to cooperate with the IAEA...all our indicators are flashing red.”

Officials have been citing the US presidential election as a reason for the Biden administration's reluctance.

Israel and Iran carried out direct strikes on each other for the first time last month, and Israel has repeatedly threatened to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

Biden's Battle Against Israel Continues comes out against GOP bill to sanction ICC over Israel arrest warrants


The White House on Tuesday came out against legislation being pushed by House Republicans to sanction senior members of the International Criminal Court over its pursuit of arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

“We don’t believe the ICC has jurisdiction [in this case], so we don’t support these arrest warrants. However, we don’t believe that sanctioning the ICC is the answer,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said during a press briefing.

Last week, the US came out against ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan’s request for arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant along with Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar and Muhammad Deif. Washington blasted the equivalency the court drew between the Israeli and Hamas leaders, said the ICC had no authority to weigh in on the matter since Israel is not a member, has its own credible legal systems to adjudicate such charges and was in the process of cooperating with Khan when he cut off contact and rushed to announce his decision.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the administration would work with Congress “on a bipartisan basis to find an appropriate response” to the ICC effort against Israel.

Earlier this month, congressional Republicans began advancing legislation that would sanction ICC officials involved in the targeting of Israel. While it’s likely to pass in the House, the legislation is expected to face a more difficult path in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Congressional Democrats, including in the Senate, have spoken in favor of a legislative response to the ICC. Sanctions, however, appear a step too far for them, with the White House opposing any reversal of US President Joe Biden decision to remove the sanctions that his predecessor Donald Trump imposed on the court’s prosecutor.

With the administration opposed to the GOP’s sanctions bill, another possibility would be for Congress to pass legislation threatening sanctions against countries that abide by any arrest warrants that the court issues in the case against Israel. Biden could do this unilaterally through executive order, though the administration has not said if it’s currently mulling such a route. Legislation would be more binding and potentially help blunt criticism on Capitol Hill.

Kirby also came out against calls to sanction Israel that are now being considered by some European leaders following a ruling in the International Court of Justice — which prosecutes countries, as opposed to the ICC, which prosecutes individuals — calling on Israel to halt military operations in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah that would risk the destruction of the civilian population sheltering there.

“We have no plans for these kinds of actions… based on the ICJ ruling,’ he said, saying the US doesn’t agree with the decision nor does it believe that the court has jurisdiction in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Virtual Auschwitz Tours a Reality, Courtesy of Google Donation

A $1 million grant for the development of the “Auschwitz in Front of Your Eyes”“Auschwitz in Front of Your Eyes” project has been announced, courtesy of Google. The grant, which comes from the Google philanthropic arm, Google.org, aims to help the project aims deepen awareness and knowledge about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. The idea is a live-streamed virtual tour can reach additional audiences worldwide who cannot visit the site in person.

The project also enables people unable to physically visit the camp, to engage with the history of Auschwitz. The virtual tour, which will be conducted by a guide, includes survivor testimonies, multimedia materials, and opportunities for participants to ask questions.

“The funding will help develop the technological platform and its accessibility, including real-time subtitles, AI-based translation into multiple languages, and the digitization of survivor testimonies,” said the director of Google.org for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Rowan Barnett.

Biden's Saudi Arabia/ Israel Deal on Verge of Collapse as Saudi Arabia Accuses Israel of ‘Continuous Genocidal Massacres,’


Saudi Arabia accused Israel on Wednesday of committing “continuous genocidal massacres” against Palestinians, casting the Biden administration’s efforts to broker a “normalization” deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia in doubt.

In a statement, the Saudi Foreign Ministry — which has taken a tougher line toward Israel than Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) — accused Israel of deliberately targeting the tents of Palestinians in Gaza.

The statement appeared to be referring to Sunday night’s airstrike in Rafah, in which Israel eliminated two senior Hamas terrorists, but in which dozens of civilians at a nearby camp were killed.

An Israeli investigation found that Hamas munitions, which may have been hit by shrapnel from the airstrike, likely caused fires. Israel ruled out any deliberate targeting of civilians, in tents or otherwise, in an attack that was expected to be limited in impact.

The Biden administration has been trying to urge Israel to accept an end to the war in Gaza, and a Palestinian state, dangling the prospect of “normalization” with Saudi Arabia. However, Israel is unlikely to accept normalization at the price of self-defense. Israelis are opposed to a Palestinian state due to repeated terror attacks by Hamas from Gaza, which Palestinians controlled entirely after the Israeli “disengagement” of 2005.

A “normalization” deal was said to be close last year prior to the October 7 terror attacks, but was reportedly delayed by the Biden administration’s insistence — over and above any demand by the Saudis — that a Palestinian state be included as part of the deal.

Watch NK Weep, Kiss the photo of Raisi and are Menachem Avel


Nikki Haley in Israel: Stay strong, the majority of Americans are with Israel


Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday toured Samaria, as a guest of the head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan. She was accompanied by former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, MK Danny Danon.

As part of the tour, Haley observed the coastal plain from the town of Pedu'el in Samaria.

The meeting took place as part of the outreach activities that the Samaria Regional Council carries out worldwide with an emphasis on the US and Europe in order to fight the delegitimization that is being done to Israel in general and to Judea and Samaria in particular.

Dagan showed Haley the distance from Samaria to Israel, which can be viewed directly from Pedu’el, and said, “These politicians, maybe Biden and Harris, who want to take Samaria and our mountains and our communities off the map of Israel, they really leave the State of Israel with just nine miles.”

“I think that 1. it’s ridiculous, and 2. it’s indefensible,” added Dagan.

MK Danon said, “The Shomron became a belt of security for the people of Israel. We had suicide bombers who came from here to Tel Aviv. So the people who live here actually protect the majority of Israelis…the Iranians’ next goal is Judea and Samaria. They took over Gaza, they took over Lebanon, they took over Syria, now they are trying to smuggle weapons into Judea and Samaria in order to destabilize this region and to threaten Israel from the east.”

Haley said, “We’re here today in this beautiful spot to really show our solidarity with Israel. What I will tell you is: Don’t listen to what the media says. The majority of Americans are with the people of Israel. This war is personal for Israelis, but this war is personal for Americans.”

“We need Israel to be strong,” she stressed, “and the only way Israel will be strong is when America supports Israel completely, unapologetically.”

“There are two things we need to do: We need to make sure we get our hostages home, and we need to make sure that Israel is secure once and for all. And we will always be a friend to you, so stay strong, stay hopeful, keep the faith, and let’s continue to be partners together,” concluded Haley.

Gazans themselves admit that the Rafah blast was caused by Hamas munitions


IDF releases a recording of a conversation between 2 Gazans saying the deadly blast on Sunday was caused by a Hamas ammunition warehouse.

Crazy Stuff! $320 MILLION US-Built Pier Damaged stuck in the mud!

 This is too funny for words! Cost US taxpayers $320 million and gets totally damaged! Pentagon says in "rough seas and weather" this did not take place in the Atlantic Ocean this took place in the Mediterranean! 

The U.S.-built temporary pier taking humanitarian aid to Palestinians will be removed from the coast of Gaza to be repaired after getting damaged in rough seas and weather, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Over the next two days, the pier will be pulled out and sent to the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, where U.S. Central Command will repair it, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. She said the fixes will take “at least over a week” and then the pier will need to be anchored back into the beach in Gaza.

The setback is the latest for the $320 million pier, which only began operations in the past two weeks and has already had three U.S. service members injured and had four of its vessels beached due to heavy seas. Deliveries also were halted for two days last week after crowds rushed aid trucks coming from the pier and one Palestinian man was shot dead. After that, the U.S. military worked with the U.N. and Israeli officials to select safer alternate routes for trucks, the Pentagon said Friday.

The pier was fully functional as late as Saturday when heavy seas unmoored four of the Army boats that were being used to ferry pallets of aid from commercial vessels to the pier. The system is anchored into the beach and provided a long causeway for trucks to drive that aid onto the shore.

Two of the vessels were beached on Gaza and two others on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon.

Before the weather damage and suspension, the pier had begun to pick up steam and as of Friday more than 820 metric tons of food aid had been delivered from the sea onto the Gaza beach via the pier.

U.S. officials have repeatedly emphasized that the pier cannot provide the amount of aid that Gazans need and said that more checkpoints for humanitarian trucks need to be opened.

At maximum capacity, the pier would bring in enough food for 500,000 of Gaza’s people. U.S. officials stressed the need for open land crossings for the remaining 1.8 million.

The U.S. has also planned to continue to provide airdrops of food, which likewise cannot meet all the needs.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spain Calls For Expulsion of Jews From Israel After Expelling Jews from Spain in 1492

 Government of Spain - Here are some people who want to thank you for recognizing them as a country and giving them a gift for what they did on October 7th....

It's Deja Vu all over again!

 In 1492 Spain mandated that all Jews be expelled from the country. They had nowhere to go and were hunted down by the Spanish Inquisition with many Jews burned at the stake! 

Now in the year 2024 merely 532 years after that tragic event, Spain is not happy with Jews living in the State of Israel and announced that they will recognize a Palestinian State with its Capital in East Jerusalem. Mind you, Spain's Embassy now is in Tela Aviv and never had an Embassy in Jerusalem!

They also announced that they would recognize the suicidal 1967 borders, which means that the Old City with the Kotel and Kever Rachel and Mearas HaMachpeila would immediately go back not to the Jordanians but to Hamas! 

A Palestinian State would be a colossal disaster for the Jewish people situated anywhere. Look what happened in Gaza. There hasn't been a Jew living in Gaza in over 19 years, yet that didn't stop the Palestinians from launching unprovoked over 100,000 missiles at Israel! It didn't stop them from invading Israel, raping, mutilating, burning babies alive in burning ovens and kidnapping civilians with Gazan children cheering them on!  

It is no wonder thar Rabbis had a Cheirim on Spain for hundreds of years!

The Spanish government has officially recognized Palestine as a sovereign state.

The announcement was made by Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares during a press conference following a meeting of the Council of Ministers.

“Today at the Council of Ministers, we decided to recognize the State of Palestine,” Albares stated. He added that this is the only way to achieve peace in the Middle East.

Watch as Israeli Couple in Uniform re-unite in Gaza


An Israeli couple reunites while serving in the IDF to eliminate Hamas terrorists in Rafah, southern Gaza.

The woman is a fighter in the Bardelas Battalion, and the man is a fighter in the Nahal Brigade.

Israel to require ALL visitors to apply for tourist visas


Israel is changing its entry requirements, and will require visitors from visa-exempt countries to obtain an electronic travel authorization (ETA) in order to enter the country, the Population and Immigration Authority announced.

Beginning in August 2024, all visitors to Israel must hold a valid visa or ETA-IL indicating that they are permitted to enter the country before boarding the plane to Israel.

These entry permits are valid for up to 90 days per visit.

Upon launching the new system, Israel will begin a pilot program under which American and German passport holders may apply for an ETA-IL beginning June 1, 2024. During the pilot phase, the application will be on a voluntary and fee-free basis.

Other nationalities will be able to apply beginning on July 1, 2024.

The new guidelines, do not apply to Israeli citizens or others who hold an Israeli ID number.

Majority of Israeli Population Oppose a Palestinian State In Saudi Normalization Deal

 A  survey conducted by the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs (JCFA) has revealed that a significant 64 percent of the Israeli public opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of the normalization process with Saudi Arabia.

The comprehensive report is scheduled for release at the 13th Annual Jerusalem Post Conference in New York next week. Conducted in collaboration with the Panels Politics research institute, led by Menachem Lazar, the survey provides insight into the perspectives of both Jewish and Arab Israelis on this critical political issue.

The survey highlights considerable political divides: 84 percent of right-wing voters, 54 percent of centrist voters, and 24 percent of left-wing voters oppose the creation of a Palestinian state. Conversely, a similar percentage of left-wing voters support the idea unconditionally.

Support for a Palestinian state, conditional on recognition and demilitarization, saw a notable decline among respondents aged 60 and above, dropping from 44 percent to 32 percent. Similar decreases were observed among those with academic education (from 29 percent to 20 percent) and high-income individuals (from 33 percent to 20 percent). Opposition was particularly pronounced among younger respondents (70 percent of those aged 18-29), individuals with lower education levels (72 percent), and traditional, religious, and Charedi respondents (74 percent, 88 percent, and 91 percent, respectively). Among secular respondents, the opposition rate stood at 54 percent.

Dr. Dan Diker, president of the JCFA, is set to present the survey findings at the conference. He will also engage in discussions with Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as “The Green Prince,” addressing the potential dangers posed to Israel by the creation of a Palestinian state, particularly in light of strategic and security concerns following the October 7 massacre.

Biden Insane Pressuring of Allies Not To Bother Iran Over Its Nuclear Program


Biden’s administration is urging European allies to hold off on plans to censure Iran over its nuclear program, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. is allegedly attempting to persuade the United Kingdom and France to avoid censuring Iran at the upcoming meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) member state board in June. Multiple diplomats informed the Journal that the U.S. is also encouraging several countries to abstain from voting should a censure motion arise.

However, U.S. officials have denied these reports. One unnamed official described the claims as “totally false.” Another American official emphasized that Washington remains “tightly coordinated” with its European allies and stated, “Any speculation about decisions is premature.” The official added, “We are increasing pressure on Iran through sanctions and international isolation.”

Despite Iran’s assertions that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes, it has consistently refused to allow the IAEA to investigate undeclared nuclear material within the country.

“Iran’s level of cooperation with the agency remains unacceptable,” U.S. Ambassador to the IAEA Laura Holgate remarked during a board meeting in March. “The board must be prepared to take further action should Iran’s cooperation not improve dramatically.”

Kelsey Davenport, director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, told the Journal, “The board needs to send a message to Iran that there are consequences for stonewalling. But it needs to be part of a broader strategy. The goal should be pressuring and incentivizing Iran to cooperate with the IAEA and expand their access.”

The Journal’s report came just ahead of a report by the IAEA on Monday that Iran has increased the amount of uranium it has that is already enriched to 60% – just a short technical step away from being weapons-grade.

Hundreds Counterprotesting Neturei Karta Outside Scheiner’s Shul In Monsey

A small protest by Neturei Karta outside Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim (Scheiner’s Shul) on Forshay Road in Monsey has sparked a massive counterprotest, with hundreds of people calling out the wicked reshaim for their public pro-Hamas stance.

The Neturei Karta protest was prompted by a special event at the shul, in which Yehuda Alon, a shemitta farmer and IDF veteran, provided a first-hand account of the October 7 atrocities by Hamas, as well as “an eye-opening discussion” with him about “the silent war that is threatening the existence of Israel as we know it,” according to a flyer announcing the event.

The small band of Hamas-supporting, Jew-garb-wearing terror-lovers was met with a fierce counterprotest. Numerous local, county, and even state police agencies are at the scene due to the huge crowds standing up against the evil baby-killer-kissers protesting in their own community.


Haley Consoles Hamas Victims…Blames Russia, China and Iran for Oct 7


 Nikki Haley met with and consoled an Israeli community that had been ravaged by the Hamas terror massacre, during a Memorial Day trip to the Israel-Gaza border.

“What I will tell all Israelis: America is with you. Americans are with you — 1,200 people were brutally murdered. Let’s not forget what happened on Oct. 7,” she said in a video posted on X by MK Danny Danon.

“Because Hamas has said they’re going to do it again. We owe it to make sure it never happens again,” Haley continued.

Her visit included the Kibbutz Nir Oz, which was brutally targeted by Hamas on Oct. 7, where she spoke to nearby survivors who recounted their painful and emotional experiences.

Footage showed her appearing to wipe tears away as she heard horrific tales from survivors.

Haley emphasized Israel’s commitment to preserving human life and the need to eliminate Hamas. “If there’s anything I’ve known over the years, [it’s that] Israel values human life just as much as America does, just as much. And what they are having to do now is surgical, to go in there and make sure they eliminate Hamas. They need to finish Hamas. Don’t stop until they finish. But also make sure that security is intact so that it never never happens again from Hamas or anybody else.”

Haley also spoke strongly about non-Hamas Palestinians who have participated in violence, stating, “It was not just Hamas that did these murders. It was not just Hamas that did all of these atrocities. [Normal] Palestinians came over and contributed and were a part of this. Palestinians came over and took hostages and robbed these homes and did things. And that needs to be told.”

Haley praised President Trump’s foreign policy, particularly his support for Israel.

“We had a strong America. That was the goal. The goal was to make sure we knew who our friends were and we knew who our enemies were.” She highlighted Trump’s decisions to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and defund UNRWA as examples of his strong support for Israel.

“I hope, in his next Administration, that he remembers who his friends are, who his enemies are, and don’t let that waver, because that’s what’s important,” Haley added.

Haley attributed blame for the massacre on Russia, China, and Iran.

“China’s been funding Iran the entire time. Russia’s intelligence helped them know where everything was. Iran helped get them trained. So this isn’t Hamas. If we really mean it’s never going to happen again, we have to be honest and truthful with ourselves who did this.”

Raichik Meets Musk

It appears that Chaya Raichik (aka. Libs of Tiktok) held a meeting with Elon Musk, likely their first, after having exchanged many correspondences on Twitter.
Raichik posted a picture of herself with Musk on Twitter, doing a thumbs up. She captioned: “Let this sink in @elonmusk”

Musk has responded to Raichik on more than one occasion. In April, Musk tweeted: “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” in a response to Raichik, who had posted a link to a video by the PragerU nonprofit, criticizing Dr Fauci over his response to Covid and his encouragement of people wearing masks.

Raichik applauded Musk’s tweet with fire and laughter emojis.

Raichik, an orthodox Jew, has become an outspoken social media figure who represents conservative values. Initially an anonymous Twitter account who exposed immoral teachers and others who posted disgusting videos on Tiktok, Raichik has expanded her repertoire and has become an influential force.

She met with Trump at Mar-a-lago, has been interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and has “bumped into” AOC in the Capitol, confronting her with tough questions, which the socialist squad member ducked away from and fled.

In response to the picture of Musk and Raichik, one Twitter user replied: “This photo is literally going to be on the dartboard of the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. offices tomorrow.”

Raichik responded: Hopefully they at least post videos to X


Monday, May 27, 2024

"Der Goy" the Satmar Weekly Prints Blood Libel Against IDF Closing of Meron

 The Satmar Yiddish Weekly, DER GOY'S, report on the huge Chillul Hashem that occurred on the Mountain on Lag Be'omer is a vile blood libel on our Jewish children in uniform. The IDF had given clear instructions that the Mountain was closed because of the Hezbollah's constant targeted firing of missiles at the Har, and allowed only a few people to enter on Lag Be'omer.  Because the Chareidim defied the IDF, many first responders were called to the site in case something happened, and this depleted potential vital healthcare personal that would have been needed elsewhere. 

Below is a video of missiles launched at the Har on Lag Be'omer! Just so that you get an idea what was happening! 

So what does DER GOY write? I am not going to translate the whole vicious antizionist tirade, but will give you the gist of their front page article!

They say that the whole thing that the area was "dangerous" was made up by the IDF for the sole reason of preventing Jews from davening at the Kever of R' Shimon ben Yochai!!!!!

Sick and perverted! 

They reported that on Shabbos there were thousands of Jews on the mount, and the IDF allowed them to stay but just as Shabbos ended, the IDF asked all to leave except for those small groups such as Biala etc that were given special permission to stay.

What DER GOY doesn't tell you, is that this was pre-arranged before Shabbos that Jews would be allowed to be there for Shabbos. This actually makes a lot of sense because a few thousand is not a Hundred Thousand! A few thousand can be managed and if G-D forbid something happened it was manageable. But a Hundred Thousand cannot be managed in such a condensed place.

Just that you know many Gedoilei Hador such as Ger, Belz,and Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva etc wouldn't allow their Chassidim or Talmiddim to go to Meron when Lag Be'Omer falls on a Sunday, because of the massive Chillul Shabbas that occurs. Buses are already ready in Bnei-Brak, Yerushlayim etc on Shabbos proper. The IDF has to get ready on Shabbos for the huge crowds, so Gedoilim for years were against going up to Meron on a Sunday Lag Be'omer! In Fact they would chastise the Boyaner Rebbe for causing Chillul Shabbos! 

Der Goy talks about the Chillul Shabbos by the IDF, which is ludicrous and laughable if it weren't so tragic. The ones that caused this Chillul Shabbos were none other than those Chareidim who were there for Shabbos! 

What is really crazy is that DER GOY  the newspaper of R' Zalman Leib was against making a Hadlaka or any celebration on Lag Be'Omer anywhere in the world. They followed the minhag of R' Yoel Teitelbaum the founder of Satmar Chassidus who basically ignored the day!

This year for the very first time he caved in and made a massive celebration on Motzei Shabbos, but still didn't make the Hadlaka! 

One of the many complaints that Satmar had against celebrating Yom Hatzmoet was that Jews don't have a Mesorah of making new Yomim Toivim and of course not in the time of Sefira. This Lag Beomer Yom Tov is not mentioned in the entire Shas but is celebrated during the Sefira with music?

 The Ari Hakodosh said that the mourning goes until Shevuois! They follow the Ari when it suits them! 

In addition, I already posted that R' Shimon doesn't want anyone there on Lag Be'Omer. He asked for Covid so that it would be too dangerous to go, then 45 Yiddishe Neshamoes were murdered within minutes, and now he sent Arabs, but no one seems to get the message! 

Beit Shemesh Girl Arrested on her Way to Har Habayis


Last week, on Pesach Sheni a 17-year-old girl from Beit Shemesh together with a friend, planned to go up to the Har Habayis in Jerusalem. When they entered the Old City, arriving in the Jaffa Gate area, policemen became suspicious when they heard strange sounds and saw strange movements from the young woman's stomach area. 

During the search, it was found that what had been disguised to look like a pregnant belly, was actually a small goat, wrapped in material and hidden under her clothes.

It was believed that the two planned to bring the goat into the Temple Mount compound and slaughter it. They were arrested by the police and taken in for questioning on suspicion of behavior that could violate public order and abuse of an animal.

Yisrael DUUUUUUUvid Weiss's Video That Israel Belongs to Hamas Goes Viral in the Antisemitic Social Media

 Notice: Every word spoken by this devil in Jewish garb is taken right out of the Vayoel Moshe, there is no daylight between their views! The vicious lie that Jews lived in peace with Arabs is so absurd and sick that one doesn't know where to start to refute this lie!

Arabs murdered Jews in pogroms back in the days of the Rambam, one can make a simple search on google and see how hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered by Arabs in similar ways as the October 7.pogrom in Arab countries. The father of Babi Sali was shot out of a cannon on a sunny Shabbos afternoon! 

To be sure there were times that Jews lived peacefully in Arab countries, but so did Jews in Germany in 1937!