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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Outrage as Canadian single mom on minimum wage has bank account frozen for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy


Canadian MP Mark Strahl tweeted Sunday that the bank account of a single mom called Briane was frozen after she gave $50 to the Freedom Convoy

Authorities say 206 bank accounts had been frozen under the power granted by federal emergencies act

Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair told CTV on Sunday that the act it ‘isn’t targeted at small donations’

The powers have been in effect since last week, but Parliament is expected to ratify the action on Monday

Financial accounts of those who refused to leave the protests in Ottawa will remain frozen while the act is in force

Canadian trucker Derek Brouwer told Fox News that his accounts have been frozen since Friday, and his truck was seized

The Ottawa protests – the movement’s last major stronghold – appeared to be largely over by Sunday. Fencing and police checkpoints remained

A Canadian MP says the bank account of a single mom with a minimum wage job has been frozen after she donated $50 to Freedom Convoy. Conservative lawmaker Mark Strahl says the mom, named only as Briane, has had her life ruined for donating the small sum to the anti-vaccine mandates protest. 

Strahl shared Brianne’s story as concerns grow that scores of ordinary people will no longer be able to pay for food and basics after their accounts were frozen for donating to a group of protesters. ‘Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job. She gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen. 

This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.’ 

Israel Reveals Scandalous Details Of the Satmar Nuclear Deal With Iran


You guys were probably laughing reading the headline "Satmar's Nuclear Deal with Iran" but this is no laughing matter. It was Satmar that backed Hussain Obama in this deal and it was R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe from Monroe that tried sabotaging the then Israeli PM Netanyahu from addressing the US congress to point out the dangers!

The Satmar Rebbe wasn't at all concerned about the 5 and half million Jews living in Israel, all he cared about was how much money he would be able to get for his moisdois from the Obama administration.

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander worked feverously behind the scene to get Holocaust survivors to support the deal, and was Fat Nadler's stooge, when the fatso tried explaining why he voted for Obama's Iran deal.

Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday excoriated the nuclear deal the Biden administration is planning to sign with the Islamic Republic, saying that it will lead to “a more violent, more volatile Middle East,” and Israel will pay the price.

Speaking on Sunday at the Conference of Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, Bennett noted that the agreement’s 10-year limits on enrichment are still set to be lifted in 2025 – “leaving Iran with a fast track to military-grade enrichment. And in the time until it sunsets, they won’t even have to destroy all those centrifuges they developed over the past few years.”

Monday, February 21, 2022

Russia Has Lists Of Ukrainians ‘To Be Killed Or Sent To Camps’


 US intelligence sources claimed Sunday that Russia has lists of Ukrainians “to be killed or sent to camps” in the event of an invasion.

In a letter to the UN Human Rights High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet, the US alleges that Moscow’s post-invasion planning would involve torture, forced disappearances and “widespread human suffering.” It does not describe the nature of the intelligence behind its assessment.

The letter warns of a potential “human rights catastrophe” after Russia invades the Ukraine. Additionally, the letter says the US has “credible information that indicates Russian forces are creating lists of identified Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation.”

“We also have credible information that Russian forces will likely use lethal measures to disperse peaceful protests or otherwise counter peaceful exercises of perceived resistance from civilian populations,” the letter, signed by the US’s ambassador to the UN Bathsheba Crocker, concludes.

Russia, which has denied any hostile intentions towards the Ukraine, has currently  amassed more than 150,000 troops on its border with the Ukraine, according to foreign intelligence assessments, which also claim that a battle directive has already been issued to the troops.

The Daily Mail reported that convoys of military vehicles painted with the letter Z were seen moving toward the border with Ukraine. The markings are suspected to have been allocated for specific roles or army groups.

Russia is seeking a guarantee that Ukraine will never join NATO and that the Western alliance will remove forces from Eastern Europe, demands the West has refused. Despite talks of a possible summit meeting between US president Biden and Putin over the Ukraine crisis, the Kremlin says there are no ‘concrete plans’ for such a summit at present. US sources say the summit, being brokered by French president Macron, is conditional on Russia not invading the Ukraine.

After Significant Price Hike, Rabbi Aviner Says: Don’t Buy Hamantaschen This Year


Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Aviner, the rabbi of Beit El and head of the Ateret Kohanim yeshiva has called on Israelis not to eat hamantaschen this year, in the wake of a significant hike in their price in Israel. Rabbi Aviner wrote that : a) there is no source for eating hamantaschen b) they are unhealthy c) the price has risen steeply.

Regarding the source for hamantaschen, Rabbi Aviner writes that there is no early source for such a custom and even though all kinds of explanations were given for the custom they cannot establish the custom. The actual source for the term has nothing to do with Haman’s ears but rather because a stuffed pastry which contains poppyseed is known in German as “mohntaschen” which became confused with hamantaschen.

Moreover the pastry is unhealthy and contains large amounts of sugar, oil and caloric content. Rabbi Aviner cites the Rambam (Hilchos Deos 4) who states that a person should eat healthy food as this is Hashem’s will. He adds that “one hamantaschen will not cause damage but we eat enough unhealthy food all year and there is no reason to add more out of belief that there is some holy custom attached to it.”

As for the prices, in Israel a kilo of hamantaschen used to cost between 30-50 NIS but currently the price has reached 140 NIS in some stores. Rabbi Aviner cites the Mishna Berura (Orach Chayim 242) who says that “if the fishmongers are hiking the prices, it is correct to make a ruling not to buy fish for a few weeks until the price returns to normal.” Thus there is a basis for not purchasing even a religiously required food like fish for shabbos if the price has risen beyond the means of average people and certainly hamantaschen can be boycotted if their price rises so steeply.

Israeli Rabbi Visits Tehran’s Bazaar, Taking Selfies While Talking Hebrew


I just want to know the make-up artist that put his beard on! It looks fake to me.

He went to visit Mordechai & Esther's grave in Iran. It's located in the Iranian city of Hamadan, which is about 335 kilometers west of Tehran.

Many years ago when I was just a Yeshiva Bachur, I took a tour with Gefner Tours and he took us to Esther Hamalkas's grave in the upper Galilee, near Tzfas.. In fact as early as 1215, R' Menachem Ha'Chevroni wrote that while visiting the Galil, he came across the tomb of Esther Ha'malka " who instructed her son Cyrus to bring her there" 

So who really knows?

Anyway, this tzaddik has a smartphone and took a bunch of selfies..my kind of rabbi 
As they say in Yiddish:
"es fehlt nisht kein meshigaim"

Yeshiva Student Jailed By IDF For Desertion Demands Kosher Badatz Food


There isn't one Yeshiva Bocher sitting in an Israeli jail for not going to the army..not one!

So why is this tzaddik in jail?

Because he refuses to register. Even the "Toldos Aaron" extremists register for the IDF and yes even Satmar boys. But the Auerbach crazies refuse to register.

So how come he got arrested and not the hundreds of the Auerbach crazies?

This tzaddik decided to go to Eastern Europe to visit the cemeteries in middle of the zman. A "groiser tzaddik" who skipped his Torah shiurim but insists on Badatz Food!. 

He was arrested for "desertion" at the airport as he was getting on a plane!

Israeli jails serve kosher food and it was kosher enough for the "Geat Tzaddik" Berland and other "tzaddikim"

The "ukel" eventually got his Badatz food!

It’s Time for Frum Jews to Endorse a Republican for Governor....Askanim Have been Misleading the Jewish Sheep!


When are we going to wake up and realize that the Democrats have turned our society into a place of hate? Antisemitism is out of control. Every day there is another incident, some monster yells a slur, spits, shoves or punches an innocent Jew, or worse.

New York is starting to feel like pre-war Europe.

I’m sure that our leaders have sincere motives, but let’s face it–- the press releases and roundtable meetings don’t seem to be helping. In fact, it’s only getting worse.

The haters don’t care about tweets of condemnation or press conferences which condemn violence and proclaim “this must end”. They’re laughing at us. It’s not going to end, at least while Democrats are in power.

And here is why:

Bernie Madoff’s Sister & Husband Kill Each Other


The sister of Wall Street fraudster Bernie Madoff and her husband were found dead in what investigators said was an apparent murder-suicide in Florida, according to news reports.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office on Sunday identified the couple as 87-year-old Sondra Wiener of Boynton Beach and her 90-year-old husband, Marvin. They were found unresponsive with gunshot wounds Thursday afternoon inside their residence.

“Detectives from the Violent Crimes Division arrived on scene to investigate further. After further investigation it appears to be a murder/suicide,” the Sheriff’s Office statement said.

Officials said the cause of death will be determined by the Medical Examiner’s Office.

A woman who identified herself as the wife of son David Wiener asked for privacy “at this time of grief.”

Contacted by phone, she said: “We are not making any comment at this time.”

Madoff was infamously known for orchestrating a massive Ponzi scheme that wiped out people’s fortunes and ruined charities. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison after pleading guilty in 2009 to fraud and other charges and died while incarcerated at age 82 last year.

3 Subway Stabbings In One Day In NYC


Three people were stabbed Saturday in the New York subway system in what police said were separate attacks that come as concerns rise about transit crime.

A 20-year-old woman was punched and then stabbed three times in the abdomen at the Van Siclen Avenue station in Brooklyn and was taken to a hospital, where she was stable.

A man was stabbed in the leg Saturday night at the 168th Street station in Washington Heights during a robbery attempt, and shortly afterward a 31-year-old man was stabbed in the arm at the 116th Street station near Columbia University after asking a man and woman to move because they were smoking, police said.

No arrests have been made in the cases.

In recent weeks, a woman was pushed to her death in front of a train in Times Square and a man break dancing on a train was stabbed by another rider.

In response to concerns about assaults and aggressive behavior by homeless people in the subways since the start of the pandemic, Adams recently said he would start barring people from sleeping on trains or riding the same lines all night.

Israeli Beis Din Revokes Marriage After Shocking Discovery


A Beis Din in Netanya revoked a marriage that was conducted k’das Moshe V’Yisrael via the Rabbanut in Hadera after a startling discovery in the wake of divorce proceedings.

The story began when a woman, a Bas Kohen and a mother of three daughters, appealed to the Beis Din for a get, claiming that her husband is unfaithful. The woman requested custody of her daughters and the money owed to her according to the kesuvah.

Prior to the hearing, the husband’s attorney presented a preliminary claim questioning the authority of the Beis Din to resolve the dispute between the two parties for a startling reason. The lawyer claimed that his client is not Jewish and therefore the Beis Din is not authorized to rule on the case. The lawyer even presented papers testifying that that the husband is a non-Jew, including his original birth certificate, stating that his mother is Ukrainian.

The husband said that his mother had left Israel and immigrated to Canada three years earlier and right before she left, she revealed to him that she wasn’t Jewish and gave him his real original birth certificate.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

What an Excavation in 1927 Under the Har Habayis Revealed ... Astonishing


Famous "chushiva" Rebbetzin from Yerushalyim Accused of Molestation

 I decided not to translate this, because I am so sick of these stories already. When will the Gedoilim put an end to this once and for all. I am sure that the Rebbeitzen had a kosher phone and was never on the internet, dressed tzneedik, yet couldn't control her desires an so she took it out on her students! The testimony of some of the girls in the article below are heartbreaking. 

Lakewood: Petirah of HaRav Yaakov Landau..In Toms River: Tragic Petirah of Moshe Zuckerman..Lakewood / Flatbush: Petirah of R’ Aharon Schwartzman


Hagaon HaRav Yaakov Landau zt”l, was niftar following a lengthy illness. He was in his mid-70s.

Rav Yaakov was a beloved 9th grade rebbi at Yeshiva Torah Temimah in Brooklyn for many years before eventually moving to Lakewood after nearly three decades at the yeshiva.

In Lakewood, he became the rav of K’hal Chanichei Hayeshivos and opened Mesivta Tiferes Shmuel, where he served as rosh yeshiva to throngs of talmidim who followed his every word.

Over his life, he was marbitz Torah to thousands of talmidim, many of whom have gone into klei kodesh themselves.

Rav Yaakov zt”l is survived by his rebbetzin, Mrs. Esti Landau, his children – Rabbi Chaim Shalom Landau, Rabbi Chezky Landau, Rabbi Moshe Leib Landau, Rabbi Aharon Landau, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Landau, Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Landau, Rabbi Boruch Ber Landau, Rabbi Zalman Landau, Mrs. Elisheva Fuerst – and numerous grandchildren.

R’ Moshe Zuckerman z”l of Toms River was niftar over Shabbos after suffering a sudden stroke last week. He was 54.

R’ Moshe was well known and highly regarded from his work at the takeout section of Seasons supermarket in Lakewood, where he greeted each and every customer with a smile and genuine friendliness.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 10:30 am at Rabbi Rotberg’s shul, 1871 Old Freehold Road in Toms River. Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

The family will be sitting shiva at 2119 Orien Road in Toms River.

We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Aharon Schwartzman z”l. He was 74.

A renowned talmid chochom and mechutan of HaRav Shlomo Miller shlit”a, R’ Aharon was a close talmid of HaRav Shmuel Berenbaum zt”l, R’ Aharon was sought by many for his breadth of wisdom and deep insight. He was a longtime Flatbush resident who recently relocated to Lakewood. He Davened for decades at the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 11 am on Sunday morning at the 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood, 613 Ramsey Avenue. Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ami Again Features A Rabbi Who has an "awful" Reputation. Read this "Crazed" Interview With Ukraine "Chief Rabbi" Bleich


The publisher of Ami Magazine, Yitzy Frankfurter, has a penchant for featuring the worst characters that the Chareidie world has to offer. He praised and lauded Nechamia Weberman, a convicted rapist who is sitting in jail, sentenced to 103 years,  he featured Shlomo Helbrans who headed the Lev Tahor Cult, gave him a 5 page spread trying to convince his readers that he was just another Chassidishe Rebbe. Just three weeks ago he featured Rabbi Zamir Cohen who claimed that the Zionists closed his "kiruv" Yeshiva because they were afraid that he was making chilonie children, frum. Turned out that that his co-ed school was patterned after the goyishe Finnish System and they were not teaching Torah in that school at all, and R' Cohen couldn't explain why the same Zionists had no issues with Chinuch Atamai Schools, Ohr Samaich, Aish Ha'Torah or the Kiruv Schools of Rav Yitzchok David Grossman. In fact the Zionists fund all the schools I just mentioned!

Well this week they hit a new low. Yitzy the Frank, decided to interview the "Chief Rabbi" of Ukraine, Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, who was disbarred from the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) at the request of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu. This Bleich character has allegations against him that are very similar to the ones of that of the Monster Walder. Harav Eliyashiv z"l had already said years ago that Bleich wasn't fit to be the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. He was in fact asked to step down by the Rabbi that originally sent him to Kiev. 

When you read that a guy is the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, where do you think he lives? If you are a person with an average IQ, you would naturally assume that he lives in Ukraine, right? Well not so fast!

BLM Bails Out Shooter of Jewish Mayoral Candidate


Man accused of trying to shoot Jewish mayoral candidate released from jail after bond posted by BLM

Bail has been paid for the man accused of attempting to murder mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg on Monday morning. Quintez Brown, 21, was released from the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 

Brown’s $100,000 cash bond was posted by the Louisville Community Bail Fund, an arm of Black Lives Matter Louisville, around 4 p.m. 

Under the terms of the bond agreement, Brown will be placed on home incarceration. Brown was released to his family, who did not speak with reporters outside of the Hall of Justice. Brown’s $100,000 cash bond was posted by the Louisville Community Bail Fund, an arm of Black Lives Matter Louisville, around 4 p.m. 

Chief Erika Shields of the Louisville Metro Police Department says 911 calls came in about 10:15 on Monday regarding an “active aggressor.” Police cleared the building housing Greenberg’s office, which is near Butchertown Market and the JBS plant. Shots were fired and although Greenberg was not hit directly, a bullet did puncture his sweater. Shields said nobody was hurt. Police arrested Brown about a half mile from Greenberg’s office; according to his arrest report, he was found with a loaded 9mm Glock and multiple magazines, and he was charged with four counts of wanton endangerment and attempted murder. 

A social justice activist, a University of Louisville student, and a potential Louisville Metro Council District 5 candidate, Brown went missing in July 2021; his parents told WAVE he could have been suffering from a mental breakdown.

I"t's Official: Gur Enticing Tens Of Youths To Leave Homes Of Parents Who Joined Rabbi Shaul’s Breakaway Faction


Haaretz investigative reporter Aharon Rabinowitz, who exposed Chaim Walder’s actions to the public, claims in a new report that the Gur chasidus is actively working to entice youths to leave the homes of parents who joined the community of Rabbi Shaul Alter.

Rabinowitz received taped messages as well as talking with different members of the chasidus and concluded that the case of the Sandik family, whose two daughters refused to return home when their parents left the chasidus, is not a singular event. At least ten youths both male and female have left their homes with the encouragement of the Gur central committee and hundreds more families have been torn, with parents against children as well as brothers against their own brothers.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ki Sisah


Get your Tzeddaka Money Ready ..Four Chareidie Youth Arrested in France for Illegal Smuggling


 Four young Israeli citizens were arrested in France, after customs officers discovered 130 kilograms of khat (known as ghat in Israel) in their suitcases. All four are members of the Charedi community.

The group included two 17 year old girls, one of whom was apparently begging her mother to come and rescue her. 

The plant, which has a mild narcotic effect, is permitted in Israel, but in most countries it is prohibited as a drug.

On February 2, four Israelis were detained at Brussels airport after 160 kilograms of khat were found in their luggage.

Last month, two brothers, Israeli yeshiva students, traveled from Israel to France with khat leaves, persuaded by purveyors who assured them that there was no legal problem with the consignment. However French authorities arrested them and placed them in jail.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry frequently publishes warnings to Israeli youth not to be enticed by Israeli distributors of khat.

Many smugglers attempt to use yeshiva students to smuggle khat into other countries, claiming that they will not be arrested if they have citizenship in those countries. They claim that even if the student is caught, he will be returned to his country but will not receive any further sanction. The smugglers promise large sums of money as well as tickets to the yeshiva students, who do not realize the severity of their actions.

This is what happens when your wife catches you davening without a minyan


Passenger Kicked Off Flight for Wearing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Mask

 A passenger on an Allegiant Air flight was kicked off because he was wearing a mask on which he wrote ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’

Video of the incident was posted to social media platform TikTok, and shows a flight attendant arguing with the passenger. The attendant tells the man to take his mask off “because of the comment you’ve got written on there.”

The passenger argued that he has a right to freedom of expression, but the flight attendant said he can either remove the mask or be forcibly removed from the plane, claiming that the mask was in violation of “an FAA regulation.”

The man was then thrown off the flight. It isn’t yet known whether he will be taking legal action against Allegiant Air.