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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Iranian ambassador in Lebanon injured by pager explosion...Thousands Badly Injured

  Question: How does the Iranian ambassador in Lebanon have a pager from a terrorist organization?

Telegram channels affiliated with Hezbollah are spreading this image:

Do not share names, do not discuss locations, do not contact the 'Mujahideen' (Hezbollah militants)—the enemy is monitoring you.

Explosive pagers in Lebanon have reportedly injured around 3,000 people, according to Lebanese media. The explosions were allegedly caused by an Israeli hack targeting Hezbollah's communication devices. Among the injured most are critically wounded, 

Iranian Says Lebanese hospitals are now infiltrated by Mossad agents trying to locate and eliminate senior Hezbollah officials.


Lebanese Report - Summary of the Beeper Explosion So Far:

10 dead, including a child

3,000 injuries, including loss of eyes, hands, and limbs

500 of the injured are in critical condition

Some injuries have resulted in permanent disabilities, potentially affecting hundreds

And all this without even a single missile being fired.


 The son of Hezbollah MP Ali Ammar has been killed by an exploding pager.

Breaking News! Pagers of Hezbollah Terrorists Exploding all Over Lebanon Many Killed!

Footage shows a Hezbollah pager exploding.

 - Saudi reports indicate that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) used advanced technology to detonate Hezbollah devices in Dahieh, Beirut. Lebanese sources describe the incident as a "mysterious operation."

 Lebanese media report simultaneous explosions of several "Pager" communication devices in multiple locations across the country, including Beirut.

 In Beirut, authorities are calling on citizens to donate blood following the explosions.

A Lebanese security source told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that the exact number of areas where Hezbollah pagers exploded cannot be defined. The explosions occurred simultaneously at multiple points, indicating a breach carried out using advanced technology. The event is considered highly dangerous.

 The Lebanese Ministry of Health has declared a mass casualty incident following the explosions.

Unconfirmed reports claim senior Hezbollah officials were killed, with over 20 injured in Beirut's southern suburb. Hezbollah has since ordered terrorists to remove their pagers. 

In 1869 Arabs almost Murdered the Ben Ish Chai on his Visit to the Mearas Ha'Machpilah

Theodore Herzl was only 9 years-old when the incident reported in last week's Ami magazine happened!
There was no Zionism and they were no Zionists in the entire world! Yet that didn't matter to the murderous Arabs, they didn't want a Jew davening at the Me'aras Ha'machpilah!

The reason I am posting this is because both Satmar and the Neturei Karta are trying to convince us that Jews and Arabs lived peacefully side by side until Zionism lifted its "ugly" head, so to speak. 
Of course these are all lies; one only has to read the letter to "Tieman by the Rambam 850 years ago to see that Arabs were always torturing and murdering Jews hundreds of years before anyone uttered the word "Zionist!" 

Arabs don't want Jews living in Eretz Yisrael even if there were no Zionists living there! 
Just weeks ago Der Goy featured an alter chusid from Yerushalayim who told the yiddish rag that his father told him the lie that Jews lives in peace with their Arab neighbors without mentioning that there were sniper attacks on Jews on a daily basis.
Now I have to say that there were some Jews that lived with some Arab families in peace, but what does that prove? 
There were families that lived good with the Germans until the Nazis took over! 
It's time to disabuse the Chassidishe Oilim of these fabricated lies and propaganda! 


43% increase in US Trade with Iran .. as Biden-Kamala Continue to Warm relations with Terrorist State


US-Iran Trade Soars as Regime Bankrolls Terror Proxies

A State Department report reveals a 43% increase in US-Iran trade in 2023, reaching $81.3 million. 

Despite claims of trading mainly agricultural goods and medicine, concerns grow over how Iran uses economic gains to fund terror proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Iranian oil revenues have surged over $90 billion under eased sanctions.

Daved Dryerman his Wife and Daughter Killed in Crash on Garden State Parkway

  A tragic Saturday night car crash on the Garden State Parkway in Woodbridge Township claimed the lives of David Dryerman, 54, his wife Michele, 54, and their 17-year-old daughter, Brooke. 

Their Tesla veered off-road and hit multiple structures. 

The local community held a ceremony to honor their memory and support their surviving son.

Below is a Chanukah memory of Brooke and her surviving brother 

US airlines’ refusal to fly to Israel send airfares skyrocketing: ‘Playing into Iran’s game’


The refusal by the top three US airlines to fly to Israel since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack has sent fares soaring for flights to Tel Aviv — and has essentially led to an economic boycott that benefits its sworn enemy Iran, critics charged.

Delta, United and American have upheld a nearly yearlong suspension of direct flights to Israel in the wake of the Hamas massacre, leaving national carrier El Al as the only airline offering non-stop service. Prices, however, have increased nearly threefold.

“The American carriers are playing into Iran’s game,” Eyal Hulata, who served as national security adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, told Bari Weiss’ online media outlet The Free Press.

Several European, African and Middle Eastern carriers have resumed service to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport despite ongoing Hamas rocket fire from the Gaza Strip as well as the specter of all-out war with Iran and Hezbollah.

The only way for US travelers to fly direct to Israel is to book an El Al flight, which costs around $2,500 for a round-trip ticket from New York to Tel Aviv.

Before Oct. 7, a flight aboard El Al cost around $900.

Despite the ongoing war with Hamas, the airlines that fly regularly into and out of Israel are the three carries from the United Arab Emirates — Etihad Airways, FlyDubai and Wizz Air Abu Dhabi.

The UAE had been technically at war with Israel until 2020, when it established diplomatic relations with Jerusalem as part of the Abraham Accords — the agreements that were brokered by the Trump administration.

“They should fly to Israel exactly like the Gulf countries and others do,” Hulata, currently a senior fellow at the pro-Israel think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Free Press in reference to the three American carriers.

“And if they don’t do this because they are scared of rockets, then there’s something fundamentally wrong in their decision making.”

He added: “There hasn’t been a rocket anywhere close to the airport for months.”

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), an outspoken supporter of Israel, is urging the three airlines to resume flights to Israel.

Torres wrote a letter to the heads of all three airlines last month asking them to map out guidelines that they following in deciding to suspend flights to Israel. None of the companies have replied.

“In my view, unless there’s an objective process put in place to prevent the politicization of air travel, I predict that in the future the BDS movement will try to weaponize air travel as a new means of boycotting Israel,” Torres told The Free Press.

“And a travel ban has the potential to be the most potent weapon in BDS’s war against the Jewish state.”

BDS stands for boycott, divestment and sanctions — tactics that supporters of Palestinians have proposed as a means of pressuring Israel.

In public statements, the airlines have stated that the decision to suspend flights was made with security in mind.

“We look forward to resuming flights as soon as it’s safe for our customers and crew,” a United spokesperson told The Post on Monday. 

An American Airlines spokesperson referred The Post to Airlines for America, the trade association and lobbying group which represents the interests of major North American carriers.

“The safety and security of all passengers and crewmembers is always the top priority of US carriers and is the foundation of all decisions,” an A4A spokesperson told The Post.

“The situation in Israel is rapidly evolving, and our carriers are continuously making individual assessments about operations based on security guidance and intelligence reports they receive.”

The Post has also sought comment Delta.

United and Delta briefly resumed flights to Tel Aviv in June, but then suspended them in August following the assassination of Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran.

Delta has said that its flights will remain suspended through Oct. 31 while American is targeting a March 2025 date for potential resumption of its route.

The State Department has a travel advisory in effect which warns Americans not to travel to Gaza and northern Israel.

Released Child Hostage Describes Spiritual Growth: ‘I started to wear a kippa and tzitzit "

 A 13-year-old Israeli boy, one of the hostages released in November, shared an extremely powerful post on Instagram, expressing his deep gratitude and connection with G-d, and discussing the spiritual growth he experienced during his harrowing ordeal.

In the emotional message, Yagil Yaakov expressed his deeply felt gratitude to the Almighty for providing him with strength and protection throughout his captivity. He also referenced the “month of forgiveness”, Elul, which precedes the High Holy Days.

“When I am often asked what is my truest connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu (G-d), I answer that all that kept me going in captivity was the belief that I was not alone, that I had Someone with me who, although He was not able to protect me from being kidnapped, but He definitely protected me there, during all those hours in captivity,” Yaakov wrote.

He added, “This is called Divine Providence. I really think that I always felt Divine Providence around me. I always felt Him with me, protecting me from every trouble and obstacle. When I came back, I immediately told everyone that I wanted to start wearing a kippa and tzitzit and everyone laughed at me. They thought I was crazy. What has that got to do with anything now? I told them I was thinking about it all the time I was in captivity.”

“The month of forgiveness has come and I feel that I have a lot to ask forgiveness for and I also feel a connection that is big enough for me to go there to also acknowledge my gratitude. To say thank you for protecting me from my enemies, and ours,” Yaakov wrote.

He concluded, “Father, thank you for the privilege of being here. You chose to show me the correct way and You will not regret this. I love you, Tata, and am sure that You are trying to protect the other hostages who are still there.”

Yagil was among the civilians abducted by Hamas during a deadly assault on Israeli border communities in October.


The Jerusalem Post Throws Jewish Values Under the Bus!



The Jerusalem Post’s opinion section has come dangerously close to throwing its supposed pro-Israel principles — as well as Jewish values in general — under the bus. In a bizarre op-ed piece, J-Post has declared that Kamala Harris is the solution “When we seek allies to preserve Israel’s place as a secure, democratic, enduring homeland for the Jewish people.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump is absolutely correct when he says that Jews like this need their heads examined.

Author Joel Thal Simonds, a reform Jew and founding executive director of the Jewish Center for Justice, makes his case by sharing personal anecdotes and offering vague, fuzzy logic to explain why Kamala espouses pro-Israel policies and Jewish values.

He offers few details or examples to support his bogus claims, save for Kamala hosting a forum to support Hamas hostages and her involvement in sending aid funding to Israel after October 7. In addition, he absurdly attempts to quote the Talmud as a source for his disgraceful support for Kamala.

DemonRats are the Direct Cause of the Trump Assassination Attempts


In the wake of a second alleged attempt on his life, former President Donald Trump’s campaign has released a hard-hitting new ad accusing prominent Democratic leaders of promoting violent rhetoric against him. The ad opens with a controversial clip of Kamala Harris making a joke about killing Trump in an elevator, setting the tone for a series of similar remarks by other Democrats.

The ad features high-profile figures such as pop icon Madonna, President Joe Biden, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Representative Maxine Waters, among others. Each of them is portrayed as making statements that have fueled a dangerous political climate.

The ad, which quickly gained traction across social media and conservative platforms, aims to paint Democrats as reckless in their rhetoric, accusing them of encouraging violence. One clip shows Madonna at the 2017 Women’s March, where she said she had thought about “blowing up the White House,” while others show Waters and Pelosi advocating for confrontational tactics against Republicans.

This ad comes shortly after an alleged second attempt on Trump’s life. While details of the incident remain sparse, Trump has capitalized on the opportunity to connect these threats to what he describes as dangerous “Communist Left rhetoric.” In a fiery TRUTH Social post, Trump lashed out at Democrats, accusing them of fostering a hostile environment.

“Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!” Trump wrote. He emphasized that the level of animosity directed toward him and his supporters is escalating, warning that if unchecked, it could lead to further violence.

The ad reflects the intensifying political polarization ahead of the 2024 election. Trump’s campaign has repeatedly focused on painting him as the target of a coordinated effort by both Democratic leaders and federal institutions, framing the threats against him as a symptom of a broader war on free speech and conservative values.

Democratic leaders have yet to respond to the new ad, but many have previously dismissed accusations of incitement, arguing that Trump’s own rhetoric has been equally inflammatory and dangerous.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Greta Thunberg named ‘Antisemite of the Week’ by Jewish advocacy group after latest arrest at anti-Israel protest


Climate activist Greta Thunberg was named “Antisemite of the Week” by a Jewish group following her arrest at a recent anti-Israel rally.

Thunberg “has joined the ranks of keffiyeh-clad protesters, brazenly voicing her disdain for the Jewish state,” the watchdog group StopAntisemitism said Friday, days after Thunberg was among those hauled off by Danish police during a demonstration at Copenhagen University.

“She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization added.

The 21-year-old was arrested on Sept. 4 while protesting with the group Students Against the Occupation, which called on the university to cease all connections with Israel, including putting an end to several cross-university student programs.

Among the programs between Copenhagen University and Israel is even a student exchange program dedicated to Thunberg’s flagship cause — fighting climate change, according to StopAntisemitism.

“Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Despite Israel being a global leader in tackling climate disasters and rushing to aid in crises worldwide, Greta sides with their homicidal terrorist enemies,” founder Liora Rez said in a statement.

“Her actions speak louder than her words. She claims to care about the future of humanity but Greta’s hypocrisy is on full display as she’s been active in championing Hamas leaders who openly call for genocide.”

Thunberg’s arrest at Copenhagen University was just her latest appearance at an anti-Israel demonstration, a cause she’s taken up in full force since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

“We demand that the Stockholm University administration cut all ties, agreements and collaborations with the genocidal, apartheid state of Israel,” she wrote after attending a demonstration at Stockholm University in May, where she was also carried away by police.

She joined pro-Palestinians just days after Oct. 7, posting a photo of herself holding a sign reading “Stand with Gaza” — alongside a toy octopus, which some read as an allusion to the Nazis’ antisemitic propaganda visualizing Judaism’s supposed network of control over the world.

Thunberg — who is autistic — later removed the photo and claimed she was “completely unaware” of the historical use of antisemitic octopus imagery and clarified she meant for it to represent her emotions.

“The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings,” she said.

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Would-be Trump assassin repeated Harris, Biden’s anti-Trump rhetoric and backed Dem candidates

The alleged gunman who authorities said targeted former President Trump while he golfed in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year, and “we cannot lose” — echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden.

Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. 

Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019.

He also bashed Trump in an April 22 post on X in which he declared, “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose.”

He advised Biden, 81, in an April 22 X post when he was still running for reelection, to run a campaign around keeping “America democratic and free.”

He claimed Trump wants to “make Americans slaves against master.”

“DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose,” he wrote, a similar slogan commonly used by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

“We cannot afford to fail,” Routh continued. “The world is counting on us to show the way.”

This is similar to language that Harris continues to use on the campaign trail.  On Aug. 29, she said at a rally in Savannah, Ga., “We are fighting for our democracy.”

On July 31, she said at an event in Houston that “our fundamental freedoms are on the ballot and so is our democracy” — after using identical wording at a sorority event the same day.

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, told The Post: “It is no coincidence that Routh repeated Kamala’s and Joe’s extremist rhetoric against Trump. At this point it is inexcusable incitement.”

“You should visit the victims in the hospital of the trump rally victims and attend the funeral of the fireman that died; Trump certainly never would. SHOW THE WORLD WHAT REAL LEADERS DO,” he posted on July 16.

He also tweeted at Trump in June 2020 that while he supported the Republican in 2016, he was left disappointed by his tenure in the Oval Office.

“I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone,” he wrote.

Routh chipped in money for Democrats running for office and liberal causes since 2019.

Between September of that year and March 2020, he contributed more than $140 on the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings show.

The records did not list an employer.

His LinkedIn shows that he attended North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, but relocated to Hawaii sometime around 2018.

Routh describes on LinkedIn as “mechanically minded” and enjoying “ideas and invention and creative projects with artistic flair.”

Routh was spotted by Secret Service agents near the Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach with a Soviet-style SKS assault rifle, according to sources.

The agents opened fire on him, but he fled. Routh was later arrested on I-95 by local police.


Leibel Schwartz Owner of Electric Outlet Dies at 69

Reb Leibel Schwartz Z”L, died suddenly he was 69 years old.

Leibel was the owner of Electric Outlet in Spring Valley and previously owned the Lake House Hotel in the Catskills and Ramapo Plumbing in Monsey.

The Levaya will take place on Sunday afternoon at Rabbi Templer’s Shul 24 Crestview Terrace, Monsey at 1:00PM, followed by the kevurah at Monsey Beis Hachaim.


Hamas Nazis Join Ant-Zionist Chareidim to Protest Shul in Cedarhurst


Anti-Zionist Chareidim and Hamas supporters showed up today to protest a synagogue in Long Island. Why? 

Simply because the community is Jewish. This blatant display highlights how anti-Zionism often masks outright hatred of Jews, despite claims to the contrary.

Pro-Hamas groups targeted the synagogue in a residential neighborhood in Cedarhurst, NY, but Israel supporters and community members were there to counter them. Loud and proud, they drowned out the hateful voices. A big thank you to everyone who showed up, and to the Nassau County Police Department for ensuring the safety of all involved.

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Affidavit of ABC Whistleblower Revealed Moderators of Rigged the Debate

 Journalist Kyle Becker, a former Fox News producer, re-posted screenshots of a document on X, claiming to be an alleged affidavit signed by a whistleblower ABC employee.

According to the images (see below) shared by Becker and several other online reporters and Trump supporters, the whistleblower is accusing Kamala Harris’ campaign of ‘instructing’ the ABC debate moderators to ask and avoid certain questions, and there was an agreement that they would fact-check only Trump but not Kamala.

Here are the allegations:

1. Kamala Harris allegedly received sample or similar questions in advance of the debate.
2. The Harris administration allegedly prevented ABC from questioning Joe Biden’s health.
3. They reportedly blocked inquiries into allegations against Kamala Harris’s brother-in-law, accused of embezzling billions in taxpayer money.
4. ABC employees are said to be fearful of potential retribution from Trump.
5. The whistleblower claims to have secret recordings proving the Harris administration pressured moderators to fact-check Trump.
6. ABC was allegedly instructed on which questions to avoid during the debate with Kamala Harris.

According to Becker’s post, the “ABC News whistleblower swears under penalty of perjury that the Kamala Harris campaign dictated the terms of the questions during the presidential debate.

“Furthermore, the Harris campaign insisted upon live “fact checking” of Donald Trump during the debate. ABC News “fact checked” Trump at least five times and did not fact check Harris once, despite the Democratic candidate telling provable lies, such as the “fine people hoax” and the ‘bloodbath’ hoax.”

“The whistleblower signed the affidavit in New York and has sent a copy to Speaker Mike Johnson, the notarized document states.

“The unnamed individual states that he or she is in possession of secret recordings that will prove that ABC News rigged the presidential debate.”


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Apple Air Tag $24.88 Same Day Delivery
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New crop of soldiers take the oath to protect Am Yisroel at a _Hashba'ah_ (swearing-in) ceremony at the Kotel yesterday.


A new crop of soldiers take the oath to serve and protect Am Yisroel at a _Hashba'ah_ (swearing-in) ceremony at the Kotel today.

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Apple Air Tag $24.88 Same Day Delivery
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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Letter that Theodor Herzl Wrote in 1897 ... as if he wrote it yesterday!


Herzl, in 1897

"We have sincerely tried everywhere to merge with the national communities in which we live, seeking only to preserve the faith of our fathers. It is not permitted.

 In vain are we loyal patriots, sometimes super loyal; in vain do we make the same sacrifices of life and property as our fellow citizens; in vain do we strive to enhance the fame of our native lands in the arts and sciences, or her wealth by trade and commerce.

 In our native lands where we have lived for centuries, we are still decried as aliens, often by men whose ancestors had not yet come at a time when Jewish sighs had long been heard in the country...If we were only left in peace...But I think we shall not be left in peace."

I know that with the above Herzl quote, all the haters will come out like roaches when lights come on! 

The truth is that both Satmar and Skver owe Herzl, a huge hakoras ha'toiv, but they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the good that he did for them! 

In 1903 Theodor Herzl presented the Sixth World Zionist Congress in Basil with the infamous "Uganda Scheme!" 

Herzl presented this idea as a temporary refuge for Jews to escape the rising antisemitism in Europe.

This "Uganda" business was not his idea it was the brainchild of the British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain who wanted to create a Jewish Homeland in Uganda, Herzl was initially against the scheme as his focus was primarily on Palestine, however, everything changed after the Kishnev Pogrom and at that point, he went all out to a secure a Jewish Homeland even if it was Uganda; the scheme crashed and failed as the Zionist were against it; they wanted Eretz Yisrael exclusively! 

The proof that he initially wanted Palestine is in the letter above that was printed in 1897, six years BEFORE he presented the "Uganda Scheme" to the Zionist Congress. In the letter, he laments and expresses his sorrow that Jews "will never be left in peace" in the diaspora. There are of course many other documents that prove this as well!

So what does this have to do with Satmar? 

A couple of weeks ago both Der Goy and Der Bloteh, Satmar newspapers, denigrated Herzl  falsely claiming that Herzl "really had no connection to Eretz Yisrael since he proposed "Uganda" as a Homeland for the Jewish people"

We all know, especially history buffs, that this is a bald-faced fabricated lie! 

What is fascinating is what they didn't write! 

What they didn't have the cajónes to write was that Satmar and Skver actually implemented the "Uganda Scheme" in their own communities! 

Kiryas "Uganda" Yoel in Monroe and New "Uganda" Skver in Spring Valley! 

Both of these communities in Chutz Le'aaretz is precisely the plan that Herzl presented to the Sixth Zionist Congress, having a Jewish State exclusively for Jews outside of Eretz Yisrael! 

Not only aren't they thanking him for this "brilliant" idea but they denigrate him for exactly wanting what they actually did! Herzl never succeeded in this initial "scheme" but Satmar did succeed,. 

Not only that, but Satmar is constantly fighting with their goyishe neighbors because they are seeking to expand Kiryas "uganda" Yoel buying land and expelling the goyim to expand. They are constantly in the courts! Their rallying cry against Jewish Settlers in Eretz Yisrael "Hisgaaras Be'umois" is suddenly silent when it comes to themselves! 

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