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Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Final Photo



Last image taken before a Hamas RPG killed them as they were in their APC (armored personal carrier) vehicle during a reconnaissance mission to rescue hostages and defeat Hamas in Gaza.

The names of the heroes are:

- Lt. Ariel Reich, 24 years old, from Jerusalem, a combat officer in the 77th Battalion, 'Storm from the Golan' formation, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Asif Luger, 21 years old, Migor, a fighter in the 77th Battalion, 'Saar Megolan' formation, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Adi Danan, 20 years old, Mivneh, platoon commander in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Sgt. Halel Solomon, 20 years old, from Dimona, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Erez Mishlovsky, 20 years old, from Oranit, a fighter in the Sabar Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Adi Leon (Adi Leon), 20 years old, from Nili, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Ido Ovadia, 19 years old, from Tel Aviv, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Lior Siminovich, 19 years old, from Herzliya, a fighter in the Sabar Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Roei Dawi, 20 years old, from Jerusalem, a platoon commander in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

יהי זכרם ברוך 🕯️

Avram Fried Singing with the Soldiers


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Graham says ‘no amount ’ of Palestinian deaths would make him question Israel

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Tuesday that no number of civilian deaths in Gaza would cause him to question Israel’s goal of eradicating Hamas.

In an interview on CNN’s “NewsNight,” Graham made clear his support for Israel would not waver under any circumstance. Still, he said they should “be smart” and try to limit civilian casualties, which he said Israel is trying to do.

Asked whether there should be a threshold where he starts questioning Israel’s tactics in its war against Hamas, the senator said “no.”

“If somebody asked us after World War II, is there a limit to what you would do to make sure that Japan and Germany don’t conquer the world? Is there any limit to what Israel should do to the people who are trying to slaughter the Jews? The answer is no,” Graham said.

“There is no limit, but here’s what you need to do: Be smart. Let’s try to limit civilian casualties the best we can. Let’s put humanitarian aid in areas that protect the innocent. I’m all for that,” the South Carolina Republican continued. “But this idea that Israel has to apologize for attacking Hamas, who’s embedded with their own population, needs to stop.”

Israel confirmed Tuesday that its strikes hit a densely populated refugee camp, where a high-ranking Hamas official was strategically located. Pressed about the news, Graham underscored the gruesome tactics Hamas took Oct. 7.

After the murderous attack by Hamas, TV personality Tzufit Grant said that she is now ready to acknowledge that the Leftists Are Dead Wrong


Tzufit Grant, a well known left-wing Israeli television personality, met with hareidi women who volunteered to help the IDF, and spoke about the moment she agreed with Daniella Weiss, head of the right-wing Nachala movement, longstanding activist for communities in Judea and Samaria, and former mayor of Kedumim.

"I had an argument with right-wing supporter Danielle Weiss. I remember saying to her, 'How can you be so harsh towards Arabs? What, a Muslim woman has no mercy? A Muslim woman is not a mother?'" said Grant.

Weiss answered her, "A Muslim woman is a mother who prefers for her son to be a martyr than anything else."

Grant shared: "I told her, 'Enough, enough, I can't listen to this anymore.' Today, I'm suddenly willing to recognize this."

Grant also spoke about a conversation she had with her nephew a week ago, when he told her, "Everything that is happening here is not new, you just refused to believe it."

When Grant asked when this happened, her nephew replied: "The Fogel family was murdered and slaughtered. They were massacred. It just seemed like you didn't want to hear it. You weren't ready to listen to it."

She spoke during a journey to meet with hareidi women who helped pack supplies for IDF soldiers. "I think the hareidi world, today more than ever, feels a real existential need to be a part of what is happening here now, of this unity," she said.

Son of terror victim Rabbi Michael Mark fell in battle against Hamas terrorists

 Second Lieutenant Pdaya Mark, son of terror victim Rabbi Michael Mark, who was murdered near Hebron in 2016, fell in battle with Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Pdaya's cousin, Elchanan Kalmanson, fell in battle on October 7, as Jews throughout the country celebrated the Simchat Torah holiday. Kalmanson was battling Hamas terrorists who had overtaken communities in southern Israel, when he fell.

When he was 15, Pdaya and his family were driving to Jerusalem when a terrorist opened fire at them, shooting 29 bullets at the family's vehicle, which then overturned. The bullets hit the entire family, but Pdaya himself was hit only by shrapnel.

Three years after the terror attack, Pdaya's brother Shlomi was killed in a traffic accident while on his way to his job in the Defense Ministry. Pdaya's sister Orit Mark Ettinger is an Israeli media personality.

Rabbi Michael Mark, a cousin of former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, was the dean of the hesder yeshiva in Otniel, and brother to Yochi Kalmanson, whose husband Rabbi Benny Kalmanson heads the yeshiva together with Rabbi Re'em Hacohen.

A notice published by the town of Otniel on Wednesday morning reads, "Blessed is the true Judge. With indescribable pain, the Otniel family announces the fall of Pdaya Mark in a heroic battle against Hamas terrorists. Details regarding the funeral and the week of mourning will be sent later. The Otniel family embraces the Mark and Kalmanson families. May we be comforted with the rebuilding of Jerusalem."

Following threats from Yemenite Houthis, Israeli Navy sends missile boats towards Red Sea.


DIN: Its important for Israel to hit Yemen even though it is 2,000 miles away, this will signal Iran that it can be also be hit, since Iran is also 2,000 miles from Israel 

In accordance with the situational assessment and as part of defensive efforts in the area, on Tuesday Israeli Navy missile boats arrived in the area of the Red Sea, the IDF confirmed.

On Tuesday night, the IDF Aerial Defense Array intercepted an aerial threat that was identified in the area of the Red Sea, south of the city of Eilat. According to the IDF, no threat was posed to civilians and no infiltration into Israeli territory was identified.

Earlier, residents of Eilat had reported hearing explosions in the city and seeing the trail of a missile interception in the sky. No siren was sounded.

On Tuesday morning, sirens sounded in Eilat and the area, warning of a hostile aircraft infiltration. Shortly afterwards, Israel's defense echelon said that the air defense system intercepted a UAV that was headed towards Eilat while it was still over the Red Sea. The interception, which was successful, took place outside Israel's borders.

The IAF later said it thwarted an aerial threat in the area of the Red Sea - its first operational interception by the “Arrow” Aerial Defense System since the beginning of the war.

On Tuesday afternoon, a spokesman for the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed responsibility for recent attacks against Israel. "We launched missiles and drones and pledge to continue the attacks on Israel until the end of Israeli aggression in Gaza."

9 soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza now cleared for publication


The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit on Wednesday morning cleared for publication the names of nine soldiers who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip:

- Ariel Reich, 24, from Jerusalem

- Asif Luger, 21, from Yagur

- Adi Danan, 20, from Yavne

- Halel Solomon, 20, from Dimona

- Erez Mishlovsky, 20, from Oranit

- Adi Leon, 20, from Nili.

- Ido Ovadia, 19, from Tel Aviv

- Lior Siminovich, 19, from Herzliya

- Roei Dawi, 20, from Jerusalem

In addition, two soldiers were seriously injured during the fighting in the last day. Their families have been notified.

On Tuesday, the names of two IDF soldiers who fell in battle against the Hamas terrorist organization in northern Gaza were cleared for publication.

Sergeant Roei Wolf, a 20-year-old resident of Ramat Gan, and Sergeant Lavi Lipshitz, a 20-year-old resident of Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, were killed during battles on the ground against Hamas in northern Gaza.

Both soldiers served in the Givati Brigade Commando Unit. They were killed by an RPG that was fired at the building in which the Givati soldiers were stationed at the time.

Patrick Dai in Custody for Posting Online Threats About Jewish Students at Cornell University


 A Cornell University student was arrested Tuesday and accused of posting threatening statements online about Jewish students at the school, law enforcement officials said.

Patrick Dai, 21, a junior from Pittsford, New York, is charged in a federal criminal complaint with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications, according to a joint announcement from the U.S. Attorney’s office, FBI, New York State police and Cornell University Police.

It was not immediately clear if Dai had hired an attorney. The federal courts website had not yet been updated with the case. Dai did not respond to a Facebook message and his Cornell email address could not be immediately accessed.

The charge carries a possible five-year prison sentence, officials said.

The menacing messages, posted over the weekend on a forum about fraternities and sororities, alarmed students at the Ivy League school in upstate New York. The anonymous threats came amid a spike of antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric appearing on social media during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Dai is scheduled to appear Wednesday in federal court in Syracuse, New York, before a United States Magistrate Judge.

Joel M. Malina, vice president for university relations at Cornell University, said the school was grateful for the quick work of the FBI.

“We remain shocked by and condemn these horrific, antisemitic threats and believe they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” Malina said in a statement. “We know that our campus community will continue to support one another in the days ahead.”

The comments this weekend were left on a Greek life website that is not affiliated with the school in Ithaca, New York, about 227 miles (365 kilometers) northwest of New York City.

Dai’s threatening messages included posts calling for the deaths of Jewish people and a post that threatened to “shoot up 104 west,” a Cornell University dining hall that caters predominantly to kosher diets and is located next to the Cornell Jewish Center, according to the complaint.

The messages threatened to “stab” and “slit the throat” of any Jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any Jewish females, and to behead any Jewish babies, according to the complaint. In that same post, Dai threatened to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews,” authorities said.

The Cornell University Police Department reacted by increasing patrols and arranging additional security for Jewish students and organizations. A state police cruiser was parked in the street in front of the Center for Jewish Living on Monday.

The threats also prompted a campus visit by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul.

“Public safety is my top priority and I’m committed to combatting hate and bias wherever it rears its ugly head.” Hochul said in a statement before the arrests Tuesday.

TUNNELS INFESTED WITH MURDERERS: Hamas Gives Russian Journalists Tour Of Their Gaza Strip Tunnels


Hamas terrorists recently provided a tour of their underground tunnel labyrinth in the Gaza Strip, showcasing the difficult obstacle Israeli troops must overcome to root the terrorist group from the coastal enclave.

In the video below, the terrorists can be seen showing Russia Today journalists around their tunnels. Note that the video has an almost propaganda news release aspect to it.

Bobover Rebbe of 48th Street States: "We don't Pray for a Victory For the IDF"

 I know Ben-Zion when he was a little svantz running after girls in his yard on Brooklyn Ave and Park Place. Nothing has changed. Even those close to him know him as a "upgerissinar naar" a bloody fool.

They made him Rebbe because he has the Halberstam name and is a great actor. He is a huge Am-Haaretz and probably cannot decipher a simple rashi on chumash!

Having said that, I'm in shock that he has a sinah for other Jews in uniform giving up their lives on a daily basis while he goes every morning to his closet to choose which color bekeshe he will wear that day.

Which Jew never mind a leader would utter those hateful words. How sick and how perverted can a Jew be? and then mocks the IDF saying "look what they look like" Sick Sick ..

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Good Relevant "Vort" From R' Shlomo On the Week of his Yurzeit

Arab Beats the Hell Out Of A Jewish Girl on a London Train


Munkatch Puts Out "Kol Korah" Against One of the Mispallem That Made a "Mi Shebeirach" For the IDF


The Munkatcher Rebbe is a fake anti-Zionist whose father R' Baruch Rabinowitz z"l wrote in his will that the present Munkatcher Rebbe should not say Kaddish for him and not hold his Yurzeit.

In the Kol Korah above, they say that the Minchas Elezer, the grandfather of the Munkatcher would constantly curse the Zionists stating "Zionists Yemach Shemom" 
Some old munkatchers say that the Minchas Elezar's utter hate against the Zionists caused many of his flock to remain in Munkatch, refusing to make Aliya to the then Palestine, only to be brutally murdered by the Nazis just a few years later.

The Munkatcher's father the late R' Baruch Rabinowitz was the Minchas Eliezer's son-in-law and was an anti-Zionist himself until R' Baruch saw during WW2  that no nation in the entire world wanted the Jews and stated that "if we didn't have the State of Israel all would be G-d Forbid lost." R' Baruch z'l became a "mizrachist" and a staunch Zionist. Turned out R' Baruch z'l was absolutely correct as the Zionist State of Israel has accepted all Jews with open arms, and is now the home of over 7 million Jews. It is "dafka" in this Zionist State that has the most Moisdois Ha'Torah,. In Munkatch, the city that was annihilated by the Nazis, there isn't a Jew living there. 
R' Baruch's son, today's Munkatcher cut off relations from him and stole the name "Munkatch" from him and made himself rebbe in Boro Park when he was barely 20 years old. 

Two weeks ago, on Parshas Noach, one of the mispallim of his shul on 14th Avenue was called up for an Aliyah, and then innocently made a "Mi Shebeirach" for our Chayalim who are putting their lives on the front to save their brothers and sisters!
All hell broke loose! G-d Forbid to make a "Mi Shebeirach" for Zionist soldiers.

One nice sunny day, mobs of Goyim will come rioting on the streets of Boro Park and may even storm the Munkatcher Shul, and who is going to protect them? NYC Cops? 
Think this never happened in New York? Well ask the dead Yankel Rosenbaum z"l who was murdered on the streets of Crown Heights when mobs of Black rioted against the Jews and the Cops stood by doing nothing, because of the then Mayor Dinkins, who gave a Fatwa to let the blacks"vent."

Guys this is why Moshiach refuses to come. 

 A Munkatcher Chasid fun der Alter Heim just emailed me stating that the Minchas Elazer also cursed the Agudists and the Mizrachim saying 
"Dee Zionistim, Agudasts in deee Mizrachistin ym"s"
I want to put this in context of the times, The Chafetz Chayim was an Agudist, and so was the Gerer Rebbe. In fact, the Aguda was then against a State, but that didn't stop the Minchas Eluzer from cursing them.

New York Times Putting Jewish Soldiers In Danger Providing Hamas IDF Locations in Real Time


 Hana Levi Julian

It appears the New York Times has taken a step beyond its usual hate-and-hit pieces aimed at Israel and Orthodox Jews in New York and is now helping out Hamas by publishing specific information about Israel Defense Forces movements in Gaza.

On Monday (October 30), the Grey Lady laid out a map of Israeli military positions in Gaza, including type of vehicles and approximate size involved.

With the subheading “Where Israeli troops are encircling Gaza City,” the article opined, “Israel’s military appears to be approaching Gaza City from at least three sides. Photos, videos and satellite imagery show lines of armored vehicles advancing from Gaza’s northern border and taking up positions near a major road farther north.”

Can’t get much more specific than that, unless you are wearing a green IDF uniform.

Furthermore, as pointed out by the Elder of Ziyon blog, “How is this not a violation of US law against aiding terror organizations?” The US State Department designated Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization in October 1997.

According to the US State Department, “It is unlawful for a person in the United States to knowingly provide “material support or resources” to a designated FTO (foreign terrorist organization).

The legal criteria for designation of a foreign terror organization includes the following: “The organization’s terrorist activity or terrorism must threaten the security of U.S. nationals or the national security (national defense, foreign relations, or the economic interests) of the United States.”

The term “material support or resources” is defined in 18. U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(1) as ” any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who maybe or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(2) provides that for these purposes “the term ‘training’ means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(3) further provides that for these purposes the term ‘expert advice or assistance’ means advice or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge.’’

Deep in Gaza, IDF waging fierce battles with Hamas terrorists


Will keep you updated .... IDF Now deep in Gaza territory both in the south and the north 

Israel Celebrates the Rescue and the Return of One our Own


Netherland Musicians Leave the Stage After the Conductor announced that he is a Hamas Supporter all in front of the Queen

 In the Netherlands: a Muslim conductor supported Hamas before a concert began. All the musicians left and he was escorted out by security. All this in front of the Queen... this is exactly how all supporters of terrorists such as: Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the MST and others should be treated

Yad Veshem Radical Leftie Chairman Attacks Ambassador Erdan says "Take Your Hands Off Our Holocaust"


Israel’s UN Envoy Gilad Erdan on Monday wore a yellow star of David with the slogan “Never again” emblazoned on it when he spoke at the UN Security Council’s emergency discussion of the war and the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, convened at the request of the United Arab Emirates.

Yad Vashem Chairman Danny Dayan on Tuesday morning slammed Erdan, tweeting: “We were sorry to see the members of the Israeli delegation to the UN wearing a yellow patch. This act dishonors both the victims of the Holocaust and the State of Israel. The yellow patch symbolizes the helplessness of the Jewish people and their being at the mercy of others. Today we have an independent country and a strong army. We are masters of our destiny. Today we put a blue & white flag on our lapel, not a yellow patch.”

Erdan later tweeted Monday night: “Today at the Security Council, I wore the yellow patch and rebuked the members of the council: When my family members were sent to the gas chambers – the world was silent. Today, after Jewish babies have once again been burned alive – the Security Council is silent. You have learned nothing in the past eighty years! The UN has forgotten why it was founded! But we will make sure to remind them: from now on, my team and I will wear a yellow patch to remind you of the shame of your silence. And we will carry it with pride until we eliminate the Nazi Hamas. NEVER AGAIN is now!”

It was difficult to avoid seeing the Dayan attack on Erdan as purely a turf war. After all, since when is Yad Vashem the arbiter of what symbols are appropriate and inappropriate for Israelis, including Israeli officials, to wear on their lapels?

Israelis who have been advocating for the replacement of Chairman Dayan, who was appointed by the Lapid-Bennett government, reminded the left-leaning chairman of his organization’s refusal to display the picture of the Mufti of Jerusalem with Adolf Hitler because they argued that the meeting between the Mufti and Hitler had no practical influence on Nazi policy.

But by evading the question of the Mufti’s connection to the Nazis, Yad Vashem also avoided a front-and-center discussion of SS units comprised of dedicated Muslims, most notably the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian), a mountain infantry division of the Waffen-SS with Muslim recruits from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The term United Nations was first coined by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to describe the Allied forces that fought against Germany, Japan, and Italy. The first official use of this term was on January 1, 1942, when 26 governments signed the Atlantic Treaty, in which they pledged to continue the war effort.

Incidentally, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) began in 1943 in the White House, as an international relief agency to take care of war refugees in Europe and the Far East.

Israel’s UN ambassador wears yellow star in protest, compares Hamas to SS death squad


Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations called out the organization for its failure to condemn Hamas “atrocities” while donning a Nazi-era yellow star as a stark reminder of what happened in the past when the “world” stayed silent.

During a heated address before the UN Security Council, Ambassador Gilad Erdan compared the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack to what his grandfather Chaim and his children endured when they were ripped away from their lives and taken to Auschwitz by the Nazis.

“When his babies were sent to the gas chambers, the world stayed silent. When their bodies were burned along with millions of other Jewish children, the world was silent,” Erdan said during Monday’s meeting.

“Today, after innocent Jewish babies were burned alive, this Council is still silent. Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years.

“Some of you have forgotten why this body was established.”

The ambassador, along with his delegation, then took out the gold stars similar to the ones Jews were forced to wear by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to “remind” the group why they were first created.

“Just like my grandparents, and the grandparents of millions of Jews, from now on my team and I will wear yellow stars,” he told the Council as he stood up and placed the star inscribed with the words “Never Again” on his chest.

Nazi Germany used the Star of David patch to identify Jews between 1939 until the end of World War II.

“We will wear this star until you wake up and condemn the atrocities of Hamas,” Erdan said.

During the address, Erdan stated to the Council that the only solution being sought out by Hamas was “the final solution” and that the terrorist organization’s idea of peace would only be achieved by the elimination of Jews in Israel.

There are no pro-Palestinian rallies — only pro-Hamas, antisemitic hate

 Despite the headlines about pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses, in cities around the world and on the Arab street, there has not been a single rally that is actually pro-Palestinian.

All have been anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism and often antisemitic.

None has called for a two-state solution.

Instead, attendees have chanted about eliminating Jews “from the river to the sea” — which is all of Israel.

The most anti-Palestinian entity in the world is Hamas.

It has killed and exiled elected officials from the Palestinian Authority.

It has stolen food, fuel and medical supplies from the Palestinian people.

It has used Palestinian children and women as human shields.

It has prevented Gaza’s civilians from moving south and away from Israeli bombing.

It has denied Gazans education and religious and political freedom.

It has made life miserable for its people.

It has caused the deaths of more Palestinians than Israel has.

All this was well before the war Hamas started with its massacres, which the terrorist group knew would make things worse for Gazan civilians.

Indeed, that was part of its motive in attacking: to force Israel to respond forcefully so the world would see dead Palestinian babies they use as human shields.

Now things have gotten much worse and are likely to get even more serious, as Hamas hoards Gaza’s remaining fuel and humanitarian supplies.

This is all the fault of Hamas and its puppet master Iran.