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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

9 soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza now cleared for publication


The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit on Wednesday morning cleared for publication the names of nine soldiers who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip:

- Ariel Reich, 24, from Jerusalem

- Asif Luger, 21, from Yagur

- Adi Danan, 20, from Yavne

- Halel Solomon, 20, from Dimona

- Erez Mishlovsky, 20, from Oranit

- Adi Leon, 20, from Nili.

- Ido Ovadia, 19, from Tel Aviv

- Lior Siminovich, 19, from Herzliya

- Roei Dawi, 20, from Jerusalem

In addition, two soldiers were seriously injured during the fighting in the last day. Their families have been notified.

On Tuesday, the names of two IDF soldiers who fell in battle against the Hamas terrorist organization in northern Gaza were cleared for publication.

Sergeant Roei Wolf, a 20-year-old resident of Ramat Gan, and Sergeant Lavi Lipshitz, a 20-year-old resident of Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, were killed during battles on the ground against Hamas in northern Gaza.

Both soldiers served in the Givati Brigade Commando Unit. They were killed by an RPG that was fired at the building in which the Givati soldiers were stationed at the time.


Brisker Payois said...

I wonder if the Bobover Rebbe and the Munkatcher Rebbe are now happy?

Anonymous said...

Bobov is also in Bat Yam, how about removing all protection from his neigjborhood ?