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Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Final Photo



Last image taken before a Hamas RPG killed them as they were in their APC (armored personal carrier) vehicle during a reconnaissance mission to rescue hostages and defeat Hamas in Gaza.

The names of the heroes are:

- Lt. Ariel Reich, 24 years old, from Jerusalem, a combat officer in the 77th Battalion, 'Storm from the Golan' formation, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Asif Luger, 21 years old, Migor, a fighter in the 77th Battalion, 'Saar Megolan' formation, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Adi Danan, 20 years old, Mivneh, platoon commander in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Sgt. Halel Solomon, 20 years old, from Dimona, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Erez Mishlovsky, 20 years old, from Oranit, a fighter in the Sabar Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Adi Leon (Adi Leon), 20 years old, from Nili, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Ido Ovadia, 19 years old, from Tel Aviv, a fighter in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

- Corporal Lior Siminovich, 19 years old, from Herzliya, a fighter in the Sabar Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

- Sergeant Roei Dawi, 20 years old, from Jerusalem, a platoon commander in the Saber Battalion, Givati ​​Brigade, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

יהי זכרם ברוך 🕯️

1 comment:

Professor Ryesky said...
