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Thursday, August 3, 2023

This Chassidishe Guy Will Have None of the PRONUN Mishagaas!


New cancer hope as a pill ‘annihilates all solid tumors’ — thanks to this little girl


Cancer has a powerful new enemy — and it is fueled by a 9-year-old girl with an unforgettable smile.

Researchers have developed a drug containing a molecule called AOH1996 that “appears to annihilate all solid tumors” in preclinical research — while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

The drug AOH1996 is named after Anna Olivia Healey, a cancer patient from Indiana who was born in 1996.

“I knew I wanted to do something special for that little girl,” Linda Malkas of City of Hope in Duarte, California, a leading cancer research center, said in a statement received by The Post.

“She died when she was only 9 years old from neuroblastoma, a children’s cancer that affects only 600 kids in America each year.”

Cancer has a powerful new enemy — and it is fueled by a 9-year-old girl with an unforgettable smile.

R' Yerucham Praga From Modiin Illit, Father Of 11 Dies After Dehydrating In Jordan Valley Stream


In a tragic accident which occurred in the Yitav (Uja) Stream in the southern Jordan Valley, Rabbi Binyamin Praga (44), an Avreich from Modiin Illit, died of dehydration during a family trip.

Rabbi Praga had accompanied his father, Rav Yerucham Praga, and some of his children on the trip. During the course of the trip his father did not feel well and Rabbi Binyamin hurried with his children to try and summon assistance, as he did not have cellphone reception in the stream.

Unfortunately, Rabbi Binyamin himself collapsed from dehydration and exhaustion and his children hurried on to try and get help. Some of the children got lost on the trail and others who managed to get out called rescue workers. About 100 volunteers rushed to the scene, assisted by a military helicopter, a police chopper and members of the Megilot rescue unit.

'No Smoking Gun’ in the latest Trump indictment .. Dershowitz


Never Before Seen Film Showing the Sudden Liberation of Jews in a Cattle Car


The US National Archives recently published never-seen-before footage of the liberation of 2,500 Jews from a Nazi death train that was transporting them from Bergen-Belsen to Theresienstadt, Ynet reported on Monday.

The Nazi soldiers on the train had been ordered to blow the train up over the Elbe River if they couldn’t make it to Theresienstadt. However, when the Nazi cowards spotted American tanks on April 13, 1945, they fled and the Jews were liberated by soldiers from the 30th Division of the U.S. Army. A third of the train’s passengers were children.

Ynet quoted George Gross, the commander of the American tank: “Everyone looked like a skeleton, so starved, their faces sick. And there was something else. When they saw us, they began to laugh with joy, if you can call it laughter. It was more like an outburst of pure, almost hysterical relief.”

One of the US soldiers, Abraham Cohen, shouted to the Jews, ‘Ich bin oich a Yid’ and showed them his Magen Dovid necklace.

Many photos of the train’s liberation were published in the past but this is the first time a video was published. The clip was found in the U.S. National Archives during research for a documentary on the train’s liberation by Matthew Rozell, a New York history teacher and author.

“A few days ago, I received a message from Matthew that another miracle connected to the train had occurred,” said Varda Weisskopf, whose father was on the train. “I was in tears when I saw this clip.”

Death train survivor Jacob Barzilai, 90, who was 12 when the train was liberated, found himself, his mother and his sister in the video.

“We arrived at Bergen-Belsen as five people and only three of us returned. I lost my father and my grandfather there,” he said, as quoted by Ynet. “In the clip, I saw my mother, my sister and myself. It was the day of the train liberation on April 13, 1945. I was very emotional to see the footage. I was at a loss for words.”

“Our train was perhaps the most documented in the Holocaust. Its intended destination was to drown us in the Elbe, and the Americans prevented that. For years, I have seen countless photos of this train. But this is the first time I am seeing video footage.”

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Watch How "ORA" A Holy Jewish Frum Organization Gets A Lady Divorced 17 Years ,Get a "Get"


Amazon Web Services Announces $7.2 Billion Investment in Israel


Amazon Web Services (AWS) on Tuesday announced a $7.2 billion investment in Israel and the creation of a new service region in the country for cloud computing.

According to AWS, the investment will run through 2037, generating nearly $14 billion in additional GDP growth and will support 7,700 jobs. The new AWS “region” means that Israeli public and private sector AWS customers will have access to three AWS data centers to run applications and store data. The announcement follows Amazon’s $1.2 billion ‘Project Nimbus’ contract with the Israeli government in 2021 to move ministerial services to the cloud.

The Algemeiner reported on Friday that the Amazon Labor Union (ALU), which represents more than 8,000 workers at Amazon’s JFK8 facility in Staten Island, New York, was a co-organizer of a protest calling for Amazon to boycott Israel over the Project Nimbus contract.

“We are here today to fight back, and everyone should have their chance to say that Amazon needs to be held accountable, Google needs to be held accountable, and the Israeli government should be held accountable for all charges and crimes,” ALU co-founder Jordan Flowers said at the rally.

Israel’s Accountant General Yali Rothenberg on Tuesday said in a statement that Amazon’s new investment, by contrast, showed the depth of AWS’ commitment to Israel.

“We are excited to welcome the new AWS Region to Israel as part of project Nimbus and we congratulate AWS for its commitment and hard work in building the Israeli Region,” Rothenberg said. “The establishment of the Israeli Region reflects the long-term commitment of AWS to Israel and to the continuation of their large investments in the Israeli market.”

AWS customers in Israel include the Government of Israel, Israel’s two largest banks, and the tech unicorn Wiz.

Speaking from the Israeli military’s Central Command in the wake of a terrorist attack near Jerusalem on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the AWS announcement.

“I would like to tell you that not only is the IDF strong but so is the economy. We were told today that Amazon is investing [$7.2 billion] in the Israeli economy; this is after we were told that Intel intends to invest $25 billion and that NVIDIA is building a supercomputer here,” Netanyahu said. “Indeed, the IDF is strong, as is the Israeli economy. Israeli society and democracy are coming out strengthened. I would like to tell you that I am working around the clock, together with others, on the solution.”

"Feeling the Pain of Every Jew"


BREAKTHROUGH: Israeli Researchers Unravel The Mystery Of Autism’s Origins


In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of Haifa have made a significant breakthrough in understanding the origins of autism. The research, led by Dr. Shani Stern from the Department of Neurobiology, reveals a compelling association between autism and accelerated development of neurons in embryos. These findings offer new insights into the developmental disability and present potential avenues for novel treatments.

Autism spectrum disorder affects approximately 75 million people globally, leading to challenges in social communication, interacting with others, and exhibiting repetitive or restricted behaviors, as well as unique ways of learning, moving, or focusing attention.

Breathtaking Views But Is It Considered Part Of Eretz Yisrael?

 Many Israeli yeshivos gedolos arrange organized trips for the bochurim during Bein HaZemanim for several days. This year, a large yeshivah found itself in a halachic dilemma regarding their planned trip.

The yeshivah rented a complex for a reasonable price at Mitzpe Ramon, a local council in the Negev, south of Be’er Sheva, which has spectacular views of the Ramon crater, the world’s largest crater. It is a popular tourist attraction and some consider it to be Israel’s most beautiful site.

However, after the site was already booked and it was too late to cancel without a considerable financial loss, it was brought to the attention of the yeshivah’s administrators that there are those who question Mitzpeh Ramon’s status as part of Eretz Yisrael. The Roshei Yeshivah sent a shaila to HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilbersein about the issue.

In his response, HaRav Zilberstein quoted the words of his brother-in-law, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt’l, in Derech Emunah and HaGaon HaRav Yosef Lieberman, z’tl, in Mishnas Yosef regarding the status of Mitzpe Ramon, but concluded according to the teshuvah of HaGaon HaRav Elyashiv, z’tl who ruled that its status of being part of Eretz Yisrael is questionable and it is “safeik Chutz L’Eretz.”

Suspect in Memphis Jewish School Shooting Was Present When Police Shot and Killed His Father in 2003


The man who was shot by police in Memphis, Tennessee, on Monday after allegedly bringing a gun into a Jewish school was the son of a Jewish physician who himself was killed by Memphis police officers 20 years ago.

The man who tried to enter Margolin Hebrew Academy with a gun was Joel Bowman, a friend of the family who was a former classmate told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. confirming a report by a local Memphis TV station that cited family and friends in identifying Bowman. Bowman is hospitalized in critical condition.

The family friend told JTA that Bowman, who is 33, was a former student at Margolin Hebrew Academy, Memphis’ main Orthodox school located on the city’s east side. On Monday, Rep. Steve Cohen, a Jewish Democrat who represents Memphis in Congress, also said the gunman had attended the school.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Woman Wants a Divorce, Rabbi Propositions Her Instead

 This was two years ago!

Women Fed Up With the Cruel Get Refusers Begging Rabbanim to Get Involved


Chareidie Rioters in Beit Shemesh attempt to remove the body of a 50 year old woman from a crime scene and attacked police in the area


The police arrived this afternoon (Tuesday) at the scene of a report in Beit Shemesh of the death of a woman in her 50s.

When the police arrived at the scene, dozens of violent rioters began to try to abscond with the woman's body.

uring the incident, the police separated the rioters from the house of the deceased.

The rioters, who tried to force their way into the house, threw objects and stones at the policemen and at police vehicles in the area. Additional police and security forces were called to the scene and worked to restore order and to repulse the rioters by force until they were dispersed.

As a result of the incident, several police vehicles were damaged. The police launched an investigation to locate the suspects in the acts of vandalism and violence.

After the examination of the woman's body by the forensic investigators, the suspicion of criminal activity was ruled out and she was released for

Vegan raw food diet influencer Zhanna D’Art dies of starvation


Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has reportedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively off a diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, according to her friends and family.

She was 39.

The Russian national — who frequently promoted raw foods on social media where she was known to her millions of viewers on TikTokFacebook and Instagram as Zhanna D’Art — reportedly died July 21 after finally seeking medical treatment during a tour in Southeast Asia, according to local media outlet reports.

“A few months ago, in Sri Lanka, she already looked exhausted, with swollen legs oozing lymph,” one unidentified friend told Newsflash. “They sent her home to seek treatment. However, she ran away again. When I saw her in Phuket, I was horrified.”

Her friend added, “I lived one floor above her and every day I feared finding her lifeless body in the morning. I convinced her to seek treatment, but she didn’t make it.”

Meanwhile, a friend claimed that for the last seven years, Samsonova had only eaten the giant, sweet jackfruit and durian, a spiky, mace-like fruit known for its custardy meat and noxious odor.

“I see my body and mind transform every day,” Samsonova had gushed while describing her restrictive eating regimen. “I love my new me, and never move on to the habits that I used to use.”

The foodfluencer said her raw foods regimen was reportedly inspired by seeing “peers” who looked a lot older than their ages, which she attributed to their “junk food” diets.

She used social media to spread her raw diet doctrine, describing: “I eat simple food, although I have a lot of experience as a raw food chef. I love creating my own recipes and inspiring people to eat healthier.”

Unfortunately, her friends believe her so-called healthy food choices were to blame for her death.

“You don’t need to be a doctor to understand where this will lead,” said one pal of her all-durian and jack fruit diet.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Man spends $14K to be a collie dog


He wasn’t going to roll over for trolls.

The Japanese man who spent a fortune “transforming” himself into a dog is hitting back at haters who claim he should go to “therapy” after he took his first ever “walk” in public last week.

The canine cosplayer, named Toko-San, first made headlines several years ago after dropping more than $14,000 on a hyperrealistic collie suit so he could realize his lifelong dream of becoming man’s best friend.

Since then, the human pooch has become a sensation on YouTube, where he posts under “I Want To Be An Animal, after uploading videos of himself masquerading as Lassie.

The clips show Toko-san gussied up in full ruff rider regalia as he rolls over, plays fetch and other supernaturalistic canine im-paw-sonations like a pooch-parroting version of stuntman Andy Serkis.

In his most viral video to date, with over 3.8 million views, Toko-San stepped out in public in his costume for the first time ever for a doggy debut.

The aspiring herding dog could be seen parading around busy streets, performing tricks and even interacting with “other dogs” as astonished onlookers oohed and aahed.

Biden hurts America AND Israel bashing Bibi’s judicial reforms


For both America and Israel, President Joe Biden was wrong to intervene in the contentious debate over Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s proposed judicial reforms.

Biden’s spokeswoman criticized Netanyahu, saying it was “unfortunate” he pushed change through Israel’s Knesset “with the slimmest possible majority.”

Biden was mistaken for several reasons.

First, his opinions will have no effect inside Israel, except perhaps hardening already deeply divided viewpoints even further, thereby impeding formation of the “consensus” he says he wants.

This is nothing but virtue signaling, aimed more at Biden’s own domestic constituency than anything else.

And if he had bothered to consider American history, he would know that many historically significant US statutes passed with narrow majorities.

Second, facts matter. Not to be picky, but the Knesset vote was not the “slimmest possible majority.”

Netanyahu’s government has 64 seats of 120, so 61 votes is the thinnest majority, assuming all members vote.

Given Israel’s incredibly divided electorate, reflected in multiple recent elections, a 64-vote majority is quite comfortable. Government must go on.

Ami Magazine's "Eggs 'N Liver!


Ami has a section called Wisk, and it deals with recipes! This week they had a recipe "Eggs 'N Liver! 

Whoever made that presentation and then proceeded to take a photo of this monstrosity must have been out to lunch.

As for me and the entire DIN staff which consists of a total of one, "we" will never ever look at liver the same way again! 

DOJ attempts to jail Hunter Biden’s ex-partner Devon Archer to prevent him from testifying to Congress


What a coincidence! 

On the eve of Devon Archer’s bombshell testimony to the House Oversight Committee, the Department of Justice tried to put him in jail. 

If you don’t suspect that’s an attempt to intimidate Hunter Biden’s former best friend before he reveals damaging secrets about the president, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. 

It’s another example of a DOJ gone astray. 

Coming hot on the heels of the first son’s dubious plea deal in Delaware collapsing last week, and amid allegations from senior IRS whistleblowers of political favoritism by prosecutors to protect Joe Biden, you have to wonder how far a weaponized, all-powerful, unaccountable justice system can go. 

Two more examples from the past week tell you the sky’s the limit — and they’re not even bothering to hide it anymore. 

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors dropped campaign-finance violation charges against cryptocurrency billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, who just so happens to have been Biden’s second-biggest donor.

On Thursday, new charges against Biden’s chief political rival, Donald Trump, were filed by special counsel Jack Smith over the former president’s handling of classified files. 

A protester against a yeshiva was burned during the protest and treated by a medic from that same yeshiva.


During a leftist demonstration this morning (Sunday) in front of the 'Har Hamor' yeshiva in Jerusalem, one of the demonstrators was burned due to the use of a flare.

The medic who was called to the scene and was recorded live on Facebook is none other than a student of the Har Hamor yeshiva, the yeshiva the demonstrators were protesting in front of. The medic treated her and even brought an anti-burn agent to help her.

In the meantime, it was also reported to Israel National News that following the demonstration, there was a large increase in registrations for the 'Eternal Life' conference hosted by the yeshiva when educators from all over the country heard about the conference and tried to attend, even though it had already started.

Since last night, when the announcements about the expected demonstration began, the organizers received calls asking to register. And now, after the demonstration in front of the yeshiva, the number of participants is only increasing. Only about an hour after the start of the conference and about 1500 had already arrived.