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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Temporary Restraining Order Granted To Orangetown To Prevent Frum Guy who owns Hotel From Housing Migrants

The hotel is owned by a guy named Ephraim Vashovsky who owns Armoni Suites.

Question: Are Frummies now playing a part in flooding Monsey and its surrounding areas with "migrants?"

Did this guy, Vasovsky for a minute think what damage 340 Single males could do to the Monsey community? Or is it all about "The Benjamins?" 

Why do we frum Jews need to be involved in this massive mess? This can only bring more antisemitism, more hate! Let the Goyim deal with this!

 The request was granted by Rockland Supreme Court Judge Christine D'Alessio at the request of Orangetown officials, said Orangetown Supervisor Teresa Kenny during a press conference on Wednesday, May 10. 

Under the order, the hotel's permits and certificate of occupancy do not permit the business to house migrants for up to four months.

The restraining order was sought after town officials found that the Orangeburg hotel -- The Armani Inn & Suites hotel -- was being readied for an influx of migrants with beds and other items used in a "shelter," Kenny said.The hotel owners and Orangetown officials are scheduled to reappear before the judge on Monday, May 15. 

During the press conference, Rockland County Supervisor Ed Day said it wasn't that the county didn't want migrants, it was the illegal way New York City Mayor Eric Adams was handling the issue by announcing he was sending up to 340 migrants by bus to Rockland without contacting any county officials.

He also pointed to the fact that for a hotel to be used as a shelter it has to be approved by the state, which can take time, and has not been done in this case.

A State of Emergency had already been enacted by Day in an effort to prevent the buses from arriving from New York City.

In addition, Day said the Rockland County Sheriff's Office is helping and if a bus does pull up to the hotel with migrants, a deputy will handle the situation by informing them of the restraining order.

Officials with Governor Kathy Hochul's office said she did not back the plan by Adams and had not been informed, Kenny said.

Zionists Will Double Stipends for married yeshiva students

 Fresh details of the upcoming state budget show coalition agreements will pour billions of shekels into the ultra-Orthodox community and education programs with Orthodox messaging.

The fresh revelations came a day after networks reported that some NIS 5 billion ($1.37 billion) of the budget, still under negotiation, will be funneled to meet ultra-Orthodox demands.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition is made up of his own Likud party and far-right religious and ultra-Orthodox partners that he needs to maintain a majority in the Knesset.

Included in the plans is boosting the monthly stipends for married yeshiva students, who form a major part of the ultra-Orthodox community and rely on the handouts to maintain their families as they spend their days in study rather than working.

According to the Kan public broadcast, Haredi parties are seeking a stipend increase of nearly 50 percent, from NIS 680 ($185) a month to NIS 1,000 ($272).

After it is approved, the increase in stipends will be paid out retroactively to cover all of 2023, Monday reports said. By contrast, some financial benefits for working parents that are to be set in the budget will only come into effect in January 2024, Channel 12 reported.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We're ready for extended campaign


Terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip launched over 100 rockets towards central and southern Israel in the space of one hour Wednesday afternoon.

Rocket launch warning sirens were sounded Wednesday afternoon from the Gaza frontier to as far north as Rishon Letzion, Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan.

Sirens were first reported in Sderot and nearby towns, with sirens reported minutes later in Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Lachish. Half an hour later, sirens were also reported in the Tel Aviv area.

A house in the southern town of Sderot was struck by a rocket. The home was empty at the time and no injuries were reported, though the building was damaged.

In response, Israeli forces bombed Islamic Jihad rocket launchers and mortar positions in the Gaza Strip, an IDF spokesperson said.

"The IDF targeted rocket and mortar shell launch sites belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization along the Gaza Strip."

"A short while ago, following the identification of activities of terrorist squads adjacent to rocket launching pits, IDF fighter jets targeted rocket and mortar shell launch sites belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization along the Gaza Strip. Civilians are asked to act according to the special instructions posted on the National Emergency Portal."

Following the rocket attacks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to municipal leaders in the south by phone and told them: "We are ready for the possibility of an expanded campaign and harsh strikes against Gaza."

Israel At War




Holocaust Denier Hosted in Ramat Beit Shemesh


I have posted about this "rabbi" previously, see links below.
 He is a Holocaust denier and like Abbas the head of the Palestinian Authority, claims that only 1-2 million Jews were murdered. He also said that non-frum woman on their way to be shot, provocatively posed nude to their Nazi executioners. He is a very sick puppy and should not be given any support, especially in Ramat Bet Shemesh where a lot of Holocaust survivors and children of survivors live. 

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Yosef Mizrachi denies that Nazis killed 6 million Jews ....

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Holocaust Survivors Don’t Accept Apology From Mr. Yosef Mizrachi Over Comments Made About 6 Million Kedosim

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi going off the deep end! Says Nazis killed Ashkenazi Jews and spared Sefardim because Ashkenazim allowed "assimilation!

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Is Yosef Mizrachi a pervert?

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Yoisef Mizrachi Mocks Rabbonim that have Semicha on Zev Brenner Show

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Hundreds sign petition to ban Rabbi Mizrachi from UK

With 1.6M Followers, TikTok Influencer Miriam Ezagui Teaches The Masses About Her Orthodox Lifestyle


 “Hi my name is Miriam,” the video begins. “I’m an Orthodox Jew, and I share what my life is like.”

So opens a typical TikTok post from Miriam Ezagui, a 37-year-old Brooklyn-based labor and delivery nurse who has amassed 1.6 million followers on the social media platform. Users who make their way to “JewTok,” as the Jewish corner of TikTok is known, have likely encountered Ezagui’s videos, which cover everything from purchasing a sheitel to making matzah ball soup to a makeup tutorial with her daughter.

Since starting her account in May 2020, Ezagui has cemented herself at the top of the searches for “Jewish” and “Orthodox Jewish” thanks to her warm demeanor, easy humor and information-based approach. But she didn’t set out to become a Jewish influencer.

“I didn’t originally start as a Jewish account,” Ezagui told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Instead, it was a way to be productive while on maternity leave for her fourth child: “It gave me an excuse to get dressed and not just walk around in pajamas all day.”

These days, Ezagui gets invited to numerous events and Jewish product launches: she’s received free clothes thanks to collaborations with local retailers; tickets to see the off-Broadway play “The Wanderers” in exchange for an ad on her account, as well as discounts at the well-known Shani Wigs store in Brooklyn. Ezagui, who collaborates with both Jewish and non-Jewish influencers, said she’s often recognized as she goes about her day-to-day life.

Ezagui, who is Hasidic and whose four daughters range in age from 18 months to 9 years old, began her account as a way to share tips on the best ways to safely and comfortably hold a baby using woven wraps. But that all changed in late January 2022, when comedian and “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg said on air that “the Holocaust isn’t about race.” 

‘He was 100 percent going to kill me’ – Israeli woman attacked by US secret service agent speaks out


The victim of a drunken attack by one of President Joe Biden’s secret service agents said that the U.S. and Israel engaged in a cover-up of the incident, telling Hebrew-language media that she is suffering from psychological distress months after the beating and demanding justice.

Tamar (Tami) Ben Haim, who is the granddaughter of former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, was walking near her Jerusalem home in July 2022 when she encountered two men on the street.

The pair, both secret service agents in Israel ahead of Biden’s trip to the country, had reportedly been drinking heavily for hours at a local pub in the nearby Mahane Yehuda open air market.

Although there were no words exchanged between the parties, one of the agents, identified as Patrick William, launched a frenzied attack against Ben Haim .According to Ben Haim, William accosted her, repeatedly punching her in the chest, slapping her and tearing off her earring.

She told Ynet that she was in fear for her life during the beating.

“I shouted ‘Help!’ but nobody heard me,” Ben Haim said. “I was in total despair. I thought it was the end of me. I saw that the man brutally beating me had a gun. If [the second secret service agent] hadn’t stopped him, he would have 100 percent killed me.”

Ben Haim managed to lead local police to the men, who were detained

But within two hours, William was released from detention by an official from the American embassy. The agent was placed on the first flight back to the U.S., said Nir Yasolowitz, Ben Haim’s attorney, and it’s unclear if he faced discipline for his actions.

“Tami is fighting like a lioness for her justice,” Yasolowitz said. “[Israeli] political officials preferred a photo with Biden and for the visit to pass quietly, at the cost of seriously harming an innocent citizen who did nothing wrong.”Yasolowitz called for an investigation into what he called a “cover-up” and collusion between the Israeli and U.S. governments to sweep the incident under the rug.

Ben Haim was left with PTSD after the attack and is currently undergoing psychiatric treatment. She told Ynet that she never received an apology from the American government or Israeli Foreign Ministry.

“Can you imagine what would have happened if it had been the other way around, a bodyguard of Netanyahu’s who attacked an American citizen in the U.S., and they would have released him after two hours?” she said.

“Not a chance. He would [be imprisoned and] not see the light of day in America.”

Good Riddance Tom Nides, US Ambassador to Israel Resigning


US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides will be stepping down from his job as ambassador this summer, according to a report by Amit Segal.

He already informed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Andrew Sullivan of his intentions, during his recent visit to D.C.

He will be temporarily by his deputy, Stephanie Hallett.

Nides relationship with the current Israeli government has not been the best, to put it mildly.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Best Shidduch Advice


Were the vests of the "sadranim"in Meron Stolen from those doing "Sherut Leumi" Sure Looks Like it!


Ben Gvir Dancing With The Mekubal Harav Shalom Arush in Meron


Chareidim Surround and Threaten Yisrael Diskind Who Lost His Brother in Meron Accusing Him of Being a Detective (G-d Forbid)


Watch Satmar Worship the Eigal


Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Satmar "Shvantz" @Yakovolf


A "shvantz" is a tail in Yiddish,

There is one particular guy, I'm guessing he is ex Satmar guy who has a twitter account and goes by the handle @Yakovolf
All in all I agree with a lot of his tweets but when it comes to Israel, he goes insane with his sheer hatred of the State. 

I have found that a lot of ex-Satmars when they go off or become "tuna -beigels" still have this hatred towards the State of Israel, because it is so embedded in them that they cannot shake it. 
And even those who shake off  Satmar traditions including Torah Umitzvois still keep hating Israel because it remains in their blood.

I am not suggesting that  @Yakovof is not frum; I believe he is.

In his tweet below, he mocks those who set up a new holiday, "Yom Ha'atzmot, " writing that
"There is no Yom Tov commemorating the entrance into the Land of Israel led by Yehoshua, nor is there a celebration for the construction of the First Beis Hamikdash by Shlomo Hamelech, the rebuilding of the Second Temple, or the return of Ezra to Eretz Yisroel."

he then goes into a rant stating:

"But on the day a secular state was founded by Kofrim and Mechalelei Shabbos somehow, religious Zionists say Hallel'"

I had posted last week, that the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe in 1995 mocked the entire Lag Be'omer ritual and yelled that this is "not our mesorah"and prohibited his sheep from flying to Israel to celebrate Lag Be'omer in Meron. He threatened to throw out those bochrim that went. 
But should you glance at Satmar social media, you can see full page invitations to the "Hadlaka in Monroe"
So much for that not being in "our mesorah!"

It turns out that the Satmar Rebbe may actually be right! 

The question is really whether we can establish new holidays. 

Despite  @Yakovof  tweet, this is not a simple matter with many great poiskim stating that it is in fact permitted and not only permitted but Hallel should be recited.
In fact, ironically, if you read the Chasam Sofer you can clearly see that Lag Be'omer is not a Mesorah,  and yet the Zionist Yom Hazmaot may very well be a holiday and Hallel should be recited in full with a bracha, according to the Chasam Sofer.

The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvot Chasam Sofer, YD 233) is critical of those who celebrate Lag Ba'omer, as the day is not mentioned anywhere in rabbinic literature and doesn't commemorate any miracle or salvation., (which was the Satmar Rebbe's argument back in 1995)  But then the Chasam Sofer states that "establishing a festival to mark a miraculous event, is a Biblical requirement, and one who does not to do so in violation of not performing a positive mitzvah. 

The Chaya Adam (155:41) also ruled that it is a mitzvah for an individual or a community to establish a holiday. He relates how he himself established a holiday on the day when he and his family were spared after a powder keg explosion destroyed a number of homes including his own, claiming the lives of 31 people.

Both the Magen Avraham (OC 686:5) and the Mishna Berura (OC 686:8) record that a community can create a "Purim" for themselves and for future generations, on a day in which they experienced a miracle.

All agree including the Chazon Ish that Israel winning the war in 1948 was a miracle.  

Getting back to @Yakovof  's tweet. 
It is ironic that he is mocking a new holiday that religious Zionists established, which has a basis in halacha according to poiskim, as millions of Jews now call it their home, while ignoring new holidays that Satmar itself established, for example, the anniversary of the day that the Satmar Rebbe hopped on a Zionist Train to save himself, is a huge event with celebrations going on all day.
And recently they established another brand new holiday a "Hadlaka" on Lag Be'omer that the Satmar Rebbe himself mocked and the Chasam Sofer says is NOT a holiday!

As far as his remark that there is "no Yom Tov commemorating the entrance into the Land of Israel led by Yehoshua" that is misleading, but how would the "shvantz" know that, they don't teach Tanach in Satmar. 

All the Jews save for a handful died in the midbar, they were not circumcised, and when they were still alive they hadn't celebrated the holidays written in the Torah for 40 years. So those who entered Eretz Yisrael with Yehoshua had not ever in their entire lives experienced ANY Yom Tov. In fact, Yehoshua had to circumcise them so that they could observe the very first Yom Tov which was Pesach. Every Yom Tov after that was a totally new experience to them, there was no need to establish an additional Yom Tov, they were first learning how to  observe properly the Yomim Tovim written in the Torah, in addition, most of Eretz Yisrael was not conquered, in fact Yehosuah was punished because of that, as he didn't finish the job he was instructed to do.

There was in fact a celebration for the construction of the First Bais Hamikdash see Mo'ed Katan 8b where the gemarrah relates that the celebration continued into Yom Kippur and Chazal at the time permitted them to eat. It must have been a huge celebration if they ate on the holiest day of the year. 
As far as the Second Bais Hamikdash is concerned, very few Jews wanted to return from Bavel and build the Bais Hamikdash, Ezra cursed them. I don't think they were in a mood to celebrate. 

But the reason that @Yakovof  is a huge "shvantz" is because there is no comparison of the miracle of the  gathering in of the exiles from four corners of the earth after 2,000 years, an event which never ever happened to Jews or any other nation in world history, truly a miraculous event, compared to the building of the Bais Hamikdash. When the Jews left Mitzrayim, all Jews had lived in one place, Mitzrayim. When the Jews went up to with Ezra from Bavel, 99.9% of all Jews lived in one place, Bavel. But the miracle of the State of Israel is like no other in the sense that the Jews coming back, come from all over the world. In just a year, the majority of all the world's Jews will be living in the State of Israel!
The State of Israel was surrounded by five, count them, 5 armies vowing to destroy them and murder every single Jew. The IDF miracuously overpowered all of them. Truly a miracle. 

The building of the Bais Hamikdash was not a miracle, though there were miracles,h ere and there but the building itself was not a miracle, not the first and certainly not the second. The few Jews that returned to Eretz Yisrael in the times of Ezra was a pitiful few, so few that all the families that made Aliya from Baval are named by Ezra. 
The Satmar shvantz should first mock his own "NEW" Yomim Toivim established in Monroe before mocking a Holiday concerning the only Jewish country in the entire world, that has the most Torah learned in it, and whose government supports Torah Moidois to over $300 Million every year. 

The gemarra in Sanhedrin 94a relates that Chizkiyahu Hamelech could have been made the Meshiach but for the fact that he failed to give praise upon the downfall of the wicked Sancherev, King of Assyria. Chizkiyahu failed to give this profound experience a religious expression. 
We dare not make the same mistake.
Yom Haatzmaot and Yom Yerushlayim possess profound religious significance and meaning. These are days of great Divine Providence-miracles and wonders- and deserve religious expression. By celebrating Yom Haatzmaot and Yom Yerushlayim as festivals, we express our thanks to the Ribbono Shel Olam for the tremendous gifts of the State of Israel and Yershulayim. 

Aliza Sherman Was Murdered 10 years Ago in Broad Daylight No one held Accountable ..No Arrests $100,000.00 Reward!

Aliza Sherman's daughter says she will intensify her search for a resolution 

We had posted about this when it actually happened 10 years ago. 



On May 28 of that year, her husband retained an attorney 

On May 23, 2017 Aliza Sherman's Attorney pleaded guilty to lying during the homicide investigation 

The Cleveland Jewish News will debut its first podcast this month as a multi-episode series on the story of Aliza Sherman, a 53-year-old in-vitro fertilization nurse and Beachwood mother who was murdered in downtown Cleveland 10 years ago.

The first episode of “Aliza: Her Story at 10 Years” will be released May 16 on major podcast platforms such as SpotifyApple PodcastsStitcher, Google Podcasts and RadioPublic, and it will be streamed at cjn.org/podcast.

The podcast was created in partnership with Jennifer Sherman, Aliza’s daughter and a lead advocate working to create change surrounding her mother’s case, who is serving as an executive producer with the CJN on the series.

Democrats Send a Huge Present to Chassidim in Rockland County ..340 Single Migrant Men

The DemonRats have tried in many ways to thank the Chassidim who live in Rockland County for their constant support. Chassidim led by Ass'kanim and their Rabbanim such as the Skverer Rebbe instruct their sheep to vote in "block votes" for the Democrat party, no matter who is running.

What better way to show "hakoras Ha'toiv" than to ship them 340 healthy young single men. They must have ruled out women, because of "tznees" issues and the high probability that the men will have "yichud" with the women, which would offend the Skverer Holy community. The only issue remaining as I understand it, is how many cars to put into the motorcade when the rebbe goes to be "mekabeil panim" 

From the looks of them, they don't look like guys that fast every Monday and Thursday, and Walmart better be ready to let them take whatever they heart's desires. Since they are single, maybe this will resolve the Shidduch Crises, as they don't look like the type that would hang out in Bais Medrish and will most likely be out  stalking white women to have a "chavrusa'shaft" 

Rockland County will have to raise taxes to support these guys, providing them with shelter, food, education, health benefits etc. 

Good luck

Officials in Rockland County have declared a state of emergency in an effort to stop New York City’s plan to dump hundreds of migrants there.

The declaration by Rockland County Executive Ed Day, prohibits other municipalities from bringing and housing people in the county, according to the Rockland Report.

It also bars hotels and motels from housing migrants without a license and requires municipalities that wish to house migrants or asylum seekers in Rockland County to ensure they will cover their expenses.

The town board in Orangetown, NY, about 40 minutes north of Manhattan, was slated to hold a special meeting Saturday to explore ways to shut down Mayor Adams’ plan to bus the migrants from city shelters to their doorstep, town supervisor Teresa Kenny told The Post.

“We have a lot of questions—is this temporary thing? Is it going to become a permanent thing for New York City? What is the program?” she said.

The Adams administration gave Kenny a head’s up Saturday that the first wave of migrants would number “less than 100,” and could arrive “as soon as this weekend,” she said.

The decision to house migrants upstate came after the city’s shelter system reached a limit in the number of new facilities that could be opened.

The migrants are expected to be housed at the 170-room Armoni Inn and Suites, where stacks of mattresses were spotted outside Friday, according to local reports.

Orangetown officials will explore whether they can stop the buses from coming, and how long migrants would be allowed to stay in the hotel.

“If it was handled differently, people wouldn’t be getting so upset,” Kenny said.

The migrants had yet to arrive by Saturday afternoon, when dozens of people in dresses and suits were seen trickling in for a small wedding reception being held in the ballroom, as photographers and musicians were seen unloading their equipment in the parking lot.

Rockland officials have griped that the city gave only a last-minute head’s up that 340 single adult men would be housed in a hotel in their county.

City Hall disputed that figure, saying at most 300 migrants total would have the choice to be housed in Rockland or neighboring Orange County.

“Mayor Eric Adams is criticizing Congress for their failure to establish a strategy for each migrant before they enter into the country, ensuring this crisis is dealt with in a coordinated manner, and then does the exact opposite – shipping new arrivals to other municipalities that do not have the infrastructure to support them,” Day told the Rockland Report.

“It’s the same as tossing people into the middle of the ocean with nowhere to swim,” he added.

Nearly 61,000 migrants have arrived in New York City since last spring, and more than 37,000 are living in city-operated or city-funded shelter facilities, according to City Hall. The city so far has opened up 122 emergency shelters and 8 large-scale humanitarian relief centers to handle the continued influx of migrants.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Angel Bakery's Stock Crashes After Chareidie Boycott


The Charedi boycott of the iconic Angel’s Bakery has intensified, as dozens of orders were canceled and boxes of bread were left outside many supermarkets in Orthodox cities.

Multiple photos of untouched Angel products were posted on social media on Friday morning. Many people also posted pictures of themselves purchasing alternative brands for Shabbos, including MK Simcha Rothman of the Religious Zionist Party, one of the architects of the government’s judicial reform plan.

A huge order for Miron for about 50 million NIS was reportedly canceled.

A letter was sent to the principals of Chadarim asking them to commit–in writing–to end their contracts with the massive company.

The list of yeshivos that ended their contracts includes the large Wolfson Yeshiva, in addition to many others, both Chareidi and Dati Leumi.

A huge order for Miron for about 50 million NIS was reportedly canceled.

A letter was sent to the principals of Chadarim asking them to commit–in writing–to end their contracts with the massive company.

The list of yeshivos that ended their contracts includes the large Wolfson Yeshiva, in addition to many others, both Chareidi and Dati Leumi.

If the boycott continues, the cost to Angel’s could be devastating. According to one unconfirmed report, the company crashed in shares over 20%, about 150 million shekel. It is expected to decrease by another NIS 300 million if the protest continues.

The massive grassroots boycott was started after Angel’s board chairman, former Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev, protested Thursday morning outside the home of the head of Ponovezh Yeshiva, Rabbi Gershon Edelstein against the proposed haredi enlistment law.

Among the yeshivas that notified that they would cut ties with the bakery are the Chevron Yeshiva in Jerusalem (over 1,000 students), Yeshivas Netiv Hadas – Kaplan, Yeshivas Toras Ze’ev Solovechik, and more.

Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas) criticized the former minister’s presence at the protest: “Freedom of speech isn’t the freedom to disgrace. Omer Bar-Lev and his privileged group, who demonstrated outside the home of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, disgraced the honor of the Torah, and there is no way to forgive that. I was pained to see Omer Bar-Lev, who contributed so much to Israel’s security, shaming his past and using the IDF as a tool to divide the nation.”