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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Chabad Publishes Halachic Book Proving ‘Moshiach Can Be From the Dead’


I read the entire sefer and I can tell you first hand that the sefer doesn't prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach at all , all it "proves" is that Moshiach can come from someone who is no longer alive but it still cannot prove that the Rebbe was or will be Moshiach. According to this sefer Moshiach can be  anyone who died in the last 3,500 years.

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A well-researched sefer by Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Lieberman proves Moshiach can be from among those who passed away and received haskamos from Chabad scholars and 2 Litvish ones. Download it in honor of Moshiach's Seuda on Acharon Shel Pesach.

When Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Lieberman finally received the haskamah for the sefer he was waiting for and let the world know via social media last summer, he was hardly expecting what would happen next.

People were sharing the news across the Twitterverse, and his newly available book was downloaded from his website nearly 1,000 times. It was quite the whirlwind.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Chaya Sarah


‘Shocking’ discovery of huge 100-year-old Jewish mass grave


Rabbi Pinchas Salzman stands with soldiers in a Jewish mass grave in Transnistria

An enormous mass grave dating back to the Russian Revolution has been discovered in the Transnistria region of Moldova, in which most of the dead bodies belonged to Jews who were accused of opposing the communist regime.

Moldova’s Chief Rabbi Pinchas Salzman, who has launched an initiative to disinter the dead bodies and give them a proper Jewish burial, said the discovery was “shocking.”

The grave was uncovered during construction in an old military base near Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Transnistria is a separatist state under Russian military control whose independence from Moldova is not recognized internationally.

Ben & Jerry’s Continue their hatred against their fellow Jews

 The independent board of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. on Tuesday disavowed any link with products sold under the Ben & Jerry’s name by the company’s Israeli distributor, Blue & White Ice Cream Ltd.

“Any products sold by Blue & White Ice Cream Ltd. are uniquely its own and should not be confused with products produced and distributed by Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc.” the statement said.

“Ben & Jerry’s position is clear: the sale of products bearing any Ben & Jerry’s insignia in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is against our values. Such sales are inconsistent with international law, fundamental human rights, and Ben & Jerry’s social mission.”

In 2021, Ben & Jerry’s announced its intention to halt sales in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) because they claimed such sales were inconsistent with the company’s values. As a result of that decision, Ben & Jerry’s parent company, Unilever, sold its business interests in Ben & Jerry’s in Israel to Blue & White in June 2022, prompting an unusual court battle in which Ben & Jerry’s sued its parent company to halt the deal.

A federal court rejected that bid in August, but Ben & Jerry’s in September said that they intend to pursue an amended suit.

Despite the Ben & Jerry’s board’s claim that their product in Israel was now “uniquely” the responsibility of Blue & White, Unilever on Tuesday assured ice cream eaters in Israel and the West Bank that they need not fear any change in quality. “The ownership of the brand is different, but the Ben & Jerry’s product is no different to what’s been enjoyed in Israel for many years,” the company said in a statement.

Israeli Discovery: Doing This Slashes Risk of Cancer Metastasis by 72%


Probably the scariest thing about cancer is the possibility that it will spread (metastasize) beyond the original tumor site.

A new study led by researchers from Tel Aviv University’s medical school offers a remarkably effective and drug-free way to prevent metastasis: aerobic exercise.

Intense aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of metastatic cancer by 72 percent, according to study leaders Prof. Carmit Levy (TAU department of human genetics and biochemistry) and Yftach Gepner (TAU School of Public Health and Sylvan Adams Sports Institute).

While previous studies have demonstrated that physical exercise reduces the risk of cancer incidence and recurrence for some types of cancer by up to 35%, the Israeli researchers wanted to find out why.

The Biden Thieves !


‘Deal with it’: Ben-Gvir’s gun-toting wife rips ‘male chauvinists’


Sara Netanyahu (C) meets with the wives of prospective coalition members Yaffa Deri (2L), Maoz (L), Ayala Ben Gvir (2R) and Rivka Goldknopf (R)

The wife of firebrand Israeli lawmaker mocked her critics Monday after she had brought her personal firearm to a meeting with Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara Netanyahu.

Ayala Ben-Gvir, a resident of the Givat Ha’Avot neighborhood of Kiryat Arba on the edge of Hebron and the wife of Otzma Yehudit chairman MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, raised eyebrows Monday during a luncheon with Sara Netanyahu and the wives of other members of the right-wing bloc. Photographs of the gathering revealed she was armed.

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the prime minister-elect, hosted the luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem, which included Shas chief Aryeh Deri’s wife, Yaffa; Noam chairman Avi Maoz’s wife, Galit; and United Torah Judaism chairman Yitzhak Goldknopf’s wife, Rivka.

After the event, Mrs. Ben-Gvir came under fire for carrying her handgun on her person during the luncheon.

She fired back at her critics, tweeting: “I live in Hebron, I am a mother of six dear children and I drive on terror-stricken roads and I am married to a man who is the most threatened person in the country. So yes, I carry a gun. Deal with it.”

At the inaugural meeting of the Otzma Yehudit faction for the 25th Knesset Tuesday, she accused her critics of being “male chauvinists” for “coming out against” her for carrying a gun. “Women are also permitted to carry a weapon and protect their lives.”

Personal firearms are often carried by residents of Judea and Samaria due to the elevated security risk in those areas.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

White House Now Claims That FBI Opened Abu Akleh Probe Without Its Knowledge


The White House told Israel that they weren’t involved in the FBI’s decision to launch an investigation into the killing of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Wednesday.

The official said that the White House’s message is intended to quell Israel’s fury over the investigation, adding that the “practical implications of the investigation will be minimal,” since the US has recognized that Abu Akleh’s shooting was unintentional.

Interim Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz both issued statements saying that Israel will not cooperate with an FBI probe into IDF soldiers.

“Our soldiers will not be investigated by the FBI or by any other foreign country or entity, however friendly it may be,” Lapid said. “We will not abandon our soldiers to foreign investigations. We have conveyed our strong protest to the United States.”

False hysteria over Israeli democracy


Before the dust settled and all votes were counted, the American liberal establishment began lamenting the death of Israeli democracy as Benyamin Netanyahu was poised to form the next government with a commanding number of Knesset seats and a potentially stable coalition.

The last time I checked, that’s how the Israeli electoral system works. But political progressives have conflated the term “democracy” with its antithesis – an agenda promoting censorship, thought control, viewpoint discrimination, woke intolerance, and hatred of Israel and the west. 

What they are peddling is not democratic at all, but a dictatorial stew that degrades personal rights and discourages dissent. And in so doing they are abetted by a mainstream media that engages in political activism and preys on its audience’s ignorance of constitutional and democratic values.

Now they are applying this skewed worldview to the latest Israeli election to delegitimize a result they don’t like. 

Regardless of how one feels about Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, or Smotrich, their election was democratic. And despite what liberal pundits are saying, the results don’t represent an aberrant shift in Israeli electoral preferences. Indeed, conservative parties were on the ascendancy over the last few elections, though the formation of a coalition was prevented by those on the right who wouldn’t accept Netanyahu as PM.

Given that Israel’s electoral system seems to work, we need to understand what’s really going on.

Lihi Lapid to sue YouTuber who claimed that she's a Christian


Lihi Lapid

Lihi Lapid, the wife of outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid, sent a cease-and-desist notice to an individual who published a video that gives the impression that Lihi believes in the divinity of Jesus and is a "Hebrew Christian" or a Messianic Jew.

In her notice, Lapid demanded reparations of 100 thousand NIS from the individual, in addition to him deleting the video and publishing an apology video to his YouTube channel and Twitter account. If he does not comply, she warns that she will file a defamation suit for unlimited reparations.

According to a report in Israel Hayom, the notice states that the individual published a video on his YouTube channel that included a claim that Lihi Lapid believes in the divinity of Jesus.

"The video that you published to your YouTube, which received nearly 30,000 views, is a work of baseless and malicious conspiracy theories," the notice stated.

In addition, Lapid sent a notice to a Twitter user who claimed that Mrs. Lapid is a Christian and edited a photo of her to appear that she is wearing a cross. In addition to deleting the tweet, Lapid is demanding 10,000 NIS in reparations from the Twitter user.

‘Hogan’s Heroes’ star a Auschwitz survivor, dead at 96


French actor and Holocaust survivor Robert Clary has died at age 96.

The “Hogan’s Heroes” star, who played Corporal LeBeau on the World War II-era sitcom, passed away on Tuesday, his granddaughter Kim Wright told the Hollywood Reporter.

His cause of death was not given.

Clary was the last surviving member of the show’s original principal cast.

Born Robert Max Widerman in Paris on March 1, 1926, Clary was the youngest of 14 kids born to his strict Orthodox Jewish parents.

When he was 16, he and his family were sent to Auschwitz, where his parents were murdered in the gas chamber.

“My mother said the most remarkable thing,” Clary told the Reporter in 2015 about that day. “She said, ‘Behave.’ She probably knew me as a brat. She said, ‘Behave. Do what they tell you to do.’”

Clary was the only one from his captured family to survive. He wound up incarcerated at the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald for 31 months, where he made wooden shoe heels in a factory and got the identification number “A-5714” tattooed on his left forearm.

“Singing, entertaining and being in kind of good health at my age, that’s why I survived,” he said of singing with an accordionist every other Sunday for Schutzstaffel (SS) soldiers at Buchenwald.

In May 1945, Clary returned to France and sang in dance halls. Four years later, he headed to Los Angeles to record for Capitol Records and, in 1950, appeared in a French comedy skit on a CBS variety show hosted by comedian Ed Wynn.

Clary, who starred in “Hogan’s Heroes” on CBS from September 1965 to April 1971, waited 36 years to publicly discuss his Holocaust experiences.

“I had to explain that [‘Hogan’s Heroes’] was about prisoners of war in a stalag, not a concentration camp, and although I did not want to diminish what soldiers went through during their internments, it was like night and day from what people endured in concentration camps,” he wrote in his 2001 memoir, “From the Holocaust to Hogan’s Heroes,” per THR.

He also worked on soap operas including “Days of Our Lives,” “The Young and the Restless” and “The Bold and The Beautiful.”

Clary was married to his mentor Eddie Cantor’s daughter, Natalie, for 32 years. She died in 1997.

Schumer to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegals to Replace Vanishing U.S. Population


In a chilling video, Senator Chuck Schumer  admitted that he wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegals, because the US population is not “reproducing on its own. ”

In other words, Schumer is replacing the traditional American family with illegals (who will no doubt become Democrat voters).

It is not a stretch to believe that this has been the Democrat game plan all along: Encourage Americans to abort babies and not have families, and then use the “population shortage” as a pretext to encourage more illegal migrants.

The shocking comments were made during a press conference near the Capitol on Wednesday, in which Schumer, Senator Dick Durbin and other Democrat lawmakers discussed planned DACA Legislation.

This is what happens when Democrats win an election after two years of radical leftist policies, and are not rebuffed by voters. They feel empowered to do things even more radical.

See the entire press conference here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Evil Biden administration is weaponizing the FBI against Israel


The Biden administration is feeding Israel to the wolves. 

That is the only reasonable way to understand Channel 14’s bombshell report on Sunday that the FBI has opened an investigation of IDF soldiers in relation to the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh.

Abu Akleh died on May 11 in Jenin while she was embedded with Iranian-controlled Palestinian Arab Islamic Jihad terrorists engaged in a gun battle with IDF soldiers. The battle took place in the midst of an onslaught of murderous terror attacks carried out by Jenin-based terrorists affiliated with the Iranian-proxy. On May 5, two PIJ terrorists from Jenin hacked three Israelis to death with axes and wounded three more in the haredi city of Elad, just as Israel’s Independence Day celebrations were ending. The soldiers that entered Jenin on May 11 were part of a counter-terror force tasked with breaking up the PIJ infrastructure in the city.



What is going on? This is a problem across the entire frum spectrum.
We need to change our entire chinuch structure.

 I am proposing the following:
1) No men teaching girls, period! (yes, women are also abusers)

2) Eliminating all "Loshon Hara" classes in all schools, both boys and girls. Shmiras Ha'Loshon should only be taught to boys and girls once they are engaged. 

3) Specialty counselors trained in sexual abuse should meet every single student twice a year, one on one, beginning in second grade, discussing and giving them age-appropriate social skill tools so that they are able to distinguish between appropriate and not appropriate touching by strangers, teachers, and even their own fellow family members. Stein allegedly raped his own children. 

4) Schools should send these counselors to the homes of students that are absent for 3 says or longer.

5)  Counselors should take note of students that look sad, angry or constantly hungry, not dressed properly i.e. no warm clothing in the winter, torn shoes etc. 

6) For Chassidishe yeshivois, no mikva until 21 and married.

7) All suspected abusers should be immediately reported to authorities, not to rabbis.

8) Zero Tolerance!

Charges against Zev Steen have been upgraded since his arrest last week. There are now charges against him from an alleged incident in 2005. 

He is now charged with the following:


Zev Steen is now being held without bond.

Israel will not participate in the annual Miss Universe Contest this year


Miss Israel 1976 now frum 

Last week, organizers of the Miss Israel contest announced that the beauty pageant will not be held this year, meaning no contestant would be sent to the annual Miss Universe contest, which will be staged in the U.S. in January 2023.

“People change, [and] the world changes,” commented Miss Israel 1998, Linor Abargil, who is now an attorney and practices Orthodox Judaism, in an Instagram post. “A woman is not a body or a face and no one in the world has the right to criticize us, or to assess our weight to see if it matches what is going on in the market,” she added, according to a Times of Israel report.

While Miss Israel 1976, Rina Messinger, won the the Miss Universe pageant, Abergil took home the title of Miss World in 1998. The most famous Miss Israel internationally is movie star Gal Gadot, who won in 2004 and went on to a succesful career in Hollywood.

Abargil’s sentiments about winding down the contest were echoed by another past winner of the contest quoted by the Times, Sivan Klein. Conversely, former Miss Israel 2019, Sella Sharlin, thought the contest could have been reformed.

The Miss Israel competition did not provide a reason for the contest’s cancellation, or indicate if it might be brought back at any point, announcing simply, “We will not participate in the Miss Universe contest this year.”

Likud cancels planned coalition talks with right-wing partners


The Likud cancelled meetings planned with its right-wing partners Wednesday, following a contentious meeting between Likud chief Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Zionist Party chairman Bezalel Smotrich.

On Wednesday morning, the Likud announced that it nixed meetings planned with negotiating teams from the Religious Zionist Party and United Torah Judaism, as part of the ongoing efforts to form a new coalition government.

The announcement came after Netanyahu met with Smotrich Tuesday evening in a bid to iron out differences over the allocation of key ministerial portfolios – chief among them the defense and finance ministries.

Smotrich has demanded the defense ministry portfolio, but Netanyahu is under heavy pressure not to appoint the Religious Zionist Party leader to the position.

Netanyahu has also thus far refused to give Smotrich the finance ministry portfolio, Smotrich’s second choice, due to Shas chairman Aryeh Deri’s demand for the ministry.

According to Amit Segal of Channel 12, the no progress was made in the meeting between Netanyahu and Smotrich.

Netanyahu reportedly told Smotrich that due to the security situation, there is a need to act with moderation on diplomatic and security issues, at least until the end of President Joe Biden's time in office.

Oh Oh! Netanyahu in talks with Lapid, Gantz for unity government


While the Likud continues its efforts to secure coalition deals with its right-wing allies in order to establish a narrow rightist government, officials close to Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu are simultaneously negotiating with center-left leaders, eyeing a possible national unity government, Ma’ariv reported Wednesday.

According to the report, members of Netanyahu’s entourage are in the midst of quiet yet intensive talks with associates of Defense Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) and Prime Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid).

The talks are centered around the possibility of forming a new government without the rightist Religious Zionist Party, Otzma Yehudit, and Noam factions, with Yesh Atid and at least part of the National Unity party joining in their place. It appears that the New Hope faction within National Unity is not inclined to join a government with Netanyahu, even if the Blue and White faction of Benny Gantz would.

The talks began as a result of pressure by the Biden administration on Netanyahu, Lapid, Gantz, and President Isaac Herzog to form a unity government and prevent the inclusion of rightist elements.

The report claimed that the Biden administration told Netanyahu and leaders on the center-left that Israel will pay a price in the international community if a narrow right-wing government is formed.

Representatives of Yesh Atid and National Unity denied any talks are underway with the Likud.

A spokesperson for the Likud called Wednesday’s report “fake news.”

“This is more fake news. Spin, it never happened.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Chareidim Egged on by Rabbi Zvi Meir Zilberberg Now Destroy "Donation Devices" in Shuls in Beit Shemesh & Yerushalyim


Army... collect these sick "leideguyers" and send them to serve our country in the IDF! 

In other extremist action against technological devices, the Nedarim plus donation devices which are installed in hundreds of shuls in Israel have recently been targeted and broken by Chareidim. 

In a fiery speech at a rally against technology a few weeks ago, Rabbi Zvi Meir Zilberberg spoke out against the devices, claiming that they can easily be hacked and used for internet.

 In the wake of his speech some Chareidim went round a number of shuls and smashed the devices. 

Family Creates Mini-Meah Shearim in Hotel Lobby


A family celebrating a simcha at a hotel in the New York area turned the lobby of the venue into a full-on replica of Yerushalayim’s Meah Shearim neighborhood.

A video tour provided by an attendee shows the lobby decked out in signage, fake storefronts, and even workers dressed as Yerushalmis – all to create an atmosphere of being in the epicenter of Yerushalayim’s foremost charedi neighborhood.

As can be seen in the video below, the “stores” included Mefoar with tzitzis hanging outside of it, Falafel Geulah with non-Jewish servers dressed as Yerushalmim, and pashkevilin announcing a “kinnus neturei karta” hung on supporting pillars and walls.

Perhaps the only thing missing was having a group of chareidim yelling “Gevalt!” at guests as they arrived at the hotel.

DemonRats ask Corrupted FBI To Investigate Death Of Al Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh


53 DemonRats asked the corrupted FBI to launch an investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in May.

In September, the IDF concluded its own investigation into the death of Abu Akleh, who was killed during a firefight between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin. The IDF stated at the time that “it appears that it is not possible to unequivocally determine the source of the gunfire which hit Ms. Abu Akleh. However, there is a high possibility that Ms. Abu Akleh was accidentally hit by IDF gunfire that was fired toward suspects identified as armed Palestinian gunmen, during an exchange of fire in which life-risking, widespread and indiscriminate [fire was directed] toward IDF soldiers.”

The IDF had added that the possibility of Abu Akleh being hit by Palestinian fire “remains relevant.”

On Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel would not cooperate with the FBI’s probe or any external investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh.

“The U.S. Justice Ministry’s decision to investigate the unfortunate death of Shireen Abu Akleh is a serious mistake,” Gantz said in a statement. 

The IDF had added that the possibility of Abu Akleh being hit by Palestinian fire “remains relevant.”