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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mansour Abbas, Leader of Arab Party, calls to bring Charedi parties into the coalition.


I have been saying this all along that Chareidim would absolutely sit with the Arab Murderers in a coalition as long as they are promised shekels. They would sit with Lapid and yes, even Lieberman. 

MK Mansour Abbas, who chairs the United Arab List (Ra'am) party, has claimed that he received requests from many Jews to remain in the coalition, despite the fact that many in his party want him to leave it.

"There is disappointment, yes, there are mistakes, yes. There was an escalation during the month of Ramadan, yes. But this is awful, to compare the functioning of this government to the functioning of the Netanyahu government. I received many requests from Arab citizens, but mostly from Jewish citizens, who ask, 'Stay.' And that lets you see things in a broader fashion," Abbas told Yediot Aharonot.

When asked if his decision to remain in the coalition was influenced by the fact that his party is not expected to pass the electoral threshold in the coming elections, Abbas said, "I never pay attention to the polls and I don't plan my steps based on polls. Otherwise we would not have run in the last elections. Until the last days prior to the elections, we did not pass the electoral threshold. I am not building a policy and processes based on the public's opinion."

"What concerns us is not the polls but the achievements which we are bringing the Arab sector. Those wiser than me said, 'Polls - you smell them, but you don't base a workplan on them."

In Abbas' opinion, the right thing to do is to try to add the haredi parties to the coalition, to give it more stability.

"The coalition needs to make an effort and to invest in bringing some of the haredim," he said. "I also asked that they advance plans for the haredi community, and I even offered some of the budget we received to provide programs for haredi society. In my opinion, we need to think about this issue and integrate the haredim into the coalition."

Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blames Israel for death of Al Jazeera journalist during firefight, Even though Videos from Arabs themselves prove that the savages did it themselves


US-Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi) blamed Israel for the death of an Al Jazeera journalist who was killed during a firefight between IDF forces and Arab terrorists in the Jenin area Wednesday morning.

"When will the world and those who stand by Apartheid Israel that continues to murder, torture and commit war crimes finally say: "Enough"?" Tlaib wrote on Twitter. "Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by a government that receives unconditional funding by our country with zero accountability."

"POTUS, an American journalist clearly marked with press credentials was murdered. Doing and saying nothing just enables more killings. Whether you're Palestinian, American, or not, being killed with US funding must stop.

Shireen Abu Aqleh was killed when a group of heavily armed terrorists opened fire on IDF troops operating in the Jenin area, sparking a firefight. The IDF said that the forces came under heavy fire and that explosives were thrown at them.

US State Department Spokesman Ned Price condemned the killing of Aqleh, but without assigning blame.

Palestinian Authority Forensic Medicine Institute Director Dr. Rayyan Al Ali said following the beginning of the autopsy that "it cannot be determined whether [Aqleh] was killed by Israeli fire or by a Palestinian bullet." which is an outrageous lie, as forensics can  determine the bullet used 

Lufthansa CEO apologizes to Chief Rabbi of Berlin


Carsten Spohr, CEO of German airline Lufthansa, apologized for the antisemitic incident that took place on one of the airline’s flights in a conversation with the Chief Rabbi of Berlin, Rabbi Yehudah Teichtal.

"Antisemitism has no place in Lufthansa," Spohr said. "What happened should not have happened. Our company represents a connection between people, cultures and nations. Openness and tolerance are the cornerstones and there is no room for antisemitism."

Rabbi Teichtal told the Lufthansa CEO, "If an employee wearing a Lufthansa uniform acts in an inappropriate manner - fears and accusations of antisemitism are completely legitimate. We should expect more sensitivity from a German corporation."

The rabbi added after the conversation, "I am glad that the CEO of Lufthansa responded so quickly, took a clear position and apologized."

Lufthansa sparked outrage when it banned all Jews from taking a flight on May 4, after it accused several Jewish passengers of not wearing masks during the previous leg of the flight, with an airline rep saying in a video, “It was Jewish people who made the mess, Jewish people made the problem.”

Lufthansa apologized this week for the incident.

“We apologize to all the travelers unable to travel on this flight, not only for the inconvenience, but also for the offense caused and personal impact,” the airline said in a statement. “What transpired is not consistent with Lufthansa’s policies or values.”

The incident caused a great uproar and the company has been doing some damage control. During the conversation between the company's CEO and Rabbi Teichtal, it was agreed that a meeting between the two would take place in the coming days, in which the issue will be discussed at length so that a similar incident does not recur in the future.

Israel To Start Its Own Web Domain In the Hebrew Jewish Language


The Israel Internet Association announced on Tuesday that it is launching a new domain, .Israel, which will allow users to enter Internet addresses in Hebrew.

The association is allowing trademark holders to pre-register for Internet addresses until July, reported Ynet.

By September, the domains will be opened up to the general public.

Since the 1980s, Israel’s domain was .il, which will continue to function.

“Opening the domain was a long and challenging process,” said CEO of Israel Internet Association Yoram Hacohen. “The idea to establish a domain in Hebrew has been around for more than a decade, and we even conducted a survey for the Israeli public in 2012 that helped us focus the process

Michael Savage Defends Lufthansa and Blames Jews for Being Kicked Off Flight


On Newsmax TV, Michael Weiner, also known as Michael Savage blasted Charedi Jews, and appeared to defend Lufthansa, after they committed an act of blatant antisemitism and then admitted it on video. He bashed Charedim for “throwing rocks”, and compared Jews not wearing masks to “Devil Worshippers.”

Savage, was asked in an interview about the well-publicized incident in which the German airline banned 130 Jewish passengers over the behavior of “one or two”

He proceeded to blast Chassidim as “fanatical and self-centered”. He blamed Jewish passengers for not complying with the rules, and dismissed the admission by a Lufthansa employee that they targeted Jews as her getting “tripped up and making a mistake.”

This is a very simple matter. If two black passengers on an airplane refused to wear masks, and the airline banned all blacks from boarding their connecting flight, the world would be livid at the extreme hate and bigotry. The NAACP would have filed lawsuits, and every politician in the country would be condemning the airline. Yet Savage seized the opportunity to bash Jews and show his complete disdain and ignorance. He even went so far to say the people on the plane were “Satmar Hassidim who throw rocks” which was completely fabricated.

Arab Workers Wear M-16 Shirts In Support Of Terror Attacks

A new trend among Palestinians and some Israeli Arabs wearing T-shirts with a M-16 printed on them began following the Bnei Brak terror attack, during which the heinous Palestinian terrorist shot victims with an M-16 rifle.

Unbelievably enough, Arab workers have been seen in Israeli supermarkets and other places, wearing the shirts. On Friday, an Arab showed up at work at a Yesh Chesed supermarket in Rechovot wearing a black T-shirt with the M-16 on the back, causing panic among the customers.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Duvid Chutzyanski 56 Arrested for Molesting 3 Teens in the Kiryat Malachi Mikvah


This is not the first time this "chazir" was arrested and charged for molestation! He already sat 5 years in jail for earlier offenses. 

כתב אישום נגד דוד חוצ'ינסקי, בן  56, בגין ביצוע עבירות חמורות בשלושה נערים בני 14 במקווה בשכונה חרדית בקרית מלאכי • הנאשם, עבריין הנמצא תחת צו פיקוח ומעקב, הגיע במהלך חג הפסח למקווה, הבחין כי שלושה נערים טובלים בבריכה - וביצע בהם מעשים חמורים במיוחד

פרקליטות מחוז דרום (פלילי) הגישה היום (רביעי) לבית המשפט המחוזי בבאר שבע כתב אישום נגד דוד חוצ’ינסקי, בן  56, בגין ביצוע עבירות חמורות בשלושה נערים בני 14 במקווה בקרית מלאכי.

על פי כתב האישום, שהוגש על ידי עו”ד חן עסיס לביא, הנאשם שהינו תחת צו פיקוח ומעקב לפי חוק ההגנה על הציבור מפני עברייני מין, הגיע במהלך חג הפסח למקווה, הבחין כי שלושה נערים טובלים בבריכת המקווה, וביצע בהם מעשים חמורים במיוחד.

הנאשם ניצל את תמימותם של הנערים והעובדה שהיו לבדם במקווה, כשהוא יודע שהוא מפר את תנאיי הפיקוח.

כתב האישום מייחס לנאשם ביצוע עבירות של מעשים חמורים בקטינים שטרם מלאו להם 16 בנסיבות אינוס, ניסיון למעשה מגונה בקטין שטרם מלאו לו 16 והפרת צו פיקוח.

הפרקליטות מבקשת לעצור את הנאשם עד לתום ההליכים המשפטיים נגדו.

לנאשם עבר פלילי, כולל הרשעות קודמות ומאסרים, באחד מהם לתקופה של 5 שנים וכן תלוי ועומד נגדו כתב אישום.

בבקשת המעצר צוין, כי הנאשם מסוכן לציבור, אינו בר הרתעה, מזה תקופה ארוכה מצוי בפיקוח על עברייני מין בשל מסוכנות גבוהה, אך חוזר ומפר את תנאי הפיקוח ומבצע עבירות, תוך הפרת תנאי הפיקוח.

More and More People Are Now Doubting the 2020 Election


Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable.

Oscar Wilde, “Intentions”, 1891.

As the Biden incumbency drags excruciatingly on, one thing is becoming increasingly clear.

While it is not impossible that Joe  Biden won the 2020 presidential elections fair and square, without any underhand shenanigans or fraudulent skullduggery, with time, this is proving increasingly improbable.

Unplumbed depths of incompetency

Arab Murder Al Jazeera Reporter and blame the IDF


Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed Wednesday morning in clashes between the IDF and terrorists in Jenin. The IDF said that the journalist may have been killed by Arab gunmen. IDF Spokesman Brigadier General Ran Kochav said that Israel had offered the PA a joint investigation – but they refused.

“Dozens of gunmen fired at IDF forces and exchanged fire. I don’t think we killed her,” Kochav told Reshet Bet Radio.

 The IDF spokesman noted a PA Arab claim and a video shot by the terrorists showing them firing and then boasting about hitting a soldier wearing a bulletproof vest. “However,” Kochav clarified, “No soldier has been injured,” suggesting the “soldier” wearing a vest was the reporter.

“The Red Crescent immediately evacuated the body so we couldn’t check the ballistics that hit her,” Kochav added. “She was probably hit by Palestinian gunfire, but I say this with caution because we have not finished checking this thing out. The fact that they are hiding it means they have a good reason.”

Al Jazeera had no problem running the decisive headline: “Shireen Abu Akleh: Al Jazeera journalist shot dead in West Bank,” with the sub-headline: “Israeli forces shot Shireen Abu Akleh in the head while she was on assignment in Jenin in the occupied West Bank.”

The article read: “Israeli forces have shot dead Al Jazeera’s journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian health ministry. She was hit by a live bullet on Wednesday while covering Israeli raids in the city of Jenin and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, according to the ministry and Al Jazeera journalists.”

So they already know.

Part Two of Ami's Magazine Favorite Cult ... Lev Tahor ...Ami Covered For this dangerous Cult!


NOTE:Yitzchok Frankfurter the editor of Ami Magazine is named in the files submitted to the courts, as one who falsely portrayed a murderous Helbrans as a "respected rabbi." 
 It was Ami Magazine that attempted to legitimize the leaders of this dangerous cult. Ami tried to make Lev Tahor look like just another chassidus. 
Ami never issued an apology for the relentless dis-information campaign!

Three suspicious deaths in Lev Tahor.

 I think back to my years in Lev Tahor and it's filled with images of pain and suffering. My time in Buvel (Lev Tahor's compound in rural Guatemala) was packed with death. My father, of blessed memory. Shlomo Helbrans. Miriam Laver. Each of the deaths bothered me then and still bother me now. They all could have easily been avoided. Each one was surrounded with suspicious circumstances. 

Every death contributed to further abuse and deep horrors that I am trying to work through to this day. Making this video took a lot out of me. I was interviewed for hours on camera twice and then had a wonderful reunion with Yaniv in front of a camera crew. But I did it because I had to. The world needs to know about the abuse because it's still happening. 

My family is stuck in a place where their health and lives are dependent on the whims of its leaders. There's no oversight. No freedom of movement, of speech, of thought. 

My wish is that this film helps the Frum world, the Chassidic world, come to terms with the fact that there is serious abuse going on in Lev Tahor. 

If you are reading this and have influence with a Chassidic Rebbe, please speak to him. Show him the files we have leaked and ask him if they support such actions and behaviors (we have many more files to leak - we're just waiting for approval on them). Ask them to issue Kol Korehs against Lev Tahor. We need to stop them from abusing more people.

 Please spread my video to the world. Apply pressure in any way you can. If saving one person saves an entire world (as I learned from the Gemara after I escaped) then imagine the merit of saving hundreds of men, women, and children from constant terror and abuse. 

Thank you for watching my film. I hope my next one will be a reunion clip in which I meet my mother and my other siblings, including Mayer. Mommy, if you are reading this, I love you and I miss you all the time. I'm working hard to create a space where you and the family can be safe when you eventually get out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Rav From Barditichiv "Don't Come to Meron on Lag Be'Omer" it is a "sakana a chillul Hashem" " Stay in Yerushalyim! R' Shimon ben Yochai Doesn't want you there!


Chareidim Don't Care about Safety in Meron on Lag Be'Omer "We don't want the police" "Hashem will protect us"


Meron Dead 

Mrs Shulamit Landa 50 Principal of Girls School in Beitar Elite Arrested for Allegedly Sexualy Molesting her Students


New York Times Smears the Long Dead & Beloved Ed Koch because he was a Jew


Israel Apartheid? Arab Savage was "Snow-white" while the Jewish Victim was Black!


Lufthansa the "Satmar Airline" Refuses to apologize for barring 100 Chassidim to board


Both feuding Satmar Rebbes,  R' Aron Teitelbaum and his nemesis R' Zalman Leib refuse to travel on El Al; when they travel to the Zionist State, they travel Lufthansa.

Lufthansa is owned by Germans, whose relatives brutally murdered 3/4 of the Jewish people. It has since been demonstrated and proven that the Deutsche "Luft Hansa" relied on the use of forced labor on the site of Tempelhof airport. Read the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by Daniel Goldhagen, in which he argues that the vast majority of ordinary Germans were willing executioners.

The Satmar  Rebbes don't care about German's bloody history and would rather fly with an airline owned by the relatives of their grandparent's murderers than fly with an airline owned by Jews. El Al represents Zionism and it was the Zionists who saved the life of R' Yoel Teitelbaum. 
Now, I admit that I sometimes fly United or Delta to and back to Israel, but I don't do it on principle, I do it because of timing and go for who has a better price, my financial resources are limited.
But leaders of hundreds of thousands should travel the Jewish airline, especially since they owe Israel "hakoras hatoiv."

A group of about 100 Orthodox Jews from New York City says it was barred from boarding a connecting flight in Germany last week — because a few didn't wear masks on the previous leg,  according to reports.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The End of Bennett ?


Israel's embattled prime minister on Monday vowed to continue to lead the country as his shaky government limped into the opening of parliament's summer session on the verge of collapse.

Less than a year after taking office, Naftali Bennett has lost his parliamentary majority , his own party is crumbling and a key governing partner has suspended cooperation with the coalition. That has set the stage for a possible attempt by the opposition, led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to topple the government later this week. 

While Bennett appears to be poised to fend off this immediate challenge, his longer-term prospects are uncertain at a time when the government is deeply divided over major issues, Israel is facing an ongoing wave of stabbings and shootings by lone-wolf Palestinian attackers and a confrontation with the United States over West Bank settlement construction is looming.

Bayaler Rebbe's Segula Not to be Attacked by Terrorists

 "Not to utter a sound after leaving the bathroom until one has washed his hands properly and made the bracha "Asher Yatzar"

The Moment they caught the Arab Savages that murdered Jews in Elad


Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Calls His Brother's Followers in Monroe "Rashaim"