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Monday, April 4, 2022

Capo Ezra Friedlander Is getting Excited by the New Iran Deal pushed by the Biden Administration

Hey Ezra, did you tell the RY of Mir that the grandchild of the  "Tal Chaim" was pushing the Iran-Satmar Deal that could potentially c"v wipe the Mirer Yeshivah off the map? Did you tell him that the grandchild of the "Tal Chaim" arranged that the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish boys get the Congressional Medal of Honor? 

Jews "Walking" Anywhere in Israel is now called "Storming" by antisemites

To all those "tazaddikim" who call to ban Jews from visiting the Har Habayis in order to avoid "provocation" this is what you get!

Now Lapid "walking" in Yerushalyim is considered "provocation"

Caving to terrorism only leads to more terrorism. 

Mother of 6 month old says her baby is gay


 This is a clip from the Monty Python movie that explains it all 

Now We know why Moshiach isn't coming.. it's because people are NOT eating Kitniyois


Eliya Hawila, Who Masqueraded As Jew And Married Jewish Girl, Was Apparently Jewish All The Time


Eliya Haliwa, who married a member of a Syrian Jewish family in Brooklyn last October, was exposed immediately after the wedding as a Shiite Muslim from Lebanon. The revelation led to a huge controversy and calls for more stringent investigation of people’s Jewish lineage before allowing them to wed. Haliwa himself was forced to leave his new wife and even though he wished to convert to Judaism, the Syrian Jewish community maintains a longstanding ban on accepting Jewish converts.

However on Zev Brenner’s Talkline show it was revealed by Rabbi Avrohom Reich of the Hatzalas Yisrael community of Brooklyn that Haliwa is actually Jewish and has undergone a conversion L’chumra (to be extra stringent). Rabbi Reich is an expert on tracking and investigating the lineage of Jews from the FSR (Former Soviet Republic) and says that he spoke with the mother of Haliwa, who admitted that both she and her mother are Jewish.

Rabbi Reich spoke with the grandmother in Lebanon and said that he was a member of a Beis Din which performed the conversion L’chumra for Chaliwa and stressed that he is now a Jew “L’Mehadrin”. According to B’Chadrei, the Beis Din which performed the conversion is recognized by Israel’s chief rabbinate.

Rabbi Reich said that the reason for performing the conversion L’Chumra was because there were four consecutive generations which did not keep mitzvos and therefore a conversion was required. Hawila himself said that the reason he had not revealed his Jewish roots earlier was because he did not know about them and only found out after the fiasco of his marriage with a Jewish girl.

Haliwa intends to go back to his wife now that he has been converted L’chumra, even though he is under pressure from members of the Syrian Jewish community to give his wife a get. After the revelation of his roots in November, Haliwa said that “I just want another chance, I want to rectify things, I wanted to be Jewish irrespective of the girl I married.” According to the new information received, Haliwa is indeed Jewish and was already Jewish when he married.

Mazel Tov .. He/She Abby Stein Engaged to a She


We need a "bo'ku" (an expert) on He-Shes' .... 

I don't get it! ... 
He is a guy who thinks he is a girl and now he is engaged to a real girl, so is he really a fraud? 
It appears that  a guy who thinks it's Purim all year round got engaged to a girl.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

New Square Rules for "Skverer Bochrim"

 In the entire letter that was distributed to parents, there is absolutely no mention how a "Chassidishe Boy" should behave with his peers or to other humans. It's all about the outside.

Loosely Translated:

Mikva: All boys must go to the mikva before davening, but to be careful in the mikva where one looks, and act with alacrity and tznees.

Kipa: Must be soft, large enough that it sticks out of the hat 

Bekeshe: From Succos onward only plain ones.

Jacket: Only the black ones, no colors.

Tzizis: Only the wool ones with the "round" neck as per the custom in New Square.

Tefillin Bags: It cannot have a handle and of course not, a shoulder harness.

Underwear: Must be the Chassidishe underwear. 

Gartel: Must be a whole one , and must have a minimum of 12 rows. The Gartel is worn on the Jacket or the "chalat" . This must be a separate gartel not the one that comes with the "chalat" Out Minhag is that we dont have the hanging tails and tying the gartel "tight" shows a warmness to chassidishkeit!

There is another page which says that all eyeglasses must be plastic only, peyos cannot have gel, a Bochur cannot have a comb or a mirror, and cannot wear a wrist watch. He must also wear his hat while eating!

A Solution To the Israeli Arab Situation

 We are suffering from almost daily terrorist attacks in Israel. An appropriate response would be to act immediately to:

*close Israel to all non-resident workers — no Arabs working on construction sites in our communities starting tomorrow and through the end of Ramadan.

*demolish ALL illegal Arab construction in Israel's Area C, starting with the demolition of Khan Al Ahmar (as per the Supreme Court ruling). Not move it a few hundred meters. Demolish it and deport its residents.

*evict all illegal squatters from the Shimon haTzadik neighborhood (which the Arabs call the sheik al jarrah neighborhood) and restore the Jewish-owned properties to their rightful Jewish owners.

*evict all illegal Arab squatters from Lod;  kick their kids out of our schools; deport the families out of Israel. They register school kids by taking drone photos of their illegal encampments, in lieu of legal addresses. They committed a pogrom against us without consequences. Deport them out of Israel.

*assert Israeli civil law over all of Judea and Samaria.

*start building new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  Tomorrow.

*enact and enforce a new Media Law requiring the use of accurate nomenclature for places and people in Israel: Judea and Samaria, NOT "West Bank"; citizens or residents of Jewish communities, NOT "settlers" or "settlements" or "illegal settlements." Penalties for violations should range from fines to revocation of press credentials, visas, or media operating licenses.

*enact a similar law governing the use of accurate nomenclature by all city and state employees, police officers, military personnel, and government officials, up to and including the PM, with penalties ranging from fines to firings to removal from political office, especially applicable to the current PM.

*enact and implement an oath of loyalty to the Jewish state to be required of all citizens and all members of Knesset, along with enforcing treason laws. Arab Israelis who identify as Palestinians have nationalist aspirations that are antithetical to our own.  They promise to annihilate Israel and replace it with an apartheid, Judenrein state of Palestine. These people are our enemies and must not be allowed to participate in Israel's *national* government. They already have self government in their own Judenrein apartheid Areas A.

*institute the death penalty for terrorists, to be executed immediately or after intelligence interrogations; burial at sea; no bodies returned for burial as martyrs; date, time, location unknown. No reason for Israel to pay to keep terrorists alive in our prisons, only to release them to kill again.

*change the current low-threshhold coalition system, so that no politician can ever again manipulate the system to take a few measly seats, override the will of the majority who voted four times for a right-wing government, and gain power by forming an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, who have no business participating in Israel's NATIONAL government, as their stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. Raise the threshold. What Bennett did was evil.

*change the hypocritical law banning Jewish nationalist political parties like the Kahanists, while allowing Arab nationalist parties that are openly pro-apartheid, Judenrein "Palestine." As long as there are pro-Palestinian Arab parties in Israel's *national* government, Jews must be allowed to have pro-Jewish parties like Otzma Yehudit and the Kahanist parties.

*Take back control of the Temple Mount from the Muslim Waqf. Moshe Dayan made a terrible mistake in 1967. Rectify it. Close the Temple Mount tomorrow and keep it closed for a year. Use the time to repair the damage done to it by the Muslims. When it reopens in a year or so from now, it will be under Jewish control. All entrance gates will have full security measures. Visitors of all faiths will be allowed to pray. A code of conduct appropriate to holy religious sites will be enforced. Violators playing sports, picnicking, harassing others, or being violent will be arrested, prosecuted, and banned for life from future visits.

These are just a few ideas for starters. The common theme is Jewish sovereignty. Assert Jewish sovereignty NOW in every sphere of life. This is Israel, the Jewish national homeland.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Claims that Half Of Israelis That Took the Covid Vaccine Have Aids !


CLAIM: Half of Israel’s population now has AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, due to receiving multiple COVID-19 vaccine injections.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. COVID-19 vaccines do not cause AIDS, and public health experts say cases of the virus that causes AIDS, human immunodeficiency virus, have not dramatically risen in Israel following mass vaccination.

THE FACTS: In a video clip circulating widely on social media over the last week, a doctor who has promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 suggested that half of Israel’s population now has AIDS from receiving multiple vaccine injections.

Vladimir Zelenko, a physician from New York state, made the comments on March 23 during an interview with a conservative blog in which he also asserted that multiple injections of the COVID-19 vaccines “destroy” peoples’ immune systems.

He said dozens of peer-reviewed papers support his claims but did not cite specific research or other such evidence in the interview. Zelenko did not respond to a request for comment.

“Around 50 percent of the Israeli population has AIDS,” Zelenko said during the Zoom call, later adding: “Why would getting more shots help?”

One Twitter user shared a clip of Zelenko’s comments in a March 23 tweet, writing: “Disturbing !!,” and “50% of Israelis have AIDS and are unable to manage the mild omicron.”

Another Twitter user wrote: “Did you see the clip of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko speaking about Israel? He said 50% of people in Israel have AIDS from their immune system being destroyed by these shots.”

But the claims are incorrect, according to several medical experts interviewed by The Associated Press.

Leftist Media Turning on Biden


If there’s one thing Joe Biden doesn’t need, it’s more problems. With soaring inflation pushing household budgets into the red, crime rising everywhere, the southern border open to all comers and his agenda stalled in Congress, the 46th president is beyond beleaguered. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and his efforts to rally NATO initially seemed to give him a second chance with disappointed voters. After Biden focused a big portion of his State of the Union address on the war, he did get a bump in the polls. 

But it didn’t last, and even his recent trip to Europe that was filled with photo ops with refugees and tough, if bizarre, talk about Vladimir Putin couldn’t stop the spiral. Two surveys released since the president returned show him with just 38% and 39% approval, respectively. 

These are dead-man-walking numbers, and another bombshell waits in the wings. This one has the potential to deliver a fatal blow to his presidency. 

The federal probe of Hunter Biden is no longer taboo, and the media floodgates are opening. Where once The New York Post stood alone in reporting the skeezy details of the many millions the first son gained by selling his family name overseas, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and CBS News, among others, are belatedly joining the chase and conceding e-mails found on a laptop Hunter abandoned are authentic, just as The Post said they were 17 months ago. 

Even network correspondents are asking pointed questions about the president’s insistence in a 2020 campaign debate that “nothing was unethical” about Hunter’s lucrative foreign entanglements. 

The big lie 

Last Thursday, White House communications director Kate Bedingfield claimed in response to the question from NBC that the administration still stands behind that entire comment in which Joe Biden also said, “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what you’re talking about, China.” 

That’s a very odd lie to defend, with a Senate probe showing at least $11 million was wired from a Chinese official to accounts controlled by Hunter. 

In addition, Hunter reportedly still has a 10% stake in a partnership with a Chinese bank arranged on a trip to Beijing in 2013 with his father, then the vice president. 

The sudden about-face from media outlets that scandalously said The Post was spreading Russian disinformation in 2020 reflects the likelihood that the Justice Department is close to deciding whether to file criminal charges against Hunter. A federal grand jury in Delaware has been hearing from a flurry of witnesses, indicating the case is coming to a head. 

If Hunter is indicted, it’s hard to see how his father’s presidency survives. 

That’s because any indictment of the son, no matter how carefully drawn, will inevitably implicate the father. Assuming an indictment would follow the usual prosecutor pattern of connecting the dots to associates to show evidence of Hunter’s guilt, it’s possible the president could be referenced in charging papers. 

That would directly contradict Joe Biden’s claims he had no involvement in his son’s business and never once discussed it with Hunter. 

Beyond the absurdity of the claims, we know they are lies thanks to laptop e-mails and photos showing that Joe met Hunter’s partners and some of his foreign paymasters. Other e-mails suggest Joe and Hunter co-mingled their money through checking accounts. 

And thanks to Tony Bobulinski, we have known since October 2020 that Joe knew all about the big China deal by early 2017. Bobulinski was the former CEO of the joint venture between a Chinese energy tycoon and Hunter, Joe’s brother Jim Biden and others, and says he met with Joe Biden to discuss the plan. 

‘The big guy’ 

An e-mail detailing the equity divisions of that deal is where another partner wrote that Hunter was holding 10% “for the big guy.” 

Bobulinski said publicly that Joe Biden was the big guy — and told that and everything else he knows to the FBI. 

Yet just last week, the White House claimed Joe Biden “has never even considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any overseas business whatsoever.” 

None of this is to suggest the president is in danger of being indicted, which would run afoul of Justice guidelines against charging a sitting president. 

But charges against Hunter, even without reference to the father, would likely trigger another big decline in the president’s already-weak support. 

Facing doom in the midterms with him at the helm, many Dems might try to save themselves by calling for Biden’s resignation. 

Still, there are two potential escape hatches for the president and his party. 

First, it’s possible the media come-latelies are just changing tactics and are writing about the probe of Hunter to reposition their defense of Joe. 

A clue is the repetition of the mantra in the coverage that there is “no evidence” linking the father to the son’s potential wrongdoing. 

The defense is BS, and there is little reason to assume the public would buy it, because most Americans don’t trust the press. Indeed, already enjoying near-lockstep media support, Biden is still wildly unpopular among voters, so it’s not clear how much more the media could help him. 

The second escape hatch offers a far more likely scenario: Biden’s Justice Department, already up to its neck in politics, bends to pressure from Dems and refuses to indict Hunter to protect the president. 

The Times, in its role as Deep State errand boy, seemed to be laying the groundwork recently when it cited an internal debate among prosecutors about whether civil charges would be more appropriate. The paper reported that Hunter borrowed about $1 million to cover back taxes in hopes he would not be criminally charged and said the payment might make it more difficult to gain conviction at trial. 

Among the advantages for the family with a civil case is that Hunter could cut a deal to keep details of the investigation secret, and could keep his law license. The fallout on the president would be minimal. 

That would leave the White House where it is now — still failing because of an incompetent president and his disastrous policies.

‘Seinfeld’ actress Estelle Harris Dies was 93


Actress Estelle Harris, who voiced Mrs. Potato Head in “Toy Story” and played George Costanza’s judgmental mother on “Seinfeld,” died Saturday of natural causes, her family said. She was 93.

Her son, Glen Harris, confirmed her death to Deadline.

“It is with the greatest remorse and sadness to announce that Estelle Harris has passed on this evening at 6:25pm,” Glen Harris told the site.

“Her kindness, passion, sensitivity, humor, empathy and love were practically unrivaled, and she will be terribly missed by all those who knew her.”

Harris was born Estelle Nussbaum in ManhattanNew York on April 4, 1928, the younger of two daughters of Isaac ("Ira") and Anna Nussbaum, Polish Jewish immigrants who owned a candy store.

Harris was known for her distinct high-pitched voice, but she is perhaps best remembered as Estelle Costanza on the NBC sitcom “Seinfeld.”

In a 2014 Mother’s Day interview with The Post, she imagined how her TV counterpart and her son may have marked the holiday.

“If George Costanza ever made me a meal for Mother’s Day, it would be a fiasco,” she said at the time. “Everything would turn out awful. He would probably do it the wrong way – he’d be breaking the dishes, inviting the wrong people, ruining everything.”

Harris herself didn’t have the best view of the holiday, she revealed.

“I don’t like any of these holidays,” the famous TV mom said. “I feel like they’re brought out strictly to earn money. I like every day to mean something, and not just celebrate it because it has a name.”

Bnei Brak Charedim Attend Burial of Arab Christian Officer who Killed Terrorist


A group of Charedim from Bnei Brak attended the funeral of a non-Jewish police officer who was killed while gunning down the Palestinian terrorist.

Sgt. Amir Khoury, an Arab Christian, likely saved many lives after he rushed to the scene of Tuesday’s attack in Bnei Brak and shot Palestinian terrorist Diaa Hamarsheh. Mr. Khoury was shot by the terrorist and succumbed to his wounds.

At the funeral, Sergeant Khoury’s father Jiris eulogized him: “On Tuesday morning, you left me with an embrace and told me that you would be home on Friday. You returned a day early, in a coffin. I’m sorry that I am separated from you. Children bury their parents, and here everything has turned upside down. My beloved son, I love you. If you had known how many people from across the country called, came to mourn, from Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem, Rehovot… They said they felt an obligation to come embrace you.”

Sergeant Khoury and his partner were motorcycle officers in Bnei Brak. They were the first to arraive the scene after the terrorist shot and murdered four people in two locations.

Thousands of people from all over Israel attended the funeral in Nazareth, and a busload of Charedim joined later to pay their respects when the procession reached the officer’s hometown of Nof Hagalil.

According to media reports, Sergeant Khoury once saved a Charedi from drowning.

Media Hoax On Trump's Involvement with the Jan 6 Protest Exposed


The mainstream media has been busted again reporting a “fake news” scandal about President Trump that never happened. 

The media was gleeful this week over a supposed “seven-hour gap” in White House phone logs from January 6. However, even CNN now concedes that the “gap” was probably due to Trump’s frequent use of old-fashioned landlines and cell phones, not connected to the White House switchboard.

Documents sent to the Congressional committee investigating the Capitol breach and leaked to the media, appeared to indicate that calls were suppressed by the Trump White House.

The Washington Post compared the bogus scandal to the Nixon tapes and a leftist op-ed writer said it was “worse than Watergate”:

The Post reported: there is a seven-hour gap in Donald Trump’s phone logs on the day of the insurrection attempt. According to documents obtained by The Post and CBS News, there is no record of then-President Trump’s calls on Jan. 6, 2021, from just after 11 a.m. to shortly before 7 p.m…the documents…do show that Trump had many calls before 11 a.m. and after 6 p.m. that were apparently related to the coup effort. That suggests Trump held many calls related to the insurrection between those two times that are not officially accounted for.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

In first, Britain jails businessman for refusing to grant his wife a Jewish divorce


Alan Mohler

An English court on Friday sentenced a Jewish businessman to 18 months in prison for refusing to grant his wife a religious divorce.

Alan Moher, 57, and his wife Caroline separated in 2016 after 20 years of marriage. The couple, who have three children, were granted a civil divorce in 2019.

However, the Manchester property firm owner refused to grant his wife a get, which Jewish law mandates must be given freely without coercion and prevents her from remarrying until he does.

In response, his wife brought what her lawyers have called a “landmark case” against Moher, who this week pleaded guilty at the Southwark Crown Court to controlling or coercive behavior over a five-year period beginning in 2016.

It was the first time someone who refused to grant a get has been convicted of such a charge in an English court, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

“You sought to manipulate and control her all in the knowledge that it would substantially impact her mental health and in some respects also impact her physical health,” Judge Martin Beddoe told Moher, according to the BBC.

Among the accusations against Moher were that he used “psychological and emotional abuse” and threatened his wife,” who hailed the ruling.

“To those who have emotionally coerced and controlled, physically hurt, and dehumanized their spouses — the law will not allow you to get away with your crimes,” she said.

“To those victims out there, you are not alone, and justice and humanity are on your side,” she added. “I urge you not to stay silent, but to fight for your freedom.”

In a previous court ruling, Moher was ordered to pay his wife alimony until he grants her a get.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Tazriah


So How Much is a "ke'Zayis?

 When I was a kid growing up I knew what a "ke'zayis" was. I looked at the olives sold in the appetizing stores and I knew immediately how big or small an olive was. I could eat a "large" olive in about 30 seconds and that was with no front teeth. 

As I grew older and had a family, I suddenly saw "sefarim" being sold that debated how large an olive was? 

I learned in very well known yeshivos, my Rosh Yeshiva was a Talmud muvhak of the late Brisker Rav in Europe pre-WW2, and when we learned about "shiurim" no one mentioned how large an olive was. One could just go across the street and see one in a jar in the grocery store.

Let me tell you about the seder my father z"l ran.

My father z"l was a Holocaust survivor from a "heimishe" family and had a "mesorah" going back generations.

We all sat around the Seder Table, my father looked regal in his kittel and recited the haggada in Yiddish! He then took a piece of potato which he dipped into salt water and gave each one of us a piece. He didn't measure how much he gave, he just gave it as he saw by his own father.  

Of course when we are dealing with  "karpas" the Measurement is a "half an egg" there is no talk of "ke'zayis" here! Why that is, you can ask by the "ma nisthana?

When it came to Matza, my father z"l would not measure but broke a piece of matza, and placed it into each of our hands. He did not use a ruler, he didn't look at the latest "Pesach manuals" which stated that one has to literally choke down two "kzayisim" which they estimated to be a whole matza and a half in 20 seconds or less. He did what he saw by his father who saw it from his father who was a talmud of the Ksav Sofer,

I only found out about these "measurements" when I was a father of many children bl"eh, myself. When I asked my previous classmates what their fathers did, they said that their fathers also used no measurements but estimated what they thought was "ke'zaysim'. 

Now the new "talmeidei chachamim" buy these laminated ruler charts, sit around measuring "karpas, Marror, Matza. ..the whole flavor of the seder revolves around how much and how fast one can gulp down and entire kilo of matzah, and the story of Yetzias Metzrayim is now me imagining and picturing my poor grandfather, and grandmother running out of mitzrayim holding on tight to their laminated ruler charts choking down their dry burnt matzos. 

So how much is a "kezyis" ... you would think an olive, Right? 

No, these new "talmeidei Chachamim" that were manufactured in the litvishe Yeshivos fabricated a new measurement of how large an olive is.They don't really care how large or small an olive really is, because that would be too easy, they suddenly became farmers and they and only they know the measurement of a kzayis. 

I have seen large olives, lots of them, thank you, and never saw that the volume of an olive would be larger or equal to 3/4 of a matza? Never! 

So I'm glad that I came across an article by RationalistJudaisiam that puts  a light on the this whole mess!

The Kezayis Revolution Continues!

Good news for the Jews! The recent trend of insisting on ever-larger sizes of matza that need to be eaten on Seder night continues to be challenged. The latest work, released into the public domain, is called Zayit Ra'anan, by a Sefardic Torah scholar. You can download it at this link. I haven't had time to study it properly, but the numerous haskamot alone are fascinating in their diversity. Some of the rabbanim are greatly unnerved, some admit that the arguments seem compelling but are afraid to say that anyone other than "the Gedolim" can decide these things, and others forthrightly state that it is obviously true that a kezayit is the size of a contemporary olive.

The monograph that I wrote on the evolution of the kezayis, from the size of an olive to a matzah ten times that size, seems to be the most popular piece that I have ever published. It's now incorporated in my book Rationalism vs. Mysticism, which you can purchase at this link.

Here is a list of other posts relating to this topic:

Matzah/Maror Chart for Rationalists - so that you, too, can have a chart!

The Popularity of Olives - exploring why this paper is so popular and yet hated by some.

Why On Earth Would One Eat A Kezayis?  - discussing the strange notion that one should aim to eat a kezayis of matzah on Seder night.

The Riddle of the Giant Kezayis Defense - wondering why many people would not accept that a kezayis is the size of an olive.

Maniacal Dishonesty About Olives - exposing an error-ridden critique that appeared in the charedi polemical journal Dialogue.

It's Krazy Kezayis Time! - discussing the view that one should eat a huge amount of matzah in a very short time in order to fulfill all opinions.

The Kezayis Revolution - announcing the fabulous sefer by Rabbi Hadar Margolin, which presents the same arguments that I brought but in a more yeshivish manner. He also brings an astonishing array of evidence that many recent charedi gedolim likewise held that a kezayis is very small, including even the Chazon Ish! Best of all, the entire sefer can be freely downloaded.

Brisker "Chumreh Checkers" Checking Matzos ...


3rd Grader Sends Letter to his murdered Rebbe


Many eulogies have been written and heard regarding the five precious souls murdered in Bnei Brak. 
Here is a slightly different eulogy, a letter from an third grader in the Or David school, written to the family of his teacher, Rabbi Avishai Yechezkel:

Loosely translated

“To the family of Rabbi Avishai,

"Shalom. I wanted to tell you that Rabbi Avishai Yechezkel was a very good rabbi who always played with us, taught us well, and was like a real father to us. He would even hold lotteries and throw parties for us with rolls and sausages.

“He never missed a chance to teach us something. He would always teach us and spoil us, and I hope we will have another rabbi like Rabbi Avishai. He wanted to teach us the Pesach Haggadah, he wanted us to learn more psalms with him. He would learn with us and make us a Shabbat cake, bring candy, snacks, and always recite psalms with us and would not let a second go by without Torah in it. He would teach and we would learn all the time.

"Now my heart doesn’t feel well. It is very difficult for me, but at least his stories will stay with us, and also the lessons he taught us as he wrote them down in his beautiful handwriting. And my heart doesn’t feel well but I am sure he is now in the best place, the closest to HaShem and close to the tzadikim.

"And I want to make him happy in Heaven by doing what he always told us to do: 
'Be careful about the honor of your friend.'
1. Study well. 
2. Be nice to your friends. 
3. Happily help your friends.
4. Speak with clean language.

"You were privileged to have a father like this."

Lev Tahor Cult Leaders Nachman Helbrans And Mayer Rosner Sentenced To 12 Years


This is the same group that Yitzy "the frank" Frankfurter of Ami Magazine said were "pious Jews"..

A federal judge has sentenced Lev Tahor cult leaders Nachman Helbrans and Mayer Rosner to 144 months (12 years) in prison followed by 5 years of supervised released for the 2018 Shabbos kidnapping of two children who escaped the cult

Back in November of 2021, Helbrans and Rosner were found guilty on all six charges they faced, including conspiracy to travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct, and conspiracy to commit international parental kidnapping.

Several other Lev Tahor cultists have been arrested in connection with the case, including brothers Yoel, Yaakov, and Shmiel Weingarten, who were picked up by Guatemala authorities earlier this year.

They are expected to be extradited to the United States to face charges and a trial.

Three others in the United States are reportedly cooperating with authorities.

YWN has been at the forefront for more than 10 years fighting the Lev Tahor cult – with dozens of articles over the years. Many victims of the Lev Tahor cult who managed to escape say they were terribly abused sexually, suffering constant violent beatings, forced starvation and other horrific abuse. The world is a safer place now that these two monsters are behind bars. Our hope is that the rest of the leadership in charge of this cult are arrested and thrown behind bars.

Many emails and phone calls from desperate parents and siblings of cult members who were unfortunately sucked into this nightmare and have lost contact with their loved ones. Most importantly, all possible efforts should be made to save children who are being dragged around the world now as this cult is on the run. Rescuing these children is literally Pikuach Nefashos.

Lev Tahor was founded and led by Shlomo Helbrans, from the 1980s until his drowning death in Mexico in 2017. Since then, the leadership has moved into the hands of his son Nachman Helbrans, along with Mayer Rosner, and Yankel and Yoel Weingarten – who are even more radical and aggressive than the late founder.

 Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter of Ami Magazine claimed  the following sentence below their headline, “The unjust persecution of a group of pious Jews, and the unsettling silence of the Jewish community.”

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ben Gvir Ascended the Har Habayit and Guess What – Nothing Happened

Otzma Yehudit Chairman MK Itamar Ben Gvir ascended the Temple Mount Thursday morning accompanied by police. Meanwhile, the police kept all the other Jews waiting at the entrance until Ben Gvir was done. There was great fear of a Hamas attempt to disrupt the visit with violence.

On Wednesday night, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum issued a warning to Ben Gvir “against approaching the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” the group’s PC name for what Muslims have named for centuries “Bait al-Maqdis,” literally “The Temple.” Barhoum also warned: “We place responsibility on the Zionist occupation for the impact and consequences of this dangerous, provocative move.”

They care so much.

In response to a question from News 12, MK Ben Gvir said that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett did not try to prevent him from ascending. “I am the landlord of the State of Israel,” the MK told the cameras. To qualify: he didn’t mean that he, alone, was the landlord (Ba’al Ha’Bait) – all the Jews are.

Walking around the holiest Jewish site in the world, Ben Gvir sent a quaint message to the Hamas spokesman: “I suggest you shut your mouth.”

“Throughout the night, the Hamas spokesman was threatening me that I was their target so I won’t go up to the Temple Mount,” he said, adding, “I don’t understand why the Hamas spokesman is not eliminated in a targeted assassination. He is a terrorist like all the other terrorists and you don’t deal with terrorists in weakness and submission, like adding Waqf terrorists and restricting the number of Jews who can go up to the mountain. We need to stop this because weakness and submission invite terrorism.”