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Sunday, April 3, 2022

A Solution To the Israeli Arab Situation

 We are suffering from almost daily terrorist attacks in Israel. An appropriate response would be to act immediately to:

*close Israel to all non-resident workers — no Arabs working on construction sites in our communities starting tomorrow and through the end of Ramadan.

*demolish ALL illegal Arab construction in Israel's Area C, starting with the demolition of Khan Al Ahmar (as per the Supreme Court ruling). Not move it a few hundred meters. Demolish it and deport its residents.

*evict all illegal squatters from the Shimon haTzadik neighborhood (which the Arabs call the sheik al jarrah neighborhood) and restore the Jewish-owned properties to their rightful Jewish owners.

*evict all illegal Arab squatters from Lod;  kick their kids out of our schools; deport the families out of Israel. They register school kids by taking drone photos of their illegal encampments, in lieu of legal addresses. They committed a pogrom against us without consequences. Deport them out of Israel.

*assert Israeli civil law over all of Judea and Samaria.

*start building new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  Tomorrow.

*enact and enforce a new Media Law requiring the use of accurate nomenclature for places and people in Israel: Judea and Samaria, NOT "West Bank"; citizens or residents of Jewish communities, NOT "settlers" or "settlements" or "illegal settlements." Penalties for violations should range from fines to revocation of press credentials, visas, or media operating licenses.

*enact a similar law governing the use of accurate nomenclature by all city and state employees, police officers, military personnel, and government officials, up to and including the PM, with penalties ranging from fines to firings to removal from political office, especially applicable to the current PM.

*enact and implement an oath of loyalty to the Jewish state to be required of all citizens and all members of Knesset, along with enforcing treason laws. Arab Israelis who identify as Palestinians have nationalist aspirations that are antithetical to our own.  They promise to annihilate Israel and replace it with an apartheid, Judenrein state of Palestine. These people are our enemies and must not be allowed to participate in Israel's *national* government. They already have self government in their own Judenrein apartheid Areas A.

*institute the death penalty for terrorists, to be executed immediately or after intelligence interrogations; burial at sea; no bodies returned for burial as martyrs; date, time, location unknown. No reason for Israel to pay to keep terrorists alive in our prisons, only to release them to kill again.

*change the current low-threshhold coalition system, so that no politician can ever again manipulate the system to take a few measly seats, override the will of the majority who voted four times for a right-wing government, and gain power by forming an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, who have no business participating in Israel's NATIONAL government, as their stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. Raise the threshold. What Bennett did was evil.

*change the hypocritical law banning Jewish nationalist political parties like the Kahanists, while allowing Arab nationalist parties that are openly pro-apartheid, Judenrein "Palestine." As long as there are pro-Palestinian Arab parties in Israel's *national* government, Jews must be allowed to have pro-Jewish parties like Otzma Yehudit and the Kahanist parties.

*Take back control of the Temple Mount from the Muslim Waqf. Moshe Dayan made a terrible mistake in 1967. Rectify it. Close the Temple Mount tomorrow and keep it closed for a year. Use the time to repair the damage done to it by the Muslims. When it reopens in a year or so from now, it will be under Jewish control. All entrance gates will have full security measures. Visitors of all faiths will be allowed to pray. A code of conduct appropriate to holy religious sites will be enforced. Violators playing sports, picnicking, harassing others, or being violent will be arrested, prosecuted, and banned for life from future visits.

These are just a few ideas for starters. The common theme is Jewish sovereignty. Assert Jewish sovereignty NOW in every sphere of life. This is Israel, the Jewish national homeland.


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

We are not able to do this. We are not united as a people. We are not sufficiently thankful to God for His giving us Israel back. When the majority of Orthodox people reject the idea that the State is a gift from Him and is just a happy coincidence, is it any wonder He denies us full sovereignty and access to the Temple Mount?

Ma Rabbi said...

Halevay. They would listen.

Joe Magdeburger said...

You have not said a single word I disagree with. Bless you and may your words have wings.

Mendel said...

I second that

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this government.........