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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Lady Tosses Baby into the Garbage Bin ..Caught on film

 Not even in the re-cycling Bin?

Former MK indicted for ‘walking too slowly’ on Temple Mount


Former Knesset member and right-wing activist Yehuda Glick was slapped with an indictment by the Israeli police on Wednesday, over an incident in which security forces allege he “walked too slowly” during a visit to the Temple Mount.

According to Hebrew language media, Glick has been banned from the holiest site in Judaism until further notice.

The incident over which he is now facing criminal charges began when Glick allegedly “walked too slowly, contrary to police instructions” at the Temple Mount in February 2020.

Police say that Glick had left his original tour group in order to spend more time at the site, and refused to join another tour group. Security policies at the Temple Mount require that Jewish visitors tour the compound in a group, accompanied by armed guards.

When Glick declined to join another organized group and continued to walk around the site, he was detained by police.

At the police station, he then allegedly removed police documents, including a memo about his conduct at the site, from an interrogator’s desk while the detective left the room.

Because of this action, police say, he should be charged with obstructing the course of an investigation.

In September 2021, Glick was turned away from the entrance gate at the Temple Mount and was told he was banned from the site, but not given an explanation as to why.

It’s unclear why the Israeli police waited nearly two years to indict Glick over the alleged theft of police documents.

Several right-wing NGOS have come to Glick’s defense, charging that the police ban and indictment are politically-motivated.

Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu, which supports the rights of Jews to pray and visit the Temple Mount, said the potential charges against Glick were not made in the interest of public safety.

“Beyadenu opposes the indictment against former Knesset member Yehuda Glick, which stems from a desire to silence, persecute, and limit paths for those who dare to fight for the rights of Jews on the Temple Mount,” Nisani said.

“We are Yehuda, we are with you, and with everyone who is persecuted by the police. We will continue to fight for the Temple Mount.”

Sfardie Rabbi: Those Police that issue tickets will be reincarnated into a Mouse

הרב אברג'יל

 כל שוטר שנותן דו"ח יתגלגל בעכבר

I am wondering what the Ashkenazi Rabbis think a cop will turn into!

Reuvein Weinstein Says that When he Learned in Ger He had to Take Pills Against the "Yetzer Harah"

Homeless man is good for nothing


Shocking surveillance video shows a good Samaritan getting walloped on a Midtown sidewalk Wednesday morning after he gives a homeless man his coat.

The twisted turn of events began when the 59-year-old victim tried to help Xavier Israel, 25, who was lying on a sidewalk in front of 476 5th Ave. at about 8:40 a.m., according to sources.

Moments after the victim gently covers Israel with his jacket, Israel shoots to his feet and appears to push the man to the ground before snatching the wallet from his back pants pocket, according to footage obtained by The Post.

The victim tries in vain to retrieve his wallet, but the suspect punches him and throws him back to the ground, the video shows.

Israel fled the scene but was arrested a short time later on West 41st St. and 5th Ave., sources said.

Witnesses told police that Israel stuffed cash inside his pants and officers recovered nearly $1,500 from him, according to sources.

Israel was hit with several charges, including assault, robbery and grand larceny, sources said.

The victim refused medical attention on scene.

Wednesday’s attack marked the second time in less than a week that Israel allegedly turned on a good Samaritan.

On Saturday, outside of a building on East 81st Street in the Upper East Side, Israel is accused of pummeling a 49-year-old woman who wanted to give assistance, sources said.

The woman fell to the ground and sustained a cut to her elbow, according to sources. Israel was arrested, charged with assault and released on a desk appearance ticket, sources said.

Israel allegedly assaulted two more victims – a man and a woman – on Jan. 2 inside of Central Park, according to sources.

He is accused of randomly punching the 18-year olds as they sat on a rock inside the green space.

Israel was also busted for the Central Park incident and charged with assault, sources said.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Yad Vashem puts records of Holocaust victims online


New York Jewish Week via JTA — In a boon for scholars and amateur researchers, records from Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum, are now publicly available through JewishGen, the largest online Jewish genealogy resource of its kind.

The agreement announced Tuesday by Yad Vashem and New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage/A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, an affiliate of JewishGen, provides easy access to millions of names commemorated in Yad Vashem’s database.

Bnei-Brak Youth are leaving the fold in the thousands

We are losing hundreds and hundreds of children going on drugs, killing themselves .

 Just today a child killed himself in Williamsburg and according to a Chareidie askan, this is a going trend.  This askan claims that it is far worse in Israel by those raised in Meah Shearim and by the Toldos Avram Yitzchok Chassidius. He states that the boys and girls frustrated with their restrictive lives are killing themselves. I will post an audio by this askan soon. 

The Chareidie leadership is blaming this on the internet, on lack of tznees, and the smartphones. They have yet to address this and as long as they don't this will continue ..

The video below discusses the Bnei-Brak Teenagers that are roaming the streets by the thousands. 

Hamas Claims they are being targeted by Israeli Dolphins

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas terrorist organization which controls the Gaza Strip, claimed on Monday that the organization's naval unit captured "an Israeli military dolphin that was equipped (with weapons) to attack the fighter fighters of the resistance (Hamas)."

A video released by Al-Qassam Brigades showed a device bearing weapons that, according to Hamas' military wing, had been installed on the back of the captured dolphin.

The video also went over the activities of Hamas operational missions, including extracting a large number of bombs aboard a British ship that sank off the coast of Gaza.

Charedi Protesters Shut Down TV Shoot, Shouting “Shaygitz” and other Slurs


Production of a new television series by the Kan Corporation was abruptly halted, following a mass demonstration by Charedi extremists.

The new drama, “Malach HaMashchis” (Angel of Destruction), was being filmed at a printing house in the Geula neighborhood on Tuesday. According to a report in Yisrael Hayom, dozens of extremist demonstrators lined up outside the production area, shouting “Shaygitz” and “Jewish outcasts” at the actors and crew.

Producers shut down the shoot immediately and say that they are moving production to another more amenable neighborhood.

The crew said that they feared they would be lynched by the angry mob

Police were called to the scene, and the production crew decided to halt filming and dismantle the set, despite a financial loss of tens of thousands of shekels.

The production company released the following statement:

“Due to an intense demonstration which erupted near the set today in Jerusalem, our production crew was forced to halt and evacuate the set despite the high cost incurred, because the safety and well-being of crew members is our top priority. Production will be resumed in a new location.”

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sheryl Ring a dumb Jewish Yenta says Jews Should Stop referring themselves as "the Tribe"


What a blithering idiot!

Read the replies some are very witty and funny

This is the way Alexander the Great Looked Like . He is the King that met with Shimon Hatzaddik


He is only days in office and the New Mayor of New York allows non-citizens to vote

 The Chareidim influence just went into the trash as the "non-citizens" are not going to vote the way Chareidim want!

Shlomo Werdiger Shows Will That "supposedly " Names Gerer Rebbe , Gerer Rebbe

It is proof that he wanted the Pnei Menachem as Rebbe after him (known fact).

BUT not that Reb Yaakov Aryeh can't ever be Rebbe.

He writes, that on this particular subject the decision is on the Gerer Rebbe, meaning whoever it is at the helm at the time, be it his brother the Pnei Menachem or son Reb Y aakov Arye or even Reb Shaul Alter

 I don't think there is a Gerer Chusid out there that disputes the fact that the Gerer Rebbe's father Reb Simcha Bunim wanted his son to succeed him. 

The Will does not make the present Rebbe R' Yaakov Aryeh the Rebbe. Chassidim are arguing that after R' Simcha Bunim was nifter the Rebbistiveh should have reverted back to the Pnei Menachem's son who is R' Shaul Alter.

But Shlomo is not the sharpest blade in the drawer! You can have a lot of money but you still cannot buy brains! The will proves nothing! Back to the civil war!

The Smallest Sefer Torah in the World


Israeli team trains goldfish to drive


Move over, mudskippers. It turns out that goldfish, well-known dwellers of water, can in fact navigate on land. Israeli researchers have found that goldfish, when properly trained with food treats and provided with a suitable platform that includes the requisite water bath, can control a vehicle. 

A team of researchers at Ben-Gurion University developed what they call an FOV — a fish-operated vehicle — that is fitted with lidar, a remote sensing technology that uses pulsed laser light to collect data on the vehicle's ground location and the fish's whereabouts inside a mounted water tank. Add a computer, camera, electric motors and omni-directional wheels to give the fish control of the vehicle and voila: a fish that can "drive" a car.

Surprisingly, it doesn't take the fish a long time to learn how to drive the vehicle. They're confused at first. They don't know what's going on but they're very quick to realize that there is a correlation between their movement and the movement of the machine that they're in," said researcher Shachar Givon.

The researchers have so far taught six goldfish to pilot the vehicle. Each of them were provided around 10 driving lessons. And each time one of them reached a target set by the researchers, it was rewarded with food.

And, as is the case with humans, it turns out t

Emma Watson actress of Harry Potter is right about Palestinians being enslaved


She's right.

The territories where the Palestinian Arabs live are indeed enslaved. They deserve to be freed from the tyrannical rule of their oppressors – Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

The actress, best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" films, set off a firestorm in the world of social media this week with her Instagram post showing "Free Palestine!" banners and expressing "solidarity" with them. Hopefully, her declaration will stimulate a serious conversation about the cruel occupation that the international community has been ignoring.

The details concerning Hamas and the PA, which I cite here, are all quoted from the latest reports by two strongly pro-Palestinian groups: Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. These are not "Israeli allegations." They are what the Palestinian Arabs' most vocal supporters are saying about the two Arab regimes that rule over 98% of the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel’s Daily Cases Skyrocket To Over 30,000, IDF To Assist Hospitals


IDF troops deployed to Haifa to fight in the war against COVID 

In what is becoming a daily occurrence, Israel reached a new record high number of coronavirus cases on Monday, with the Health Ministry confirming 21,501 cases among those who took PCR tests and another 10,000 who took antigen tests.

The test positivity rate also increased, standing at 13.3% on Monday. The number of seriously ill patients rose to 224 and the number of fatalities increased by 10, to 8,269.

There are currently 19 pregnant women and new mothers hospitalized with COVID, including one who is attached to an ECMO machine.

The majority of cities in Israel are currently “red.”

Abou 2,6500 medical personnel are currently in quarantine, of whom almost 2,000 tested positive for COVID. Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash said on Monday that IDF soldiers, paramedics and nursing students will be sent to hospitals to assist medical personnel.

Meanwhile, the number of COVID cases in the IDF has soared by five times in one week to over 5,000 cases on Monday. There are also 6,231 soldiers, officers and civilian employees currently in quarantine.

Monday, January 10, 2022

An Israeli restaurant in New Jersey becomes the target of the dumb #FreePalestine movement

 Negatively reviewing a Jewish owned restaurant in the diaspora wont free Palestine! Just Saying!

How a Jewish Waiter changed the life of a black Teenager

 Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells CBS News Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish waiter who taught him to read, enabling his acting career to take off.

Frum Resha'im

 from the RationlistJudaism Blog

When Chaim Walder killed himself, the awareness of his terrible crimes had not yet become too overwhelming for anyone to deny. As is well known, there were various significant people and institutions maintaining his innocence (either because they genuinely believed it, or because they figured that they could get away with such a pretense). 

In the notorious obituary printed in Yated Ne'eman, it describes Walder's greatness in his Torah studies. As a child in Talmud Torah, he was known for being "blessed with talent," then in Mishkan Yaakov he was "greatly beloved to the Rosh Yeshivah." He then graduated to the famous Kol Torah yeshivah, where he "grew to glory." Then in Knesses Chizkiyahu he was "drawn to the deep shiurim of the Rosh Yeshiva."

A week later, Rabbi Moshe Meiselman claims that Walder "did not have much of a yeshiva background," didn't do well in either Kol Torah or Knesses Chizkiyahu, had "very little knowledge of Torah" and was not successful in yeshiva.

Well, which is it?