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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Russia to release Naama Issachar from Prison Imminently

An Israeli official on Wednesday said Russia was set to release Israeli-American backpacker Naama Issachar from prison imminently, ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Prime Minister’s Office said Tuesday that Netanyahu would travel to Russia from Washington to update Putin on US President Donald Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, raising speculation the trip could herald Issachar’s release.
Putin, who has the final say on a pardon for Issachar, has yet to publicly announce a decision on her fate.
The Israeli official said the expected release was the result of a Russian goodwill gesture toward the United States, stressing that Israel did not give Moscow anything in return.
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Jonathan Pollard Will Arrive In Israel Before Elections

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is working on an agreement to have Jonathan Pollard brought to Israel a week before the March 2 elections, a Times of Israel (TOI) report said, quoting a Likud source who spoke to Zman Yisrael, TOI’s Hebrew sister site.
Former Israeli spy Pollard told Channel 12 News in an interview in August that he asked Netanyahu to use his influence to convince US President Donald Trump to allow him more freedom in order to care for his ailing wife Esther.
Esther Pollard is seriously ill with aggressive breast cancer and Pollard explained that he doesn’t have the freedom to properly take care of her since all his restrictions are like a “virtual prison.”
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Nazi camp commander’s newly revealed photos ‘show US war crimes convict John Demjanjuk during his time at Sobibor’

A Nazi death camp commander's newly released photos appear to include images of John Demjanjuk, the retired US car worker who was tried in Germany for his alleged time as a Sobibor guard.
The collection was unveiled on Tuesday at Berlin's Topography Of Terror museum and comprises 361 photos as well as written documents illustrating Johann Niemann's career. 
Niemann was the deputy commander of Sobibor from September 1942 until he was killed on Oct. 14, 1943 in an uprising by Jewish inmates.
Historican Martin Cueppers points at a man thought to be John Demjanjuk
Historican Martin Cueppers points at a man thought to be John Demjanjuk
John Demjanjuk leaves the court after his verdict in Munich, southern Germany, on May 12, 2011. He was convicted of helping to kill almost 30,000 people while a guard at the Sobibor death camp in World War II
John Demjanjuk leaves the court after his verdict in Munich, southern Germany, on May 12, 2011. He was convicted of helping to kill almost 30,000 people while a guard at the Sobibor death camp in World War II
A journalist looks at a catalogue prior to a press conference to unveil newly discovered photos from Sobibor Nazi death camp today
A journalist looks at a catalogue prior to a press conference to unveil newly discovered photos from Sobibor Nazi death camp today
A staff member of the Topography of Terror archive points at a historical photograph allegedly showing John Demjanjuk during a press conference on newly discovered photos from Sobibor Nazi death camp today
A staff member of the Topography of Terror archive points at a historical photograph allegedly showing John Demjanjuk during a press conference on newly discovered photos from Sobibor Nazi death camp today
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New Facebook tool lets users DELETE all the data that is used to deliver targeted ads based on their activity on other websites and apps

A new Facebook tool will allow users to delete data that has been used to deliver targeted adverts based on their activity on other websites and apps. 
The social networking giant is making its 'Off-Facebook Activity' tool available to all users after an initial launch in Ireland, South Korea and Spain last August.
The tool allows you to see what information Facebook holds on you based on other websites you've visited or apps used and then lets you either delete it or leave it. 
Facebook says the tool could have some impact on its businesses but giving people control over their data was more important. 
When first announced in August 2019, the tech giant said the feature would allow users to disconnect future off-Facebook activity from their account.
This is information from specific websites that may be gathered by Facebook and can be either removed in its entirety or just for specific apps and websites.
Much of the advertising on the internet is served to users based on previous online viewing habits, with businesses paying for sites such as Facebook to use this activity information to place adverts in front of users it believes are relevant to them.
'Off-Facebook Activity marks a new level of transparency and control,' said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO.

'We've been working on this for a while because we had to rebuild some of our systems to make this possible.'
The launch of Off-Facebook Activity to users around the world coincides with Global Data Privacy Day - aimed to highlight the need for data protection.
Steve Hatch, vice president of northern Europe at Facebook, said: 'There are a number of ways you can control your information on Facebook and we're always looking at more ways for you to do this.
'That's why from today, our Off-Facebook Activity tool will make it easy to manage which apps and websites can access your information.
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Watch Hundreds of Frum IDF Sworn in to Givati Standing Proudly With their Rebbies

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Women Read the Torah on Rosh Chodash Shvat At the Kotel

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Satmar Chassidim in Israel Are "Ovdei Avoda Zara"

The poster above is an advertisement to "Learn Yiddish." Thousands of these posters are floating around the streets of Yerushalyim and Beit Shemesh.

The poster quotes the founder of the Satmar Chassidim, R' Yoel Teitelbaum:
"It is far better to bow down to a cross 100 times than to speak Hebrew according to Halacha"

The poster says that speaking Hebrew is equivalent to bowing to the Christian Cross! But nowhere in the entire poster is there any "maareh mekoimis" from the entire Shas Bavli, Yerushalmie, Rambam, Shulcha Aruch that speaking Hebrew is against "Halacha."
The only "maareh mekoimis" they have is from the "Vayoel Moshe" and the "Vayoel Moshe" made it up!

The problem Satmar has that they all by in large speak Hebrew...
even the radical "Aarilach" in Beit Shemesh speak Hebrew ; they  can hardly speak any Yiddish, and when they do speak, they sound like the Yiddishten..... 

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Iranian commander gunned down in front of his own home

Iranian Basij forces commander Abdolhossein Mojaddami was gunned down in front of his own home on Wednesday in the Khuzestan province of Iran, news agency IRNA reported. 
The Basij forces, one of the five forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are often used to suppress protests and demonstrations in the Islamic Republic.
He was killed by two men who wore masks and were riding a motorcycle, Iranian media reported.
Iranian security forces are investigating the matter. 
The killing could possibly signal that the regime is unable to contain widespread discontent among the Iranian public. 
Mojaddami's murder follows the assassination of IRGC Quds Force commander Maj.-Gen. Qasem Soleimani earlier this month by US special forces. 
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One doesn't Make Deals About One's Homeland

We have now seen and heard the primary official details of the Deal of the Century, and it is, indeed, a bad deal for Israel.

Presumably, the intentions that led to the formulation of the program were good intentions; however, they lack the basic understanding of the essence of the Land of Israel.

The Land of Israel is the sole homeland of the Jewish people. The Land of Israel belongs to us, to the generations that preceded us and the generations that have yet to come. 

One does not conduct business or make deals on a homeland.

Any compromise regarding this absolute, historic principle, any agreement to relinquish sections of our land will be interpreted by history as an admission that the occupation falsehood is true. A people cannot be an occupier of its own land.

A people does not willingly relinquish its heartland.
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175,000 Requests For Tickets To Trump Rally In NJ Tonight; Hundreds Camp Out In Cold

More than 175,000 tickets have been requested for President Donald Trump’s rally in Wildwood, New Jersey Tuesday night.
That’s a record for any President Trump rally anywhere, the president’s daughter-in-law Lara said in a radio interview.
The Wildwoods Convention Center holds 7,500 people. Supporters have been camping out outside the venue since early Monday morning hoping to get a spot inside.
A Jumbotron will be set up outside to handle the overflow crowds.
Meanwhile, hundreds of people braved the cold, and were camped out overnight – many of them on the beach.
Trump is scheduled to speak at the rally at 7 p.m. The doors open at 3 p.m.
The rally is taking place in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, represented by Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew.
Van Drew switched from the Democratic Party to the GOP in December 2019 and pledged his ‘undying support’ for President Trump.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Two-State Solution, Tunnel Connecting West Bank and Gaza .... TRUMP PLAN

President Trump will push for a two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as he unveils the details of his administration’s much-awaited Middle East peace plan Tuesday, White House officials told Fox News.

Trump is set to announce the proposal alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during remarks in the East Room of the White House at noon Tuesday. Odds of the peace plan taking shape are long, given that the Palestinians have preemptively rejected the plan.
But White House officials described the plan as realistic and said Israel is prepared to act. According to White House officials, the plan calls for a two-state solution including the state of Israel and the "future" state of Palestine. Under the plan, the Palestinians would have to reach certain benchmarks to achieve a state. Those benchmarks include rooting out terrorism, stopping what they call “pay to slay,” implementing steps toward free speech, and other political reforms.
The plan is a basis for negotiations with Israel, Trump officials said, claiming many of the Palestinians' red lines are met, including their calls for a Palestinian state and a capital in parts of East Jerusalem.
The vision calls for more than doubling the amount of territory the Palestinians control.
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Netanyahu indictment submitted to Jerusalem court by Frum AG Who Was Appointed by Netanyahu Himself

Attorney General Avichai Mandellit on Tuesday submitted the indictments against Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to a Jerusalem court.

The move follows Netanyahu's decision to withdraw his request for parliamentary immunity.
The indictments center on three cases, Case 1000, Case 2000, and Case 4000.

In Case 4000, the indictment revolves around allegations the Prime Minister expedited regulatory changes beneficial to the Bezeq telecommunications company’s owner Shaul Elovitch, in exchange for more positive coverage on the Walla! News website, also owned by Shaul Elovitch.
Not a crime anywhere in the entire world.
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Monday, January 27, 2020

R' Friedman Leader of "Auerbach Terrorists" Meets With Father of Bochur Who Was arrested For Refusing to Register

Mr. Madihani, father of the trouble maker, Gamliel Madihani who was arrested for not registering for the IDF, as all boys of age have to do, met with the "Mullah "R' Tzvi Friedman who is the cause of all protests that stop traffic in key areas in Yerushalyim and Bnei Brak. 

R' Friedman went to comfort Mr. Madhini, because of his guilt feelings ...its been reported that R' Friedman was not caught in traffic by the protestors .... we wonder why?

It should also be noted that Mr. Madihani has absolutely no connection to R' Friedman or his predecessor the late Rav Shmuel Auerbach...

His son Gamliel actually learns in a yeshivah called "Zohar Ha"Torah" where he got radicalized and decided to refuse to register for the IDF.
He could have easily gotten an exemption if he had registered....
There are no Yeshivah Boys in prison who registered for the IDF the proper way. 
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Eida Ha'Chareidis Prohibits Makeup for Women .... Makeup caused the "Destruction of the Bais Hamikdash!"

Is it any wonder that people think that the Eida Ha'Chareidis is made up of a bunch of old cranky guys ....

Is it any wonder that people have now stopped eating from the Eida hashgachas... 

In a world gone mad, Harav Moshe Shternbuch and Rabbi Yaakov Tuvia Weiss, both anti-Israel rabbis, put their signatures on this proclamation...

Minyan On Netanyahu’s Flight To The US For Trump Meeting

As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu flew to the United States on Sunday for the unveiling of Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” frum political figures and journalists formed a minyan to daven Maariv, making sure to include a tefillah for Middle Eastern peace.
The minyan included US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, head of the National Security Council Meir Ben-Shabbat, military secretary Avi Blot, journalists and other frum people on the flight.
Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh on Monday denounced the long-anticipated Trump administration peace proposal ahead of its unveiling this week, saying it “doesn’t constitute a basis for resolving the conflict.”
Shtayyeh said the plan violates international law and “comes from a party that has lost its credibility to be an honest broker in a serious and genuine political process.”
The Palestinians have not yet seen the plan but have already rejected it, saying the Trump administration is biased in support of the Israelis.
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Do Yeshivos Have A Substance Abuse Problem?

A while ago, Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski – a renowned psychiatrist whose areas of specialty include alcohol and substance abuse – told me that when he was growing up, country clubs would not host a Jewish wedding or a bar mitzvah because they couldn’t make money on the alcohol, which was a primary source of their profit. I was even more shocked by what he told me next: Today these clubs compete for Jewish business because Jews have become drinkers.
Let me share with you some alarming information about the use of alcohol and other substances among high school students in the United States. I can “hear” you thinking, “How is this information relevant to my life?” Here’s the answer: Whatever substances regular American students use, our yeshiva high school students use as well. This assertion may astonish or frighten you, but it’s true. The only thing that is unknown is the scope of the problem.
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Auschwitz depicted in color for first time in new chilling documentary

It's a story about the rise of fascism through the eyes of children,' creator David Shulman tells i24NEWS

A new documentary, “Auschwitz Untold: In Color,” takes viewers for a chilling new look at the largest Nazi extermination camp, where over a million Jews would eventually meet their deaths.
Before the film makes its world-wide debut this week, beginning Sunday on the British More4 television channel, i24NEWS caught the director, David Shulman, for an interview.
On the decision to colorize the footage, Shulman admits he was initially concerned. “I think it’s a subject that few, if any, dared to approach with the idea of colorization,” he said.
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Are the Auerbach Bochrim Protesting so that Girl Soldiers Can Arrest Them?....

Netanyahu to Annex Maale Adumin and forgo Jordan Valley annexation

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is not planning to push for the annexation of the Jordan Valley in the near future, Galey Tzahal reported Monday, despite American support for such a move, and is instead planning on a smaller annexation.

According to the Galey Tzahal report, Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning to annex the city of Maale Adumim, the third largest Israeli town in Judea and Samaria, located just to the east of Jerusalem.

This annexation would come in place of plans to annex the Jordan Valley; a move which Netanyahu is reportedly holding off on for the time being due to staunch opposition to the move by the Jordanian government, and fears the annexation of the Jordan Valley could embolden radical forces within Jordan who could threaten the Jordanian government.

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Basketball Legend Kobe Bryant Killed In Helicopter Crash

Kobe Bryant, the 18-time NBA All-Star who won five championships and became one of the greatest basketball players of his generation during a 20-year career spent entirely with the Los Angeles Lakers, died in a helicopter crash Sunday. He was 41.
Bryant died in a helicopter crash near Calabasas, California, a source told The Associated Press. His daughter also died!
Bryant retired in 2016 as the third-leading scorer in NBA history, finishing two decades with the Lakers as a prolific scorer with a sublime all-around game and a relentless competitive ethic. He held that spot in the league scoring ranks until Saturday night, when the Lakers’ LeBron James passed him for third place during a game in Philadelphia, Bryant’s hometown.
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