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Sunday, August 11, 2019

'The terrorist of Dvir Sorek opened his eyes and saw us standing over him'

Lieutenant Commander S., Commander of the IDF counter-terrorism unit, was on the move with his team as soon as the body of Dvir Sorek was found in Gush Etzion Thursday morning.

S. and his team are "terrorist hunters." They tracked down and eliminated the terrorist who murdered two civilians in a shooting attack at the Barkan Industrial Zone last year, captured the terrorist who carried out attacks at the Assaf and Ofra junctions, and captured the terrorist who stabbed IDF soldier Ron Kokia to death in 2017.

"I can't get Dvir's picture out of my head," the unit commander said in an interview with Yediot Aharonot Sunday morning. "From the moment the body was found I read about him. I wanted to know him. He was an amazing boy until the last moment before his murder."

"[This happened when] he went to buy books for his teachers. The things they said about him touched my heart. It was important to me to know him. When I realized the details of the incident, I knew how much they were taking advantage of the fact that he was alone, an innocent and helpless young man, when they took him by surprise, carried out their plan and fled.

S., 40, a married father of three, lives in the south of the country. "We were all in training, and we were only going to be on alert the next day. But this incident happened quickly. We reached our sector and waited for the exact intelligence of the terrorists. The news came around 3 AM. The identity of the operatives was already known to us."

Around 2:00 AM Saturday morning, the soldiers began to close in on the killers. "There are two destinations, each of which houses a different terrorist. The houses are in the same neighborhood, about 80 meters from each other. I command the entire operation and one specific destination, and the other destination is under the command of my deputy. A moment earlier we receive information from the Shin Bet forces with us that the terrorist and another person are sleeping on the roof."

Thursday, August 8, 2019


As the Jewish world is counting the days to the ninth of Av (Tisha Be'Av), the date on which Jews mourn the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem following its destruction by the Romans, foxes have been spotted walking near the Western Wall, a press release reported on Thursday. 
It is written in the Book of Lamentations (5:18), which is read on Tisha Be'Av, that Mount Zion – where the Temples stood – will be so forgotten that “foxes will walk in it.” 

The understanding according to the Talmud in the tractate Makkot (24b) is that if Uriah's prophecies of destruction are have thus been fulfilled, so will be the ones by Zechariah about the Temple being rebuilt. 

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, referred to photos of the foxes and commented, “One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfillment of the prophecy of 'foxes will walk on it.'”

רבן גמליאל ור' אלעזר ור' יהושוע ורבי עקיבא היו מהלכים בדרך [לכיוון ירושלים לאחר חורבן בית המקדש] ושמעו קול המונה של רומי מפלטיא [רעש השוק שעשו הרומאים בירושלים החרבה] בריחוק מאה ועשרים מיל.
התחילו הם בוכים ורבי עקיבא משחק [צוחק]. אמרו לו: "מפני מה אתה משחק?" אמר להם: "מפני מה אתם בוכים?" אמרו לו: "הגוים הללו [הרומאים] שמשתחוים לעצבים ומקטרים לאלילים [עובדים עבודה זרה] יושבים בטח והשקט, ואנו- בית הדום רגלי אלוקינו שרוף באש, ולא נבכה?" אמר להם: "לכך אני משחק- ומה לעוברי רצונו [עובדי העבודה זרה] כך, לעושי רצונו [היהודים] על אחת כמה וכמה!" שוב פעם אחת היו עולים לירושלים, כיון שהגיעו להר הצופים קרעו בגדיהם. כיון שהגיעו להר הבית ראו שועל שיצא מבית קודשי הקודשים, התחילו הם בוכים ורבי עקיבא משחק.
אמרו לו: "מפני מה אתה משחק?" אמר להם: "מפני מה אתם בוכים?" אמרו לו: "מקום שכתוב בו- "והזר הקרב יומת" [במדבר י"ח], עכשיו שועלים הילכו בו, ולא נבכה?" אמר להם: "לכך אני משחק , שנאמר- "ואעידה לי עדים נאמנים את אוריה הכהן ואת זכריהו בן יברכיהו" [ישעיהו ח'] –וכי מה ענין אצל אוריה אצל זכריה, והלא אוריה במקדש ראשון וזכריה במקדש שני? אלא תלה הכתוב [המקרא] נבואתו של זכריה בנבואתו של אוריה. באוריה נאמר: "לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עִיִין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער" [מיכה ג']. בזכריה נאמר: "עוד ישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות ירושלים" [איכה ד']. עד שלא נתקיימה נבואתו של אוריה הייתי מתיירא שלא תתקיים נבואתו של זכריה. עכשיו שנתקימה נבואתו של אוריה, בידוע שנבואתו של זכריה מתקיימת"
ובלשון הזה אמרו לו: 'עקיבא, ניחמתנו! עקיבא! ניחמתנו'"

Frummies back Litzman, after allegations he helped pedophile

The "alleged" Pedophile Leifer and her Savior Yaakov Litzman

Guys ....
What does it take in the frum world, to condemn a  guy that  encourages sexual predators... ??
How many children have to victimized and their lives destroyed until we wake up and throw predators and their protectors out of our communities?
Ultra-Orthodox and right-wing lawmakers threw their support behind Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman Tuesday after police recommended he be indicted for using his office to protect an alleged sex offender and bribe officials to keep a restaurant open despite health concerns.
At the same time, opposition lawmakers offered only mild criticism of the deputy minister, and there were no public calls for him to resign.
Police on Tuesday said Litzman should be indicted on charges of fraud and breach of trust for using his office to illicitly provide assistance to teacher Malka Leifer, who faces 74 charges of sex abuse in Australia.
According to police, Litzman pressured officials in his office to change their psychiatric assessments of alleged sex predator in order to prevent her extradition to Australia.

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Temurah 16,17,18, 19, 20, 21, & 22

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ט''ז ''לא בשמים היא       
Page 16  Mesectas Temurah
''It Is Not In Heaven "
B’nai Yisrael forgot three thousand halachot during the mourning period following Moshe’s passing. In light of this loss, B’nai Yisrael said to Yehoshua: 

“Ask for guidance from Heaven, so that you will be able to re-learn all of the forgotten halachot.” 

Yehoshua replied:
“Lo ba’Shamayim hee” (It is not in Heaven [Devarim 30:12].) 
In other words, once the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, it was no longer possible to clarify its intended meaning by means of prophecy or through the Heavenly instruction provided by the urim v’tumim (priestly chest plate). Following Matan Torah, halacha was to be determined, in each generation, through Torah study and interpretation of Torah by the Sages.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Former FBI official says Trump’s half-staff flag order was secret "Heil Hitler" Signal!!

So, is it any wonder that Trump attacked the FBI?
This lunatic who worked in the FBI was assistant director of the FBI, and led worldwide counterintelligence investigations!
This guy is using numerology and gematriois to decipher what Trump said???

See 1:19

A former FBI official floated a theory on MSNBC that neo-Nazis may be heartened by President Trump’s order to fly the nation’s flags at half-staff through Thursday evening to commemorate the victims of this past weekend’s mass shootings.
Frank Figliuzzi, now a national security analyst for the cable news channel, said the shorthand version of the Aug. 8 end date for Trump’s proclamation can be interpreted as a coded salute to Adolf Hitler.
“The numbers eight-eight are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement,” Figliuzzi said Monday night on “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams.”
“Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers eight-eight stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ ”

Lakewood Voice Finally Allows Photos of Women!!!

Free Flights For Anyone Named Green Or Greene

If your name is Green or Greene, you have a free flight coming your way!
The free flight will be provided by Frontier Airlines, as part of their Green Week initiative.
In order to receive the tickets, individuals must book flights on flyfrontier.com and confirm their last name is Green or Greene.
If eligible for the promotion,individuals will then receive a full refund of up to $400 for round trip flights. Both segments of travel must be purchased on one passenger name record.
The first flight must depart between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 on August 13, 2019 and the return flight must arrive by 11:59 on August 20, 2019.
The refund will be processed to the original booking contact person on September 15, 2019.
The promotion is only applicable for those with the last name of Green or Greene. Their immediate families, including spouses, parents, children and siblings are not eligible for the promotion, unless their last name is also Green or Greene.

Two Chareidi Girls Caught Smuggling Drugs Into England

Two Israeli women were detained in England after they were caught smuggling a large quantity of illegal substances from Israel into London. They were detained by police for five days before they were extradited back to Israel.
The women were stopped by border control guards at London’s Stansted Airport last Thursday. The local Jewish Paper, The Jewish News, reported that they were being extradited back to Israel on Wednesday.
Askanim in the the Charedi community of Stamford Hill worked with the authorities to have the women released and sent back to Israel. “The women were very lucky that the case did not make it to court,” said one of the local Askanim. We need to warn others to think twice before they ever think of trying something similar.

Dvir Sorek of Ofra Murdered in Gush Etzion

Dvir Sorek is the hesder student at Ohr Torah Mahanayim murdered last night in Gush Etzion,.

Dvir, 19, a resident of Ofra, was the son of journalist Yoav Sorek, editor of the "Hashiloach" publication, and his wife Rachel, and was grandson of Rabbi Binyamin Herling, who was murdered in a terror attack on Mt. Ebal.

Sorek was murdered last night and his body found toward morning near Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. Security forces dispatched to the scene began extensive searches.
His yeshiva said that he had gone to Jerusalem to buy sefarim for the yeshiva, and at night was on his way back to the yeshiva.

At a certain point, contact was lost with him. At 7:30 pm police received a report of a missing person, and forces began extensive searches to locate the soldier. His body was found in the area of the Etzion Regional Brigade at 3 am.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"WOW" The Feminist Women Fighting to Daven at the Kotel ... Put A Sefer Torah in the Bathroom.. Pulled a Scarf of a Married Woman

Disrespect has been the story of Women of the Wall since day one, but they have really crossed a red line here

by Leah Aharoni
I never thought I would see my friend cry. She is as tough as they come.

Yet when a Women of the Wall (WOW) member pulled the scarf off my friend’s head, she burst into tears and ran out of the Kotel’s women’s section. With dignity stripped, her prayers were not to be completed this Rosh Chodesh (first day of the new Jewish month of) Av.

As I waited by the police precinct to give her support, we wondered why Women of the Wall  did not bring their sefer Torah, as they had done for the past few months. What we heard next made us both physically sick. 

The authorities had found the scroll stashed overnight in the Kotel bathrooms. 

While I had witnessed the scarf incident with my own eyes, the bathroom story sounded over the top. 

Yet within a few hours it was confirmed by additional sources and reported in media outlets

Zionist Researchers Develop Successful Vaccine For Skin Cancer

Zionist Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a nanoparticle that can be used to vaccinate against the fatal melanoma skin cancer, Tel Aviv University announced Monday.
Led by Professor Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, head of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and Head of the Cancer and Nanomedicology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, the team developed a vaccine that has shown to be most effective in model mice in three primary situations: as a prophylactic treatment, as a drug for treating primary tumors, and for the eradication of metastatic cancer.
The researchers developed tiny particles made of a biodegradable polymer, about 170 nanometers in size. Within each particle, they “packed” two peptides, short chains of amino acids, which are characteristic of melanoma cells. They then injected the nanoparticles into model mice contending with melanoma.

Shoshana Ovitz Auschwitz Survivor Celebrates Her 104th Birthday With All Her Descendants at the Kotel

The Ovitz family, a Mishpacha well-known among Vishnitzer Chassidim, gathered for a special occasion at the Kosel this week.
The family matriarch, Mrs Shoshana Ovitz – an Auschwitz survivor –  is about to turn 104, and she had a request. She requested that all her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren etc, join her at the Kosel. Hundreds of her descendants gathered at the Kosel to recite Tehillim, and wish her well.
Mrs Ovitz says she was Zoche to Arichas Yomim because of her Kibud Av, treating her parents with utmost respect, until they were killed in the gas chambers by the Nazis YM”S.
Journalist Sivan Rahav tweeted the following:
My grandmother, Shoshana Ovitz, survived Auschwitz. In front of her eyes Dr. Mengele YM”S took her mother. After the war, she met Grandpa Dov, who lost his wife and children in the camps. They got married and went to Haifa. She worked as a seamstress and helped him run the store. Now she has celebrated her 104th birthday and asked for a gift: that all the offspring come together to the Western Wall. “

Why Did the "Little Belzer Shmoiger" Hang A Billboard in TImes Square of All Places!!!

You have to wonder why Naftuuuulie Monster chose dafka Times Square to hang his "Education" Billboard???

How many Erlicha Yidden hang out in Times Square?

How many serious frum Jews who work in the area would glance at a Times Square Billboard, especially when there are "prizidikah" billboards there?

The tourists and goyim walking by couldn't care any less if chassidim get an education ........ The regular Joe Shmo NewYorker, don't read the billboards, they are busy running to the train.

So why would the "Belzer Shmoiger" advertise in Times Square ... where advertising costs run approximately  $25,000 a month??

The answer is that he is targeting the bottom of the barrel OTD Chassidim that hang out in Times Square ......... for obvious reasons!

He is trying to garnish and get the naive, frustrated, ignorant "oopgefuriner" former chassidim to join his campaign to destroy any vestige of yiddishkeit they may still possess, and extinguish the little Yiddishe flame that may still be floating in their hearts! This has nothing to do with his pious false claim about the lack of  secular education in the Yeshivois....

He is trying to "Schnoor" and aims to raise $78,000.00
he already has $22,000.00

How many of his former Chassidim who "didn't receive" a secular education, would be helped if the $78,000.00 went to help them get a High school Education? 

I guess he can't get away from his galiyitzaner tricks! 


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The World Says ‘Shalom’ as Israel Inbound Tourism Soars to New Record

Inbound tourism to Israel has soared to nearly 2.6 million tourists so far in 2019 — a rise of nearly 10 percent against the same period last year, the Central Bureau of Statistics said Monday.

Just under half of all arrivals came from the U.S. at 49 percent (580,000 tourists). They were followed by France (207,000), Russia (174,000), Germany (165,000) and the United Kingdom (132,000). The statistics reveal tourists have spent about $3.7 billion so far this year, and most have arrived by airplane.
The boom in numbers comes in direct defiance of efforts by the anti-Israel, Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement which seeks to isolate the Jewish state and endless reports of violence in other parts of the troubled Middle East.


When temps are dangerously high and humidity is low, fans can actually make a person feel hotter, increasing strain on the heart and raising core temperature!

In extreme heat, electric fans may offer some relief when it's very humid, but when temps are dangerously high and humidity is low, fans can actually make a person feel hotter, increasing strain on the heart and raising core temperature, a new report warns. 

The authors point out that current guidelines for fan use are based on the "heat index" rather than the actual temperature, but "a combined value such as heat index (HI) is not appropriate for advising whether fans should be used or not," said the study's senior author, Ollie Jay, associate professor in the faculty of health sciences and director of the Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory at the University of Sydney, Australia.
Jay added, "In very-hot dry conditions the HI was relatively lower, yet fans were detrimental; but in hot-humid conditions the HI was relatively higher and fans were beneficial."

Nati Grossman Right Hand Man For the Fanatic R' Shmuel Auerbach z"l ... Arrested for Extortion

As we all know that's its not about Torah or "kanaois" or "frumkeit" ..... it's all about the shekel!!
The "Auerbach Crazies" the ones who refuse to register for the draft, even-though they get a "patur" from the IDf, the ones who illegally stop traffic and cause untold financial stress and damage to the rest of klall Yisroel, have a newspaper called "HaPeles" published primarily to spew  hatred against Israel and gedoilim like Rav Kanievski and R' Shteinman z"l when he was alive ... 
But a newspaper cannot survive with out ads.....
No problem! 
"let's ruin peoples' lives by forcing companies to advertise in our Hebrew version of "Der Shturmer" but called "HaPeles" .... let's threaten them with financial ruin .... 
let's organize boycotts against their products and announce that they don't have  proper hashgachas . etc etc.!"

Well ... the gig is up! 

The Tel Aviv Prosecutor’s Office has filed a criminal indictment in the city’s District Court against Natan Grossman, an owner of the Peleg-Yerushalmi affiliated HaPeles newspaper, as well as against Shmuel Elyashiv, Avraham Trager, Chaim Yavrov, Netanel Shtepfer, Shabtai Fein, Yisrael Tropper, and Moshe Brillman.
The indictment contains 27 counts of felony conspiracies to commit a crime, extortion, threats of extortion, and harassment by means of phones (multiple offenses), with the charges against each defendant detailed in the indictment.
The indictment says that Grossman, Trager and Elyashiv conspired to blackmail executives in large companies, including Strauss, Egged and Sano, with the intention of causing companies to advertise in HaPeles to generate revenue, and not the competing Yated Neeman. 
To that end, Trager contacted Lavrov, Shtepfer, Fein, Tropper and Brillman with the aim of threatening complainants and harassing them via various media in a way that would disrupt and ruin their routine at work and home, and these harassments would only cease if the latter published ads in the HaPeles newspaper and to stop advertising in Yated Neeman.