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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mary Max, wife of famed artist Peter Max, kills herself in Upper West Side apartment

Mary Max with husband Peter
Peter & Mary Max
Mary Max, the wife of world-renowned psychedelic artist Peter Max, killed herself in her Upper West Side apartment over the weekend, police said Monday.
Mary Max, 52, died of nitrogen asphyxiation and was discovered in her apartment on Riverside Drive near West 84th Street on Sunday evening, cops said.
Image result for artwork by max
She had been involved in an ugly legal battle with other members of the family over her dementia-afflicted, 81-year-old husband’s artwork.
In a 2015 lawsuit, Max’s stepson, Adam Max, accused Mary of attempting to kill her husband so she could take control of his multimillion-dollar art collection.
In response, Mary accused her stepson — who is three years younger than she is — of stealing $4.3 million worth of artwork that her husband gave her in a prenuptial agreement.
Peter, who married Mary in the late 1990s, grew old and frail in recent years and grew ill during the court cases over his fortune.
Peter Max rose to fame in the art world during the pop art era of the 1960s and 1970s.
He drew extremely wealthy paintings for private organizations, including the NFL, FIFA and cereal companies.

Author of "Making of A Gadol" Passes On

Image result for Nosson Kamenetsky

HaGaon HaRav Nosson Kamenetzky ZT”L, son of HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Kamenetzky ZT”L, one of the Gedolei Hador of the previous generation in the United States, was niftar in Yerushalayim on Shabbos.
Rav Kamenetzky was niftar at his home on Sorotzkin Street. The Rav was hospitalized on numerous occasions during recent months.
The rav was born 89 years ago to Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky in Europe, and immigrated with the family to Brooklyn, NY and learned in Yeshivas Torah Vodaas. He made aliyah to Eretz Yisrael at the age of 40, and he was among the founders of Yeshiva Itri in Yerushalayim.
His sefer ‘Making of a Godol’ “גידולו של גדול” was published about 17 years ago, dealing with Gedolei Torah over a period of 150 years from Rav Yisrael Salanter until the beginning of World War I.
The Sefer was banned and placed in Cheirim by Chareidie Gedolim because Rav Kamenetzky wrote the naked truth,  didn't cover up or censor any of his stories about the gedoilim of the previous generation. 
Nine out of ten  Gedoilim who signed the Cheirim couldn’t read English, and and the remaining signature who could read English (Rav Scheinberg zt”l) didn’t read it. 
They all signed after  Rav Elyashiv signed it, who listened to the  askanims version which was based on testimony of a pack of liars. 
The niftar was a brother of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia, and a member of the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah.
The levaya took place on motzei Shavuos at 11:30PM from Yeshivas Torah Ohr to Har Menuchos.
תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים
Published on Isru Chag Shavuos from Jerusalem.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Chag Samaich Shavuot

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Knesset Member to American Jewish Palestinian Terror Lover " Protecting Israel’s Security Is More Important Than Pleasing You"

Watch a video of the entire town hall meeting below (the final exchange
 begins at the 14:15 remaining mark):
As Goethe stated,
 "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." 
This cretin wanted to show her fellow lowlifes how liberal, understanding and multicultural she could be. An 
embarrassment to all Jews and to our country.
During a town hall meeting near Boston on Wednesday,
 four Israeli Knesset members — from across the political spectrum — each gave powerful responses to an audience member who questioned the Jewish state’s commitment
 to making peace with the Palestinians.
At the conclusion of the discussion — which was organized by 
the Ruderman Family Foundation and moderated by The Algemeiner editor-in-chief Dovid Efune — an American Jewish woman named Shifra came to the microphone in the 
sanctuary of Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline and
 warned the Israeli guests, 
“You are losing me and you are losing many, many, many people
 in the Jewish community…I cannot look the other way when
 three Israeli teenagers are brutally murdered, and the response
 is to kill 2,300 Palestinians” —  a reference to Operation 
Protective Edge in the summer of 2014 and the events that 
preceded it.
“I want to know what you are doing to make peace with the Palestinians,” she continued. “I want to know what the 
government is doing to make peace.”

Ohana was the last to speak. “War is horrible. I lost friends, 
I lost family, Mickey lost two brothers. But to say that the
 response to the murder of the three youngsters was the
 killing of 2,300 [Palestinians] is to ignore the thousands and thousands of rockets thrown from Gaza to Israeli citizens. 
Each and every one of them [was] targeted to kill us. 
And if I will have to choose between losing more lives of 
Israelis, whether they are civilians or soldiers, or losing 
you, I will sadly, sorrily, rather lose you.”

Rabbanim's New Rule! "No Goyishe Music At Weddings!"

A new list of rules for weddings was recently released, and undersigned by prominent Rabbonim. The rules are regarding the music at wedding. 
The text below has been transcribed by YWN.
Dear Choson,
You are, with Hashem’s help, planning to build your new home, a בית that will be לכבוד ה’ ולתפארתו, a בית נאמן בישראל – בית שמגדלים בו תורה ויראת שמים.
The חתונה is the foundation of, and an integral component, of your future home. It is therefore crucial to ensure that the chasuna be imbued with a spirit of kedusha and be a Yiddishe simcha – and not chas v’shalom the opposite.
Unfortunately, in recent times – even at frum and ehrlicha chasunos – it has become accepted to compromise the kedusha of this special occasion with inappropriate music, coming from non-Jewish sources.
There was a time when a chasuna was a truly uplifting occasion, as is befitting of a Yiddishe simcha – permeated with kedusha and simcha. Tragically, today, a Jewish wedding can sometimes appear to be no different from a disco party. What should be an opportunity for the choson and kallah to start off this bayis ne’eman appropriately, complete with uplifting Yiddishe music, has been lost, due to goyisha music and inappropriate dancing. These influences only cause destruction of the yesodos of kedusha of Am Yisroel. This is the opposite of what should be seen and heard at a Yiddishe chasuna.
Our dear choson, at this seminal point of your life – as you prepare for this auspicious day – do what you can to ensure that you are laying the foundation of your bayis ne’eman on yesodos of kedusha, and not chas v’shalom the opposite.
We therefore appeal to you to adhere to the following guidelines:
  1. No non-Jewish songs or intros may be used, either from the original online sound track or played manually.
  2. The bass level should be kept at a medium level.
  3. No beats should be used with loud electronic sound effects, or electric guitar and synth sounds at high volume.
  4. There should be no flashing, moving, or color changing lights.
  5. One should be very careful which singer they hire. The singer should not be dancing in an inappropriate fashion. The חתן should only hire a singer that will sing in a proper Yiddishe fashion.
  6. It is important to bear in mind that the band is solely in the employment of the חתן, therefore, the choson’s friends may not request anything of the band without permission from the חתן.
We sign on this with an emphatic plea: Please be vigilant about the בית הגדול you are attempting to build, and lay the יסודות with חכמה ודעת.
HaRav Matisyahu Solomon, Mashgiach Lakewood
HaRav Yisroel Neuman, Rosh Yeshiva, Lakewood
HaRav Dovid Schustal, Rosh Yeshiva, Lakewood
HaRav Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva, Philadelphia
HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rosh Yeshiva South Fallsburg
HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh Yeshiva, Lakewood Mesivta
HaRav Eliezer Lieff, Rosh Yeshiva, SOuth Monsey
HaRav Yaakov Forchheimer, Dayan, Lakewood
HaRav Ahron Zuckerman, Rav, Zichron Pinchas
HaRav Yaakov Landau, Rav, Chanichei Hayeshivos
HaRav Yisroel Brog, Rosh Yeshiva, Cleveland
HaRav Chaim Meyer Roth, Rav, Sterling Forest
HaRav Yosef Dovid Neuschloss, Rav, Agudas Achim
HaRav Avrohom Spitzer, Skverrer Dayan
HaRav Tzvi Noach Portugal, Admor Skulen, Lakewood

Beit Shemesh Inaugurates New Railway Park & Ride

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After many efforts by Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch and Deputy Mayor Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, they inaugurated the new park & ride stations – Next week, the new train station park & ride will open with 120 parking spaces for the train’s passengers.
As part of the work to expand the service in all areas of public transport for the benefit of the residents of Beit Shemesh, intensive work took place over two years towards the completion of the parking lot. The parking lot will open next week and will join the adjacent parking lot, which opened 18 months ago with 55 parking spots, with a total of 175 parking spaces.
Officials explained this is another milestone towards relieving commuter accessibility and improving public transportation in the city of Beit Shemesh, thanks to Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, who is credited with pushing the project along with Shalom Edri, as they worked with the Ministry of Transport and the Railways Administration.
Deputy Mayor Greenberg said that he was pleased to applaud the completion of the project and that it was a great satisfaction for him on this day when the parking lot was inaugurated, as they had to navigate many potholes towards obtaining the budget from the Israel Railways and at all stages of planning and execution.
Greenberg thanked the mayor for her extensive assistance along the way, to the Ministry of Transport and Railways, to the engineering and transportation and transportation departments, and to Mr. Shalom Edri, who assisted in dealing with the Israel Railways.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

22 Year-Old Yonoson Shipper From Chevron Yeshiva Falls Off Roof From Yeshiva

On wednesday afternoon, a 21 year-old bachur fell off the roof of the Chevron Yeshivah.

He was rushed to Sharai Tzek Hospital in critical condition,

22-year-old Yonoson Shipper Z”L was tragically Niftar on Thursday, after falling from an upper floor window of Yeshivas Chevron on Chaim Heller Street in Yerushalayim.
The incident occurred close to 2:00PM, and EMS personnel found the young man in critical condition.
He was rushed by MDA paramedics to the trauma unit of Shaare Zedek Hospital in the city, intubated and sedated, and listed in critical condition.
Tragically, he succumbed to his massive injuries and was Niftar.

Satmar Shvantz With Flag

"Rabbi" Willie Handler Quotes the Gospels To Push His Anti-Voxx Agenda

Rabbi Hillel Handler, an Orthodox anti-vaccination leader, speaks via projection screen to an anti-vaccination rally in Brooklyn at a Jewish wedding hall, June 4, 2019. (Ben Sales)

The weirdest part of an Orthodox anti-vaccine conference here was probably when the emcee, a rabbi wearing a black hat and white beard, quoted the Gospel of Luke.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!” he cried, reciting the Gospels nearly verbatim in referring to advocates of vaccination.
The rabbi might have been talking about the 200 people gathered in the basement of a Charedi Orthodox wedding hall in Brooklyn to hear about the dangers of vaccines.
While the scientific consensus supports vaccination and regards it as a historic boon to public health, the crowd and the emcee, Rabbi Hillel Handler, do not put much stock in that science. In Handler’s version of reality, doctors, rabbis and politicians are all hoodwinked by a massive conspiracy orchestrated by drug companies and the Centers for Disease Control to make money off of vaccines.
Handler and the other speakers charged the CDC and its purported stooges with hiding the dangers of vaccines and destroying evidence that they are harmful. They cited no credible evidence.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Handler Wants to Kill Your Babies!

Just a few weeks ago, William Handler "The Incest and Pedophile Supporter,"and the anti-vaxxer cult made national headlines along with a colossal Chillul Hashem at a “vaccine symposium” held in Rockland County. We can expect that to happen again, as a large event is planned for Tuesday night at Ateres Chynka Hall in Flatbush.
At the Rockland County event, held at the Atrium Hall, the audience was privileged to hear from the dishonest conspiracy-theorist individual claiming to be a Rabbi.
But since Handler was the “Rabbi” at this event, the NY Times made sure to quote him in their coverage of this event. Disgustingly, Handler used inflammatory words about elected officials – such as describing NYC Mayor DeBlasio as a “sneaky fellow” and a closet German – “Wilhelm, his real name, was named after Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany.”
(In fact, none of this is true. Mr. de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm Jr., and later decided to take his mother’s last name as his own after becoming alienated from his father.)
The event caused such a Chillul Hashem, that both Satmar as well as Agudath Israel of America both issued statements of condemnation against Handler. 
Satmar of Williamsburg went so far as to place a full page proclamation in their weekly newspaper “Der Yid” slamming Handler.

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Bechoros Dafim 39 ,40,41,42,43 , 44 & 45

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ל''ט ''בהמה בעלת מום    
Page 39  Mesectas Bechoros  
''A Blemished Animal"

At times, it is necessary to establish whether or not a certain animal is permanently blemished.

It is possible to deem an animal a ba'alat moom, only if attempts were made to heal the animal and those attempts proved to be unsuccessful. 

It should be noted that incompetent attempts or inappropriate methods of treatment do not count.

Only if proper measures were taken e.g., the animal was fed moist greenery and dried greenery, as needed; provided with sufficient water to drink while in the field; ample space to roam; and the like.

Only after all of the appropriate measures have been taken and the animal still does not heal, is it permissible to deem that animal a ba'alat moom.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

What Was Behind The Satmar Protest Against The Eirav In Williamsburg?? Who Took The Photos on Shabbos?

Satmar last Shabbos turned out in mass to protest the Williamsburg Eirav!

Question: Who were they protesting against???
Aren't all the protestors, Satmar? Don't they all listen to their rebbe not to use the Eirav?

Who are they trying to bully?? The Yuppies living on the borders of Williamsburg?

Why come out in mass?
Why not just issue a psak from the Satmar Bais Din against the Eirav... period!

The Chareidie population in Williamsburg is not only Satmar...

There is Veen, Kloizenburg, Ger, Belz, Spinkeh, Breslav, Pupa, Viznitz,Munkatch, Skver,Bobov, etc etc...
Some of those rabbis are of the opinion that the Eirav is absolutely halachically permitted! 

The Satmars came out in force to bully those who are of the opinion that the Eirav is kosher!
Mind you, this is in Chutz Le'aaretz, ... and  last I checked this is a free country!

Are they so worried that their chassidim who are prohibited from using the Eirav will watch other Chassidim whose rebbe told them that its permitted, and switch allegiance?

But the Hungarians gypsies think that Williamsburg is theirs, and that's even though Shvartzas are slowly reminding them where they are and whose boss!

In another Chassidous, if the rebbe issues a psak, they adhere to it and let others do what they want ... they believe in "Live and let Live!"
I remember growing up in Crown Heights, the Lubavitcher Rebbe was against making an Eirav ... and to make an Eirav in Crown Heights is one huge problem because of Eastern Parkway, but he never stopped anyone else from making one...never!

Another Question:
Who took the photos and videos?
Who told photographers to come??? 

These were professional photos from professional photographers ...who were hired to take photos and videos of the event to intimidate those who hold from the Eirav, so they can see how many people showed up and not to dare oppose them...

Who ordered those photographers? 

If you believe that halachically there cannot be an Eirav ... so isn't this "amirah le'akum" ..aren't the photographers carrying in "reshus harabam?" And I'm sure some of those photographers were Jewish...
Is that allowed having "mechallelie shabbos" carry and do a melacha for you?

In Israel these same Satmars scream bloody murder "Shabbos" "Shabbos" when there is Chillul Shabbos...
Why is this not Chillul Shabbos???

And where is the "heter" of bullying those rebbes and talmedei chachamim who hold that an eirav is permitted?????

Is it any wonder that they are loosing thousands of their boys and girls to the secular world ... when they witness this hypocrisy????

Zionists Offer Life Insurance for Married Yeshiva Students For the Price of Pizza

So let's see now .... will they take $$$$ from the medina now, or will they allow widows and orphans to be destitute and scramble in the garbage bins for leftovers.... ????

So what will the "Peleg" animals do?
What about Satmar Yungalite? Will they not take it?

Kupat Haear...the Tzadakah that distributes Money to Widows is totally against this and there are posters in Bnei-Brak that no one should dare join this plan ....

you ask why??? 
Ha ha LOL ... ha ha
Beause if this works out and all married guys go on the plan ...Kupat Haear will be out of business ....
So they would rather bury this plan that costs a month less than a slice of Pizza, since its being subsidized by the biggest Baalei Tzedaka since Matan Torah ,... The Zionists!!

Just prior to leaving office, former Education Minister Naftali Bennett (New Right) signed an ordinance approving a life insurance plan for married yeshiva students.

The ordinance, pushed forward by Shas MK Yitzhak Cohen, was fiercely opposed by UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, who also heads the Knesset's Finance Committee.

Under the new initiative, a sum of 500,000 NIS ($138,390) will be paid to the widow and orphans of married yeshiva students, over a period of fifteen years.

"Every married yeshiva student will pay a minimal sum of 20-30 NIS ($5.54-8.30) each month, and if it becomes necessary, his widow and children will receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 NIS ($1,384) each month for a period of 15 years," Cohen explained when first pushing the plan forward. He noted that he had the backing of Charedi rabbis.

Israel’s First Lady, Nechama Rivlin is Niftar

Nechama Rivlin, the wife of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, was Niftar on Tuesday morning at the age of 73, on the eve of her 74th birthday.
In a statement, the President’s Residence said the First Lady passed away of lung failure at Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah, three months after she received a transplant.
She been suffering from pulmonary fibrosis for years, but still regularly appeared in public alongside her husband, President Reuven Rivlin, accompanied by a mobile oxygen device.
“Three months after a lung transplant, Nechama Rivlin died this morning,” Beilinson Hospital said in a statement. “To our regret, the medical efforts to stabilize her over time during the complicated rehabilitation period after the transplant did not succeed.”

Yerushalayim Children Sing "Super Trump"

Monday, June 3, 2019

Chabad Releases 25,000 Photos Never Published

One of the initiatives of Project 25 is to post 25,000 new photos on The Living Archive, some newly discovered and scanned. The first batch of 1,800 photos was just uploaded.
The beautiful black and white photos of Tishrei 5737 (1977) come from the Levi Freidincollection. They are being featured in connection with Levi Freidin’s 26th yahrzeit, Sunday, 28 Iyar.
Some highlights of the collection include:
Learn more about Project 25 here.

R' Sholom Ber Poppack Owner of Stationery Shop on Kingston Avenue Passes On!

from Collive
Rabbi Sholom Ber Popack, one of the first students of Tomchei Temimim 770 who owned a stationery shop on Kingston Avenue for many years, passed away.
Rabbi Sholom Dovber Halevi Popack, a longtime Crown Heights resident, passed away on Shabbos, 27 Iyar, 5779.
He was 91.
Rabbi Popack was born on 21 Adar, 5688 in Barre, Vermont, known as the world’s largest granite quarry, where his father Rabbi Avrohom PopackOBM served as a Rabbi, shochet and mohel, at the instruction of the Frierdiker Rebbe.
Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber was one of the first students of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim 770. He was so diligent in his learning and meticulous with keeping the Seder in Yeshiva, that the Frierdiker Rebbe once commented about him, “for such a Tomim it was worth all the hard work.”

Satmar Guy Told Off by Yiddish Speaking Guy At Israeli Day Parade

Satmars Protest Against The Eirav in Williamsburg!

Calling Those Who Work For A Living "Grubbe Balabatim" Won't Work Anymore Since 85% Those Leaving Yeshivos Become "Balabatim"!

A well known and respected voice in the world of at risk behavior is calling for a drastic change to the religious education system, observing that the one-size-fits-all approach taken by many yeshivos is failing a substantial number of students.
In an 18 minute video, Avi Fishoff of TWiSTED PARENTiNG noted that in the post-war years, the educational system focused on producing students who could reinvigorate the Torah world by building yeshivos and other communal institutions. 
Having successfully created that infrastructure, Fishoff said that the time has come to prioritize maximizing the potential of each child instead of encouraging every student to become a long term learner, a goal that leaves many feeling like failures.
“Otherwise we will have a majority of our children leaving the yeshiva world feeling like they are not a success, the hatzlacha that they were meant to be, which is false, and the result of that can be disastrous,” said Fishoff.
Drawing on his own educational career in a highly regarded yeshiva, Fishoff recalled that he was well aware as a child that he was not a top student and that the school staff looked down on him because of his performance.  The idea of every student being able to learn for 10 to 12 hours every day is as unrealistic as expecting graduate to become a lawyer, said Fishoff.
“People who go to work to support themselves should not feel bad that that’s ‘nebuch’ the life that they have,” said Fishoff.  “Like in the yeshiva where I grew up they said ‘grubbe balabatim,’ grubbe balabatim they called us.  85 percent of those who graduated, maybe more, ended up being balabatim and we all felt that we are not ehrliche yidden.”\