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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Lady Goes Berserk In Mexico Pesach Program After Finding Out The Chef Put "Kitniyot" in Food

Chareidim Protest Diners Eating Chametz on Pesach!

18 Year Old Yeshivah Student Ariel Kaslashi Drowns in Kinneret ...

 Thursday morning, an 18-year-old ultra-Orthodox resident of Jerusalem,  was seen entering the Kinneret on a "don't Swim"  beach near Shikmim Beach, Later, unfortunately, his body was found 

Chassidim"Invade" Jersey Beaches And Residents Are Livid!

A New Jersey mayor is facing mounting backlash for telling a constituent to call the cops on Jewish people for going to the beach.
Brick Township Mayor John G. Ducey was responding to a flat-out anti-Semitic tweet by user @simms10471 Tuesday night asking:
“Can we please do something about our parks and beaches. They are being invaded by the hasidic and orthodox jews and being ruined.”
“Our tax paying residents are being forced out while politicians sit and do nothing,” the user added.
Instead of condemning the tweet, Ducey, a Democrat, responded: “Just call police with any problems and they will send them out.”
After major backlash from other Twitter users throughout Tuesday night and into Wednesday, Ducey tried to back-peddle.

"Bernie Sanders Is A Shmuck" ..... Jackie Mason

Jewish funnyman Jackie Mason took US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to task Sunday for recent comments the Vermont senator made about Israel.

Speaking in an interview with Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, set to air Sunday on New York's AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia, Mason took umbrage with Sanders' contention that Israel had used "disproportionate" force during Operation Protective Edge in summer 2014, and with his inflation of the death toll in Gaza during the conflict.

"Here’s a Jew from Brooklyn who never even saw a gentile till he was 28. Obviously, this man has a very, very big sickness. There’s something about being Jewish that makes him self-conscious and nervous. And he has to prove to himself and to the country that he doesn’t favor Israel in any way," Mason said.

Mason, a staunch Israel supporter, claimed that Sanders is "so determined that he’ll tell any lie about Israel that he can think of to say to you: 
‘Do you see that? This is proof that I don’t pay for Israel. The fact that I want every Israeli to drop dead for me to prove a point doesn’t matter. If they all get wiped out, it’s not my business.  The main thing is that I’m not favoring Israel.’"

The comic joked that for Sanders, who spent time on a kibbutz in Israel as a young man, climate change is a bigger issue than the Jewish state's security.

"A schmuck like Bernie Sanders pops out who doesn’t even know what’s going on and doesn’t care. Because to him Israel getting wiped out is no problem. Climate change is the only problem. To him, the most important thing in the world is climate change. If Israel gave up their country but they fought for climate change, he would love Israel. In ten minute
s, they would be his favorite country."

Professor Dershowitz and Rabbi Boteach Slug It Out!

Open letter from Prof Dershowitz to Boteach!

Shmuley Boteach — who falsely brags of being “America’s rabbi” because he has no congregation of his own — continues to recycle old lies about a trip I took to Qatar more than a year ago. I have disproved all of his lies, so why does he persist in his “lashon hara” — evil words? 
Perhaps to cover up his own hypocrisy. 
He has condemned every Jewish leader who traveled to Qatar in an effort to improve relationships between that important Sunni Gulf state and Israel. Yet, according to published reports, Boteach himself begged to be invited to travel to Qatar to meet the emir. The Forward has reported that Qatar “nixed Boteach from a list of prospective visitors,” finding him not credible. It also concluded that he lacked “a significant following or constituency” (“America’s rabbi”?). Finally, and understandably, they felt he could not “be trusted to keep sensitive information to himself.” According to a source quoted by the Forward, “Boteach had demanded a six figure fee for the proposed visit.”

Did Archaeologists Purposely Erase and Damage 53 Biblical Figures So That the Bilble Wouldn't Be Proven True?

Do archaeologists purposely erase any mention of the Biblical figures from ancient artifacts that they find?? If not who did it?

Read the following:

Currently the tally stands at 53, according to Prof. Lawrence Mykytiuk’s stringent analyses (this is the number just for individuals mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament). Mykytiuk’s list has an additional 13.
Here is just a sample ....


The Isaiah artifact bulla can be seen pretty clearly. There is a general consideration that this artifact did actually belong to the biblical prophet. But because of a broken letter, debate has raged among members of the scholarly community, and thus some degree of doubt still hangs over this artifact. And so here, it illustrates the semantic difficulties nicely.

All the evidence is there. The bulla (seal stamp) was found in a controlled scientific excavation. It dates to exactly the same period as the biblical prophet. It belonged to a high-ranking official, as was the prophet. It was found in a royal quarter of Jerusalem, where the biblical prophet lived and worked. It was found right alongside a bulla belonging to King Hezekiah himself, whom the prophet worked with closely, as evidenced in the Bible; the king and prophet are mentioned together in 16 different verses. 

The title on the bulla clearly reads 
Belonging to Isaiah.
 It was merely the final word—actually, just one letter of the final word—that has generated so much scholarly debate as to whether or not we can be absolutely sure it belonged to the prophet. 

The final preserved word is Nvy.
The Hebrew word for “prophet” is Nvy’ (both pronounced the same). The place where the final symbol was expected had been damaged by a 2,700-year old fingerprint.

Hence the debate—over one little letter. Without this letter (aleph), some of the more skeptical scholars argue, the word Nvy could just be a family name or a location.

But as Dr. Eilat Mazar (the archaeologist who uncovered it) keeps coming back to, what are the chances that this is just another “Isaiah”? 

Given all of the above, the wider context, that fits so perfectly—given that the word “prophet” is all there, minus one letter

All the evidence points to this being the Prophet Isaiah. 
Still, due to the tiniest bit of damage over one single letter,
 the curse of doubt has been introduced. And to the scholarly 
world, the tiniest speck of doubt makes even the unreasonable reasonable. Cue the flurry of articles, as certain skeptics jump 
on the “not so fast” bandwagon—typically ignoring the context and instead focusing on semantics regarding the missing letter.
Yet regarding that final letter, a close reexamination of the bulla appears to show a partially preserved aleph after all—thus completing the word prophet.

Chareidie "Jews" hurl stones at Frum soldier in Jerusalem, nearly Kill baby nearby!

A group of fake frum Chareidim heckled and threw stones at an IDF soldier walking through the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
One of the stones nearly hit a father who was holding his six-month old daughter. Footage from the scene showed the father — with his baby still in his arms — yelling at the mob as they continued to hiss at the soldier. The child’s mother then appeared to scream at them as well, before the two of them walk away in disgust. See Video below!

Time to draft them all..... let them serve in the army!!

"Let My People Stay" . Orlando Pesach Fiasco

People don't learn ever..... I should be the last guy to talk... I have been to Pesach programs that everything that can go bad ..went  bad ... sometimes really bad!

So here we go again .... from "cheirus to Avdus" 
with the guests having to cook for themselves and others!

A Pesach program in Orlando, Fla., which attracted many guests from the New York area, descended into chaos this week after the owner of the program, Ben Atkin, failed to pay at least $75,000 for goods and services provided by the resort, workers and vendors, according to the program’s remaining staff.
Described as “a five-star hotel program without the hotel” on its website, the “A Different Pesach Program” has turned out to be quite different, indeed, from the rewarding experience promised. It offered rental of private villas with shared common areas such as a synagogue tent and clubhouse, and provisions for kosher seders and meals throughout the eight-day holiday.
It is believed that about 65 families were staying in the resort-operated gated community in Atkin’s program.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Video of bomber entering Sri Lanka church .. death toll tops 310

Baruch Eisenberg Monsey 3-year-old Killed by Bus in Betar Illit

Baruch Eisenberg of Monsey in Rockland County was holding his mother’s hand, standing on the sidewalk, when he suddenly ran into the street and was struck by the bus on Monday evening, April 22 in Betar Illit, Israel, located about 10 miles southwest of Jerusalem.
He was pronounced dead at the scene, the report said.
The boy's family had just celebrated his Upsherin haircut, and his parents and siblings all witnessed the horrific accident, the report said.
This is a developing story. Check back to Daily Voice for updates.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Zionist Monkeys Eat Machine Matzos on Pesach ... Don't trust the "heimishe" Hand Matzos!

Muslim Maniacs Murder 300 Christians in Sri Lanka but Media Doesn't Mention That Attackers Were Muslim and that the Victims Were Christians!

The Face of Evil!

Reports identified the suicide bomber and mastermind behind the attack on Christians  as Islamic extremist Moulvi Zahran Hashim. An imam, he was a prolific lecturer for National Tawheed Jamaath. 
As Hashim’s name began disseminating on social media, journalists on the left, like Al Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid, pushed back against the reports, accusing the press of being “Islamophobic” for reporting his name.

The National Tawheed Jamaath imam has a history of racism and Islamic superiority. 

In July 2017, for example, Sri Lanka press reported that the organization’s leaders were being prosecuted for making derogatory remarks in a video against Buddha and hurting the sentiments of the Sinhala-Buddhist community in the country. 

Hashim has likewise posted several YouTube videos during which he preaches comments that could be considered incitement. 

“For years, the faithful man spread his incitement without being banned,” he describes on his video. In another one, he says: “What can Sri Lankan Muslims do for Dr. Zakir Naik?” Naik is the president of the Islamic R
esearch Foundation in India and is considered to preach incitement and support terrorism.

Friday, April 19, 2019

חג כשר ושמח

Harav Ezriel Tauber, zt”l Passes On At 79

Rav Tauber, a Holocaust survivor, was a renowned speaker and maggid shiur who inspired thousands over the course of his lifetime through his shiurim and writing.
Drawing on his vast knowledge, treasure of personal stories and experience, Rav Tauber electrified audiences around the world.
Rav Tauber was the driving force behind several institutions dedicated to the dissemination of Torah values and ideals. In 1979, Rav Tauber together with a group of lay leaders purchased land in Monsey, NY, to serve as the home of Yeshiva Ohr Somayach, just one of the institutions where his impact was felt. He also founded Shalhevet, an organization aimed at spreading Torah and hashkafah to the masses.
Levayah details will be posted once they are finalized.

Donald Trump Trumps His Enemies ....

Good God, free at last, free at last.
Donald Trump is now free to be president without the cloud that hovered over him since his election. No president ever faced, let alone survived, a probe as fierce and determined as this one.
Cleared of false charges that threatened to end his presidency, Trump can be forgiven for gloating and rubbing a little salt into the wounds of his tormentors with a jab about serving another “10 to 14 years.”
Naturally, the hysterics are hysterical over that one. They can’t even take a joke.
Yet Trump’s great victory is not his alone. The release of the special counsel report marks a day of freedom for all of America and sends shock waves around the world.
As Attorney General William Barr said, the finding by special counsel Robert Mueller that nobody in the United States knowingly helped Russia interfere in the 2016 presidential campaign “is something that all Americans can and should be grateful to have confirmed.”
Take that, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Deal with it, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. You should be celebrating the outcome, not denouncing it.

Birchas Kohanim At The Kosel This Pesach

The Kosel Heritage Foundation announced that Birchas Kohanim that will take place on Monday, 17th of Nissan (April 22, 2019), the second day of Chol Hamoed Pesach in Eretz Yisrael.
Shacharis begins at 8:45 AM – Birchas Kohanim of Shacharis: 9:30 AM. Musaf begins at 10:00 AM and Birchas Kohanim of Musaf at 10:14 AM.
During yomtov there will be experiential tours of Kosel sites, including:
The Kosel Tunnels, a virtual-reality tour of the Beis Hamikdash, The Journey to Jerusalem – a journey of the routes your family took from its country of origin thousands of years ago, The Chain of Generations Center, and more.
The tours provide an extraordinary experience and fascinating meeting of old and new, ancient and modern.
Tens of thousands are expected to participate in Birchas Kohanim along with hundreds of kohanim.
Birchas Kohanim will take place in the presence of the Chief Rabbis of Israel and of the Rabbi of the Kosel and Holy Sites.
Kosel Heritage Foundation officials suggest if you’re planning on participating, arrive early! It is best to leave one’s car at one of the light rail parking lots (at Ammunition Hill or Mount Herzl), then take the train to the Jerusalem Municipality (Safra Square) and walk a few minutes down to the Kosel.
The Birchas Kohanim event will be broadcast live on the Kosel cameras and on the Kosel Heritage Foundation Facebook page.
To reserve tours and for additional information about tours one may visit the website or call *5958

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 138,139, 140,141 & 142 ......

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 
יעקב דוד שילו בן שיינדל שרה דאבריש 

''דף קל''ח ''עסקת חלקת הבהמה  
Page 138  Mesectas Chullin  
''The Business of Selling Animal Parts"

A butcher just had his animal slaughtered and is busy selling the parts of the animal.
A customer approaches him and buys the insides of the animals for a specified amount.
The customer comes home and realizes that the butcher included the abomasum which he then gifts to a kohein as per halacha.

He now wants the butcher to return the value of the abomasum which he couldn't and didn't use.

The talmud on this daf rules that the butcher owes him nothing..... since the butcher knew that the abomasum belongs to the kohein, we assume that when he sold all the insides of the animal for the agreed price, the butcher didn't charge for the abomasum.

Press "read more" to continue to the rest of the dafim

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 131,132, 133,134,135,136, & 137

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 
יעקב דוד שילו בן שיינדל שרה דאבריש 

''דף קל''א ''הענבים שנלקחו  
Page 131  Mesectas Chullin  
''Grapes That Were Grabbed"

There was this incident in a small town in the Galill where a vintner was cultivating grapes in his vineyard. 
One nice day, Roman soldiers came and confiscated dozens of boxes filled with grapes.
He came to the Rabbis to inquire whether he was required to tithe from the stolen grapes!

The Rabbis answers that it depends ...
if they just confiscated the grapes for no valid reason, then he was exempt from separating Teruma and Maasrois....
if however, they confiscated the grapes as payment for back taxes that the vintner hadn't paid, then he would have to tithe from the confiscated grapes.

Press "read more" to continue to the rest of the dafim

The Chullin Song In Honor Of the Siyum of the Mesechta