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Friday, March 22, 2019

Satmar and Muslim Media Upset That Trump Will Recognize Israel’s Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights

I'm alway amazed, especially now that I live in the Holy Land, at Chareidim who will bring Gemarras and Midroshim to delegitimize the State of Israel.....
 Twisting the words of our holy Chazal to support their ignorant totally irrelevant ideas that the Jewish people don't deserve to even live in Eretz Yisrael! 

They argue relentlessly in face of an opposite reality  defending the archaic views of their leaders.

Just last week I met a Satmarer Chasid in Yerushlayim, someone who I know for many years, who outwardly appears like a devout chasid, a serious frum learned Jew.....and who came to Israel from the USA to visit some unknown rebbele ! 

During our  discussion he suddenly looks at the beautiful new modern infrastructure and remarks.... "You see?  the Rebbe Was Right!"

I ask "which rebbe????????" He says there is and was only one Rebbe, and that's R' Yoel of Satmar.?"

I naively ask him ..." in what way was he right?"

He answers: "Don't you see ... the Jews living here walking around without Yarlmulkas and eating treif."

I'm looking at the beautiful new buildings, the Rakevet Kal, the new streets ....15,000 Avreichim learning a few blocks away in the Mir, beautiful new Batei Midrashim every single block ....and yes ...even  a massive Satmar structure in Yerusahlayim ....and all he can see is that there are people walking the streets without yarmulkas.

I tell him:
 "Correct me if I'm wrong.... but I remember learning that Moshe Rabeinu had a Jew killed because he was a "Mechallel Shabbos!"
He says, "what are you getting at?"
I say ... one minute .... .... "Didn't the Jews who saw Krias Yam Suf with thousands of miracles performed, make the Eigal?
and didn't Moshe decide to bring down the Luchos at the same time anyway.?"

He says ;;;; "Hey... wait one minute ....he broke them....no???"

I say;;;;
"Hashem told him before he took the luchos that they were making an Eigal, he took those Luchis knowing full well that they made an Eigal and yet he felt that he should bring them down anyway!?
He broke them for different reasons...he didn't take Luchus that Hashem created to break them ...that was not his intention ..absolutely not ...;he felt that they deserved the Torah anyway ....and he took the luchos to give them to Klall Yisrael ... He decided that despite the Eigal he was going to give them the Torah whose majority of mitzvois apply only in Eretz Yisroel..
yes... he took them down to the people who just made an eigal!!!

Ok ... he says ... what's your point???
My point is ... I say ....
despite the guy being "Mechallel Shabbos" despite the Jewish people making the Eigal ....despite all this 
Moshe still begged HKB"H to allow him to  go to Eretz Yisrael ....not by himself ....
no ......but with the Jewish people .....yes ... even those who sinned, yes ...even those who weren't perfect"

 "Tell me my friend ....what do you say about the Ramban who says that "Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is a Mitzvas esseh Me'doiriseh bizman hazeh.?"

He says .... "but the Rambam didn't count it as one of the Mitzvois....?"

I answer: "He may not have counted it, but 75% of the Mitzvois he does count can only be performed in Israel"

and I add, "that same Rambam says that the 3rd Bais Ha'mikdash will not come down from Heaven but must be built by humans ,,,,,and how about the fact that the Rambam visited the Har Habayis ... ???? 
You still want to quote the Rambam..... ?"

"and do you know that Ezra and Nechemia begged the Jewish people to make aliyah from Bavel right after the Purim story?
Who was living in Eretz Yisroel at that time ..... What kind of Jews?"
The Jews living in Eretz Yisroel at that time were worse than the Zionists... they were assimilated Jews, Ovdei Avodah Zara.... yet despite that, Ezra and Nechemia begged the Jews to make Aliyah ... and cursed those who remained in Baval " ....

Now,,,, in the year 2019 there are maybe a minyan Jews living in Baval and miracle of miracles, the majority of the world's Jews now live in the country that you despise....
I would rather live in Eretz Yisrael with Jews who are Michallel Shabbos, than live in Williamsburg with the fake Chassidim ...  

so tell me , how was your rebbe right??? Didn't he say in 1956 and then repeated this prediction in 1967, that he believes there will be no frum Jews in the Zionist State in 20 years.....?"

 Here comes a goy..... President Donald Trump, who sees thru all the garbage .... and does what not one Satmarer Rebbe ever did...
recognize publically a piece of Israel that belongs forever to the Jewish people.... 

 Now all the Satmar newspapers together with their  buddies the Arab press  condemn Trump's recognition of the Golan Heights ...
The Satmars keep great company...

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Agudah & Touro Collaborate To Teach Course on "Pro-Frum Propaganda (PFP)"

Agudath Israel & Touro College Announce Certificate Program in Pro-Frum Propaganda (PFP) (SATIRE)
Chasdei Hashem, the heimish community has outgrown its small stable of spokespeople who defend us from Amalek, Misyanevim, OTD Shkotzim, liberal anti-Semites, and misguided regulators. Shebchol dor, omdim aleiynu... v'hakodosh baruch matzileinu.

But we also have to do our hishtadlus. That is where the PFP program comes in. It will train a whole new generation who will answer the call.
Requirements: Solid English language skills and Internet skills (and a heter to use unfiltered Internet for hatzalah work)
Use of the terms, orthodox, ultraorthodox, Hareidi, and frum
How to hand definitional arguments about: religious, accused, convicted, on-appeal, orthodox, rabbi, crime, child endangerment, illiteracy, Herpes, anti-vax, etc.

Frum-Backed Candidates Win in Airmont, Chestnut Ridge and Pomona

Despite write-in attempts by incumbent candidates, Pomona appears to have new leadership, according to Tuesday’s unofficial results in one of Rockland’s hotly contested village elections, LOHUD.COM reports.
Ian Banks and his running mates Carol McFarlane and Ilan Fuchs took the lead in Pomona over challenger Lloyd Ecker and his running mates Susanne Kernan and Joanne Robinson-Filas. Write-in candidate Daniel Kolak and his running mates and incumbents Leon Harris and Nicholas Wilson were unsuccessful in their bid to stay in power. Pomona Mayor Brett Yagel did not seek reelection.
In Airmont, write-in candidate and incumbent Mayor Phillip Gigante and his running mates, Paul A. Marchesani and Anthony P. Valvo ran against Ralph J. Bracco Sr. and his running mates Ronald Roberti and Angela Thompson and Nathan R. Bubel and his running mates Brian M. Downey and Migdalia Pesante in Airmont.

Satmar Activist Shraga Stern Writes Open letter To The Sunday Times That "Corbyn is not an anti-Semite”

This Satmar snake that calls himself "Shraga Stern" managed to convince 12 Holocaust survivors to sign a letter published in the London Sunday Times, that the openly anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn "is not an anti-Semite!" 

How low do these Satmar savages go??
Their hate for Israel runs so deep, that they will take a guy who would, if given the chance, destroy the Satmar community as well and they pander to him, only because he hates Israel....
The entire English population recognizes that Jeremy Corbyn in an avowed anti-Semite ....yet these uneducated fools tuches lekk this cursed wanna be Nazi!

This Capo, by the way, gets paid by the Corbyn liberals and serves as a  liaison to the Chareidie community! 

Looking closely at his ugly hate filled face , one can detect traces of similarities to Mengele ym"s!
כן יאבדו כל אויבך ה'

Agudah Gets NY From $25 Million Dollar Computer & Tech Grant For Yeshivos That Will Never Use Them!

Another Chillul Hashem waiting to explode. 
Wasn't there Asifois banning the internet?
Yet Agudah managed to get millions of dollars worth of smartboards, desktop computers, laptop computers, 3-D and standard printers, tablets, wireless access points, computer servers, which the Chareidie Schools are prohibited by their "DaaaaaaaaS Torah" to use!
What hypocrisy?????
Or are they going to sell the equipment, which is illegal to do?
Nine months after the Smart Schools Review Board formally corrected classification errors that deprived nonpublic schools in New York State of millions of dollars in technology funds, new, corrected allocations are about to be released.

Trump Shares Purim Story

Chag Purim Samayach

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Shumer Agrees With Ilhan Omar, AOC & Rashida Tlaib The 3 Anti-Semites of Congress

by Larry Gordon editor of the FTJT
Time and again, over and over, we have heard from our dear brother and senator, Charles Schumer, that his name, Schumer, is from “shomer,” guardian. 

He has been telling his audiences at yeshiva dinners and similar type of functions that he is the “Shomer Israel,” the guardian of Israel.

That all sounds nice and good and even warms our Jewish hearts, but where is he when he is needed?

Senator Chuck Schumer was either on vacation last week or hiding in the intimidating and venomous shadows being cast by the three annoying and possibly even frightening freshman congresswomen — Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Entire Medical Staff & Patients of Schneider Children's Hospital in Israel Join Koolulam In Song .... Inspiring!!!!

On February 19th, 2018, Koolulam arrived at Schneider Children's Hospital to give some strength to both patients and doctors, and provide them with 3 hours of shared musical experience - a hiatus from their hectic day-to-day.
It was a beautiful and emotional event, and will be remembered by many for a long time.

Curruption In The Israel Chevrah Kadisha 5 Top Guys With "Big Beards & Kapotas" From Jerusalem Arrested

This is a
story,that is just astounding  
Since selling selling cemetery plots in Israel became a big business ..... Corruption inevitably seeps in ...

???What do they do

They go around the popular cemeteries such
 as Har Hamnuchot and see where infants have been buried and then resell the same exact spot to the gullible Americans, who want to live the great life in Chutz Le'aaretz but when they drop dead they want to be buried in the Zionist State 
......of Israel

After these Americans croak, the Chevra
 Kadisha gangsters bury him in the previously 
occupied grave ...
They choose graves of infants, since most people don't visit these graves often

Watch the above video where a mother of a deceased child is looking for her child's missing grave  and finds another one in its place ...

This week a bunch of Chareidie Chevrah Kadisha guys were arrested for selling occupied  graves for the tune up to 90,000.00 shekalim
מי כעמך ישראל

PA celebrates attacks on Jews

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman excoriated the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas terrorist organization Monday, denouncing their support for terror attacks on Israeli Jews.

In a tweet Monday, Friedman said that while Israel aggressively prosecutes its citizens who engage in nationalistically-motivated attacks, the Palestinian Authority celebrates Arab terrorists, and even provides them with funding after they’ve been captured.

“Israelis attacking Palestinians are condemned, prosecuted and incarcerated by the Israeli government,” Friedman tweeted.

“Palestinians attacking Israelis are celebrated, compensated and venerated by the PA leadership and/or Hamas. And there lies the problem.”

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 103,104, 105,106,107,108, & 109

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ק''ג ''איסור בשר בחלב
Page 103  Mesectas Chullin  
The eight chapter of Mesactas Chullin starts with this daf, called "Kol Habasar," "all meats!" This entire chapter deals with the Biblical prohibition of "meat & milk." 

The Torah writes:
לא תבשל גדי בחלב אמו
"One should not cook a goat in her mother's milk."

Examining the verse, one would naturally conclude that the Torah only prohibits the act of cooking the goat with its mother's milk, nothing else, the rabbis, however  actually deduced three different prohibitions with meat & milk from this very verse!

(1) Cooking meat and milk together,
(2) Eating meat that was cooked with milk
(3) Benefiting  from milk and meat that was cooked together!

The rabbis also made clear, that the prohibition does not only apply with cooking a goat with milk, but this prohibition applies to all meat of kosher animals and to all milk from kosher animals.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Vote Out "Jew Harassers" In Airmont The Town Bordering Monsey This Tuesday!

Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks .... Did You Read About It????? I Didn't Think So!!

Just read that Stupid "Bleeding Heart" Jews Closed Their Shuls In New Zealand On Shabbos in "solidarity" to the Murder of 49  Muslims .......

Not a peep out of their liberal mouths on the cold blooded murder of 120 Christians...

The recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached 120 with this week’s slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim militants in the Kaduna state of Nigeria, the Christian Post reported.

Why Are Rabbanim Protecting An Alleged Pedofille?

By Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll

In November 2018, I sat with Elly Sapper, Dassi Erlich and Nicole Meyer, the three sisters from Australia who have been working for years to bring their alleged sexual abuser, Malka Leifer, to justice. They were in Israel to try and pressure a justice system that they knew was being manipulated, even if they didn’t know by whom.
Ellie Sapper, Nicole Meyer, me, and Dassi Erlich, in Jerusalem, in November 2018. (courtesy)
We sat there discussing possible culprits. Health Minister Yaakov Litzman was at the head of the list, along with a number of other rabbinic leaders in the Haredi world. As it turns out, we were right. It became clear this past month that numerous rabbis have been working to prevent Leifer’s extradition.
Who Is Malka Leifer?
Leifer is a former girls schools principal who stands officially accused on more than 74 counts of molestation of girls from Australia in Australia, and unofficially of many more girls in Israel and Australia.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Harav Amram Blau Chabad Kollel Director Killed By a Bus in Yerushalyim

Tragedy struck the Chabad community on Thursday afternoon, as word spread of the Petira of Harav Amram Blau Z”L, the director of Mifal Kollel Chabad in Yerushalayim.
Rav Blau was R”L struck and killed by a bus in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Yerushalayim at around 2:00PM IL.
United Hatzalah and Magen david Adom rushed to the scene, but were unfortunately unable to save his life.
Rabbi Blau, who was 81, is survived by his wife, Mrs. Yehudis, his children: Rav Yaakov of Bnei Brak, Rav Itzik of Kfar Chabad, Rav Moshe (a Chabad Shliach), his daughter Mrs. Sara Kubitshek from Kiryat Gat, Mrs. Shoshana Kot from Jerusalem, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
A grandchild is getting married this coming Monday.
The Levaya was scheduled for Thursday night at Shamgar.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Excellent Trump: For First Time Ever, U.S. Recognizes Golan Heights As ‘Under Israeli Control’

As The Daily Wire has reported numerous times, there has been a recent push among many for the U.S. to formally recognize Israel's control over the strategically sensitive Golan Heights region, which Israel first acquired in 1967's existential Six Day War defensive fight and formally annexed in 1981. 

Since 1981, however, the status of the Golan Heights has languished as a matter of formal U.S. recognition.

On December 18, a joint Senate resolution from Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) called for formal recognition by thoroughly tracing the modern history of the Golan's legal status, from 1967 through the bloody years-long civil war raging in Syria through the present day. 
In January, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a direct pitch for formal U.S. recognition to National Security Advisor John Bolton. At a joint press conference with Bolton, Netanyahu stated, "Tomorrow, if weather permits, we will go up to the Golan Heights — it is tremendously important for our security. When you are there, you'll be able to understand perfectly why we will never leave the Golan Heights and why it is important that all countries recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights." And most recently, some Democrats last month indicated the possibility that there might be bipartisan support for some measure of U.S. recognition — either formal or de facto — of the Golan Heights.
Now, Axios reports that, for the first time, the U.S. State Department — long a parochial bastion of pro-Arab, anti-Israel bias — has taken the comparatively mild step of referring to the Golan Heights not as "occupied territory," but instead as "under Israeli control":

Rav Kanievsky Instructs A Kollel Guy Looking To Buy An Apt. To Purchase A Sefer Torah

The following story, released by BeChadrei Chareidim, has gained notoriety and is the subject of discussion in Kollelim throughout Bnei Brak.
I don't know if the story is true .....
A Kollel Yungerman entered the Hod V’Hadar Institute in Bnei Brak a few weeks ago, an institute that teaches STaM, explaining he wishes to buy a ‘mehudar’ Sefer Torah. The head of the institute was taken by surprise by the Kollel Yungerman's request, explaining that such a Sefer Torah can cost as much as NIS 200,000.
It was explained to the Kollel Yungerman that such a purchase is not made spontaneously, but after careful thought and consideration. The Kollel Yungerman then explained that he came to the institute directly from the home of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, where he asked the rav what to do, explaining he wishes to buy an apartment in Bnei Brak immediately, but he only has NIS 500,000.

Spiderman Visits Sick Children In Schneider's Children's Hospial In Petach Tikvah For Pre-Purim!!

Window Cleaners dress as superheroes to give some Purim entertainment at Schneider's Children's Medical Hospital in Petach Tikvah!