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Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Authorities are searching for a missing person from North Miami Beach, FL.
Missing is Sammy Kissel, age 30. He was on his way from his home in Jade Winds condominiums around 195th Street and 17th Avenue to Khal Chassidim on NE 10th Avenue for a Malavah Malka he occasionally attends. Unfortunately, he never made it there. He was last seen on NE 10th Avenue at about 173rd Street.
At the time, he was wearing a white shirt, dark navy blue pants and black leather shoes. He left his home wearing a black kippah. At the time he was seen, his head was uncovered. He has a reddish-brown beard. He is in need of his medication.
Chesed Shel Emes of Florida is coordinating the search.
Sammy is an alumnus of Toras Emes Academy of Miami.
Please say Tehillim for Dov Shimshon ben Penina Sarah.
If you have any information about his whereabouts or you saw him after 6:15 PM on Shabbos, please call 911 immediately.

Watch Trump Protesters Try To Explain What They're Actually Protesting

This happened in 2016 when Trump was running for election!

Stormy Daniels' defamation lawsuit against Trump ...but NYT Buries This News Item on Page 47

A federal judge has dismissed adult film star Stormy Daniels' defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump.
Daniels sued Trump after he said in a tweet that her story of a man threatening her not to come forward with her story of her alleged affair with Trump was "a total con job."
Daniels argued Trump's tweet, posted April 18, "attacks the veracity of her account" of the incident and that Trump's statement was "false and defamatory, and that the tweet was defamation ... because it charged her with committing a serious crime," District Judge S. James Otero wrote in his opinion Monday.
    Trump had asked Otero to dismiss the lawsuit.
    "The Court agrees with Mr. Trump's argument because the tweet in question constitutes 'rhetorical hyperbole' normally associated with politics and public discourse in the United States. The First Amendment protects this type of rhetorical statement," Otero wrote.

    Satmar Leadership Keep Lying to Their Chassidim ...Their Moisdois Take Money From the State of Israel !

    Moietzes Gedoilei HaTorah "Stick there Tongues Out " At Satmar And Encourage All Jews To Vote in Israeli Elections

    Jew Beaten in Crown Heights by a Black Guy

    A Jewish man was violently assaulted in an unprovoked attack while crossing a street in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon.
    The incident occurred at around 3:50pm at the intersection of Empire Boulevard and Albany Avenue. 

    The victim was accosted as he was crossing the street by a black teenager carrying a wooden stick. When the victim realized he was about to be assaulted he attempted to flee.
    The victim ran into the nearby dry cleaner,  owned by R’ Shloime Junik, whose son tried opening the door to provide shelter to the victim, though not fast enough. The attacker managed to swing and strike the victim over his back and shoulder causing the stick to break in half. The perpetrator then threw the second piece into the store, striking both the victim and another bystander and causing further injuries.
    Attempting the flee, the suspect ran down Albany Avenue into Lefferts park with multiple witnesses chasing after him. Both Shomrim and police were called and the suspect was apprehended, police arrived a short while later and arrested the suspect.
    Much to the shock of the people observing the suspect being arrested, officers said that he had just been released less than 30 minutes earlier after he was caught shoplifting from a bodega on Rutland Road and Albany Avenue. He was released on a desk appearance ticket for that crime.
    After his arrest the suspect was charged with felony assault, menacing, harassment, criminal possession of a weapon as well as a hate crime.

    Marilyn Monroe’s Siddur is being put up for auction

    An item that belonged to Marilyn Monroe is being put up for auction and it’s not quite what you’d expect. Next month, one lucky fan of the late actress will be able to acquire a Jewish prayer book, or siddur, that she owned.
    The cream-colored book, which was published in 1922, is being sold at an auction by J. Greenstein & Co. on Nov. 12 in Cedarhurst, Long Island. The starting bid is $4,600.
    Monroe converted to Judaism in 1956 prior to her marriage to Jewish-American writer Arthur Miller. Though the couple divorced five years later, the blonde bombshell said she would not abandon her new faith
    Rabbi Robert Goldburg of Congregation Mishkan Israel in New Haven, Connecticut,  who oversaw her conversion and officiated at her wedding to Miller, said that she told him that she was still committed to being Jewish.
    The siddur is being sold on behalf of its current owner, an American living in Israel who bought it from Monroe’s estate in 1999, The Jewish Chronicle reported. The prayer book was previously put up for auction in 2017 and went unsold.
    Monroe seems to have put the siddur to use. The description says that it contains notes that are “apparently in her hand” and that the spine is nearly detached.
    Arthur Miller with Marilyn Monroe in 1956.

    Teresa Klein Claims Black Boy Sexually Assaulted Her, Then Surveillance Video Released

    A New York woman is facing significant backlash after she called 911 on a young boy last week, claiming that he sexually assaulted her, when surveillance video of the incident appears to show that he did not do what she claims he did.
    Teresa Klein told police that the boy "grabbed" her "a-s" at a Sahara Deli Market in Brooklyn, Pix11 reported.
    Speaking to the local media outlet, Klein still claims that she was sexually assaulted despite surveillance video that was released which does not appear to support her claims.
    "I was standing at the counter, and I was sexually assaulted," Klein told Pix11.
    Klein claimed that the boy's mother told her she was a police officer despite video footage clearly showing it was Klein who claimed she was a police officer.
    "I did not say that, if I did say that I would be surprised," Klein said.
    Pix11 added that "despite Klein insisting that she filed a police report on the day in question, officials with the NYPD confirmed to Pix11 that no report pertaining to the incident exists."

    Study: Tefillin help prevent heart attacks

    Jewish men who wrap leather straps around their arm as part of their daily morning prayers may also be protecting themselves from heart attacks, a study found.

    A pilot study by researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine found that regular users of tefillin, or phylacteries, may receive cardiovascular health benefits though remote ischemic preconditioning — that is, briefly restricting blood flow and oxygen to the heart and then restoring it.

    The results of the study were published last month online in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.

    Elizabeth Warren’s DNA sample Cherokee Nation Says "The DNA test is useless"

    The Stanford University researcher who studied Sen Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) DNA sample did not actually use samples of

    Native American DNA.

    The Boston Globe broke the story Monday of Warren’s DNA test, which she and the newspaper claimed as proof of her Native American ancestry, after results suggested she may have had a Native American ancestor six to ten generations ago. That means her genome may be between 1/64 to 1/1024 percent Native American.

    Buried deep within the Globe story, however, is the admission that the Stanford University researcher who studied her DNA sample did not actually use samples of Native American DNA to determine whether Warren’s dubious claims of Cherokee ancestry were true.

    Monday, October 15, 2018


    Farrukh Afzal, 37, of Staten Island was charged with assault, hate crime, criminal mischief and harassment for the attack, which took place at around 7:30AM near 46th Street and 13th Avenue.
     R’ Lipa Schwartz, 62, was walking to Shul, Tallis and Tefillin in hand, when a black “Church Ave Car Service” vehicle driven by Afzal came to a screeching halt at the curb nearby. Afzal got out, ran towards Schwartz and began punching him in his face while screaming “Allah, Allah” repeatedly.
    “He came out from the car. I couldn’t explain to you how angry he was. He was screaming the whole time,” Schwartz Schwartz told CBS2.
    “All of a sudden… boof, boof, boof, boof!”, Schwartz said, referring to the barrage of punches that came his way. “So I start to fight back because it’s either death or life.”
    Schwartz, a father of nine, ran towards 46th Street, but he tripped and Afzal caught up to him and once again began to beat him mercilessly.
    “I fell down on the street. All of a sudden he’s on my head again, start to punch me. I screamed, ‘What you want from me?!? Help me please,’” Schwartz said.
    Fortunately, a passerby approached to stop the attack, and Afzal went after him. Police said it was that distraction that likely saved Schwartz. Witnesses kept the driver at the scene until cops arrived and arrested him.
    “I’m telling you if he had a knife he would stab me right on the place. No doubt,” Schwartz said.
    Police later told CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez that Afzal had mistaken Schwartz for another Hasidic man who had hit his car for no apparent reason while he was stopped at a red light.


    Monsey Residents are being warning they may have been infected by the unidentified traveler at some point between Oct. 4 and Oct. 11.
    Health officials say anyone at these locations may have been exposed to the measles:
      • Congregation Bais Elazer in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 4
      • Mia’s Reflexology in New City, N.Y. on Oct. 4
      • Lifetime Gym in Montvale, N.J. on Oct. 5
      • Wesley Kosher in Monsey N.Y. on Oct. 5
      • Congregation Borov in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 5 and Oct. 6
      • Costco in Nanuet, N.Y. on Oct. 7
      • Care 365 in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 8
      • Westchester Medical Center’s Emergency Room in Valhalla, N.Y. on Oct. 11
    Rockland County health officials say the infected person is now being treated and is isolated.
    Symptoms of the measles include fever, runny nose, red eyes that are sensitive to light, coughing and a red rash. The illness usually appears 10-12 days after exposure, but can sometimes take up to three weeks to develop.
    It is the second time in a month that a visitor to Rockland has exposed others to the measles. An international traveler went to New Square from Newark International Airport and spent several days before symptoms appeared; local people were exposed to the measles from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.

    Moetzes Directs Chareidi Party Not To Bring Down Government Over IDF Draft Law

    So where is Satmar?????? I thought the IDF law was "Yehereg Ve'al Yaavor?" 

    Seems that the Israeli Gedoilim don't think that going to the Army is such a big Aveirah .....

    It seems that getting $$$$$$$ for the Moisdois is more important than a law conscripting Yeshivah Boys to protect their own country!

    Car Service Arab Guy Beats the Hell Out Of Old Boro-Park Jew In Broad Daylight .... No One Comes To Help!

    NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) praised the NYPD following the quick apprehension of the suspect.
    “This attack was inexcusable,” said Hikind, who remained in close contact with the Police Chief of Brooklyn South as well as Deputy Inspector David Wall, commanding officer of the 66th Precinct regarding the brutal beating. “Watching the video of the incident or just hearing about it is traumatizing—especially to children and the elderly here who survived the Holocaust. “Thank G-d this guy is off the streets, This isn’t the wild west; this is Borough Park.  We won’t allow violent, hateful behavior taking place on our streets.”

    7:30am. Shomrim volunteers responded quickly to 13th Avenue after we received calls for an assault in progress. Thanks to the great with @NYPD66Pct the assaulter was arrested.

    Moshe Lando Lakewood Bochur Missing ... Found!

    Police report that he was B"H found!

    Sunday, October 14, 2018

    The "Token Negro" Kanye West

    Kanye West
    In the beginning, it was safe to ignore Kanye West and his growing bromance with President Trump. After all, West is a performer, which makes it easy to discount his political talk, and he is married to a Kardashian, which, well, enough said.
    But recent events demand attention. First came West’s Sept. 29 appearance on “Saturday Night Live,” where he rapped in his red Make America Great Again hat and praised Trump in a speech, most of which NBC cut from its telecast.

    Friday, October 12, 2018

    Mrs Lilach Paraschiv From Monsey Dies Suddenly Gave Birth 5 Weeks ago

    Mrs Lilach Paraschiv A”H (nee Menachem) of Monsey, NY. Died suddenly yesterday.
    Mrs Paraschiv, who turned 42 on Wednesday, suddenly collapsed on Thursday morning at her home. Hatzolah did everything they would to save her life, but were unfortunately unsuccessful. She leaves behind a husband and five children – the oldest 11 and the youngest just FIVE WEEKS OLD.
    Her parents flew back to Israel just last night, after coming to visit their newest grandchild.
    The Levaya and Kevura will take place hopefully on Friday in Eretz Yisroel.
    The family has no money for the burial transport and money for Kevura, and local Askonim and Rabbonim have launched a fund to assist the family.

    Walking Out for the Rabbi’s Drasha – To Participate In A KIDDUSH CLUB

    Image result for shot glasses of liquor
    (By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com)
    There was someone who had walked out of the sanctuary of the shul to where the other men were making kiddush. This time, however, someone began to berate him:
    “You don’t come here to daven! You come here to drink and to talk!”
    This vignette would normally be unremarkable, except for the fact that the person doing the berating was the shul’s Hispanic custodian. The story is not apocryphal – it genuinely happened.
    What we are concerned about, however, is not the berating per se, but rather the halacha behind walking out in the first place.
    The man was walking into the shul’s unofficial “Kiddush Club.”

    Thursday, October 11, 2018

    Neturei Karta Wants You to Daven for their Leader Moshe Beck Who Needs a Refuah Sheliemah

    Paul Rosenfeld,Planned a Suicide Bombing In Washington DC on Election Day

    Man was trying 'to build a bomb to blow himself up on Election Day in DC'
    A Rockland County man who cops say built a 200-pound bomb he was planning to explode in Washington, D.C., in an Election Day suicide attack was arrested Wednesday.
    Paul Rosenfeld, 56, of Tappan, was busted on federal charges of manufacturing an explosive device.
    “As alleged, Paul M. Rosenfeld concocted a twisted plan to draw attention to his political ideology by killing himself on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. — risking harm to many others in the process,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said.
    “Rosenfeld’s alleged plan for an Election Day detonation cut against our democratic principles.”