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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Stabs Jews in the Back Again with his Lies in an OP-ED

The following is an Op-Ed in TheYeshivahWorld Blog  written by the sick fool  Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander.
After his demented letter I posted some comments from the readers 

In the aftermath of the release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, we’ve seen much jubilation. But that was followed quickly by speculation from members of our community regarding the role or lack thereof of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer in the advocacy pertaining to the President’s commutation of Rubashkin’s sentence. In the blogosphere especially, there have been efforts urging people to contact Senator Schumer’s office to express their “outrage” and calling him out on this issue. These recommendations were generally accompanied by lots of chest pounding and inflammatory language.

There have been those who suggested that even Nancy Pelosi, the non Jewish woman who represents California’s 12th Congressional District, has expressed her written consent for a commutation of Mr. Rubashkin’s sentence. And yet, Chuck Schumer, who calls himself the ‘shomer yisroel’, refused to write a letter.
I’m always amazed at how our community manages to shoot ourselves in the foot and display our political immaturity to the world. Or perhaps the right verbiage here might be ‘political suicide’.
There’s an old expression – Those who know don’t speak. And those who speak don’t know.
Dear readers: Do you think for one moment that Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic Leader, is not in contact with Schumer, Democratic Leader of the Senate, on a daily basis?? Do you think they don’t work together to formulate the official policy of the Democratic caucus? Wouldn’t you think that Schumer had given her the green light of approval before she decided to write a letter as sensitive as this to President Trump? Are we really so immature not to realize this? In my opinion, this proves that those who are writing these opinions have zero understanding of the governmental process.
Some may counter by asking why Schumer didn’t see fit to write his own letter as well? Honestly, I don’t have the answer to that question. Sometimes there are questions that beg for an answer yet the answers remain unknown. But I can assure you of one thing. Nancy Pelosi would never write a letter of advocacy for Rubashkin without Senator Schumer’s advance notification and tacit approval.
Let me reiterate that I am not privy to inside information on this issue. I am just surmising what must have occurred based on my understanding of the political process. As a consultant who has been in similar situations in the past, this is my conclusion.
The Rubashkin case was very important to our community and I was as outraged as everyone else about the travesty of justice, as I was elated at the news of his commuted sentence. We all have tremendous hakoras hatov to President Trump and appreciate this commutation.
But we need to understand that there is also a tomorrow. There was also a yesterday. And that yesterday included Senator Schumer coming out against the Iran deal.
It’s never a good idea to try to convince an elected official that he is not our friend. I’m not just addressing the Schumer issue on this. It’s something we have to realize when it comes to other officials as well. Because guess what happens. When you declare someone as your enemy, that is eventually what he will come to be. Once we write him off, this is how he will come to be perceived. And that is not responsible politics for our Jewish community.
The community must internalize that Chuck Schumer is as powerful as they come. In his capacity as Senate Democratic leader, there are a myriad of issues that the community approaches him on for support. And in many cases he responds positively. The day might come when he will be even more powerful as Senate majority leader. Is it really in the best interest of our community to be in a situation where he views us as confrontational?
We need to conduct ourselves more pragmatically. For example, I personally supported Hillary Clinton for president. Yet the moment that Donald Trump was elected, I accepted him as my President and work with the White House accordingly. I decided to treat the office of the Presidency with the respect and honor that it deserves, and I’ve publicly condemned anyone who did otherwise. There is a time, a place, and a season for everything.
We as a community need to internalize the larger picture. Yes we are a vibrant and growing community, boruch Hashem, and we have much to be proud of. But our numbers are minuscule in the grand scheme of things. And we tend to shoot blanks. We sometimes declare war on an elected official, and when that happens outside of our local districts, we become marginalized. Elected officials at the highest level will pass us over and won’t even invite us to sit down at the table with them because of the immaturity with which we conduct our political and governmental relationships.
I say this as someone who is professionally engaged as the CEO of a public affairs consulting firm. I am in no way a community leader. But I see the handwriting on the wall and I feel it’s time for us to take stock of our actions and add real value to all of our political interactions and relationships.
As far as the wonderful news of the President’s commutation of Mr. Rubashkin’s sentence is concerned – Now that’s something we can all be proud of!

I’m really disappointed in this Op-Ed. The writer is treating the community as if they are dumb sheep who should follow his advice. He’s basically saying don’t make me look bad in front of my buddy Chuck. He’s concocting arguments out of thin air as to why Chuck did not have to personally write a letter and degrading Pelosi in the process by saying that she doesn’t move without Shumer’s Consent.
Additionally, he’s basically saying we should not use our constitutional right to protest (via phone calls and e-mails) lest it backfire. So is he openly telling us that if we don’t shut up and make nice to Mr. Schumer then he won’t care about us, his constituents?\

Ezra stop kissing up to liberal democrat like schmuer and nadler
Schmuck schmuer is fighting trump every step of the way and we should despise him for that
Because of people like nadler we got the Iran deal

Well that confirms it, Pelosi doesn’t know how to think for herself and needs Schumer to tell her what to do.
Schumer supports toeiva etc. so you stay away from him as far as possible. Period.

Same Ezra who tried to sell us the Brooklyn bridge
When Nadler voted for the Iran deal, is trying to clean the dirty Schumer.
Ezra it’s time for you to quit.
You don’t represent klal Yisruel.
You only represent YOURSELF.
how low you got

Ezra is at it again, making sure that his friends (and political contacts) on the Left are well-fed with hard-earned Jewish money. He can call himself whatever he wants, but we all know he’s a political HACK of the worst kind. (Hey, have you called your friend Hillary lately to lament her loss?)
Schumer is at best an obstructionist who cares about The Party, Schumer, and The Party in that order.
Let us not forget how he had his finger in the air to see which way the wind blew when it came to the disastrous Iran deal (created by his friend Obama, and shrilled into the self-described Echo Chamber by Ben Rhodes…). Once he knew it would pass, he could continue to lie to his constituents about his true passion for the deal. Now it turns out that Obama was not only giving Iran a pass on missiles, and plane loads of cash, but he also was giving Hezbollah a free pass. Thanks for having our back, Senator.

Please, Ezra, don’t hock us a chynick!
Pelosi didn’t consult with Schumer re Rubashkin, this wasn’t a National security issue, with huge ramifications just a basic humanitarian one, one that required basic human decency and mentchlichkeit, which pelosi had and Schumer didn’t.

IMHO – With all due respect – suggesting that Pelosi needs (and received) a green light from Schumer on something of this nature reflects a lack of understanding of how these things work.

Ezra Please pardon my French. This op-ed is written just for some “lecking” you did the same joke for congressmen Nadler…
I guess that’s part of your business…

Monday, December 25, 2017

The Kaliver Rebbe’s Message IN ENGLISH To President Trump

In a smack in the face to Aron TeitelBUM, the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, the Tzaddik the Kaliver Rebbe has a message to Trump!
And in a hint to TeitelBUM, the Kaliver Rebbe says Aron is "jealous"..and Trump "shouldn't worry about people talking bad about you."

The following is a rough transcript of the Rebbe’s remarks:
“My dear president of the United States, I am very very happy since I saw what the president of the United States, a young president, had the greatness to talk to the whole world [about recognizing Jerusalem]… You love everybody.
My dear President, I am already a United States citizen for more than 60 years, and living in Israel more than 50. I have traveled place to place, reaching tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people, to let them know who we are [as Jews], they were all broken after the Holocaust.
My dear President, I am now more than 90 and I am broken from everything, 90% of my family were killed in the Holocaust. Now to hear from the President of the United States, [a country] who always helped the whole world, but now saying these words that brings love to millions of people. People are jealous that the president did such nice things for Israel.
In the Warsaw Ghetto and in Auschwitz, they wanted to throw me in a fire. I said to the almighty, help me, ‘Shema Yisrael’, my G-d let me live, and I was saved. So miracles after miracles , the almighty helped me. Afterwards I came to the United States and I said I must go to Yerushalayim, no matter if we are free people or not.
These words what you said, made the world believe that if you do, you will get help from the Almighty. I was very happy to hear while I was lying [sick] in bed, that the President came to Eretz Yisrael and was by the Kosel.”
“I want to wish u from the depths of my heart that you should have great success. Don’t worry if people are talking bad about you, the Almighty is with you and he should help you and the whole world should know that the United States helps everybody, anytime. Thank you very much and a lot of blessings to you, thank u very much,” the Rebbe concluded.


Shidduch Crises Over?????????
Some town this Monsey!!!!

Some say that she is a giyoris and they fell in love and converted then got married ! ...
but who knows??

Some say he is still a goy and never converted...
and all the berachois under the chuppa were a "bracha le'vetalah".... but if you read his blog ... that seems the least of his problems 

Some say he is "toit meshigeh" 

Either way Merry x-mass

He does know how to dance ...that is the only fact in this entire story!!

So the 21 Year Old Convert addresses DIN in his comments ... so I copied and pasted it! 
Reb Yechiel Yisruel Bloyd said...
Hello everybody. There have been a lot of things going around about me on the internet over the past week or so, remarkably enough, and apparently I'm known all across the entire Jewish internet world. So, I'm going to address a few topics that have been brought up recently.

My wife is not 52 years old, she is 50. Also, her name is Rivka Faigeh, not "52 Year Old Woman," as an Instagram page quite rudely put it. We're both happy the cat's out of the bag and people said she's older, whoever opened her purse at our wedding and looked at her ID apparently can't do math. We were not a shidduch arranged by the community, for those who are insisting that. We got together about a year ago, and known each other for over two years from an esoteric group we were a part of. We converted together, and have a very happy relationship. It may seem unusual, but if you knew the two of us, you'd see we are a couple just like everyone else.

My conversion is 100% kosher. There is someone claiming that I've lied about converting in the past and all sorts of horrid things. I've never claimed to have converted, I've always been straight up about the fact that I started the process and did not finish, and had left, intending to live as a goy. I've never made claims of "sneaking" into mikvas, as one page suggests. I've used them, plain and simple, when I was working on conversion before Yom Kippur, once before Shabbes, and once at night for purifying myself from negativity I'd been feeling over the day.

I made a conversion with three Orthodox rabbis, Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski was on the beis din and was mesader kiddushin, along with Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum and Rabbi Peretz Steinberg. I've rejected all forbidden practices and have accepted the emunas Yisroel (faith of the Jewish people), along with the 613 mitzvos. I had a 100% kosher bris by a chassidish moyl, and toiveled with three Orthodox rabbis supervising for the sake of conversion. My wife was converted by these same rabbis. I do not worship idols, nor do I engage in any other sort of practice forbidden by the Torah and Chazal. I do not engage in any form of plural religious practice, and nor does my wife. If you wish to continue speaking on these matters and proclaim that I'm a fake or poser, just know you're violating the prohibitions against rechilus (gossip), loshon horo, and all the mitzvos pertaining to how geirim are to be treated.

Yes, my blog and pictures are still up. This is because I believe it is useless to try to cover up the past, no matter what it is. I'm certain there would be screenshots taken by people who dislike me to use again at a later time. In case nobody has noticed, my last post on the blog states that I'm done and have moved on to Jewish things. Perhaps I should have redacted my statement that I"m a kosher Jew, but according to my understanding at the time, which admittedly was lacking, I was certain I was Jewish maternally. However after discussing this with a rabbi and being told I was not Jewish, I set forth on conversion with my wife. I haven't written there in months, because I haven't thought about it even. I spend my time learning and davening, and doing fun things with my wife and building a beautiful life with her rather than worrying about what people will find online.
May it be the will of HaKodosh Boruch Hu that everyone should be filled with simcha, that the ignorant should be enlightened and filled with knowledge, and that the Malchus Sh'b'Kedusha (Divine Sovereignty), as Rebbe Nachman says, should reign within all of us, and be established on earth with the coming of Moshiach swiftly and within our days.

New Square Welcomes Rubashkin!

Guatemala defies Satmar and will move its embassy to Yerusahlyim

Guatemala’s president announced on Christmas Eve that the Central American country will move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, becoming the first nation to follow the lead of U.S. President Donald Trump in ordering the change.

Guatemala was one of nine nations that voted with the United States and Israel on Thursday when the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a non-binding resolution denouncing Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Trump didn’t set any timetable for moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and neither did Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales.
In a post on his official Facebook account Sunday, Morales said that after talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he decided to instruct Guatemala’s foreign ministry to move the embassy.
No other country has their embassy for Israel in Jerusalem, though the Czech Republic has said it is considering such a move.

Le'Kovod X-Mas the Pope performs "mezizah Be'peh" on Jesus

Boro-Park Holocaust Museum Re-Writes History to Fit Satmar Agenda

Not too long ago, Frum Askanim felt that the Yad Ve'Shem Holocaust Museum in Israel, did not address the Frum perspective of what really happened during the Holocaust. 

The Mesiras Nefesh of Frum inmates; the way they performed mitzvos and did chesed under the noses of the Nazis, some of them bravely sacrificing their very lives to help others and defying the murderers to fulfill even Mitzvois De'Rabbanim, were not documented properly.

So they rightfully decided to build their own memorial to tell the story of mesiras nefesh of Torah Jews to new generations 

And so they built the Amud Aish Memorial Museum in Boro -Park, where most of the survivors lived.

 The purpose of this Museum was primarily to correct the "revisionists" ..those who revised real stories of the Holocaust and ignored details pertinent to the continuity of authentic Judaism. 

To make sure that the frum version is transmitted to future generations, Ami Magazine features a weekly column, "Our Journey,"  written by Rabbi Sholom Friedmann, that brings some of these stories of Mesiras Nefesh to the forefront. 

Imagine my surprise and shock, when I read the latest column, that totally omitted a key element of a specific story of the rescue of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the founder of the Satmar dynasty. 

Rabbi Sholom Friedmann relates in this article that the Museum set up an exhibit in Monroe for the benefit of the Satmar girl's school, preparing a "fascinating presentation featuring the Satmar Rebbe's rescue from Bergen-Belsen."

Rabbi Friedmann totally omitted that the Satmar Rebbe was rescued by the Zionists, and placed on the Rudolf Kastner Train, who was a sworn Zionist. 

The  "Frum" Museum  decided it was best to  lie outright to innocent young impressionable souls, and to revise the true facts behind the rescue of R' Yoilish...

Understandably, Satmar in their lying bio of R' Yoielish, came up with a "Cock & Bull" story, that some old lady, the mother-in-law of Kastner, had a dream and in that dream she was told to convince Rudolf to put R' Yoielish on the train! 

I'm not sure exactly of the story since there are many versions of this piece of fiction and trash!

But what is a fact is that the Satmar Rebbe was saved by the Zionists! 

And now Rabbi Sholom Friedmann, the author of these articles, can justifiably be accused of being a party to the "revisionists."

Tell me Rabbi Friedmann .... why is your fictitious article different than the articles written by other Holocaust deniers??? 

What is the purpose of your Museum if you are no different than Yad Ve' Shem that you accuse of omitting the sacrifices of the frum victims?

Why should we now believe anything that you write when you deliberately distort the truth!!????

Because you want to satisfy your Satmar clientele, you found yourself a heter to omit a key detail in the rescue? 

So, why are Holocaust deniers who also twist the truth different than you ....?????????

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Yuda Zimmerman Charged with Hit and Run an 8 year old Kiryas Yoel Boy ..

A 24-year-old Orange County man has been charged following a lengthy investigation after a hit-and-run accident in November that left a young boy seriously injured.
An 8-year-old boy was found lying unresponsive in the roadway after having been struck by a vehicle on Siget Court in the Village of Kiryas Joel in Monroe at about 5 p.m. on Nov. 9. The boy was transported to Westchester Medical Center and treated for serious internal injuries.
The vehicle had fled the scene prior to the arrival of police.
After an extensive investigation, state police identified Yudah Zimmerman of Kiryas Joel as the driver of the vehicle that stuck the child. Zimmerman had been working as a delivery man in the area at the time of the accident.
Zimmerman was charged with leaving the scene of a serious physical injury accident (a felony) and endangering the welfare of a child.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Rumors have it that Satmar Rebbe "doesn't recognize Trumps commutation of Rubashkin! "Crying" Schumer Didn't Support Rubashkin Petition!

Last week, at the celebration of the Rescue of the Satmar Rebbe from the Nazis (Zionists rescued him), R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, ranted like a demented fool, condemning the President of the United States' recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital ....

When Hussain Obama pushed the murderous Iran deal, R' Aron, stabbed 6 million Jews who live in Israel in the back and front, writing letters to congressman not to listen to Bibi Netanyahu's speech in front of congress pleading and warning them that this deal was bad for the USA and Israel!

He also barked like a mad dog, that not backing Obama's deal that handed nuclear arms to Iran, was as he ignorantly put it ... "hisgaarus be'umois" 
a Rabbinic prohibition not to antagonize the gentile nations .. ...

So this past week, R'Aron violated his very own understanding of this prohibition and attacked the President of the United States ... causing a massive Chillul Hashem ......
He also joined Arabs and the Reform Jews to mock this Ohaiv Yisroel, President Donald Trump!

Now comes rumors .. that R' Aron doesn't recognize Trump's commutation of Rubashkin ....

It is of course said in jest, but the ones promulgating this rumor are none other than Satmar Chassidim themselves   .... who are ashamed and disgusted by R'Aron's foolish behavior..

Meanwhile, Chucky "Crying" Schumer, unlike his colleagues, Nancy Pelosi, and Nadler,  refused to sign a petition for the release of Sholom Rubashkin.

I'm sure the stupid Askanim like Ezra the Kapo Friedlander will again support Crying Schumer at his next election!

***See the attached document containing letters from politicians and noted legal authorities regarding the Rubashkin case***

Thousands Gather to Welcome Rubashkin ... at his home in Monsey and 770 in Crown Heights

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in Otisville, Upstate NY, shortly after being picked up from the prison there by his wife and children, is greeted by a local Chabad Shliach along with several Chasidisher people. He is then welcomed by a large crowed outside his home in Monsey, NY. Later they boarded a bus headed to Borough Park to visit his father at his home there, (his mother is currently recovering in the hospital).

Rubashkin greeted by thousands as he arrives at 770

רובשקין מברך הגומל ב-770

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Trump Releases Rubashkin!

*President Trump Commutes Sentence of Sholom Rubashkin*

Chassidim celebrating in 770

Today, President Donald J. Trump commuted the prison sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, an action encouraged by bipartisan leaders from across the political spectrum, from Nancy Pelosi to Orrin Hatch.
Mr. Rubashkin is a 57-year-old father of 10 children. He previously ran the Iowa headquarters of a family business that was the countrys largest kosher meat-processing company. In 2009, he was convicted of bank fraud and sentenced thereafter to 27 years in prison. Mr. Rubashkin has now served more than 8 years of that sentence, which many have called excessive in light of its disparity with sentences imposed for similar crimes.
This action is not a Presidential pardon. It does not vacate Mr. Rubashkins conviction, and it leaves in place a term of supervised release and a substantial restitution 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Nikki Haley the Tzedikis

The UN Security Council tried to slip one past Nikki Haley. You’d think those bums would know her by now. 
Of course she nixed a resolution that was intended to overturn President Trump’s…and hence America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

Then, of the 14 nations that voted in favor of the resolution, she said this – “What happened today at the Security Council is an insult. It won’t be forgotten.” 

She wasn’t smiling…and neither was she saying, but it’s been noted, that the United States can stop funding the UN. 

Step two would get it out of New York and into Brussels, which serves as capital to the European Union.

 Haley told the Security Council that the United States won’t be pushed around; nobody tells us what to do – where or when we can place our embassies.

Which will shortly be in Jerusalem…and also about Jerusalem, specifically the Western Wall, both Trump and Haley agree that it belongs to Israel. 

UN Resultion 2334 said otherwise, but that was under Obama, the anti-Semite who ran with that crowd. 
That wasn’t forgotten either – 2334. 

Nikki Haley let them know that it was such one-sided interference (always against Israel) that led to so much bloodshed.
Haley promised and threatened that the United States “won’t make that mistake again”…about abstaining in order to let that cursed resolution sail through. 

Those Happy Days…those Obama days…are over…and of course it’s got The New York Times in a snit. 

About Monday’s veto, you can read the editorial yourself, but why bother when I can give it to you in a snap, as follows –

Nothing belongs to the Israelis. Everything belongs to the Palestinian Arabs. Period. 

You expected something different from the American news media?

From Trump, through Haley at the UN, we find Israel and the United States in the same boat…two liberty-loving countries against the world…and it’s near Biblical.
Think of that chapter in the Book of Numbers. 
Pagan prophet Balaam declares: “It is a people that dwells in solitude; not to be reckoned among the nations.”
He was talking about Israel…and it’s generally been taken to mean that Israel is destined to be shunned.

Wrong interpretation, says Rashi. 
It means that when the nations are gathered for reckoning, judgment and punishment, Israel will be spared.
I say, by degrees, it’s already happening at the UN.

Seems to me that the United States shares that blessing in view of God’s hand at work through President Donald Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley.
Can I get me an Amen?

Recent Bar Mitzvah Video Shows Sole Uninjured Azan Child In Musical Tribute To His Mother

With the Jewish community still reeling from the devastating loss of four members of a single Brooklyn family in a tragic menorah fire, video footage has surfaced of one of the victims of the Chanukah blaze serenading his mother at his bar mitzvah which took place last May.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Obama let Hezbollah off the hook to secure his Murderous "Iran Deal"

Der "Shoiteh" Friedlander

If you remember this was the deal that allows Iran (the country that 
vowed to "wipe Israel with its  6 million Jewish citizens off the map") to secure nuclear arms within 10 years. 

Ezra Friedlander, the known "shoiteh" tried to convince Holocaust survivors, that this was a great deal and good for the Jews and to trust the then President Hussain Obama! 

His mentor, R'Aron TeitelBUM, the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, that some call a dangerous numskull, wrote letters to congressman to encourage them to vote for this deal and begged them to stay away from Netanyahu's Speech when Netanyahu addressed his concerns in front of congress and the world. 

Now it turns out, that Politico, a left leaning News site, that originally backed this crazy deal, uncovered that the Obama administration stopped law enforcement from stopping Hezbollah, the terrorist arm of Iran, because he didn't want to chas ve'sholam derail the Iran deal!

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.
Over the next eight years, agents working out of a top-secret DEA facility in Chantilly, Virginia, used wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah’s illicit networks, with the help of 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies.
They followed cocaine shipments, some from Latin America to West Africa and on to Europe and the Middle East, and others through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States. They tracked the river of dirty cash as it was laundered by, among other tactics, buying American used cars and shipping them to Africa. And with the help of some key cooperating witnesses, the agents traced the conspiracy, they believed, to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran.
But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way, according to interviews with dozens of participants who in many cases spoke for the first time about events shrouded in secrecy, and a review of government documents and court records. When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval for some significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests.
The Justice Department declined requests by Project Cassandra and other authorities to file criminal charges against major players such as Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian paramilitary Quds force. And the State Department rejected requests to lure high-value targets to countries where they could be arrested.

Mother And 3 Children from the Azan Family Killed In House Fire in Flatbush.....Menorah????

The Azan Family on their way to Israel!

Please say Tehillim for Shilat bas Aliza (16) who is critical, Daniel ben Aliza (15) who is critical, Avraham ben Aliza (13) stable, and Yosef ben Ahuva Masuda – the father who is critical.

The mother, 40, was dead on the second floor of the single-family home. Nearby were her 3-year-old daughter, 7-year-old son and 11-year-old son.
In all, nine people were in the house — the couple, their six children and a cousin.
Sources identified the four dead as Aliza Azan and her children Moshe, Yitzchak and Hanriet.
Yosi Azan, his 16 year old daughter Shilat and his 15 year old son Daniel are all in critical condition at Staten Island Hospital. 
Witnesses said that the two children jumped from the roof as fire ripped through the three story home. A younger brother and a cousin who was visiting with the family have both been released after being treated at an area hospital.
The Azan children were students at Yeshiva Ateret Torah, the same school attended by the Sasson children who died in a winter fire nearly three years ago.
The fire is believed to have been started by an unattended menorah but fire marshals could not confirm the source of the blaze at this time.

Mr. Yossi Azan who needs "rachmim"

Tragedy struck the Flatbush community early Monday morning, when a mother and three children — ages 11, 7 and 3 — died in fast-moving house fire R”L.
The Azan family is from the Jewish Syrian Community!
FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro says the woman and children were killed around 2:30 a.m. Monday at 1945 East 14th.
The commissioner says the children’s father and two teenagers are in critical condition.
He says firefighters arrived about 2 minutes after getting the call from a neighbor and the fire was already “consuming” all three floors of the building.
Nigro says the fire was accidental but the cause has not yet been pinpointed.
Chessed Shel Emes is on scene to ensure Kavod Hames.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Rav Shteinman z"l interesting stuff!

Rav Shteinman z"l entertaining his new wife

Rav Shteinman z'l lighting his menorah ....... Satmar Rebbe lighting his menorah 

See Rav Shteinman's kitchen ............... See Kitchen of Satmar Rebbe

Now see  funeral of a man who wanted only 10 people at his levayeh!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Satmar & Auerbach Terrorists Continue to Disgrace the Memory of Harav Shteinman z"l

The Posters cursing Rav Shteinman z"l appear in Satmar Shul's bulletin board

Some Satmar savage donated kokosh cake celebrating Rav Shteinman's death
it reads in part that 
"Rav Shteinman followed in the ways of of Kook YM"S"
using the term "YM"S" a term used for Hitler !

Auerbach Newspaper cursing and celebrating the death of Rav Shteinman z"l

Auerbach savages destroying the notices of Rav Shteinman's petirah

These are Auerbach Terrorists that defaced the signs!

Ex-Ramapo Supervisor St. Lawrence "The one who gave Monsey Over to developers" Sentenced To 2.5 Years In Prison

Someone on another blog put it right:
"You know who the TRUE REAL victims are - the Yidden living in the frum areas of Rockland county. Chris St. Lawrence, with blessing of the Rabbonim, destroyed our way of life. We came out here to get away from the city and all its problems, and now because of all the apartment houses he approved $$$, it now takes 25 minutes to get through Monsey. Not even talking about the shmutz and garbage.This stadium is not why he should sit in jail - for what he did to us, he should sit 20 years
Former Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence's fight to avoid jail time came to an end when he was sentenced to two and half years in prison and a fined $75,000 for fraud involving the financing of a baseball stadium.
Federal judge Cathy Siebel handed down the sentence Wednesday afternoon at the federal courthouse in White Plains.
St. Lawrence who showed no emotion, was also sentenced to three years of supervised release.
“For years, Christopher St. Lawrence, as Ramapo Town Supervisor, misled municipal bond investors about the state of Ramapo’s finances," Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said. "At a trial earlier this year, the jury quickly saw through his years lies, and today, he was sentenced to time in federal prison.
"The integrity of the $3.7 trillion municipal bond market must be protected, and prosecutions like this one should put on all on notice that misleading investors in that market through fraud and deception will lead to prosecution and jail.”
Rockland County Executive Ed Day said that while some might think the sentence was too tough, that the finding of the legal system should be respected.
"As an elected official, I seek to honor the trust that the public has placed in me in every decision that I make. I never lose sight of the fact that the money spent by government at every level belongs to the taxpayers," said Day. "I cannot imagine an elected official doing anything less. When an elected official is convicted of fraud involving funds that belong to the taxpayer, there must be consequences.
St. Lawrence was convicted of 20 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy on May 19 following a four-week trial in federal court in White Plains. His conviction was a first for securities fraud in connection with municipal bonds.
The case centered on St. Lawrence's rigging of the town's financial books in order to receive lower rates on bonds to finance a $58 million baseball stadium in Pomona, a housing complex on Elm Street, and other town projects through the Ramapo Local Development Corp.
The jury returned guilty verdicts on 12 wire fraud counts and eight counts of securities fraud. The 65-year-old St. Lawrence, who lives in Wesley Hills, was acquitted of one count of securities fraud and one count of wire fraud.
St. Lawrence's attorney, Michael Burke had asked Seibel to sentence St. Lawrence to probation while U.S. probation officials recommended 2 1/2 years in prison.

watch Rav Shteinman z"l say that Yeshivois must accept everyone!

Watch where he says that those Roshei Yeshivois that don't take in kids that don't "fit" in are all Baalei Gavveh!
Hat tip: Not a Rebbe