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Thursday, September 7, 2017

R' Chaim Kanievsky is asked if people should evacuate Miami before Srorm

It seems that R' Chaim doesn't understand Yiddish .... looks like he understands Hebrew only!
At any rate, he answers with  one word .... answers that it is a "skana" to stay! 

Kaddish ...From the Na Nachs

Trump Debates Himself ....

Chuck Schumer Against "Illegal" Immigration and "DACA"

Yes, I know its from 2009 ..... but just listen to this liar !

Leading Democrat Chuck Schumer blasted illegal immigration in 2009 with speech that could have been written by Donald Trump. 

“The American people are fundamentally pro-legal immigration and anti-illegal immigration,” Schumer explained at the conference. 

“We will only pass comprehensive reform when we recognize this fundamental concept.” “The following seven principles are all based on this concept and comprise what I believe to be the framework for a bill that can receive overwhelming and bipartisan congressional support,” he said. “First, illegal immigration is wrong,” Schumer declared, “and a primary goal of comprehensive immigration reform must be to dramatically curtail future illegal immigration.”

Bochrim beat the Hell Out of Each-other in Ponovezh Yeshiva

A long-standing quarrel in Bnei Brak's flagship Lithuanian-haredi Ponevezh Yeshiva exploded Saturday night, as a mass brawl erupted between rival factions in the dining room. Students threw chairs at each other, and sprayed each other with tear gas, causing tens of thousands of shekels worth of damage.

Police arrested eight for their role in the violence.
The fight was between the the supporters of Rabbi Shmuel Markovitz on the one hand, nicknamed the "haters," and Rabbi Eliezer Kahaneman's rival camp, called the "terrorists." The flagship Yeshiva of Lithuanian hareidi Judaism has been roiled by the power struggle between the two for over twenty years, and both sides observe an uneasy status quo, in which campus space in Bnei Brak is evenly divided between the two factions.

The current tensions started after one faction appropriated a new classroom for themselves, upsetting the delicate status quo. Students from the other faction subsequently defaced the classroom with derogatory graffiti.

The brawl broke out in the Yeshiva dining hall soon after, when a student from the "haters" faction shoved a supporter of the "terrorist" faction. The fight quickly spread to other parts of the campus, as students hurled furniture, deployed tear gas, and set off fire extinguishers.

Ponovezh is one of the top institutions in the haredi world, and the ongoing internal strife has been a black eye for the community. In 2015, a supporter of the "terrorist" camp brutally assaulted rival faction leader Rabbi Shmuel Markowitz, setting off a mass brawl between students that deteriorated into a full fledged riot which only ended after police arrested 30.

Is Your Shul Looking For A Cantor? Yiddish Speakers Will Love This

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Gay Chavie Weissberger Gets Her Kids Back

A formerly Hasidic mom lost custody of her kids after coming out as gay — and was barred from even telling her youngest children about her sexuality, according to a first-of-its-kind Brooklyn court ruling.

The shocking decision was finally struck down by an appeals court in August, but only after months of legal wrangling.
The case “really shines a light on the tensions that exist between the secular world and an insular religious community,’’ top divorce lawyer Michael Stutman, who was not involved in the proceedings, told The Post on Tuesday. 
The saga began after Chavie Weisberger and Naftali Weisberger divorced in 2009, years after she’d told him she was attracted to women. Chavie was given primary residential custody of their kids, who were ages 2, 3 and 5 at the time.
But Naftali took her back to court in 2012 seeking sole custody on the grounds that she violated their agreement to raise them in a strict religious household.
He argued Chavie had “radically changed her lifestyle” since their divorce, coming out as gay — including to their eldest daughter — and living with a transgender man, court papers show. 
Naftali also complained that Chavie had allowed the kids to watch “a movie about Christmas,” let them participate in an egg hunt during a Purim party, gave them a book about having two daddies, cut their son’s sidelocks and came out to their oldest daughter, according to the documents
Brooklyn Judge Eric Prus ruled in 2015 that Chavie had violated the “religious-upbringing clause” in the couple’s divorce agreement and awarded Naftali sole legal and residential custody of their kids. 
Prus argued that the couple’s agreement had forced him “to consider the children’s religious upbringing as a paramount factor in any custody determination.” 
He ruled that Chavie would have her visitation limited — to supervised face-to-faces with her kids — if she didn’t comply with the religious-upbringing clause.
He added one more restriction: She had to keep her sexuality hidden from the two youngest kids. 
“During any period of visitation or during any appearance at the childrens’ schools, ‘the [mother] must practice full religious observance in accordance with the Hasidic practices of ultra Orthodoxy,’ ” court papers say. 
Chavie appealed the ruling and on Aug. 16 was granted full custody of her kids again.
The appeals court of three judges unanimously determined that Prus’ 2015 ruling lacked a “sound substantial basis” — and that it violated Chavie’s rights.
“A religious-upbringing clause should not, and cannot, be enforced to the extend that it violates a parent’s legitimate due-process right to express oneself freely,” the judges wrote.
“The weight of the evidence does not support the conclusion that it is in the children’s best interests to have their mother categorically conceal the true nature of her feelings and beliefs from them at all times and in all respects,” they added.
The mother must continue to keep a Kosher home and the children will attend Hasidic schools and practice full religious observance while with their father, the order reads. Her ex is allowed weekend visitation and additional visitation on Jewish holidays. 
She and her lawyers declined to comment. Her ex, reached through his building intercom, told The Post he was unavailable until “next year.”

Frummies Now Covering School Bus Windows So Children Can't Look Out!

A Chassidish Yeshiva in Williamsburg has taken Tznius to a new extreme; covering the windows of their school buses to ensure their young Talmidim do not Chas V’shalom glance at anything inappropriate on their way to and from yeshiva each day.

I hear, and it hasn't been confirmed yet, that the idea was from a pedophile, who will have cart - blanche to molest any child he wishes ...

Eida Ha'Chreidis "paint" a Chicken to look like a Brakel to Get a "Kosher" Psak

So you think that the  Eida Ha'chreidis went low to deceive the Chareidie public  to convince them that the chickens that they eat  is "trief" and not part of our Mesorah ... and market the unkosher bird, The Brakel, as the only kosher chicken and part of our Mesorah....????

Well they just went to a new low .....
They painted a regular chicken to look like The Brakel, and showed this real painted chicken to the Karlesbard Rav .....to get a kosher psak.... this according to the Hebrew Chareidie Blog, Bechadrei  Chadarim...

The Eida Hachreidis is a fanatical anti-Zionist group who attempted to feed the Jewish people Treif ..... all because of greed! 
Not only is the Brakel treif according to even their own Rabbi ..Rav Sternbuch, but it taste like vomit. Belgian farmers use The Brakel for its eggs only, they dispose of the meat ...dogs won't even eat it .
And this a Heimishe Hashgacha! G-D help us all!

The Karlesbard Rav screamed at them "Fraudsters" "You dyed the chicken!!!"

"רמאים. צבעתם את התרנגול"

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Myth of Reform Judaism

Recent political activity by primarily Reform Jewish groups makes it important to clarify for the world of politics and the media who really represents the Jewish People.

 I will start by being fair and saying that the Nazis did not differentiate between Reform and Orthodox Jews. As a matter of fact, if you had only one grandparent who was Jewish you were sent to the gas chambers.

They killed us all. Both Reform Jews and Orthodox Jews fought as soldiers for America against the Nazis. 

During the Holocaust the Reform movement, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise, held sway in Washington. They did little to save their brethren. 

The Orthodox, led by Rabbi Aharon Kotler and Irving Bunim. saved tens of thousands. Now let's fast forward to today. 

Reform Judaism does not exist in Israel. It barely makes up 3% of the Jewish population. They are a myth in Israel and I maintain they are an overrated group in America. They make noise but are in point of fact a group on life support. They are constantly being propped up by the New York Times and other leftist media outlets.

They have empty Synagogues and are in dire straits. 

The story about the four Jewish organizations shunning the President was featured on the front page of the New York Times and may well have been manufactured by the media wonks at these organizations. The phone call that these organizations were supposedly backing out of was not yet even in play. It is a disgrace that Reform Jews would do such a thing after all the President has done to support Israel. 

The New York Times mistakenly said that "Mr.Trump is an unpopular figure with most American Jews, but has retained a well of support among the most religiously observant denominations in large part because of his views on Israel and Iran." Orthodox Jewish Groups have much more  on their minds than Israel and Iran, although those issues are important.

The main thing on the mind of Orthodox Jews is how best keep the Jewish People, including Reform Jews, alive and well. Survival is our main focus both here in America and in Israel. The Orthodox also believe they have an obligation to keep the world safe and morally enlightened. 

The Republican Party for the most part is a better match because of its stress on the family unit, respect of one's parents and elders, and respect for religion and its values. 

The recent letter by 200 primarily Reform clergy opposing Israel's ban on pro-BDS activists tells volumes about where the Reform movement is today. Israel has a legitimate concern that BDS is an existential threat. 

The four rabbinic groups' - including the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Rabbinical Assembly(Conservative Judaism), the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism - refusal to participate in a possible call with President Trump around the High Holidays is a further embarrassment. After all the President has done for Israel, these groups show insensitivity and ungratefulness. 

It is an outrage,  to be frank. 

Members from these groups did not vote for the President, were super cozy with President Obama, established J Street that even the government of Israel has called a thorn in its side, and have become more aggressive than ever in their political messaging. Had they been like this when the Holocaust was taking place, many more Jews would have survived. These groups acted as the Amen choir for President Obama and now have decided to become the Anti-Trump choir.

The "women of the wall" and the attempt to change the status quo of the Western Wall prayer practices has also been orchestrated by the Reform movement. 

The funding of these activities comes essentially from one man - George Soros. The Reform with a dismal 1.7 per family birth rate and rampant assimilation are failing miserably. 

The Orthodox, on the other hand, are growing rapidly both in America and Israel and thriving. Reform Jews do not represent Judaism's core values, nor do their leaders speak for the Jewish People. To pretend they do is a great myth that is in serious need of being busted.

American widow of Holocaust survivor to give $22 million to German zoo

What a crazy and sad story, a guy has 22 million dollars, no kids, leaves his money to a zoo, in the cursed country of Germany no less............ Hashem Yeracheim!
A New Jersey woman has pledged to donate $22 million to a zoo in Cologne, Germany, in memory of her late husband, a Jewish man whom she met when he was hiding from Nazis during World War II.
Elizabeth Reichert, 93, was born in Cologne and met her husband, Arnulf, during the war while she was working with the German underground resistance to the Nazi regime, she told ABC News.
The husband and wife were lifelong animal lovers and did not have children. So before he died in 1998, they decided to leave a substantial gift to the city where they had met and which held a special place in their heart.
“It meant a lot to my husband,” Reichert said. “That was his wish -- that whatever we have when we pass away should be donated to the zoo of Cologne. Cologne is our hometown.”
“We have no children,” she added. “Our children are the zoo.”
When Reichert’s banker first reached out to the zoo about the contribution in early 2015, the organization's chief financial officer was so surprised that he thought it might be a scam.
“I told him I wouldn’t pay any money in advance,” the financial officer, Christopher Landsberg, told ABC News. “He was laughing -- he said, ‘No, no, I’m a real banker, and everything is real here.’”
The zoo learned that Reichert planned to donate $22 million to a foundation that would invest the money and pay out a regular income to the zoo, in perpetuity. The arrangement was finalized in recent months, Landsberg said, after he flew to New Jersey in May to meet Reichert.
“We will spend the money to enlarge enclosures, to optimize enclosures, to make it nicer for the animals, and the people as well,” he said, noting that major philanthropic inheritances are rare in Germany. “It’s very special.”
Reichert said a South American pavilion will also be built and named after her husband. She has already started donating $6,000 each month, which she said would continue for the rest of her life.
More than anything, the gift is meant to honor her husband, Reichert said.
In Cologne during the Second World War, a Jewish neighbor of Reichert’s was slated to be sent to a concentration camp, but her aunt let him take refuge on her estate, Reichert said. Soon after, Reichert said, she joined the resistance as a courier who would sneak through fields.
“That’s how I met Arnulf, and that is how we got together in ’44, because I knew all the underground people,” Reichert said. Arnulf lived in hiding in Cologne, avoiding the Nazis. “We got together during the night,” Reichert said.
The pair wed after Allied forces liberated Cologne in 1945, and several years later, they moved to Israel. After five years in the new Jewish state, they followed Reichert’s mother to the United States.
The couple ended up in New Jersey, where they ran a pet store.
“We are great animal lovers and we have always been concerned about the welfare of the animals,” Reichert said. Her husband, she added, strongly opposed hunting for sport and hated to see animals suffer.
“He was a wonderful person -- there was no one like him,” Reichert said. “I’m a widow for 19 years, and not for all the money in the world -- or anything -- would I ever want anything to do with anyone else.”
But the $22 million isn’t Reichert’s first contribution to the zoo.
In 1954, the couple donated a soft-shelled turtle they brought from the Jordan River.
Reichert recounted how the turtle first had to survive an eight- or nine-day, “horrible” journey in a burlap bag on a ship to Naples, Italy. “We tried to feed the turtle when we were on the boat with cold cuts from the table,” she said.
Later in life, she said, the couple decided they wanted to give back to the city they loved -- where they began their relationship, the hometown that never left their hearts. They had sometimes visited the zoo there when they were younger.
“We were born in Cologne and we remember forever Cologne,” said Reichert, whose German, Landsberg happily noted, is still tinged with Cologne slang.
“It’s in memory of my husband, who was a wonderful human being,” she said.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

How The Eidah Hachreidis Tried to Feed Chareidim Treif: The Brakel Chicken

What? What kind of headline is this? 
Eida Hachreidis? Feeding Jews .... trief????
Brakel Chicken

The Eida Hachreidis in Yerushalyim and the Hisachdis Ha'Ganovim in Williamsburg managed in one decade to entirely change the entire perspective of kashrus in the entire Heimishe Jewish world with their false propaganda. 

They managed  to convince the Chareidie communities that only "Heimishe" Hashgachos are reliable and that the OU in the USA and the Rabbanut in Israel are "chazer trief."

It's true that the Rabbanut needs a lot of work, but after reading this post, you will find that the Rabbanut is far more reliable than the Eidah..... in fact all kashrus scandals emanating from the US and most from Israel are only from so called "heimishe" hashgachos.
The big "chicken" scandal in Monsey was from a very "reliable" hashgacha!

I was waiting to post about the Brakel Chicken, until I got the total picture from all sides of this controversy. 

So here goes...

The Eidah Hachreidis is a money grubbing machine that needs millions of shekels to oil their greasy wheels.... and so they came up with a great plan .......

They (the Eidah Hachreidis mafia) convinced Rav Shmuel Wosner z"l, and Rav Nissim Karalitz, that there is reason to be concerned that commercially-farmed chicken might not have a "Mesorah" of kashrus!

And so the Eida Mafia got them to rule, not that the chicken that we ate for years is trief ....... no ....that would put the entire Orthodox community into a head-spin that they could never possibly recover, but that there is "CONCERN" that our chicken may not have a "Mesorah!"

They couldn't actually come up with a "treif" psak because nobody would ever believe any Gadols' psak ever again .... since our chicken have "heimishe" hashgachois" ..how could it be "trief?"!!!

The reason the Rabbis gave for the "concern," was due to the "prevalence of hybridization in the chicken industry. 
Nobody knows what that means!

So now that they planted a doubt in the minds of gullible Rabbis, the crooks, the financial directors of the Eidah  established the "taharas ha'ofos (bird purity) committee... " to publicize that our chickens have no "Mesorah" and recruited the chasidishe Baal tzedakah, R' Berel Weiss to fund this new initiative. 

But before this new committee could declare our chicken trief, they had to conduct a search for a "pure unadulterated chicken." Meanwhile, they reasoned, let the Oilim Golim eat "treif."

It wasn't long before they found a chicken that had never been subject to any "hybridization." 

I think that Mr. Perdue z"l is rolling in his grave, because he claimed on the tumidike TV that his chickens were pure and not "a hybrid."


Let's stop here for a moment to contemplate what happened until I go further....
If our chicken isn't in our "Mesorah" ..... why wasn't it so declared publicly? What does the "psak" ... "concern" exactly mean? Is it kosher or not? 

Lets Go back to The Brakel ..... The Brakel is a chicken that Belgium farmers use for the eggs only, they throw the meat away .... why? because The Brakel tastes like a cross between horse manure and human vomit!

But the Eidah saw $$$$$$$$$$ signs and could care less how it tastes ....they were going to come out with a "psak" that our chicken is not our Mesorah and the foul tasting Brakel is our Mesorah, even though no body ever heard of it ....

They got Chassiddishe investors to pour untold millions of dollars into this new "lucrative" business, and started the process to farm these crappy tasting chickens.....

To back their new money making enterprise they went to the Bnei Brak Beis Din, headed by Rav Moshe Shaul Klein and presented their case ..... Rav Klein managed to scrape together some antique old senile Shochtim from nursing homes, and they managed to babble  that they had in fact slaughtered these birds before...

There was one big huge problem ..........their very own Rabbi, the Raavad of the Eidah Hachareidis, Rav Moshe Sternbuch, took one look at the bird, the Brakel, and said that "its trief," and added, he doubts that the Brakel is a chicken at all. 
Rav Sternbuch went further and said that any shochet who slaughters a Brakel should be disqualified from shechting ever again.

They panicked, short of killing  Rav Sternbuch, what do they do? ....Millions of dollars were invested, with assurances to the wealthy Chassidim that they would get this vomit tasting chicken approved as the only "Mesorah" chicken.

And to add to their chagrin, the Rabbi of the Bnei Brak Beis Din, Rav Moshe Shaul Klein's rebbe is the Vizhniter Rebbe who outlawed the Brakel!

One Rav of Bnei Brak took the initiative to get to the bottom of this controversy..... Rav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa, went to the Brakel farm in Beit Shemesh and surprised the farmers but they  wouldn't let him in to inspect the farm .... they finally gave in .... and after a significant amount of time, Rav Landa came out with an unequivocal decision: 
The Brakel is trief; it has no connection with any birds that Jews have ever eaten in the past.

Then came the "Makkah Be'Patish" so to speak, a talmud of Rav Wosner z"l, (the posek who put a doubt on the Mesorah of our chickens,) Rav Avraham Rubin instructed all the slaughterhouses and shochtim under his hashgacha (Badatz Mehadrin) that if a Brakel was ever shechted, even if only accidentally, the entire facility and all utensils would need to be kashered.

And so the Eidah Hachreidis ran around like poisoned rats to shop for a prominent Rav that would put a kashrus stamp on this foul tasting Brakel, having had so much money invested in this fiasco.
They found a Rav in New York, R' Zalmon Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, who is associated with the Hisachdas Ha' Ganovim, and he came out with the following statement ... that was signed by his Dayan Rav Moshe Shaul Klein and Rav Moshe Zev Zarger..
"We maintain our earlier opinion that the Brakel that was brought to us and examined is even more tahor than other birds, and may be eaten and enjoyed l'mhadrin min hamehadrin" 
Rav Zarger added "When I saw the chickens called Brakel, I immediately recognized them as the birds I saw as a Child.""""

I don't know about you guys but I had a very hard time to get my little children to eat our chickens ..... I wish Rav Klein and Rav Zarger good luck trying to feed a chicken that tastes like road kill to  their grand children.

Meanwhile, after the R' Zalman Leib's ruling that chicken that tastes like vomit is kosher "l'mhadrin min hamehadrin"
his brother, R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Samar Rebbe Monroe, came out with a two-page ruling that the Brakel is "Chazir Treif....

Now the ruling of R' Aron is very important, since he has the largest Chareidi slaughterhouse for chickens in the New York area which is situated in Kiryas Yoel, where about 60,000 chickens are slaughtered every day. 

And so last week, our friend R' Berel Weiss, who funded this disastrous Eidah Hachreidi shenanigan to feed Treif Birds to Chareidim, informed the Eidah that he has decided to close the Brakel poultry farms despite the fact that he would suffer a great financial loss.

Pass the buffalo wings .....

The Faces of 3 Teenagers that Murdered a Jew

Left to right: Jace Swinton, 18, Summer Church, 16, and Roberto Ortiz, 18, were arrested Friday for the July murder of Aaron Rajman in Boca Raton, Fla.

A 16 year old high school student is one of three teenagers who were taken into custody and charged in the death of an Orthodox Jewish mixed martial arts fighter.

The Palm Beach Post (http://pbpo.st/2vBCj9K)reported that Summer Church was being driven to school by her mother on Friday morning when she was arrested by the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office in the July 3rd death of Aaron Rajman.

the 25 year old was shot in his West Boca Raton home after an argument with several unidentified men.

Also arrested on Friday were 18 year old Jace Swinton of Margate and 18 year old Roberto Ortiz of Boynton Beach who had been previously arrested in January for allegedly pointing a gun at a 16 year old, kicking a second person and firing a gun at a third individual.  
Church, Swinton and Ortiz were charged with two counts each of home invasion with a firearm or other deadly weapon. 
According to Church’s mother Judith, her daughter had been dating Swinton when she first met Rajman at a Boca Raton convenience store in January. Swinton and Rajman also became acquainted, with Swinton visiting Rajman at his home. 
Judith Church said that on the day of Rajman’s death, her daughter was in Ortiz’s car with a female friend and was forced at gunpoint by Oritz and three other men to call Rajman and see if he was at home.  After the phone call to Rajman was placed, the two girls were reportedly let out of the car before the remaining occupants traveled to Rajman’s home, according to Church.

Initial reports from the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s office said only that several men were present in Rajman’s home at the time of his death, according to the Palm Beach Post (http://pbpo.st/2vBTVT1).
Summer Church, an eleventh grader at Olympic Heights High School, is being charged as an adult in Rajman’s murder.  Church’s mother said that she is mystified that her daughter, who spoke with detectives for 12 hours over a period of three days, is being held accountable for Rajman’s death.
“She wasn’t there,” said Judith Church. “To charge her with first degree murder doesn’t make sense.”
A statement released by Dave Aronberg, a state attorney for Palm Beach County, said that Rajman had been deliberately targeted by all three defendants.  
Emily Imber, who had been in a five year relationship with Rajman, said that she was happy to see charges being brought in the case.
“I am grateful they were caught,” said Imber. “I hope they get all of them.”
Rajman, who wore his yarmulka into the ring before a fight, had made a name for himself in the MMA world by upholding his religious principles, refusing to fight on Saturdays, a prime day in the fighting world and earning the respect of promoters who reportedly went out of their way to accommodate him.  
According to a GoFundMe campaign setup in his memory, Rajman had hoped to launch an initiative this fall in conjunction with local law enforcement and security professionals that would give teens a dose of Jewish pride and self confidence. 
The StreetSmart Program, which is being unveiled in Rajman’s memory, will teach teens in schools, community centers and synagogues how to defend themselves in real life situations using a combination of self defense skills, common sense and situational awareness.

Chaim Miller Z’L, Struck & Killed By Car

Chaim Miller Z”L of Flatbush was only  28-years-old when he was killed by a car on Friday.
Chaim was riding his bike on Friday afternoon, when he was struck by a vehicle on Ocean Parkway and Quentin Road. Hatzolah and FDNY-EMS treated him on the scene, and he was rushed to the closest hospital. Unfortunately, there was nothing doctors could do to save his life. He was Niftar just minutes before Shabbos started.
the vehicle remained on the scene, and there were no arrests made. The incident is being investigated by the NYPD’s Collision Investigation Squad.
Chaim was a Talmid at Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway, and spent much of his time taking care of a special-needs Talmid of Darchei Torah. He was very close to his Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yaakov Bender.
He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Gitel Miller [of Walsh Court in Flatbush] – his father was R”L Niftar when he was a young child, and four siblings (brothers in Baltimore and Lakewood, and two sisters in Flatbush).
The Levaya will be held on Sunday at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro park – at 2:00PM.

Malky Weisz "Boro Park Girl" Leaves Chassidic Lifestyle Gets Divorced Becomes Lesbian Actress

This is her "Acting Reel"

This is her Story!
From a “modest girl” in an insular Hasidic community to a proud lesbian in the secular world, Melissa “Malky” Weisz shares her story with NBC.

Michael Simanowitz Frum Queens Assemblyman Dies on Shabbos

NYS Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz of Queens. He was approximately 45-years-old and had been battling an illness for a few years.
He was an Assemblyman since 2011.
Michael grew up in the Forest Hills section of Queens, and as a child, studied at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe.
He served as a tremendous voice for the Jewish community, and his passing is a terrible loss for our community and for the State of New York.
NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind released the following statement to YWN:
“I’m still in shock learning this terribly sad news just after Shabbos,” said Hikind. “Michael was a friend and an outstanding colleague; a proud Jew who loved his family, loved his community, and loved the Jewish people. He was as good as G-d makes people, a star, a real mensch. I will miss him very much. May his family be comforted with the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.”
The Levaya is scheduled for Sunday at 12:00PM at the Schwartz Brothers Funeral Chapels in Queens.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


A bone-chilling digital howl rippled across the Internet as the powder-faced Gargantua calling itself Lynn Yaeger lurched over to the keyboard to unleash hellfire on the First Lady. 

“Oh, Melania,” Lynn Yaeger curdled. “In the words of the late, great Lou Reed, you ‘couldn’t hit it sideways,'” after accusing the White House of failing to “understand optics.”

The brute in a red wig-like cap, black lipstick, and frayed, tattered rags seized on footage of the graceful First Lady as she boarded Air Force One for a visit to flood-ravaged Texas.
“This morning, Mrs. Trump boarded Air Force One wearing a pair of towering pointy-toed snakeskin heels better suited to a shopping afternoon on Madison Avenue or a girls’ luncheon at La Grenouille,” Lynn Yaeger–who hails from a beneath-the-floorboards, cannibalistic tribe of journalists known as Contributing Fashion Editors at Vogue– howled.

In her article Lynn Yaeger remained untethered when told by a spokesperson that Lady Melania had a change of shoes awaiting her on the plane. When Mrs. Trump did de-plane in Texas she was photographed wearing sensible sneakers.

“But what kind of message does a fly-in visit from a First Lady in sky-high stilettos send to those suffering the enormous hardship, the devastation of this natural disaster?” the beast grumbled, leaving many to suspect had she not been turned down at the high school prom by the hideous fish-God Dagon her career might have turned out different.
According to Internet lore, the immortal spent 20 years writing for the now-collapsing weekly The Village Voice before joining Vogue. She is suspected to have the ability to cast spells over other cretins who stalk the pages of fashion magazines, as evidenced in a 2016 New York Times Style Section profile titled “Lynn Yaeger: Fashion Muse.”

“Sing, muse, of crinolines piled in layers, of blunt-cut bobs and Cupid’s bow lips?” the paper wrote to the tune of Pan’s flute.
“Inspirations come in many forms during the fashion collections. It has been a surprise, though not an unwelcome one, to find that this season, an unexpected one joins their ranks: the fabulously eccentric fashion writer Lynn Yaeger.”

Malka Lebowitz - Einhorn's Body Found

The body of Malka Lebo (Lebovitz - Einhorn) who jumped from the Bear Mountain Bridge in April was recovered in the Hudson River Wednesday night after the occupants of a cabin cruiser passing through the area spotted the body and notified police.
The woman is a 22-year-old resident of Rockland County. 
The Westchester County Police Marine Unit responded and recovered the body from the river, O'Leary said.
The remains were transported to Riverfront Green Park in Peekskill and turned over to the Westchester Medical Examiner’s Office, he added.
Her death has been ruled a suicide by the Medical Examiner’s Office, O'Leary said.

Searches underway for soldier missing in Golan

Searches are underway in the Golan Heights to find a IDF soldier who left his unit on Wednesday during military activity and has since disappeared.

The searches are focused on the Katzrin area in the central Golan Heights, where the missing soldier was last seen.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ukrainian authorities prepare for record 40,000 Jews in Uman

Ukrainian authorities are preparing for a record pilgrimage by tens of thousands of Jews gathering in the city of Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

Authorities are expecting up to 40,000 Jewish pilgrims ahead of the Jewish New Year, which this year falls on Sept. 20, the Ukrainian Government Press office told the ZN news website Tuesday.

In previous years, local authorities estimated that the annual pilgrimage brought 25,000 to 30,000 visitors to Uman — followers of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, an 18th-century luminary whose gravesite is the focal point of the celebration. Rescue forces are carrying out exercises at the main congregation points of the visitors to be able to respond effectively to any emergency, the Unian news agency reported Tuesday.

Authorities in Ukraine have improved access to Uman in recent years, with plans underway for reopening a disused military airport near the city for direct flights. Uman is located in central Ukraine, 150 miles south of Kiev and 200 miles south of Odessa.

The synagogue is part of the Ohel complex built near the gravesite of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.