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Friday, January 3, 2025

Sholom Rubashkin's Zos Chanukah Miracle



Didan Notzach? said...

You also fell for this Yated enabled propaganda to make Rubashkin into a martyr & tzaddik? Are you going to insist he was the zelba tzaddik sitting there clutching his Choivas Halevovos when he was breaking laws, abusing employees & cheating on kashrus which is why KAJ dumped him?

Garnel Ironheart said...

I always loved how his getting freed from prison was because God was rewarding him for his bitachon but getting sent there in the first place had nothing to do with God punishing him for his sins.

Anonymous said...

He does lots of good, but in the that video he could have also said "Brothers and sisters if you don't want to do the time don't do the crime".