What? What kind of headline is this?
Eida Hachreidis? Feeding Jews .... trief????
Brakel Chicken
The Eida Hachreidis in Yerushalyim and the Hisachdis Ha'Ganovim in Williamsburg managed in one decade to entirely change the entire perspective of kashrus in the entire Heimishe Jewish world with their false propaganda.
They managed to convince the Chareidie communities that only "Heimishe" Hashgachos are reliable and that the OU in the USA and the Rabbanut in Israel are "chazer trief."
It's true that the Rabbanut needs a lot of work, but after reading this post, you will find that the Rabbanut is far more reliable than the Eidah..... in fact all kashrus scandals emanating from the US and most from Israel are only from so called "heimishe" hashgachos.
The big "chicken" scandal in Monsey was from a very "reliable" hashgacha!
I was waiting to post about the Brakel Chicken, until I got the total picture from all sides of this controversy.
So here goes...
The Eidah Hachreidis is a money grubbing machine that needs millions of shekels to oil their greasy wheels.... and so they came up with a great plan .......
They (the Eidah Hachreidis mafia) convinced Rav Shmuel Wosner z"l, and Rav Nissim Karalitz, that there is reason to be concerned that commercially-farmed chicken might not have a "Mesorah" of kashrus!
And so the Eida Mafia got them to rule, not that the chicken that we ate for years is trief ....... no ....that would put the entire Orthodox community into a head-spin that they could never possibly recover, but that there is "CONCERN" that our chicken may not have a "Mesorah!"
They couldn't actually come up with a "treif" psak because nobody would ever believe any Gadols' psak ever again .... since our chicken have "heimishe" hashgachois" ..how could it be "trief?"!!!
The reason the Rabbis gave for the "concern," was due to the "prevalence of hybridization in the chicken industry.
Nobody knows what that means!
So now that they planted a doubt in the minds of gullible Rabbis, the crooks, the financial directors of the Eidah established the "taharas ha'ofos (bird purity) committee... " to publicize that our chickens have no "Mesorah" and recruited the chasidishe Baal tzedakah, R' Berel Weiss to fund this new initiative.
But before this new committee could declare our chicken trief, they had to conduct a search for a "pure unadulterated chicken." Meanwhile, they reasoned, let the Oilim Golim eat "treif."
It wasn't long before they found a chicken that had never been subject to any "hybridization."
I think that Mr. Perdue z"l is rolling in his grave, because he claimed on the tumidike TV that his chickens were pure and not "a hybrid."
Let's stop here for a moment to contemplate what happened until I go further....
If our chicken isn't in our "Mesorah" ..... why wasn't it so declared publicly? What does the "psak" ... "concern" exactly mean? Is it kosher or not?
Lets Go back to The Brakel ..... The Brakel is a chicken that Belgium farmers use for the eggs only, they throw the meat away .... why? because The Brakel tastes like a cross between horse manure and human vomit!
But the Eidah saw $$$$$$$$$$ signs and could care less how it tastes ....they were going to come out with a "psak" that our chicken is not our Mesorah and the foul tasting Brakel is our Mesorah, even though no body ever heard of it ....
They got Chassiddishe investors to pour untold millions of dollars into this new "lucrative" business, and started the process to farm these crappy tasting chickens.....
To back their new money making enterprise they went to the Bnei Brak Beis Din, headed by Rav Moshe Shaul Klein and presented their case ..... Rav Klein managed to scrape together some antique old senile Shochtim from nursing homes, and they managed to babble that they had in fact slaughtered these birds before...
There was one big huge problem ..........their very own Rabbi, the Raavad of the Eidah Hachareidis, Rav Moshe Sternbuch, took one look at the bird, the Brakel, and said that "its trief," and added, he doubts that the Brakel is a chicken at all.
Rav Sternbuch went further and said that any shochet who slaughters a Brakel should be disqualified from shechting ever again.
They panicked, short of killing Rav Sternbuch, what do they do? ....Millions of dollars were invested, with assurances to the wealthy Chassidim that they would get this vomit tasting chicken approved as the only "Mesorah" chicken.
And to add to their chagrin, the Rabbi of the Bnei Brak Beis Din, Rav Moshe Shaul Klein's rebbe is the Vizhniter Rebbe who outlawed the Brakel!
One Rav of Bnei Brak took the initiative to get to the bottom of this controversy..... Rav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa, went to the Brakel farm in Beit Shemesh and surprised the farmers but they wouldn't let him in to inspect the farm .... they finally gave in .... and after a significant amount of time, Rav Landa came out with an unequivocal decision:
The Brakel is trief; it has no connection with any birds that Jews have ever eaten in the past.
Then came the "Makkah Be'Patish" so to speak, a talmud of Rav Wosner z"l, (the posek who put a doubt on the Mesorah of our chickens,) Rav Avraham Rubin instructed all the slaughterhouses and shochtim under his hashgacha (Badatz Mehadrin) that if a Brakel was ever shechted, even if only accidentally, the entire facility and all utensils would need to be kashered.
And so the Eidah Hachreidis ran around like poisoned rats to shop for a prominent Rav that would put a kashrus stamp on this foul tasting Brakel, having had so much money invested in this fiasco.
They found a Rav in New York, R' Zalmon Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, who is associated with the Hisachdas Ha' Ganovim, and he came out with the following statement ... that was signed by his Dayan Rav Moshe Shaul Klein and Rav Moshe Zev Zarger..
"We maintain our earlier opinion that the Brakel that was brought to us and examined is even more tahor than other birds, and may be eaten and enjoyed l'mhadrin min hamehadrin"
Rav Zarger added "When I saw the chickens called Brakel, I immediately recognized them as the birds I saw as a Child.""""
I don't know about you guys but I had a very hard time to get my little children to eat our chickens ..... I wish Rav Klein and Rav Zarger good luck trying to feed a chicken that tastes like road kill to their grand children.
Meanwhile, after the R' Zalman Leib's ruling that chicken that tastes like vomit is kosher "l'mhadrin min hamehadrin"
his brother, R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Samar Rebbe Monroe, came out with a two-page ruling that the Brakel is "Chazir Treif....
Now the ruling of R' Aron is very important, since he has the largest Chareidi slaughterhouse for chickens in the New York area which is situated in Kiryas Yoel, where about 60,000 chickens are slaughtered every day.
And so last week, our friend R' Berel Weiss, who funded this disastrous Eidah Hachreidi shenanigan to feed Treif Birds to Chareidim, informed the Eidah that he has decided to close the Brakel poultry farms despite the fact that he would suffer a great financial loss.
Pass the buffalo wings .....