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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Satmar putting 2,000 Students on Old Camp Regesh Grounds

The Central United Talmudical Academy (Satmar) of Monsey has submitted new information about its proposal to construct a separate boys and girls school at the former Camp Regesh property at 236 Cherry Lane. The project has been estimated to cost approximately $20 million.
Among the new details is a plan to construct a second driveway to access the property, according to village documents. The school is expected to have 2,000 students.
School buses currently access the 22-acre property, where Central UTA now runs its girls school, through a single driveway on the two-lane road. Its boys school is operating elsewhere.
Steven Barshov, an attorney for the school, said adding a driveway typically helps to improve circulation into and out of the property, eliminate congestion, and alleviate safety issues.
Barshov added that the proposal remains in an “informational stage.”
In communications with the village filed in March, the school’s engineering firm said that ongoing discussions were to “better develop the layout and identify the required permitting agencies involved before engaging in more detailed engineering.”
Nonetheless, the school anticipates starting construction on the first of two phases later this year, according to documents filed with the village.
The developer is expected to present its unofficial plan to the Airmont Planning Board on May 25. Public comment will not be allowed because it will be a preliminary presentation.
The proposal to expand the religious school has roiled residents in the residential neighborhood.
“It wouldn’t work,” said resident Adam Haimowitz said, who lives across the street from Central UTA.
On a recent weekday morning, Haimowitz, 35, was removing the roof of his Jeep Wrangler in his driveway, which nearly faces Central UTA’s driveway. His home also is adjacent to Cherry Lane Elementary School.
Haimowitz said narrow roads and the neighborhood’s residential character cannot sustain an influx of thousands of students and the accompanying buses.
“This road is not big enough for it. There’s too much traffic. There are so many accidents on this road to begin with,” he added.
Isaac Gruber, a representative of the school, said the expansion was necessary to sustain the school’s rapidly growing population.
The school currently has approximately 800 students, which is expected to swell to 2,000 by 2020.
“The school wants to be able to be ahead of the curve instead of behind the curve,” Gruber said.
Before Central UTA purchased the property in August 2016, a camp and school were run there for more than a decade.
The proposal may require variances and approvals to construct the buildings because the property is located in a residential district, according to village documents.
The school is requesting to build only 170 parking spaces out of the 487 required, according to village documents. The school is requesting to land bank the rest, which would give it the option of adding the parking spaces later.
There are currently two one-story buildings on the property. There are also multiple modular units set up, in addition to playgrounds and basketball courts.
The school’s two-phase preliminary plan includes:
  • Two three-story buildings, each containing 73,000 square feet.
  • Construction of the first building, which will contain the boys school, is expected to begin later this year.
  • Construction of the second building, which will house the girls school, will begin when the first building is complete.
  • The second building is expected to be completed by 2022.
  • The school is expected to house 2,000 students.
  • Students will be in pre-school through ninth grade and younger than 16 years old.​
  • The school will run year round.
  • Approximately 80 buses would transport students to and from the property during daily operational hours, according to previous estimates.
- See more at: http://monsey.com/airmont-religious-school-expansion-plan-revealed/#sthash.4i0fdMMl.dpuf

Chareidie hypocrites made Hadlaka at Miron a Mitzvah "Min Ha'Torah"

הרב  דוד יוסף, יוצא במתקפה חריפה נגד ההמונים שעולים מיד עם צאת שבת להר מירון בכדי לחגוג את ל"ג בעומר בציון רבי שמעון בר יוחאי. הרב הזכיר את העובדה שהחילונים דוחים את יום העצמאות שחל בשבת, ותהה כיצד אנחנו החרדים לא מסוגלים לדחות את מנהג ל"ג בעומר ואמר כי זו "צביעות". את השיעור הקדיש חבר המועצת לעילוי נשמח חיילי צה"ל.

Rabbi David Yosef, has chastised those Chareidim who leave immediately after Shabbos to Miron to celebrate Lag Ba'omer at the grave of R' Shimon Bar Yoichai. 
Lag Be'Omer will fall on Sunday this year.

The Rabbi pointed out that the Chilonim pushed off Yom Hatzmoet to Tuesday, to avoid Chillul Shabbos. "Yet we Chareidim apparently don't care if Chillul Shabbos happens ...."

בפתח שיעורו השבועי אמר הגר"ד יוסף: "כשקמה המדינה קבעו את יום הזיכרון לד' באייר ואת יום העצמאות לה' באייר. והנה מה קרה השנה, ד' באייר יצא ביום ראשון, לכן כבר מלכתחילה הדתיים שהיו אז בהקמת המדינה טענו שלעשות את יום הזיכרון והעצמאות צריך להתארגן ויש חשש לחילול שבת, ולכן גם החילונים הסכימו והם דחו את יום הזיכרון ביום אחד ואת יום העצמאות והעיקר שלא יהיה חילול שבת".

"החילונים הסכימו, אבל החרדים לא מסכימים לדחות את ל"ג בעומר בכמה שעות", המשיך הגר"ד. "למה? יש 'מצוות עשה מהתורה' - כתוב בפירוש בתורה שכל עם ישראל חייב לעלות לרגל למירון ולעשות מדורה, 'מצוות עשה מהתורה'. אבל בגלל זה יצטרכו הרבה שוטרים לחלל שבת".

In the preface of his shiur, Rabbi Yose pointed out that when the State of Israel was established, they scheduled Yom Hazikoron on the 4th day of Iyur and Yom Haztmeot on the 5th day of Iyur.

This year the 4th day of Iyur fell out on Sunday ..... way back when the State was established, the Chareidim and the Chilonim agreed that in a case where the 4th falls out on Sunday they would push it off to Monday, to avoid Chillul Shabbos, since if Yom Hazikoron would be celebrated on Sunday ...preparations would start on Shabbos, causing Chillul Shabbos.

So the good Rabbi wondered why the Chilonim agreed to push it off .....yet the Charedie hypocrites wouldn't push off the Hadlaka to Monday ..... by doing the Hadlaka on Sunday the Police would need to prepare on Shabbos causing Chillul Shabbos.

הגר"ד יוסף גיבה את המשטרה ואמר: "מה אתם רוצים מהמשטרה? אתם טומנים את ראשכם בחול. מה אתם רוצים מהמשטרה? המשטרה חייבת לדאוג לביטחון ולסדר. תתארו לכם שלא תהיה משטרה, ראיתם מה קרה כשהיה קצת ריפיון בשמירה בהלוויה של הרב וואזנר - היו הרוגים. המשטרה חייבת להיערך".

"במקום למחות נגד המשטרה, צריך למחות נגד החרדים!", המשיך הרב בחריפות, "כן! נגד אלו שיצרו מצווה חדשה. מיד הם חייבים לצאת לדרך עם צאת השבת, ואז המשטרה חייבת להיערך".

חבר מועצת חכמי התורה הזהיר את אלו שיוצאים למירון מיד עם צאת השבת: "האנשים הללו, בידיהם הם גורמים לזה שהמשטרה מחללת שבת". כמו כן הזהיר הגר"ד יוסף כי אלו שנוסעים מיד עם צאת השבת נכשלים בחילול שבת שכן האוטובוסים צריכים להיערך לפני צאת השבת, "אנחנו ממש מכשילים אותם".

"זה פשוט צביעות", הוסיף הרב בכאב, "זו צביעות. איך יתכן שאנשים מזלזלים, גורמים לאלפים לחלל שבת, גורמים לאוטובוסים לחלל שבת, נכשלים בעצמם, למה לא נלמד מהחילונים? החילונים הסכימו לדחות את יום הזיכרון ואת יום העצמאות רק בגלל שהם התחשבו שלא יהיה חילול שבת. ואנחנו לא מתחשבים? מה זה פה? זו צביעות!".

"בושה וחרפה. תדחו את זה. תדחו את ההדלקה לארבע בבוקר. תסגרו את כל המתחם. לסגור את המתחם עד חצות הלילה. שאם מישהו חושב שהוא יתפוס 'תנור ראשון' בגהינום הוא ידע שהמקום סגור. לשמר איזה מנהג כשאלפים ורבבות מחללים שבת?", אמר הרב לסיום.

The Rabbi went on to point out the hypocrisy of the Chareidim ....they keep yelling at the police that they are being mechallel shabbos ..... preparing for the Sunday Hadlaka ....

"What do you want from the Police.... they have an obligation to protect the public ..... why are you hiding your head in sand? .....  you don't want police? ....let's watch and see what happens when they're aren't any police..... remember what happened at the funeral of Rabbi Wosner? .... Because they're wasn't enough police presence...people got killed by the stampede.....

Instead of protesting the Chillul Shabbos of the police .... protest the hypocrisy of the Chareidim..."

Ger In Arad will fly brand new Israeli Flag on Independence Day Dissing The Satmar Crazies

The Rov of the Gur community in Arad, Rabbi Tzvi Bialistotzky, has sent a letter to Mayor Nissan Ben-Chamu, in which he requests the city replace the Israeli flag flown on the roof of the main shul in the city.

Readers are reminded that the relationship between the Gerrer Chassidus in Arab and City Hall is one of machlokes, particularly pertaining to Gur’s claims to the main shul.
The rav points out in the letter that the flag will be flown atop of the city’s main shul on Independence Day as is the custom annually, however, the flag is worn from use and it is no longer respectful for what is represents. The rav askes the Arad Municipality to immediately replace the flag with a new one, before Independence Day.
It is reported the flag was replaced last year but is once again in poor condition and in need of replacement and the rav calls on the city to replace it out of an act of respect for the flag, what it represents, and the mispallalim of the shul.

Neturei Karta Mamzeirim Rip The National Flag From The Wrong Vehicle!

A number of Neturei Karta mamzeirim on Monday night, tore an Israeli flag off of the wrong vehicle. The incident occurred in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood of the capital when they tore the flag of a couple’s vehicle.
However, the couple are members of “Otzma Yehudit” and a number of other members were in another vehicle following the vehicle targeted by the savages. The activists got out of their vehicles and gave the savages a beating to teach them a lesson. The  animalswere quick to extricate themselves and flee, shocked at the reaction to their actions.
Responding to the incident, Otzma Yehudit party leader former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari stated “Attacking the Israeli flag is the continuation of the treason by a small number in the chareidi camp who prefer a PLO flag and identify without Israel’s enemies. 
The time has come to teach them that one who attacks the Israeli flag will find those opposite them who will teach them the days of this behavior are over”.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hatikvah ...... Hope!

What Led up to the Declaration of Israel? Moments in History

As Israel's Independence Day arrives – its 69th edition is celebrated on Tuesday, May 2 – let's face it: Not everyone knows exactly what happened when. Ask a given millennial how Israel arose, and as likely as not, the answer will be, "Uh, we were in exile for 2,000 years and then the British left and we had a State."

Somehow something seems to be missing from that explanation…
Let us therefore now review three critical, distinct stages leading up to the declaration of the State of Israel on the 5th of Iyar, 5708 (May 14, 1948): The Balfour Declaration, the UN partition vote, and Independence Day itself.

On the macro level, let us say this:
* The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the first indication that the international community might recognize a Jewish State in the Land of Israel;

* the UN vote in 1947 confirmed that such a state would actually be established at a specific point in time;

* and May 14, 1948 marked the actual transition from the Yishuv [the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael [known then as Palestine] to a full-fledged independent State.

The Balfour Declaration
important? Why would Great Britain's sympathy or lack thereof be of such great interest?
The answer is two-fold: After 400 years of nearly-uninterrupted Turkish rule over the Holy Land, the British were on the verge of capturing it. This was towards the end of the first World War, and the British were about to become the new rulers of the Land of Israel! And here they were, in practically their first public statement on the topic, saying that they "viewed with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

The letter even stated that the Britain would use its "best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object."
In addition, the Balfour Declaration received much of its validity two years later when it was approved by the allied conference in San Remo – and the San Remo resolutions were themselves confirmed by the entire international community in a League of Nations vote in 1924.
But what about the Arabs living in Palestine? Surely the British and the League of Nations would not ignore their rights?! Surely indeed: The Balfour letter stated clearly that the "civil and religious rights" of all non-Jewish communities in Palestine must be preserved. In other words, individual rights such as freedom of religion must not be withheld from anyone, but national rights belonged exclusively to the Jews..
The full text of the Balfour Declaration can be read below.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Muslim Comedian Mocks Trump at White House Correspondents' Dinner

The 'Daily Show' Muslim comedian and host of the 2017 White House Correspondents' dinner Hasan Minhaj, mocked everyone from Bill O'Reilly to the 45th President himself during the annual event. 

President Trump, who was conspicuously absent for the proceedings, took the brunt of the majority of the jokes, with Minaj, the Muslim,  referring to him as the 'Liar in Chief'. 

'We've got to address the elephant that's not in the room,' cracked the Muslim entertainment headliner.'

The leader of our country is not here. And that's because he lives in Moscow. It's a very long flight. As for the other guy, I think he's in Pennsylvania because he can't take a joke.'

Harav Binyamin Kamenetzky, Z”l

The community of Five Towns was greatly saddened by the news of the passing of Harav Binyamin Kamenetzky, z”l, at the age of 93.

Rav Binyamin was born in 1923, the oldest son of Hagaon Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l. He learned in Telz in Europe as a bachur before moving with his family to the United States in 1937, where he learned in Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim under the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon Harav Dovid Leibowitz, zt”l, and later at Ner Yisroel, where the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman, zt”l, was his father’s cousin.
He returned to New York and married the daughter of Harav Pinchus Eliyahu Spiegel zt”l, the Ostrove-Kalushiner Rebbe in the Bronx, and he became a rebbe in Yeshiva Toras Chaim in East New York which was founded by Rav Isaac Shmidman, z”l. One day, he met a child who’d traveled from Cedarhurst, and he realized that there was no yiddishkeit there. With his father’s blessing he moved to the Five Towns where he set out to build a Jewish community.
Rav Binyamin opened the Young Israel of Woodmere, and later the Yeshiva of South Shore—Yeshiva Toras Chaim and the Torah Academy for Girls, and he made the Five Towns into the flowering Jewish community that it is today.
He is survived by his choshuve siblings, Hagaon Harav Shmuel, Harav Noson and Mrs. Rivka Diskind, his children, Mrs. Sarah Knobel, Mrs. Esther Wilhelm, Mrs. Shani Lefkowitz, wife of Rav Simcha Lefkowitz, Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky, and Rav Tzvi Kamenetzky, as well as grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The levayah will take place on Sunday, at Yeshiva of South Shore, 1170 William Street, Hewlett, NY, at 10 A.M.
Yehi zichro baruch.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Eytan Kobre of Mishpacha Magazine Denigrates Eretz Yisroel

An Open Letter to Eytan Kobre and Mishpacha Magazine

Guest Contribution by Rabbi Sholom Gold - Ish Yerushalayim
The Chuchim, Eytan Kobre

Re: Issue 653, 24 Adar 5777, pages 32-33 Kobre writes that: 
“Nothing other than our possession of the Torah plays any role in our national character, nothing whatsoever. Not a common land, language and culture.”
Eytan Kobre’s article is a smorgasbord of nonsense, apostasy, blasphemy and a rejection of the very essence of all of Torah. The tragedy is that he believes that he is expressing the true, authentic, genuine Torah hashkafa, certainly approved by “Gedolei Yisrael.” The greater catastrophe is that thousands of innocent Jews read it and blindly and naively accept it. The damage done to their souls and minds is enormous. 

Let’s take a closer look at what he writes and study four words: “not a common land.” 

A common land, he says, does not play a role in our national character. He must be talking about Eretz Yisrael. Does he mean that the only land in the world where all mitzvahs (613) apply; the only land in which it is a mitzvah to live (to the absolute exclusion of all others); the land about which Torah says “that the eyes of Hashem are on her from the beginning of the year to the end of the year? Does he mean the land to which Hashem commanded Avraham Avinu to journey and there make him blessed and a great nation, a source of blessing to all the nations of the world? 

Does Kobre mean the land that Moshe Rabbeinu prayed for permission to enter, the one that G-d swore to Avrohom, Yitzchak and Yaakov to give to their children, to which He promised to bring His people back at the end of their long exile? Is it not the land about which it says “there is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael”? Does Kobre really believe that “a common land” plays no role in our national character? 

When I was rabbi at the Young Israel of West Hempstead I had a neighbor on the block, a baal teshuva. We became good friends. A few years after moving to West Hempstead he told me that he was going on aliyah. He told me “Rabbi, I have been listening to the Torah reading every Shabbos for five years and the whole Torah is about Eretz Yisrael. I’m going.” 

The ability to read Torah and see the truth is something that Kobre has taught me cannot be taken for granted. My baal teshuva friend got it. Kobre just doesn’t get it. 

I find it very difficult to believe that Eytan has forgotten the hundreds of pesukim in Torah that are devoted to “the land.” Of the many I choose the pasuk that is often said in davening in Selichot and appears in the Parshat Hateshuva. 
Then Hashem, your G-d, will bring back your captivity and have mercy upon you, and He will gather you in from all the peoples to which Hashem, your G-d has scattered you. 4If your dispersed will be at the end of heaven, from there Hashem, your G-d will gather you in and from there He will take you. 5Hashem your G-d will bring you to the Land that your forefathers possessed and you shall possess it; He will do good to you and make you more numerous than your forefathers. (Devarim 30:3–5 3)
I have asked many people to explain the three words “מאבתך והרבך והיטבך – He will do good to you and make you more numerous than your forefathers.” For some strange reason they couldn’t say anything that made sense. 

Historians estimate that the Jewish population of Eretz Yisrael during the Second Temple period peaked at 2,350,000. The rest of the Jewish people, numbering around 7,000,000 were in Bavel and Asia Minor. Modern Eretz Yisrael achieved that number 2,350,000 before the Six Day War and has been rising ever since. There are now 6,500,000 Jews here, kein yirbu. 

I am fond of quoting an article that appeared in the Jerusalem Post in 1990. The author predicted that by the end of the century a man, woman or child will step on the tarmac at Ben Gurion Airport and a dramatic milestone in Jewish history will have been reached. At that moment the Jewish community of Eretz Yisrael will become the largest Jewish community in the world. The last time Eretz Yisrael held that distinction was during the period of the First Beit Hamikdash!! I usually admit to my audience that I am not so brilliant that I remember an article from 1990 – it’s just that I wrote it. מאבתך והרבך והיטבך the three-word promise of Hashem has been fulfilled. 

How can Etyan say that the land does not impact on the character of the people when Rashi says on the pasuk in the second parshah of Shema “You should place these words of mine on your heart”? Even after you will go into exile be distinguished through the performance of commandments such as putting on tefillin, making mezuzot, so that they should not be new to you when you will return (Devarim 11:18). 

The Ramban (Vayikra 18:25) quotes the pasuk from Devarim and explains “that they should not be new to you when you return” and adds “because the essence of all mitzvot is for those who live in the land of Hashem, therefore the Sifrei says, “Yeshivas Eretz Yisrael shkula kchol hamitzvot – the mitzvah of living in Eretz Yisrael is equal to all the mitzvot.” Study that Ramban well. 

I assume that by now it is unnecessary to quote all the pesukim in Tanach about kibbutz galiyot. 

Further Kobre writes “not ranking on some non-Jews’ list as the world’s eighth strongest power.” That too is as unimportant as “a common land” in Kobrespeak. 

Kobre doesn’t begin to understand the awesome religious meaning of that fact. That list of eight includes China, Japan and India. What Israel achieved in 69 years or less took them thousands of years. Germany and Russia needed about five hundred years, and America about a hundred and fifty. That’s not all. Israel is the smallest country of them all with the smallest population and has nowhere near the natural resources of the other seven. 

Furthermore Israel made it while being in a constant state of war, surrounded on all sides by sworn enemies. Jews had no military experience for 1900 years. According to Janes, Israel’s air force is the best in the world. I don’t have the words with which to describe the incredible nature of that accomplishment. 

A thinking Jew has to ask himself, “Well, how did it happen?” The answer is simple yet profound. For 69 years the Ribbono Shel Olom has been fulfilling his promise, a promise we say so many times. We sing it (I love Carlebach – I cry when I sing it) Hashem oz l’amo yitten. He is working 24/7 to make us a mighty nation. He has done it. He wants the world to see His people in His land as a strong, mighty and powerful nation. The past 69 years have been a constant, incessant, outpouring of Hashem’s strength to His people. The power of the Israeli army should be a religious inspiration to every Jew. A clear manifestation of His presence in our midst in Eretz Yisrael. 

Kobre doesn’t get it. I would have him write one thousand times, “Hashem oz l’amo yitten” until it begins to penetrate his neshama. 

I also object to his obvious snide remark about “a non-Jews’ list.” First, that’s Hashem’s whole purpose, that non-Jews should see us as strong people, which is a Torah value. (See the great Meshech Chochma in Parshat Chukas 21:2. It’s an eye opener.) 

Has Kobre forgotten the pesukim in Hallel: 
הללו את ה' כל גוים שבחוהו כל האמים כי גבר עלינו הסדו ואמת ה' לעולם הללו יה. 
Praise Hashem, all nations; praise Him, all the states. For His kindness has overwhelmed us, and the truth of Hashem is eternal. Halleluyah. 
Kobre becomes all good hearted when he writes, 
“Of course we should hope and pray that Israel’s economy thrives and feel great when it does – and then the Reason (get the capital “R”) for it, too.” 
Kobre reduces the thriving Eretz Yisrael to “parnassah for Jews.” He’s far off the mark. He has missed the magnificent and majestic prophetic process playing itself out in real life so carefully orchestrated by “the One who foretells the generations from the very beginning.” 

Two years ago I had written a response to an abusive letter to me by a recognized spokesman for the “religious” world. I had said in a shiur, “If you want to speak to the Ribbono Shel Olam go to the Kotel, but if you want to see Him, go to Shuk Machane Yehudah.” The following is from that letter which I had asked my son-in-law Yehuda Goldreich to put on the web. That day it was reported that three yeshiva students had been kidnapped. Immediately I contacted Yehudah and told him not to publish the letter because then was the time for unity and prayer not debate. Here it is now. 

* * * * * 
The Tomatoes 

Rabbi, you write: 
"It should likewise be pointed out Rabbi Gold's exaggerated words, upon being inspired by the abundance of produce found in the Machane Yehudah market: 'If this is golus then I can't begin to imagine what geulah is.' An abundance of fruits and vegetables is indeed a blessing; however, the final redemption will be exalted and spiritual, with material abundance being a mere by-product. Until then, it would be wise to seek and find Divinity in the world of Torah, whose growth and develop[ment] is infinitely more astounding than that of the tomatoes and cucumbers in the market." 
I must introduce my remarks with a thought, a story, and my deep feelings. 

The Thought – After the League of Nations in 1922 voted that Eretz Yisrael should be a homeland for the Jewish people, Reb Meir Simcha HaKohen of Dvinsk, The Ohr Sameach, wrote a letter encouraging Jews to participate in the building of Eretz Yisrael and that the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is in full force. 

At the beginning of his letter he writes that in the desert Jews committed two sins, the sin of the egel (the golden calf) and the sin of the meraglim (the spies). The former was an assault on G-d Himself, the latter was a blow to Eretz Yisrael. On His own honor He was mochel but He was not forgiving for the disgracing of Eretz Yisrael, therefore He said that because of the sin of the meraglim the entire generation shall all die in the desert. 

Rabbi – you unjustly attacked me a number of times in your letter. I can handle that – but when you trivialized the tomatoes of Eretz Yisrael, you just went too far. For that sin I'm not mochel. 

I heard the following story in the 1950s. A chosid had come from Chutz L'Aretz to visit the Belzer Rebbeh and brought a tray of fruit. When he presented his gift to the Rebbeh he refused to touch them and said to the poor chosid – "Ask forgiveness from the fruit of Eretz Yisrael that you shamed." 

Rabbi – you have shamed me. I can be forgiving. You denigrated the tomatoes of Eretz Yisrael – for that I am not mochel. Since you refer to my agvaniyot as "material abundance" it is obvious that you don't have a clue to what the produce of Eretz Yisrael means. The Bach says that the Shechina, the Divine Presence, enters the Jew through the produce of Eretz Yisrael. They are the conduit to bring sanctity. That's "material"?? (See Tur, Orach Chaim, Siman 208). 

Rav Kook writes that "The produce of Eretz Yisrael brings 'internal sanctity.'" Be careful, he warns, of food from out of Eretz Yisrael. If one longs for Eretz Yisrael, then even his golus-produce gains in sanctity. "It is a mitzvah to taste with one's full mouth the delight and sweetness of the brilliant and fresh sanctity of (the fruit) of Eretz Yisrael. I could go on and on. The tomatoes are spirituality, ruchniyut, not gashmiyut. 

But there's much, much more. My tomato talks to me and tells me a tale of such drama and pathos. 

I'll tell you what my agvaniyah says to me. Rabbi Ploni, from here on I hand over the letter to my tomato. 

My tomato to Rabbi Ploni: 

"After the destruction of the Second Beis Hamikdosh a message came from Heaven to all the flora and fauna of Eretz Yisrael to stop growing. The word went from cedar to hyssop, to vine, to olive, to flowers, to grain, to all plant life – The Ribbono Shel Olom has decreed that we stop growing until we receive new instructions. We were told that only when Klal Yisrael begins to return from golus will we come back to life. We were all very sad to see our people going off into exile – but we heeded the 'Dvar Hashem.' 

As He said in Bechukotai – 'And I will make the land desolate.' We were told not to respond to enemies of Israel who will enter the land, and we obeyed – Romans, Byzantines, Moslems, Crusaders, Tartars, Saracens, they all came and we did not respond to their attempts to bring us to life. We were told that we would be informed in good time before Klal Yisrael begins to return so that we could wake up from our long slumber. 

"Rabbi Ploni, don't you know the Gemorah in Sanhedrin 98?: 
ואמר רבי אבא - And R' Abba said אין לך קץ מגולה מזה -  There is no clearer indication of the "End" than this, שנאמר – as it is stated: ואתם הרי ישראל ענפכם תתנו ופריכם תשאו לעמי ישראל בי ...לבא קרבו – But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and bear your fruit for My people Israel, etc. [when they are about to come].
"Rashi comments that when Eretz Yisrael gives out its produce in abundance that is the greatest sign that 'the end – the keitz' is coming. "

Cecil Roth wrote that the years after the destruction of the Beis HaMikdosh there was severe drought in Eretz Yisrael – you know why? Because, in keeping with the Divine Order of the day we all began to go into hibernation. We didn't know that it would last for nineteen hundred years. We hoped that it would be for only a brief period of time. 

"During that long period there were moments at which we thought that the end of our sleep is coming. We thought that our children are coming home. In the twelfth century we heard reports that 'they are coming.' The rumor went underground from root to root, the cedar to the hyssop, the vine to the olive, the tomato to the cucumber – we heard that they are coming home. Then we learned to our utter dismay that 300 Baalei Tosafot from the Rhineland arrived but no more. 

"We had other false alarms. The Ramban in 1267, Rav Ovadiah miBartenura in 1492, Rabbi Yehuda Hachosid and his followers in 1700, the students of the Baal Shem Tov and the students of the Vilna Gaon, but we did not receive the message from Hashem. So we waited, we hoped, we prayed. Then, toward the end of the 19th century rumors began again beneath the surface of the earth. There was a report that after Mark Twain left Emek Yizrael that there were angels telling blades of grass: 'grow, grow.' We were skeptical at first. We didn't want to be disappointed. 

But the reports became increasingly urgent. Birds flying overhead, clouds cruising the skies said, 'They are coming.' You should have seen (but of course you couldn't) what was going on beneath the surface of Eretz Yisrael. We were all cautious but excited. More and more reports of sightings were coming in. 'They are coming – they are coming home' – and then the word came directly from Hashem:

                           אתם הרי ישראל ענפכם תתנוי ופריכם תשאו לעמי ישראל כי קרבו לבא 

'They are finally coming home! Grow! Respond to the work of their hands! Don't check their tzitzis, it makes no difference whether they are religious or not. Grow – they are My children and they are coming home. Grow even in Shemittah, if it's with the Heter Mechira. Grow, give out your fruits. Grow.' 

"You should have seen the joy and jubilation beneath the surface. You didn't know but we knew. You should have seen how they all started waking up from the 1,900-year slumber, stretching their roots, yawning, smiling. I had not seen such activity in millennia. We were told by the Ribbono Shel Olom that we are commanded to turn little, dry, arid, dusty, nearly dead Eretz Yisrael into a verdant, fruitful, agricultural world super power. And we did it with joy (Google: Israel Agriculture – Wikipedia – It will blow your mind away. Trust me, do it.) 

"I (remember, it's my tomato talking) don't understand how Jews don't realize that we are the bearers of a message that G-d wants all His children home (study that Gemorah in Sanhedrin again)." 

* * * * * 

Kobre has succeeded in trivializing all the manifestations of Hashem’s Presence in our midst. Strong healthy economy, abundance, military prowess – all mean nothing to him. And what is wrong about “hearts swelling with national pride, etc.”? There is a total absence of G-d from the modern miracle of Eretz Yisrael in Kobre’s thought. The awesome fulfillment of so many prophecies is lost to him. 

It has been my misfortune to have just read Kobre’s piece in issue 656, which reveals that he has no longing, yearning or desire to live in Eretz Yisrael. It all is the result of what he recently wrote, “then some people made a state.” Hashem’s greatest gift to a bleeding, battered, decimated people emerging from Auschwitz is reduced to “then some people made a state.” All the pieces of Kobre’s perverted hashkafa are falling into place. There is more. Many years ago I predicted that the incessant finding fault with “the medina” will eventually morph into a rejection of Eretz Yisrael itself. The sin of unbridled rejection of the state has its own built-in punishment. My prediction has proven to be prophetic. 

In issue 656 Kobre writes the worst piece I have ever read. I wonder whether I should rent my garments. 
There’s more than a kernel of truth in the story told of a Jew who, flush with spiritual inspiration, decided he’d had his fill of the tumas eretz ha’amim and would instead make the Holy Land his home. He quickly wound up his affairs, gathered his kin and set out on his journey, his Russian hometown now a mere memory. Entering Yerushalayim, his heart quickened as he made his way swiftly to the Kosel Hamaaravi, the focal point of every Jew’s prayers. 
But strangely, as he prayed passionately for the first time before the ancient stones, he sensed a presence beside him. He looked up and – lo and behold! – it was the yetzer hara, right next to him at this holiest of sites. Stunned, all he could mutter was, “B-b-but I thought I left you behind in Russia!” Came the swift reply, “Silly one – who do you think brought you here?” 
Kobre must ask his gedolim if there is a way to do teshuva for such absolutely despicable trash. 

I have a great deal more to write, about Kobre’s articles but this latest one has wiped me out. I am going to take a break and begin to cleanse and purify myself in preparation for Yom Haatzmaut and the 50th Yom Yerushalayim. 

G-d willing, bli neder, there will be a continuation. 

While reading and thinking about the Kobre papers I was haunted by a still small voice telling me that it rings familiar. Then one morning in the middle of davening it came to me like a flash – the meraglim. That’s exactly what they said, that if we have Torah who needs a land. 

In 1907 HaRav Avrohom Yitzchak HaCohen Kook wrote that what he called “meragliut” or in our idiom “meraglimhood” or “meraglimism” is alive and well. It sure is. Just read Mishpacha. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Former Satmar 30 Year Old Married Lady Takes her life on Bear Mountain Bridge

Multiple agencies from both sides of the Bear Mountain Bridge searching the water for a female from New City.

DIN sources are reporting that the lady (M.L.) was married with one young daughter; formerly from the Satmar sect and recently moved to New City, a town neighboring Monsey.

The woman's jump was discovered by New York State Park Police when they reviewed a surveillance video of the bridge around 6 p.m., police said.
Westchester County spokesman Kieran O'Leary said the department's marine unit was notified of the jump by park police and began searching for the woman.

The unit searched the area for several hours Wednesday afternoon and evening but was unable to locate the woman.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tragedy in Skver: Wedding Postponed Twice And Then Chosson Passes Away

Ari Friedman z”l of Skver passed away on Thursday, just a few weeks before his wedding. He was 23.
During the month of Iyar almost a year ago, Ari got engaged to his cousin in Monsey. A few weeks before the wedding, he contracted a severe illness, underwent treatments, and recovered. The wedding was rescheduled for the month of Adar. To the great sorrow of his family, during the winter, the disease returned. The wedding was then rescheduled again for this spring.
In recent days, his condition deteriorated. On Thursday, he passed away, plunging his family and friends into mourning.
Ari was a son of Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Friedman, prominent Skverer chossid.
His friends describe Ari as a bochur who was a true ben Torah, dedicated to his learning and avodas Hashem, anehrliche boy who got along with everyone and who everyone loved.

Vicious Attacks Continue Against Chareidi Soldiers In Yerushalayim And Beit Shemesh

Despite increased IDF and Israel Police efforts to apprehend persons responsible for attacks against IDF soldiers, the attacks continue. 

According to reports, no less than five soldiers were attacked in a 24-hour period this week, all amid shouts of ‘Chardak’, the derogatory term used by chareidi animals against the frum soldiers.

The attacks this week were reportedly carried out by members of the Terrorist Peleg faction and the Eida Chareidis. 

Four attacks occurred on Monday evening the eve of 29 Nissan, in which police extricated two soldiers and the soldiers extricated themselves in the other attacks. 
One attack occurred in Beit Shemesh on Tuesday. At least two arrests have been made in that attack.
Authorities promise they will prosecute suspects to the fullest extent of the law.

In the videos below, one can see military police arresting a suspect following an attack on Tuesday