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Sunday, April 3, 2016

This Student Decided to Join the IDF When Anti-Zionists Showed Up on Campus

The following post comes from Humans of Jerusalem:
“If you would have told me two years ago that I’d be serving in the Israeli army today, I wouldn’t have believed you. I was studying finance in Rutgers university, and my connection to Israel was non-existent. My family is Jewish, of course, but other than that, all I knew about Israel was that it was a country somewhere in the Middle East.
“You might find this ironic, but it’s thanks to the BDS that I’m a soldier in the IDF. They showed up one day on my campus, called themselves “Students For Justice in Palestine”, or something of the sort. They would lie on the ground and pretend to shoot each other and yell things in a language I didn’t understand. All I could pick up from their shenanigans was that Zionism is evil, so I Googled it.
“Turns out, I’m a Zionist! My parents came from Latvia, and I never really felt like I had roots in the USA. I decided to join the Birthright program and visit Israel. I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but I knew I was staying. When the day of our return flight arrived, I refused to go. They told me that if I stay, I’d have to draft. “Exactly”, I said.
“My parents made me come back anyway, but I wasn’t giving up that quickly. I returned home to continue my third year, then decided not to show up for finals, ultimately dropping out to make Aliya to Israel. To be honest, I’ve lived in the US all my life, but in the year that I’ve been here, I’ve felt more of a sense of belonging that I ever felt back home”.

In Monsey Gentiles are outraged at the hanging of Haman in Effigy on Purim

The Holocaust has long been forgotten by the frum oilim in the USA!
Kleinman built a "Holocaust Center" that houses a couple of old shirts ...too late and too little and is basically a mockery of the Holocaust victims...
They have separate hours to make sure that families cannot go together, and so children of survivors cannot go together with their boys and girls as a family to view and hear the terrible catastrophe that happened to the last generation!
Instead of working with Yad Veshem to include more Frum Stories of the victims , they made their own... and it's a disgrace! 

 Stories about "Der Alter Heim" where Jews feared their Goyishe neighbors are now put in Yiddish masseh beechlich to be read in the bathroom or better yet to scare little boys in Pirchei!

 Bochrim in the USA have been taught early on, that we Jews must live in Chutz Le'aretz until Moshich comes, a theory fabricated by the Romanian Satmar sect and now spread and accepted by the Litvisher velt as well!

Beautiful homes are being built, Mosdos and Shuls are going up, in Boro park, Flatbush, Lakewood, Williamsburg, Monsey and Monroe antagonizing the goyim ..and our Gedoilim just keep coming with their electric drills to place the first Mezuzah in these monstrosities, believing that Moshach is a concept that the Novie Yechezkel made up!

The new generation has become so confident in the "goldeneh medinah" that   they have no problem putting down their goyishe neighbors and are totally immune to their sensitivities.

They totally disregard the fact that they are in Galus, and forget that the RBS"O has given us a land of "milk and honey.".........

Instead of supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel , they skew pesukim in the Torah and Tanach to denigrate those who sacrifice their lives for the families of the Jewish nation!

There are new elections in the USA, the platform of the Democrats , the largest party in the country, no longer supports Israel......
And old communist Jew who has the same shitah as Satmar about Israel is garnishing millions of votes..... the worn old hag, an avowed anti-Semite that took millions from Arabs is also running and has so far an excellent chance of becoming president! 

The fans of anti-Semitism are blowing in the streets where Jews reside all over the country...
Pre-Germany is in the air all over the world...
Jews in France, Antwerp, and in England are in danger of being annihilated, and instead of making plans to get the hell out of Jewish blood soaked Europe, Jews are playing and fiddling in their host countries believing like the pre-war doomed European Jews that everything is just great!

Just last week thousands of naive Jews went to Europe to celebrate the Yurzeit of Reb Elimelech of Lezhensk ...putting hundreds of thousands of dollars in the coffers of rapists and murderers. 
It's time to dig him up and bring his bones to Israel like they did with Yaakov Aveenu ....

Now go hang another goy in effigy!

Chief Rabbi appeals to release Meir Ettinger for son's brit

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Israel's Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi David Lau has responded to a letter sent by the wife of administrative detainee Meir Ettinger, in which she appealed for her husband to be released to attend his firstborn son's brit milah (circumcision).

Ettinger has been held without charge for more than seven months, as security officials accuse him of coordinating an amorphous group of "Jewish extremists."

Dozens of his relatives protested last night in central Jerusalem, calling for him to be allowed to attend his son's brit. 

In response to the letter from his wife, Rabbi Lau turned to Prisons Service Commissioner, Lieutenant General Ofra Klinger, and asked her to reconsider the decision not to allow Ettinger to attend.

In his appeal to Klinger, Rabbi Lau noted that "The brit milah is one of the most important mitzvot to the Jewish people, and testifies to the covenant between the people of Israel and God, and as such is one of the most important events in the life of a father, so there is no doubt that not attending his son's brit milah will cause him pain for the rest of his life."

Concluding his letter, Rabbi Lau appealed for Klinger "to make every effort to find a way for Mr. Ettinger to take part in his son's brit milah - of course, with all the required and relevant security procedures."

Ettinger's family have refused an offer by the Prison Service to hold the ceremony in prison as unacceptable.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Frankfurter Blasts Jewish Blogs in Ami


Most Jews have thrown out the candies they got for Shloach Manos, and are converting their houses to be ready for Pesach!  They are moving on!

But not the Frank!
He is stuck in his own manure .... that he himself has manufactured!

He has the biggest Jewish Blog that exists, but in a magazine form! 
He has never lost an opportunity to attack Harav Hapoisek Yair Hoffman either directly or by innuendo! 
Yitzchok "The Frank" Frankfurter, the editor of Ami Magazine manages to sneak attacks on the State of Israel, sandwiching his criticism with articles that are blatantly false!
Those who have read my posts about this fool, know what I am talking about!
The Frank is also on a mission to re-write Satmar History, trying to portray a Chassidus that has been founded on a premise to hate Jews that love Eretz Yisroel, as something great and holy...
For example, on my side bar you can see an article by THE FRANK, trying convince his naive readers  that R' Yoel Teitelbaum was an Ohaiv Yisroel that loved every single Jew ......and gives an example that R' Yoel gave money to a poor Zionist Jew!

Doesn't every single Jew give money to any Jew in need and doesn't every single Jew ignore the  background of the recipient ? ... What got him excited was that R' Yoel once gave a Zionist a couple of pennies knowing that he was a Zionist! Wow!!!!
 The fact that the Rebbe called Frum Zionist leaders  "zera ameleik" that is perfectly ok with The Frank ... in his mind that makes the rebbe a ttzaddik hador" and  what qualifies the Rebbe as an Ohaiv Yisroel was that he threw a bunch of pennies to a poor destitute Zionist Jew!

In this weeks Ami's editorial, The Fool,denigrates the Jewish Blogs writing:
"There is, in fact, no greater public desecration of G-d's Name, as well the name of the Jewish people, than the Jewish blogs on which personal humiliations, disgraces and communal in-fighting, oftentimes ostensibly in the Name of G-d, take place in front of the entire world "

The thing that is getting him all worked up is that we are calling him out on his lies and fabrications and exposing him for the pathological liar that he is!

Only The Frank is allowed to "humiliate" Talmedei Chachamim like Harav Yair Hoffman.
Only The Frank is allowed to "disgrace" Jews that live in Israel ....
In his head only a blog has that "issur,"  ....a magazine can write all the loshon hara that it wants!
Doesn't his editorial qualify as "loshon Hara?" 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mazal Tov to Donald Trump ...Jewish Grandchild

The Gerer Rebbe, the Bais Yisroel respected Harav Kook z"l

From Circus tent

Zalminu Wienberg, the holy Tolner Rebbe's brother, writes a

 Mussar vort his brother heard the the Beis Yisroel give, 

based on Rav Kook as a role model. 

Din's Loose translation:

I will bring a story that I heard from my dear brother Harav Hachasid R' Leibel, may his light shine.

Great story especially during these days of "Bein Hamzarim" 

The Rebbe The Bais Yisroel z"l (Gerer Rebbe) would invite people to kiddush and to the meals and he would tell them short divrei Torah. 
My brother would then write these Torahs down. 

One shabbos the Bais Yisroel told a story about an individual that was a kanaie, a fanatic , who interrupted a drasha of Harav Kook with hateful words against Rav Kook and managed to embarrass him in public  .....

Rav Kook took out his handkerchief, mopped his face and continued his drasha as if nothing happened!

A couple of weeks after  this incident, Rav Kook distributed Money for the poor so they would be able to buy Matzos for Pesach. 

The gabbai of Rav Kook, Harav Yitzchok Duvid Shuschland noticed that Rav Kook added the Fanatics name to the list of those who would get funds. 

Rav Shuschland told Rav Kook that no way would he go to this fanatic to give him money for they way he spoke to Harav Kook .... "and even if Rav Kook was to forgive this guy personally, it wouldn't be enough, since  kavod ha"torah was breached and that can never be forgiven! "

Rav Kook told the gabbai, "if you won't go, I will go there myself ...."
With no choice that gabbai, with a heavy heart  took the funds to the fanatic!

When the gabbai returned from his mission, Rav Kook told him that it is written that the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed because of Sinas Chinum, and the remedy to that is Ahavas Chinum...

So how can one achieve the attribute of Ahavas Chinum? 
Aren't we commanded to love every single Jew... so how can that be Ahavas Chinum if we are commanded to love?

The only way to achieve this is if you have a situation where there is good reason to hate someone, for example, when one embarrasses you in public ....and you manage to overcome that hate and actually love him, then that's Ahavas Chinum!

The Bais Yisroel ended this story saying that it's really a nice story to relate, but which individual can actually put this to practice ...... only Harav Kook z"l!
Signed Shlomo Zalminah Weinberg

Monday, March 28, 2016

No holds ‘Barr’-ed

Roseanne Barr
After spending a decade re-evamping the American television landscape with her hit sitcom Roseanne, in recent years Roseanne Barr has shifted tactics to shake up another much more contentious arena: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“BDS doesn’t want peace, nor do they want peace negotiations. They use code words like, ‘occupation’ and use it a lot [and] get all the mileage they can out of it,” Barr asserted in a forceful 20 minute speech against the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement delivered at the Yedioth Ahronoth and Ynet Conference held at the Jerusalem Convention Center on Monday.

Purim in Tel Aviv 1932

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l with Menachem Begin z"l

R' Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar: "Be Like Trump"

During his Purim tish this past week, Rav Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar discussed the fact that Mordechai Hatzaddik was a gilgul of Yaakov Avinu and that he labored to ensure that there would be wealth amongst Klal Yisroel.
“We”, said the rebbe, “must work so that everyone will have parnassah and be wealthy, like Trump, who is running for presidential candidate.” He then asked a number of people by name if they agree to become rich and have millions like Trump does.

Pope washes feet of Muslims while Muslims murder 65 Christians on Easter in Pakistan

Image result for pope washes feet of muslims
Pope washes Muslim feet on Easter

The blast occurred in the parking area of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, a few metres away from children's swings, and most of those hurt and killed are thought to be women and children
Muslims murder 65 Christians on Easter

  • Dozens of mothers and children are among 65 killed after a suicide bomber targeted Christians celebrating Easter in a park in Pakistan 

The blast happened in the parking area of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore, a few metres away from children's swings, and most of the victims are believed to be women and children.

Authorities have so far confirmed the deaths of 65 people at the park, where Christians had been celebrating Easter, but they expect the death toll to rise.

Meanwhile,Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of Muslims!
His Easter message?

"Use "weapons of love" to fight evil of terrorism"

London Satmars burn Israel Flag on Purim

I guess one of Haman's children got away, because on this video, Haman's grandchildren are alive and kicking and burning the Jewish Flag!
This is the result of the Satmar Rebbe's SHIT'ah!

See also at 0.13 a child with a Cross on his head!

IDF Soldier Hung in Effigy in Meah Shearim

The above picture is a depiction in Meah Shearim on Purim, of an IDF soldier hanging in effigy!

This was not in Gaza ...or Ramalla 
This was in the ultra "frum" community in Yerushalyim Ir Ha'Kodesh! 

The Meah Shearim community, by in large, live off charity! They also have many stores selling stuff to tourists .... and it's time to stop giving a penny or to patronize  anyone that lives in  Meah Sheraim ....

The Holy Meharal in Berishes on the Rashi D"H "adam ein laavod es hadama ," says that it is prohibited, yes ... prohibited, from giving anything to someone that has no hakaras hatoiv ...someone who is ungrateful! 

The Meah Shearim community and I am including the entire community, (it was hanging for 3 days) are a bunch of ungrateful animals that should be shunned and boycotted!
They are the recipients of the protection of the IDF and then they go and hang them in effigy on Purim no less!

They had a great Rebbe to learn from ....
Satmar  hung the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Effigy on Purim, when Reb Yoel, was alive and well!
Notice the smiling faces in the crowd!
Notice the children! 
Notice the upside down sign on the tree on the left that reads "Lubavitcher Rebbe" in Hebrew!

These children are today's leaders of Satmar!

Kin's Daughters Speak out!

See "bugeye" shlepping his next victim Danielle Barbosa
Meir "bugeyed" Kin, nicknamed "the mamzer" by Gedolei Yisrael refuses to give his wife Lonna a get, while he went on to marry  a Brazillian Skank ....

This cruel sadistic animal has kept his wife an agunah for 11 years ....
He claims that he gave her a get .... that is of course a bald faced lie!
The get is in a rogue Bais Din  and Lonna can only get the "get" if she coughs up $300,000.00 in blood money!

Watch his daughters begging their father, the selfish Rasha ... to free their mother!
But don't expect anything from this lunatic, he doesn't care about his children ..... or anyone else...
He is a narcissistic, selfish, sadist .... that gets pleasure from torturing women.... even his own blood!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad [VIDEO] just two months ago!

Harav Shmuel Auerbach Donates 1,000 Shekel to the Grodno Terrorists

Just this month on March 3, I posted about Grodno Yeshiva Bochrim stoning a frum IDF soldier!

What did the IDF soldier do to deserve "skilah" by a bunch of rotten Yeshiva Boys? You ask?

Nothing! He just walked in uniform past these parasites .... that was it!

So what does the "Gadol Hador" R' Shmuel Auerbach do? 
He writes them a check for 1,000 shekel!

Zu Torah Ve'Zu Secharah!

Hillary Kisses Rabbi Menachem Genack from the OU who has endorsed her for president.!

Upon entering the hall, Clinton shook hands and even stopped to kiss (see .008 mark)Rabbi Menachem Genack from the OU who has endorsed her for president.
Image result for genack
What's with frum Jews like Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander and Menachem Genack that find it necessary to tuchesleck Hillary, who hates Israel!

So now the "groiser tzaddik" the macher at the OU actually forgoes all ...and kisses a shiksah!

Frum Jew will try to defeat "fat" Nadler the Jewish "Back Stabbing Kapo"

Oliver Rosenberg believes that long-time democrat congressman for the Upper West Side let down its constituents when he supported the highly controversial Iran Deal.

Rosenberg has just launched his congressional campaign, seeking to unseat Cong. Jerrold "the Kapo" Nadler who has been ensconced as the representative to Congress from New York City’s Upper West Side for decades.

Unseating a longtime congressman may seem impossible but this year, after Kapo Nadler sold out his heavily Jewish constituency by knuckling under to President Obama and supporting the Nuclear Iran Deal, the time have come for a change.
Rosenberg is a health care entrepreneur who spent half a decade as an investment banker focused on renewable energy. He’s a Jewish Orthodox day school alumnus, a graduate of Yeshiva University’s business school, the grandson of Holocaust survivors and a fervent lover of Israel who spent a year in yeshiva there and made at-least-yearly visits since he was six years old.
Given the make-up of the community and the strong position taken by nearly all major Jewish and other pro-Israel organizations against the Nuclear Iran Deal, Rosenberg was deeply disappointed that Kapo Nadler supported the Iran Deal which contains unacceptable shortcomings.
Fat Nadler has not faced a primary opponent in more than two decades as the political makeup of the district guarantees whoever is the Democratic nominee will be the Representative. Now however, Rosenberg sees the time as promising.
Rosenberg is staunchly pro-Israel and will hopes to show his views when he becomes congressman. For one, he wants U.S. military aid to Israel to double, to $6 billion. Rosenberg also believes Israel should have access to bunker buster bombs. Rosenberg says the Iran Deal makes Israel open to more danger.
Recognizing a problem, figuring out a solution, and stepping forward to take the lead is Rosenberg’s modus operandi. It is what he did when he launched his healthcare initiative, Preath, which will bring free market methodology to healthcare expenses, he did it at YU by starting an initiative which brought in six figures in donations and he did it on the Upper West Side, when he founded Or Chayim.
What Rosenberg does have going for him is an unshakable love for the American dream and of the Zionist ideal, though he is unlikely to have support from the Democratic party.
However that doesn’t worry him from fighting to win a seat.

Hillary Who Supports Obama's Iran Deal Claims She's Pro-Israel Trump vows to veto 'any attempt to impose UN will on Israel'

 1.7 Billion to Iran
We had Hillary at the American-Israel political action committee meeting today.
 She dumped on Trump,
 "Trump's a bully, there can't be any neutrality whatsoever in dealing with Israel and Palestine."
"  And, you know, my reaction to that is, she said America can't ever be neutral when it comes to Israel's security or survival. "

 And yet, doesn't this woman support our deal with Iran? 

How in the world can you support the Iranian nuke deal and be pro-Israel?  That's the question.  

Meanwhile the Liberal walkout on Trump went unnoticed as Republican front runner hails 'strategic ally, cultural brother' State of Israel.

Trump vows to veto 'any attempt to impose UN will on Israel'

Monday, March 21, 2016

Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein says that the late Rav Wosner is "Paskening from the Heavens"

There is something in the water, folks.... no question! ...

Now we have a well respected "rational" Rav that says that the Egged 402 Bus accident happened because woman drive (even though the Bus Driver was a man) and he basis it on a psak from someone who is no longer alive and paskening "from the heavens"????????????
People want to know if Rav Wosner z"l is in heaven, how did he get to know about it?

He writes that if women drive they will be exposed to "sites and marketplace?" 
How about if they ride on a bus, won't that expose them to "sites and the marketplace?"
And aren't Tznius issues more prevalent in the buses then in a private car?

In Monsey, the "Community Connections" a magazine widely distributed, wants women and girls to hide in their very own houses on Purim, because Elderly Rabbonim and Bochrim may come to the house and get turned on!

I have a suggestion, why don't we just ship all women off to Gaza!

During a talk in beis medrash, Rav Zilberstein explained he has been approached by many people seeking an explanation of the Egged 402 bus accident that resulted in such tragedy for so many families.

Rabbi Zilberstein quotes the kuntres Rachmei HaRav from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner ZT”L, in which Rav Wosner writes women should not get a drivers license. He explains that while this is somewhat commonplace today, it is not advised for the actual process of obtaining the license results in compromising her modesty as does actual driving of a vehicle by a woman for this exposes her to sites in the streets and marketplace.

“וליבי אומר לי שהוא אחד הגורמים של האסונות הגדולים שנעשים בדרכים בארץ ישראל המפילים כל כך חללים והרגו כבר טובים וצדיקים וזה מצורף לכל העבירות הנעשים בדרכים שמולידים המחבלים שמסכנים הדרכים”.

The kuntres adds “My heart tells me this is one of the causes of major catastrophes on the roadways of Eretz Yisrael that claim so many lives including many fine people, tzaddikim, and this coupled with the many [traffic] aveiros that made the roadways so dangerous”.

Rabbi Zilberstein adds as Posek Hador, Rav Wosner is giving piskei halacha from Shomayim and this is one of the causes that so many good people are killed.
He adds Rav Wosner in some exceptional cases permitted women to drive, for example a sick child in one’s home and a child with special needs that requires transportation to and from an institution but these exceptions were rare.