Sunday, March 27, 2016

R' Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar: "Be Like Trump"

During his Purim tish this past week, Rav Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar discussed the fact that Mordechai Hatzaddik was a gilgul of Yaakov Avinu and that he labored to ensure that there would be wealth amongst Klal Yisroel.
“We”, said the rebbe, “must work so that everyone will have parnassah and be wealthy, like Trump, who is running for presidential candidate.” He then asked a number of people by name if they agree to become rich and have millions like Trump does.


Unknown said...

It is perfectly OK to strive for richness ... but should we emulate Trump? we have to evoke his name? do we have to be so crass, crude & materialistic?
The Lubavitcher Rebbe asked his Chasidim at a farbrengen who wants to be rich can ask Hashem for wealth without evoking names of debased non-Jews ...

Anonymous said...

A Trump???? More like a Tramp

Anonymous said...

When I was in Yeshiva they used to talk against chasing money.

Unknown said...

Chasing money ... ?
In Satmar they say ...
ואם שלש אלה לא יעשה לה ויצאה חנם אין כסף ...
אז די מאכט נישט קיין דריי בלייבסט די אהן קיין געלט ...

Echter yid said...

I would really like to tell my story what happened to me today,,(Sunday March ,27,) I walked up on the,,Williamsburg Boro park bus, in Williamsburg Brooklyn going to Boro park, late Sunday afternoon, and found on the bus a friend of mine, sitting on the bus, ( I no this person because his father davens in my fathers shull,) this person is not a Williamsburg guy, he is originally from Boro park, and he is a very very temimesdiga yungerman, and for ,,parnasa,,he works in a grocery in Williamsburg Brooklyn, he is a cashier, he works by the cash register, he tells me this story what happened to him lately,, a frum frum yungerman a hiemisha yungerman walks into the grocery and asks him openly loud and clear, in front of a line of hiemisha frum young vieblech, standing in the line to pay,,he asks him, ((antshuldigt er farkoift efsher condoms?)) Do you sell maby condoms? this was the question what this hiemisha frum satmar yungerman asked from him , in front of a line of frum hiemisha married woman,? in a frum hiemisha Williamsburg grocery, but unfortunately this cashier he is a real real, temimesdiga, yungerman, and had no idea what a condom is,? He really mented that its a pain killer,? Like Tylenol or like Advil,, so this cashier turns around to the woman waiting in the line, and he asked them maby they no what item a condom is? And he realized that the,,vieblech, are looking at him like he is crazy or what they started to laugh out loud,,and looked at him like he fell off his brain,? So he asked them why they are laughing,? He explained them that this yungerman, is asking him if he is selling a item called condoms,? So they answered him back that its better if he doesn't no what a condom is,?, so now he became very very curios to no what really a condom is,? He really wanted to no why the frum vieblech where laughing from him when he asked them what item is a condom,? And why they told him that its better if he doesn't no what a condom is,? So he tells me that now as he is sitting on the Williamsburg Boro park bus on the way back to Boro park, he checked it up on his cell phone on the internet, what a condom is,?, and he is really really shocked, (1) that a frum hiemisha yungerman,,was able to ask him out loud in a frum hiemisha grocery in Williamsburg Brooklyn and especially in front of a line of frum hiemisha married young vieblech,?, if he is selling condoms,?, (2) from where did frum hiemisha married woman from Williamsburg Brooklyn knew what condoms is,?, that they where able to tell him that its better if he didn't no what condoms is,?, doesn't the Torah prohibit us from making,((,zerah levatala??)) So it got to be that this frum woman are using condoms because they knew very very well what a condom is,?

Anonymous said...

Echter is also tmimusdik because he misses the boat that the condom fregger is either a prusta menuvol or mentally ill.

There is a heter for condom if someone has an incurable disease to not pass to his wife but no one normal would ask for it in a chassidishe gesheft af al pi kein.

Otherwise, Aron Teitelbaum in a purple disco shirt - I am so there!