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Thursday, June 11, 2015

American Jewish Leaders are Failing to respond to Obama's threats

It is time to stop making excuses for American Jewish leaders and their failure to respond to ‎U.S. President Barack Obama's latest despicable efforts to turn the Jewish community against ‎Israel. 

This time he employed a charm offensive, expressing "admiration" for Jews and "love" ‎of Israel as a mantle to distort, malign and unashamedly employ double standards to cast ‎moral aspersions on the sole democracy in the Middle East.‎

Obama is clearly determined to undermine the standing of the newly elected Israeli ‎government by embarking on a campaign to promote an utterly fictional narrative of the ‎Arab-Israeli conflict, even in advance of the June 30 deadline of the "negotiations" with Iran.
He orchestrated interviews with journalists Jeffrey Goldberg and Tom Friedman, whom he ‎uses regularly to convey his distaste for Israeli policies -- and with Ilana Dayan of Israel's Channel 2 . Considered a tough investigative journalist, Dayan on this occasion acted as though she ‎was launching an Obama fan club. She failed to pose any challenging questions and instead ‎provided openings for him to benevolently display his loathing for Prime Minister Benjamin ‎Netanyahu. Obama also gave a major address to a Jewish audience at Washington's ‎Conservative Adas Israel congregation.‎

One of his acolytes, David Axelrod, recalls Obama -- who for many years belonged to a church ‎with an anti-Semitic pastor -- describing himself as "the closest thing to a Jew" who has ever ‎served as an American president. 

At Adas Israel, Obama even described himself as "an ‎honorary member of the tribe" and called on Israelis and Jews to concentrate on "tikkun olam‎‎ -- repairing the world," implying that universal humanistic values are more in keeping with ‎Judaism than nationalism. He repeatedly stressed the linkage between African-Americans and ‎Jewish Americans and the struggle for civil rights and equality, deviously contrasting this with ‎the manner in which Israelis supposedly treat Palestinians. ‎

Stressing that he considers Israel's security paramount and that he "understands Israeli ‎concerns and fears," he insisted that the Jewish state needed tough love from its friends, ‎assuring his audience that he felt he had a better understanding of Israel's needs than Israelis ‎themselves. He effectively called on American Jews to choose between his flawed evaluation ‎of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the concerns about security and survival shared by the majority ‎of Israelis. ‎

Obama had the chutzpah to warn that the current Israeli government would alienate the ‎people of America and the global community because it was diverging from the noble ‎sentiments expressed in Israel's Declaration of Independence.‎

Intensifying his vendetta against Netanyahu, he effectively described him as a deceitful liar ‎who could not be trusted. He constantly harped on two statements that Netanyahu had ‎uttered in the heat of the election and had subsequently repeatedly repudiated. 

However, not ‎even once did he condemn the Palestinian Authority for its daily incitement of hatred, ‎sanctification of mass murderers, or criminalization of Israel at the U.N.‎
He warned that Israel has become obsessed with fear, claiming ludicrously that the U.S. had ‎proposed solutions by which, given goodwill, Israel's security concerns could have been ‎overcome. He urged Israelis to adopt "the politics of hope."‎

He chided Israel for being obstinate and inflexible, thus preventing the peace process from ‎moving forward, and clearly held Israel responsible for the breakdown of negotiations -- ‎conveniently ignoring the fact that it was Abbas who terminated the talks and breached the ‎Oslo Accords by unilaterally seeking recognition at the United Nations and uniting with Hamas. ‎He failed to make mention of Israel's major concessions, including a 10-month settlement ‎freeze, to pave the way for negotiations -- to which Abbas only responded in the 10th month -- ‎and the wretched release of mass murderers who were subsequently fĂȘted as heroes and ‎many of whom renewed their terrorist activities.‎
And to top it off, Obama even made the outrageous observation that Netanyahu "had so ‎many caveats, so many conditions," that the Palestinian officials and others might not see ‎Netanyahu as a reliable negotiating partner.‎

Melodramatically, he added that the "rights of the Jewish people compel me to think about the ‎rights of a Palestinian child in Ramallah who feels trapped without opportunity," yet omitted ‎any mention of Israel's withdrawal from all of Gaza and that in the main cities of Judea and ‎Samaria, beyond issues directly related to security, Arabs have complete autonomy.‎

Obama postulates that Israel must be more flexible in order to convince the world that it ‎genuinely favors a Palestinian state. In fact, the vast majority of Israelis would be overjoyed if ‎they could separate themselves from the Palestinians but realize that to do so now could result ‎in self-destruction. For Obama to make such a call under the current circumstances is not ‎merely disingenuous, it is effectively a clear message to the Arabs to intensify their demands ‎and continue their policy of "we take, you give."‎

Obama is well aware of the mayhem and barbarism that prevails in the region. He knows that ‎were Israel to cede additional territories, they would almost certainly be taken over by Hamas ‎or even the more radical Islamic State group, leading to a breakdown of security and ‎challenging the very existence of the Jewish state. No Israeli government would compromise ‎security in this manner. ‎

But the truly chilling aspect of Obama's interviews was his undisguised threat that, unless Israel ‎accepted his dictates, the U.S. would cease employing the veto at the United Nations Security ‎Council. In other words, a total diplomatic abandonment of Israel. In stating this, he is also ‎openly encouraging the Europeans to intensify their campaigns to pressure and extend ‎sanctions against Israel.‎

The most disconcerting aspect of these developments is that, aside from the Zionist ‎Organization of America, there has been a total lack of response from the American Jewish ‎leadership. Obama has floated trial balloons to test the American Jewish community's reaction ‎to extending his confrontation with Israel. He clearly anticipates their support and recognition ‎that he knows better than Israelis what is good for them. ‎

Public opinion in the United States and the Republican-dominated Congress is highly favorable ‎and strongly supportive of Israel. However, if Jewish communal leaders remain silent in ‎response to such a frontal biased attack against Israeli policies based on false premises, they ‎are giving Obama the green light.‎

The role of a Jewish leadership is to lead and represent the Jewish community which is ‎committed to the survival and security of the State of Israel. 

Unfortunately, however, many ‎American Jews have become so acculturated that they have no understanding of Judaism or ‎the crucial relevance of Israel to their Jewish identity.
Moreover, it is unreasonable to expect Congress and friends of Israel to be more supportive of ‎the Jewish state than the Jewish leadership. 

It will also send a message to future presidential ‎candidates that they will not be penalized by the Jewish community if they continue treating ‎Israel in a similarly contemptuous manner.‎

The Jewish leaders' defense is that public criticism of the president would jeopardize the ‎bipartisan approach of Congress toward Israel. However, if bipartisanship becomes an end in ‎itself, the Jewish community will become paralyzed, lose its political influence and be ‎considered politically impotent.‎

To maintain a modicum of self-respect and dignity, Jewish leaders must respectfully but ‎forcefully condemn and criticize the propagation of factual errors, bias and threats conveyed ‎by their president. 

If they fail to act, history will judge them harshly. When in 1944, in one of ‎the most shameful chapters in American Jewish life, Rabbi Stephen Wise failed to confront ‎President Franklin Roosevelt's refusal to come to the aid of European Jews, the Jewish ‎community was weak and faced enormous anti-Semitism. 

The situation is very different today ‎and there are no grounds for the Jewish community to be less outspoken than other ‎Americans in criticizing their president when they consider he is acting against the best interest ‎of the nation.‎

A failure by the American Jewish leadership to vigorously speak out against their president ‎after he has effectively undermined and distorted Israel's role could have untold negative ‎consequences, not only for Israel but for American Jewry itself. 

The time has now come for ‎Jewish leaders to stand up and be counted.‎
Isi Leibler's website can be viewed athttp://wordfromjerusalem.com/. He may be contacted at ‎ileibler@leibler.com.‎

Half a handful of NUTS a day can prevent early death: Peanuts 'slash risk of cancer, dementia, heart attacks and diabetes'

Those who ate 10g of nuts a day were less likely to die from major diseases

These included respiratory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases

Link between peanuts and lower death rates was as strong as other nuts 

Peanut butter offered no protective effect; researchers explained high levels of vegetable oils and salt could 'cancel out' health benefits of nuts

Snacking on just half a handful of nuts a day can cut the risk of dying from a string of major diseases, a new study reveals.
Researchers found that eating at least 10g of nuts or peanuts per day led to a lower risk of dying from respiratory disease, such as asthma  and emphysema, and neurodegenerative diseases, which includes dementia.
It also reduced the risk of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, which include heart attacks and strokes. 

The effects were found to be equal in men and women, they revealed.
And people who ate peanuts showed just as strong reductions in mortality as those who ate tree nuts like cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts, among others.
However, researchers found no protective effect from eating peanut butter.
They explained this may be because the salt and vegetable oils it contains 'cancel out' the beneficial effects of the nuts.

Researchers used data from the Netherlands Cohort Study, which has been running since 1986 among more than 120,000 Dutch men and women, aged 55 to 69.
They assessed how often people ate peanuts, other nuts, and peanut butter, and how much of these foods they consumed.

Peanut butter was not found to protect against  early death, possibly due to high   trans fatty acids levels
Peanut butter was not found to protect against early death, possibly due to high trans fatty acids levels
Then, they analysed the relationship with overall mortality from any cause, and death from a specific cause.
The link between tree nut and peanut consumption and cardiovascular death back up earlier results from American and Asian studies that often focused on cardiovascular diseases.

However, the new study found that mortality due to cancer, diabetes, respiratory, and neurodegenerative diseases was also lowered among people who eat peanuts and tree nuts.

Professor Piet van den Brandt, from Maastricht University, who led the research, said: 'It was remarkable that substantially lower mortality was already observed at consumption levels of 15 grams of nuts or peanuts on average per day, half a handful.
'A higher intake was not associated with further reduction in mortality risk.'

The study was supported by an analysis of previously published studies which showed similar patterns for deaths from cancer and respiratory diseases.

Professor van den Brandt said peanuts and tree nuts both contain various compounds such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, various vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and other compounds, that may contribute to the lower death rates.

However, besides peanuts, peanut butter also contains added components such as salt and vegetable oils.
In the past, it has been shown that peanut butter contains trans fatty acids and therefore the composition of peanut butter is different from peanuts.
Professor van den Brandt said the adverse health effects of salt and trans fatty acids could inhibit the protective effects of peanuts.
The research was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Our national disgrace ....

Something happened last week that should shake the conscience of every decent human being. 

There was a major attack on the Jewish Nation. No, it wasn’t rocket attack from Gaza or Lebanon. But it hit directly at the heart of our people. It happened right here in our capital, Jerusalem. 

But the most egregious part of this sad story, is that the major media didn’t even report on the event.

Last week around 50 Jewish graves were desecrated on Har Hazeisim. Almost an entire section of this historic cemetery was vandalized by terrorists and not a peep from the media or any government authority. 

How can we allow such a terrible deed to pass without protest? 

If such an anti-semitic attack were to have occurred in any Jewish cemetery in the world, there would have been a major backlash. It would have made headlines in the national news, but here in our capital, in our largest and oldest national cemetery, there was only a deafening silence.

This is a shanda
This is a national disgrace! Where are all our great political and religious leaders screaming out in pain? Shaking the system? Where is our wonderful free press that is tasked with the responsibility to inform the public? How can we continue like this, allowing our ancestral cemetery to be disgraced? 
What would be the response of the media or the US leadership if there were an attack on Arlington National Cemetery? Silence? I’m sure not!
I throw out these rhetorical questions in order to try and wake up our national pride. We can no longer continue to ignore these disgraceful attacks on our people, and our heritage. Enough is enough! Please spread the word. Share the story. Write to your local media and ask them to report on this. Write to your political leadership and demand an explanation! Demand a response!
If we don’t respect our most sacred burial place, then we have truly fallen to a new low.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Democrats' War on Women

"Carly for America" is calling out a Democrat for a “war on women” since he called GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “Cruella De Vil.”

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)
 attempted humor over the weekend by attacking the Republican presidential candidates at a Wisconsin Democratic Party event over the weekend.

“In fact, it is going to be so entertaining, in fact, I heard that Netflix is going to create a House of Cards special series just on the 2016 primary. It’s going to be called House of Cards: Jokers Gone Wild. Now, I’ve actually been leaked a casting presentation from the producers that I could share with you tonight if you’d like to see it, would you like that?” said Pocan.
His remarks were caught on video and posted to YouTube.
He continued:
Alright, lets, if we could, our first one, Kevin from The Office as Governor Mike Huckabee. Next, Will Ferrell from The Campaign as Governor Rick Perry, but now, don’t forget, you got to put glasses on him because now he’s smart. Next, Grandpa Munster as Senator 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
. That is really really scarily eerily similar. Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy as Senator 
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
. Cruella de Ville [sic] as Carly Fiorina. Will Ferrell in a second role as Senator Paul Rand [sic]. Alright, George W. Bush as Governor Jeb Bush as George W. Bush. Alfred E. Neuman as Senator 
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
. Oh, now that’s not nice, Jabba the Hutt as Governor Chris Christie, who put that in there, who put that in there, that’s just not nice. Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock as Governor Bobby Jindal, and finally a pair of flip-flops as Governor Scott Walker.
Carly Fiorina’s SuperPAC spokesperson responded to the attack.
“The real war on women is coming from Democrats who malign women who do not agree with their narrow minded, failed liberal orthodoxy. Carly is an inspiration to millions of Americans as a true glass ceiling breaker, and a pioneer in the business world. This baseless attack points to the effectiveness of Carly calling out the failed ideas and policies of liberals and to their fear in facing her next fall.” said Leslie Shedd, Carly for America Press Secretary.

For Charedi men, stock trading strikes a good balance in Israel

A haredi man trades stocks in Simple Trade’s shared workspace in Ramat Gan. (photo credit:SIMPLE TRADE)
Every afternoon after Aharon Rayner completes his daily Torah studies, he gets in his car, drives to Ramat Gan, logs onto a computer and starts buying and selling US stocks. The 30-year-old father of four who lives in the Charedi community of Elad trades for a few hours before going home to spend time with his wife and children.

Rayner’s decision to become a stock trader, where he can earn an average salary in just a handful of hours each day, is unusual among the ultra-Orthodox community, but it is gradually becoming less so; partly because, unlike many other professions, stock trading can accommodate the Charedi lifestyle.

“To me this is the ultimate solution. It combines Torah life with work and family perfectly,” said Rayner, whose red hair and beard stand out against his traditional black garb.

Integrating ultra-Orthodox Jews into the labor force, particularly men, is one of Israel’s most pressing long-term economic challenges. Due to their high birthrate, Charedim, who currently comprise about 10 percent of the population, are expected to account for 27% within 50 years, according to the Bank of Israel.

“If there isn’t a continuation of the process of rising participation rates of the Arab and ultra-Orthodox populations, the combined demographic changes are expected to reduce future annual growth by around 0.6 percentage point,” BoI Gov. Karnit Flug said in a speech last week, referencing Israel’s Arabs, whose low labor-force participation is as notoriously low as that of Charedim.

For ultra-Orthodox men, choosing to work instead of Torah study can elicit a backlash within their community.

Those who do want to work, however, find that their yeshiva education leaves them ill-equipped for good jobs.

Because most have families to support from a young age, the prospect of spending three years getting a college education is uninviting. Many have not taken the required psychometric matriculation exams for university study to begin with.

When a friend of Rayner’s told him he was going to learn how to trade stocks, he took the plunge too.

According to Dudu Roz, the founder of the day-trading school where Raynor learned the ropes, Simple Trade, just about 7% of his students are ultra-Orthodox (all men), but the flexibility the lifestyle affords them is a good fit.

“If we learn to accept the Charedi population as it is, we will get to the right solutions,” he said. “The Charedi community isn’t looking to get rich. Their priorities are study, family and then salaries,” Roz continued. Instead of sitting and trading all day, they prefer to come, make their money quickly and move on.

For Rayner, the fact that he can study Torah each morning and still have plenty of time to devote to his family is key.

“It’s the hours. You can maybe do a few trades a day and get $100-$200 a day, and that leaves you the evening to spend time with your family,” Rayner said.

A lifetime of religious discipline and adherence to rules is also helpful in a vocation where adrenaline can fly high and traders are often tempted to go against best practices.

“When a Charedi man learns the rules about what you are and aren’t supposed to do in trading, he is someone who knows how to control himself. He does what’s allowed and does not do what’s not allowed. It’s helpful in trading,” Rayner said.

Roz found that his model, which eases students into trading through a six-month course, gives them a mentor and, at the end, offers them a shared workspace to sit and trade together, works for Charedim. The fact that the office provides computers – which many ultra-Orthodox do not have in their homes – is an extra boost.

Despite the many qualities that drew Rayner into trading, there are still tough barriers to getting into the field. For one, the six-month training course can cost between NIS 2,500 and NIS 13,000. Beyond that, traders need to have a starting lump sum of money to trade with, usually at least NIS 10,000.

Furthermore, the social taboos are persistent. Despite having several friends who trade, Rayner said people keep quiet about it.

“People who trade don’t love to say it,” he said. “I won’t tell you that traders are shouting it in the street, because people start saying, ‘He must be earning millions.’” One friend realized he had been “discovered” by a member of the community when the two entered the same trading chat room.

Without wondering why a fellow ultra-Orthodox individual was also in the chat room, he panicked and changed his screen name.

But for Raynor, those challenges were easier to overcome than the alternative options – whether seeking a degree or taking out hefty loans to start a brick-and-mortar business.

Moreover, he cherishes the fact that he can support his family without having to give up Torah study.

“I’m trying to get my friends to understand that you can stay in the Torah world and be in the labor market and there’s no contradiction,” Rayner said. “I didn’t leave the yeshiva. I’m still there.”

EU has Israel sanctions ready, and Uncle Sam may not be able to help..but EU will lift sanctions on Iran!

Crazy headline but unfortunately true... the EU wants to immediately lift sanctions on the terrorist state of Iran but want to sanction Israel...
Euro-Pishers Flag, YM"S

Sounds like World War II.
The Europeans will go after the Jews and it's not certain that the U.S. can save Jews (or will want to do so).
The EU is asking us to commit national suicide or they will punish us.
They are the same bastards that killed so many of us in WWII, but The Europishers ought to realize: The days of the Jew in society addressing the Aryans as "yes, sir; no sir" are over. The days of the Jew in society bowing down to Arian's demands are over; the times of the Jew in society being led to the slaughter house without resistance are gone.
We, members of the People of Israel, i.e. the Jewish People, have no intention to bow down and kiss the soil on which our murderers stand.
We say to the Europeans: Never Again!!

Israel wishes to delay the signing of a nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, but not solely because such an agreement would be dangerous to the Jewish State.

The concern is that immediately following such an agreement, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will become the UN Security Council's and European Union's top priority, and the international community will be freed up to deal with the party it sees as responsible for the stagnation in the peace process - Israel.

This is the widely-held assumption in off-the-record conversations among diplomatic sources in New York and in Washington. "A diplomatic attack against Israel is expected soon that will surprise even the pessimists in Jerusalem," a senior Western diplomat toldThe Jerusalem Post's Hebrew-language sister publication, Ma'ariv. "In the Security Council, in western capitals and at EU headquarters, they are just waiting for the Iran deal to be signed and for it to be approved by the American Congress."

The estimate is that the forced period of waiting will end in September. Then, as the UN General Assembly opens, the signal will be given to start the diplomatic attack against Israel.

Diplomatic sources involved in the western European capitals' handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict say that the EU has already prepared documents which list a number of sanctions that will be levied against Israel in the fields of trade, agriculture, science and culture if Jerusalem does not soon present a diplomatic initiative that leads to a meaningful breakthrough toward a solution to the conflict.

"S‭enior officials in Jerusalem are aware of the existence of sanctions documents at EU headquarters, some of which have even fallen into their hands," a source told Ma'ariv. When US President Barack Obama said on numerous occasions recently that the US will have a difficult time defending Israel in international forums, he is referring especially to "the sanctions file" against Israel, which is waiting at EU headquarters.

The Americans are facing a difficult dilemma. The White House and the State Department are against interference by the Security Council and international forums  in diplomatic efforts to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a role that the Americans see as their own exclusively.

The White House has yet to decide on its response to the French draft resolution making the rounds at the Security Council, which Israel staunchly opposes, and Washington is still mulling its response to the EU sanctions plan.

Unfortunately, Western diplomats in New York say, the new Israeli government is not at all expected to present a new and daring diplomatic initiative. "The make-up of the government is such that no faction or minister will stand up to the lack of an initiative from Prime Minister Netanyahu," a diplomatic source in New York toldMa'ariv. "The coming months will be difficult for Israel. This time Israel will pay a heavy price for continued stagnation. This time, it is also uncertain if Uncle Sam will succeed in saving Israel, and maybe he won't want to do so."

Agudas Yisrael Stands Firm on Decision to Permit MA Program in Haifa Beis Yaakov ignoring Rav Steinman and Rav Kanievski

Moetzes Gedoilie Hatorah 
Finally Rabbonim are taking the bull by the horn and will permit women to get a Masters Degree so they can support their families...
They are ignoring the Litvisher "Gedoilim" Rav Shteinman, Rav Kanievski and the fanatical R' Shmuel Auerbach all of whom won't back this program and continue to  advocate poverty for kollel  families  and be totally dependent on tzedakeh!

After the condemnation in Yated Neeman of a master’s program equivalent in a Haifa Beis Yaakov affiliated with Agudas Yisrael, the latter has responded.

The story began on erev Shabbos 18 Sivan with a notice in the daily Hebrew Yated Neeman that the Moetzas Gedolei Torah approved a master’s program in the Haifa Beis Yaakov. 

Yated issued a clarification on Sunday that the Torah Council was that of Agudas Yisrael and not Degel Hatorah, explaining for as long as Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita does not approve such a program the litvish community will not back it.

On Monday morning 21 Sivan, the Teachers Certification Center affiliated with the Gur Chassidus seminar in Bnei Brak published a notice in the daily Hamodia, explaining it has approved a MA program equivalent in the Bnei Brak school, offering an array of courses towards a second degree.

Officials in Agudas Yisrael on Monday morning also released statements attacking the Yerushalmi faction and its affiliated HaPeles newspaper without mentioning it by name as HaPeles attacked the second degree programs and the Torah council’s decision.

The officials stated that the Torah Council of Agudas Yisrael is an independent body that acts as such and the admorim do not seek nor require the permission of anyone to reach such decisions. They further add in this case the admorim debated the second degree programs at length and reached their decision.
“The fact that someone in a certain newspaper thinks differently and thinks that under the guise of educational professionals it can divide between the admorim; such an act is unworthy of a response”.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Degel Hatorah doesn't approve Haifa Beis Yaakov MA Program, approved by Moetzas Gedolie ha'Torah!

You would think that "gedolei" yisroel would be jumping for joy that there is an MA program in a holy environment that would help Kollel families with parnassah! 
Nope! No such luck.... let's keep them in poverty, so we can control their lives, let them be dependent on the community, better that, then them being independent! Because once they again independence,  the "gedoilei" Yisroel will have no power over them...

Friday’s 18 Sivan edition of the hebrew Yated Neeman, announced the revolutionary program of the Beis Yaakov Seminar in Haifa, which is now offering a “Second degree program”, not saying a MA program (G-d forbid).

The notice in Yated explains the program is approved by the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah and Ministry of Education, set to begin in the 5776 academic year

In the Sunday edition of Yated there was a clarification distancing the newspaper from any approval for the program. It is explained the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah that approved the program is that of Agudas Yisrael and not Degel Hatorah.
Yated explains that a number of members of the Degel Torah Council made it clear they have not approved the Beis Yaakov program as many were erroneously led to believe from the erev Shabbos report.

Monsey: Chassidishe Family Escapes Early Morning Fire That Destroyed Home

A Chassidishe mother heading for the gym came upon a fire burning in the garage early Monday, woke her sleeping family and got them out of the house, a fire official said.
Responders found fire raging at 6 Dorchester Drive after the blaze was reported at 4:07 a.m. The mother, father and their 1-, 3- and 6-year-old children escaped uninjured.
The fire broke out in the garage in the split level home – beneath where the children were sleeping.
"If she didn't alert the sleeping kids in the bedroom above, we would have a whole different story here," Airmont Fire Inspector Kim Weppler told Dusiznies. He added, "They got really lucky here."
The garage sustained fire damage and most of the house sustained heat and smoke damage, Weppler said.
The cause of the fire was not immediately determined but it does not appear suspicious, Weppler said.