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Showing posts with label war on women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war on women. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Democrats' War on Women

"Carly for America" is calling out a Democrat for a “war on women” since he called GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “Cruella De Vil.”

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)
 attempted humor over the weekend by attacking the Republican presidential candidates at a Wisconsin Democratic Party event over the weekend.

“In fact, it is going to be so entertaining, in fact, I heard that Netflix is going to create a House of Cards special series just on the 2016 primary. It’s going to be called House of Cards: Jokers Gone Wild. Now, I’ve actually been leaked a casting presentation from the producers that I could share with you tonight if you’d like to see it, would you like that?” said Pocan.
His remarks were caught on video and posted to YouTube.
He continued:
Alright, lets, if we could, our first one, Kevin from The Office as Governor Mike Huckabee. Next, Will Ferrell from The Campaign as Governor Rick Perry, but now, don’t forget, you got to put glasses on him because now he’s smart. Next, Grandpa Munster as Senator 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
. That is really really scarily eerily similar. Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy as Senator 
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
. Cruella de Ville [sic] as Carly Fiorina. Will Ferrell in a second role as Senator Paul Rand [sic]. Alright, George W. Bush as Governor Jeb Bush as George W. Bush. Alfred E. Neuman as Senator 
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
. Oh, now that’s not nice, Jabba the Hutt as Governor Chris Christie, who put that in there, who put that in there, that’s just not nice. Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock as Governor Bobby Jindal, and finally a pair of flip-flops as Governor Scott Walker.
Carly Fiorina’s SuperPAC spokesperson responded to the attack.
“The real war on women is coming from Democrats who malign women who do not agree with their narrow minded, failed liberal orthodoxy. Carly is an inspiration to millions of Americans as a true glass ceiling breaker, and a pioneer in the business world. This baseless attack points to the effectiveness of Carly calling out the failed ideas and policies of liberals and to their fear in facing her next fall.” said Leslie Shedd, Carly for America Press Secretary.