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Showing posts with label Rav Shteinman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rav Shteinman. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Agudas Yisrael Stands Firm on Decision to Permit MA Program in Haifa Beis Yaakov ignoring Rav Steinman and Rav Kanievski

Moetzes Gedoilie Hatorah 
Finally Rabbonim are taking the bull by the horn and will permit women to get a Masters Degree so they can support their families...
They are ignoring the Litvisher "Gedoilim" Rav Shteinman, Rav Kanievski and the fanatical R' Shmuel Auerbach all of whom won't back this program and continue to  advocate poverty for kollel  families  and be totally dependent on tzedakeh!

After the condemnation in Yated Neeman of a master’s program equivalent in a Haifa Beis Yaakov affiliated with Agudas Yisrael, the latter has responded.

The story began on erev Shabbos 18 Sivan with a notice in the daily Hebrew Yated Neeman that the Moetzas Gedolei Torah approved a master’s program in the Haifa Beis Yaakov. 

Yated issued a clarification on Sunday that the Torah Council was that of Agudas Yisrael and not Degel Hatorah, explaining for as long as Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita does not approve such a program the litvish community will not back it.

On Monday morning 21 Sivan, the Teachers Certification Center affiliated with the Gur Chassidus seminar in Bnei Brak published a notice in the daily Hamodia, explaining it has approved a MA program equivalent in the Bnei Brak school, offering an array of courses towards a second degree.

Officials in Agudas Yisrael on Monday morning also released statements attacking the Yerushalmi faction and its affiliated HaPeles newspaper without mentioning it by name as HaPeles attacked the second degree programs and the Torah council’s decision.

The officials stated that the Torah Council of Agudas Yisrael is an independent body that acts as such and the admorim do not seek nor require the permission of anyone to reach such decisions. They further add in this case the admorim debated the second degree programs at length and reached their decision.
“The fact that someone in a certain newspaper thinks differently and thinks that under the guise of educational professionals it can divide between the admorim; such an act is unworthy of a response”.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Rav Shmuel Auerbach Continues His Campaign of Machlokas against other Gedoilim

Let's face it .....Rav Shmuel Auerbach is a fanatic .. and it's his way or the highway. 
He doesn't care if he opposes "Daas Torah" of Rav Kanievsky and Rab Shteinman, .... he has his own "Daas Torah!"

So please never ever tell me that this is "Daas Torah" or that is "Daas Torah"

Daas Torah, my friends is to vote Likud! Yup...you heard it here first!
Voting for Likud is Daas Torah, don't waste your vote for the frum hypocrites!

Shas and other frum parties are following the position of  "gedoilim," and the "gedoilim" have indicated that they would sit with Tzippy Livni in a coalition, if she should G-d forbid get the upper hand..
They ignore the position of  Tzippy Livni that has repeatedly said; that she is ready to have the Arab parties join her coalition... 
and they ignore that she has said numerous times that she is prepared to give back parts of Eretz Yisroel to the Arabs, the land that G-d gave to us.

But the Gedoilim don't seem to care as long as Tzippy doesn't give back Ponovitz, Brisk, Mir .. etc..

That's the shita of today's "Gedoilim"!

So here is the latest low-down!

**Rav Auerbach has said that you get an Aveirah if you vote Gimmel....

**Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman said that you get an Aveirah if you don't vote Gimmel!

**Satmar says it's an Aveirah if you vote for anyone!

** You are all going to hell, whatever you do according to the "gedoilim" 

Meanwhile, the "Chachomim" in Bnei Brak invited the fanatic R' Auerbach  to the massive Degel Hatorah kinnos which drew a staggering crowd of 100,000, according to some estimates, 
with Gedolei Hador  Rav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Nissim Karelitz, in attendance, but they didn't succeed to change the "godel's" stubborn mind.

Gedolim, have instructed the tzibur to vote Gimmel, Yahadut Hatorah, in next week’s elections for 20th Knesset.

Rav Auerbach  believes Degel is abandoning the correct path and while the door to cooperation has not been closed and locked, with days remaining to the elections it is difficult to know what he will do. 
He wants Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman to come crawling to him and beg him to endorse Gimmel. 

At present it appears that a boycott of the elections is the likely scenario. HaPeles, R' Auerbach's mouthpiece  newspaper quotes Rav Auerbach saying that if one supports those (R' Kanievsky and R' Shteinman)who are implementing these unacceptable changes, he has a hand in one performing an aveira. -

So there you have it in a nutshell!

But they all agree that you can't have an Iphone....
Moshiach where are you?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Rav Shteinman stands alone with "common sense"

There is a sefer online that is called Peninim V'hanhagos. It was actually published to show that Rav Shteinman is not a Gadol but some freak of nature that thinks like a "pusheter baal buse.. 

It goes on to list the sayings and customs of various different Rabbonim, and is actually organized by topics, such as Shabbos, Kiruv etc. 

A blogger that calls himself @GroynemOx actually gleaned and translated some of the comments of this sefer that was supposed to denigrate Rav Shteinman...

Read this and see how practical Rav Shteinman actually is!

  1. During the Indian hair wigs situation, when it was learned that hair was used for idol worship, R Shteinman declared that there is no need to worry about this or to change your wig, and about the concern he said, "this is nareshkeit (nonsense)" 
  2. R Shteinman opines that the nusach of the siddur isnt exact and therefor when necessary it can be changed. For 'hataras nedarim' on New Year's eve he authored a shorter version so he could save time on that holy day.
  3. R Shteinman said, "people make a big deal out of the esrog but it isnt l'shem shamayim, esrog is an acronym (in hebrew) for 'al tavuni regel gavah', people search for an esrog for haughtiness and not for the mitzva.
  4. When a young yeshiva student died suddenly, the deceased friends asked R Shteinman  in what matter  they should strengthen themselves as a reaction to the death. R Shteinman responded that it is a normal occurrence that sometimes young people pass away. When the friends asked him about the Rambam who wrote that someone who doesnt mourn death should be worried and investigate what is wrong with himself, R Shteinman replied that the Rambam was referring to major disasters.
  5. At a panel discussing education, R Shteinman said that not everyone is capable of teaching (referring to people who obtain positions through nepotism), "we see Avroham had a son Yishmael."
  6. Regarding the custom of kissing a mezuzah, R Shteinman asked "what is the purpose of this custom? You think just because you touch a mezuza it makes you holy?"
  7. Regarding the statement in Nefesh Hachayim (by R Chaim of Volozhin) that were there to be a second wherein not a single person in the world was learning Torah the world would immediately be destroyed, R Shteinman said that this isnt correct, since fulfilling mitzvos also keeps the world running, even when we eat or sleep it counts since it is done to help in our service of hashem. Its likely that R Chaim of Volozhin was just exaggerating to make a point.
  8. R Steinman added we see from two sources (Avos 6:2 and Sukka 45b) that there were times when no body in the world was learning. 
  9. While speaking to student R Steinman said that one shouldn't be discouraged that their learning is weaker in middle of the year than it is at the beginning, since this is the nature of things. Even the Rashba's essays get shorter as he gets further into each gemora tractate. 
  10. Regarding what it states in Chovos Halevosos and is quoted in Shmiras Ha'lashon that someone who speaks loshon ha'ra acquires the sins of his victim, R Shteinman asked "from where did they get this? there is no source for this idea in tradition and it is very strange and odd to say such a thing."
  11. R Shteinman was asked if it can be repeated in his name that that since all kollel students have cell phones that the phones should be kept off during yeshiva hours. He answered that we cant know why someone has a phone, perhaps his wife needs him to have one....a person can decide for himself how to behave here but under no circumstance should it be to the detriment of his wife. 
  12. Someone asked R Shteinman whether they should avoid kiruv since they will see immodestly dressed women, he responded by quoting the Talmud: "who is a pious fool? someone who sees a women drowning in a river and says it isnt proper to look at her and to save her"
  13. R Shteinman says often that in our time the merit from learning Torah isnt as great as it used to be since we dont learn for its own sake. He added at one occasion, "who says our learning is even considered learning? Perhaps our ideas are wrong"
  14. Unlike how most people feel that the world was created for Torah study, R Shteinman says that the world was created to perform kindness. 
  15. Several yeshiva heads asked R Shteinman whether they should allow their students to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashana. He replied, "im certain that among all the people, there is at least one minyan of people davening properly, so its certainly a merit if they join that minyan"