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Showing posts with label daas torah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daas torah. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Rav Shmuel Auerbach Continues His Campaign of Machlokas against other Gedoilim

Let's face it .....Rav Shmuel Auerbach is a fanatic .. and it's his way or the highway. 
He doesn't care if he opposes "Daas Torah" of Rav Kanievsky and Rab Shteinman, .... he has his own "Daas Torah!"

So please never ever tell me that this is "Daas Torah" or that is "Daas Torah"

Daas Torah, my friends is to vote Likud! Yup...you heard it here first!
Voting for Likud is Daas Torah, don't waste your vote for the frum hypocrites!

Shas and other frum parties are following the position of  "gedoilim," and the "gedoilim" have indicated that they would sit with Tzippy Livni in a coalition, if she should G-d forbid get the upper hand..
They ignore the position of  Tzippy Livni that has repeatedly said; that she is ready to have the Arab parties join her coalition... 
and they ignore that she has said numerous times that she is prepared to give back parts of Eretz Yisroel to the Arabs, the land that G-d gave to us.

But the Gedoilim don't seem to care as long as Tzippy doesn't give back Ponovitz, Brisk, Mir .. etc..

That's the shita of today's "Gedoilim"!

So here is the latest low-down!

**Rav Auerbach has said that you get an Aveirah if you vote Gimmel....

**Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman said that you get an Aveirah if you don't vote Gimmel!

**Satmar says it's an Aveirah if you vote for anyone!

** You are all going to hell, whatever you do according to the "gedoilim" 

Meanwhile, the "Chachomim" in Bnei Brak invited the fanatic R' Auerbach  to the massive Degel Hatorah kinnos which drew a staggering crowd of 100,000, according to some estimates, 
with Gedolei Hador  Rav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Nissim Karelitz, in attendance, but they didn't succeed to change the "godel's" stubborn mind.

Gedolim, have instructed the tzibur to vote Gimmel, Yahadut Hatorah, in next week’s elections for 20th Knesset.

Rav Auerbach  believes Degel is abandoning the correct path and while the door to cooperation has not been closed and locked, with days remaining to the elections it is difficult to know what he will do. 
He wants Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman to come crawling to him and beg him to endorse Gimmel. 

At present it appears that a boycott of the elections is the likely scenario. HaPeles, R' Auerbach's mouthpiece  newspaper quotes Rav Auerbach saying that if one supports those (R' Kanievsky and R' Shteinman)who are implementing these unacceptable changes, he has a hand in one performing an aveira. -

So there you have it in a nutshell!

But they all agree that you can't have an Iphone....
Moshiach where are you?