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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Reading "Der Blatt" is reading Al-Jazeera

This week's edition of Der Blatt, a Satmar (Aronie) Yiddish Newspaper, had pages of photos of Palestinians standing by their bombed out houses! 
There were no pictures in the entire edition of Der Blatt of  bombed out Jewish homes 
There were no pictures of little Jewish boys sobbing as they watch their fathers being buried. 
There were no pictures in the entire edition of Der Blatt of the widows of the Jewish soldiers, but they managed publishing photos of Arabs mourning their bombed houses! 
Don't anybody ever tell me about Satmar "Chesed"!
Can anyone tell me the difference between the Satmar reporting and Al-jazeera?
The by-line reads that the State of Israel is violating the precept of "Hisgarus B'umois" by criticizing Secretary of State Kerry!
On an another page they write that the State of Israel violated the Ceasefire?????????????????????

Friday, August 1, 2014

Kidnapped Soldier was a Yeshiva Student

 Sources are reporting that the captured israel Lieutenant, 23 year-old Hadar Goldin, hails from a family of British immigrants and is a cousin to Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon.

THEPOST.co.il (http://bit.ly/UQf84d) reports that Lt. Goldin also has a twin brother Citrus with whom he graduated the IDF’s officer’s academy last October, and two months ago he became engaged.

At the Goldin family home this morning in Kfar Sava, where Hadar and Citrus’ parents live along with their two siblings, a family friend told reporters that the Goldin family is concerned and hoping for Hadar’s safe return.
“The parents who are Orthodox Jews from the religious Zionists party are very optimistic and are hoping for the best,” the friend said, while adding that the family is in shock over the news involving Hadar, who he described as a “charming guy” and a “musician in addition to being an officer.”
IDF counselors and medical specialists have also arrived to aid the Goldin family as they await any word on Hadar.
Sources say Hadar and his twin brother Citrus have been inseparable almost their entire lives, having studied together at Bar Ilan elementary school and then attendeding a yeshiva high school before joining the army.
The brothers also spent years together serving as youth counselors in Bnei Akiva until, for the first time in their lives, they were separated by their IDF assignments following officers’ school graduation.
The brothers explained their first time separation during an interview last October immediately following graduation, saying that despite being apart for the first time they hoped they could continue to meet at home with their family to observe Shabbat on certain Fridays.
During that interview, Hadar explained how much his relationship with his twin brother meant to him during officer’s training.
“We had to complete many tests that would have left a lot of other guys not knowing what to do, but because my brother and I have done so much learning together we both knew exactly what the other was thinking. What better way to understand the material when you’ve done as much learning together as we have.”
The brothers also spoke proudly of their family, saying, “We grew up with a love for the people and the country, even our grandparents participated in and survived the War ofI Independence, and our father is a reserve battalion commander. Our family has always stressed living good lives, with a lot of love and especially a lot of education so that we will know how to make good decisions.”

UN Condemns Israel's Latest War Crime: Not Sharing Iron Dome with Hamas?

The UN's top human rights official again condemned Israel for its military actions to stop Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, accusing the Jewish state of “deliberately defying International Law... in a way that may constitute war crimes.”

Navi Pillay told reporters following yet another "emergency" meeting of the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council that Israel was not doing enough to protect civilians. "There is a strong possibility,” said the known Israel critic, “that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes.”

Among the UN’s long bill of particulars against the beleaguered Jewish state comes the almost unbelievable accusation that Israel’s refusal to share its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense shield with the "governing authority" of Gaza – i.e. Hamas, the terror group created to pursue the extermination of the Jewish state and now waging a terrorist war against it – constitutes a war crime against the civilians of Gaza.

The UN chairwoman criticized the U.S. for helping fund Israel's Iron Dome system which has saved countless Israeli and Palestinian lives. "No such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling," she said.

Just because Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately aimed at Israeli civilian population centers without provocation and fires them from within its own population centers does not “absolve” Israel from its own legal violations, Pillay told reporters Thursday.

Marking the end of her contentious, six-year term as chairman of the notoriously anti-Israel UNHRC, Pillay saved her harshest condemnations for what she termed Israeli "targeting" of UN-run schools and hospitals in Gaza. She did not mention, nor was she reminded by any of the reporters present, that as of this writing, at least three UN-run schools in Gaza have been used as rocket warehouses, a gross violation of international law that clearly falls within the category of war crimes. Neither did she mention, nor was she reminded, that in at least two of the three cases cited above, the terror rockets found on UN property in Gaza were returned to Hamas by the UN.
"What I'm seeing now is a recurrence of the very acts that the Gaza fact-finding mission indicated as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity," she said.

The UN’s Human Rights Council has long been a source of deep embarrassment to some UN supporters all-too-conscious that the council is widely regarded as a cesspool of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred, manipulated by the world’s very worst human rights abusers to cover up their own gross abuses of human rights by scapegoating Israel.

Current members of the UN Human Rights Council include China, Russia, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia. Iran and North Korea have been recent active members of the body. So execrable were the actions and abuses of the UNHRC in the past that the body was in fact disbanded in 2006 after the late terrorist leader of Libya Muammar Gaddafi was elected President of the Council.

While Israel is the only country in the world that remains a standing agenda item at every session, the human rights body has to date said nothing about the recent Russian-backed shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, nor has it condemned the ongoing mass killings in Syria or South Sudan. North Korea, China, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan, or Iran, all recent or current members of the council, have never been condemned by it.

The UNHRC has never formally mentioned “Hamas” by name, let alone condemned it.

From 2006 through 2012, Israel was formally condemned by the UNHRC at least 47 times.

Lt. Hadar Goldin captured by Hamas in Israel by Gaza Border!

A Hamas attack on IDF soldiers in southern Gaza, which occurred an hour and a half after the start of a humanitarian truce, ended with the  kidnapping of a soldier, the IDF said . 

Second Lt. Hadar Goldin, a 23-year-old Givati officer from Kfar Saba, was named as the IDF soldier presumed to be abducted by Hamas. His family has been notified. 

Two other soldiers were killed during the incident. Their families have been notified.

Terrorists emerged from a tunnel shaft, and a suicide bomber detonated himself in the vicinity of soldiers. Heavy exchanges of fire ensued, before one of the IDF soldiers was kidnapped, a senior army source said.

The IDF said the incident occurred at 9:30 a.m., but a spokesman for Hamas's military wing claimed the terrorists came out of the tunnel and took part in the ensuing gunfight at 7:00 a.m.

"The incident is ongoing, and the IDF is in the midst of operational and intelligence efforts to track down the soldier," the army added. 

The statement came after Palestinians reported heavy exchanges of fire in southern Gaza, in which several Hamas attackers were reportedly killed in IDF return fire. 

Around 10 a.m. rocket and artillery fire resumed, bringing an end to the 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire brokered by the UN and the US that went into effect just two hours prior.

Palestinian media reported heavy casualties, with at least 40 dead, according to local sources. Rocket fire continued to hound southern Israel.

The IDF attacked 50 Hamas targets across Gaza overnight between Thursday and Friday, including rocket launch zones, and targets that were hit by the navy and infantry in a combined attack. 

Two terrorists seen near a tunnel were killed by Paratroopers. The Israel Air Force struck an Islamic Jihad control room, killing two terrorists. Meanwhile, Givati infantry units uncovered two tunnel shafts and destroyed them. Secondary explosions were seen in the blast.

On Thursday, five IDF soldiers were killed in a mortar attack in Eshkol Regional Council on the Israeli side of the Gaza border.

They were named as Sergeant First Class (res.) Daniel Marash, 22, of Rishon Lezion, Capt. Omri Tal, 22, from Yehud, St.-Sgt. Shay Kushnir, 20, of Kiryat Motzkin, St.-Sgt. Noam Rosenthal, 20, from Meitar, and Capt. (res.) Liran Adir (Edry), 31, of Ezuz.

Chassidishe Monsey Molester gropes lady in Nyack

This Tzaddik groped a lady in Nyack at the Art Cafe, today.
 Nyack is a town 10 minute drive from Monsey.
If anyone knows this guy, either e-mail us Dusiznies@aol.com
or call the Police directly!

Disney Heiress Withdraws Investment from Israel

Abigail Disney


Abigail Disney, Walt’s great-niece and heiress, has just withdrawn her 12 million dollar investment in the Israeli Company Ahava because, she says, it is “stealing minerals” from an “Occupied West Bank.” 

Ms. Disney believes this violates both the 1970 Hague Convention and the Geneva Convention “by exploiting natural resources in occupied territories.”

Well—not exactly, and not so fast.
Disney is not actually withdrawing a penny for “complicated financial reasons.” She has decided to “donate the profits, as well as funds equal to the value of her shares in the Dead Sea minerals cosmetics firm Ahava, to groups working to end this illegal exploitation."

Serious Israeli (and non-Israeli) legal experts view the territories as “disputed” not “occupied”—but let’s not quibble.

Ms. Disney may not know it, but she has now become an honorary member and poster child for the anti-peace women’s “peace” group: Code Pink. This is a group which supports the government of Iran, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Fort Hood shooter, and many other such “peaceful” groups and individuals. 

One of their more high-profile targets is Ahava Cosmetics.
Perhaps Ms. Disney does not fully understand who her new allies really are.

For at least six-seven years, the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment campaign has targeted Israel’s beauty and cosmetic line, Ahava. 

Code Pink jumped right in and launched many creative and obnoxious demonstrations. 
In 2009, Code Pink members demonstrated in the Ahava store in the Tel Aviv Hilton. They smeared mud on their chests and holding signs that read: Stolen Beauty and “There is Nothing Beautiful About Occupation.”

In 2011, Code Pink was successful in getting The Bay, a large Canadian chain of stores, to drop Ahava Products. Their campaign is global and ongoing, and often successful. 

Their first victory consisted of having Oxfam’s Goodwill Ambassador, Kristin Davis, (Sex and the City), suspend her publicity work for them given her affiliation with Ahava; they have gotten London to investigate the “legality” of Ahava’s labeling, blockaded Ahava’s flagship store in London more than five times; and convinced the Dutch Foreign Ministry to launch an investigation of Ahava’s “business methods.”

The ironic thing is that West Bank companies tend to employ Arabs (both Israeli citizens and Palestinians). When such firms are boycotted, their employees suffer.

Soda Stream, another Israeli company situated in the West Bank, employs 950 Arabs (450 Arab Israeli citizens, 500 Palestinians).
 In 2014, after protests about not being allowed to bring in their own food after Ramadan-- home-bought food is prohibited for everyone-- sixty of the 950 Arabs were fired.

I mention this because Israeli companies actually employ Arabs (Israeli citizens and West Bank Palestinians); and Israelis start successful companies (Yes, they are the descendants of Jews who cleared the swamps and build a modern nation out of sand and rock).

We all know what the Gazan Palestinians did to the greenhouses that Israel left standing when it pulled out of Gaza completely. They destroyed them. They did not continue to use them to supply food to their people or to export food for commercial gain.
I hope Ms. Disney changes her mind. In fact, I hope all Hollywood changes its mind about who the real “Nazis,” fascists, totalitarians, barbarians, misogynists, and racists really are today.
And it is not Israel.

Letter to Kerry from a former White House Official

Lawrence J. Haas, a former senior White House official and award-winning journalist, is Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the American Foreign Policy Council

Dear Mr. Secretary,
I was struck by your recent observation about the Israel-Hamas conflict: “The world is watching tragic moment after tragic moment unfold and wondering when both sides are going to come to their senses.”

I can only imagine your dismay, in light of the hopes that President Obama and you had placed in Israeli-Palestinian peace, and all of your jet-setting, tongue-flapping and arm-twisting to make it happen. To encourage both sides to come to their “senses,” however, I suggest that not only do they have important roles to play. So, too, do you.

You might begin by recognizing, and speaking openly about, the profound differences between a pluralistic democratic state and a Jew-hating terrorist organization; between America’s most important regional ally and one of America’s fiercest enemies; between a country that shares our values and a genocidal terrorist entity that fully rejects them; and between a government that’s accountable to its people and a brutal dictatorship that isn’t.

You might then stop trying to negotiate cease-fires for the Israel-Hamas conflict with Qatar, which supports and funds Hamas (and with which Washington just inked a huge arms deal), and Turkey, which also supports Hamas and whose increasingly Islamist government routinely accuses Israel of genocide – while leaving Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Egypt out of the room. 

As you must know, Israel is our ally, the Palestinian Authority is the comparatively moderate Palestinian entity that we prefer over Hamas, and Egypt shares both a border with Gaza and security concerns with Israel about Hamas. And as you might suspect, Israeli officials resent your efforts to impose a cease-fire on them from the outside, as if they themselves don’t know what’s best for their own security.

You might, at the same time, stop crafting cease-fire proposals that give Hamas (remember: a Jew-hating terror group and sworn U.S. enemy) essentially everything it wants while addressing none of the legitimate security concerns of Israel (remember: our key regional ally and fellow democracy that shares our values).

Israel, which rejected the cease fire you cooked up with Qatar and Turkey, couldn’t help but notice that, as the Times of Israel reported, the deal called for easing restrictions on people and goods from Gaza to Israel; expanding fishing zones for Gaza; opening a crossing from Gaza to Egypt; and paying Gazan government employees. Israel could keep its troops in Gaza, but it couldn’t keep destroying Hamas’s threatening tunnels nor conduct any other “military or security” operations to defang Hamas.

Nor could Israel help but notice that the deal called for negotiations in Cairo between Israel and “the Palestinian factions” (presumably including the genocidal Hamas) to craft a longer-term solution that opened more Israel-Gaza border crossings, secured more movement of people and goods through them, improved the economic and social livelihood of Gazans and addressed all security issues.

You see, Mr. Secretary, Israel officials were miffed that, in your deal-making with Doha and Ankara, you addressed Hamas’ demands in detail while offering only vague references to “all security issues.” As you might imagine, they think it reflects your longstanding approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as your recent mocking of Israeli efforts to deliver “pinpoint” attacks on Hamas.

In essence, Mr. Secretary, to set the right tone to address the Israel-Hamas conflict, you might stop equating Israeli humanity with Islamic barbarism – and, most maddening of all, tilting toward the latter.
Lawrence J. Haas, former communications director for Vice President Al Gore, is a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council.
The above article was first published By U.S. News & World Report On July 29, 2014, Republished with the author’s permission

Chicage Bais Din Stands by their Psak, No Girl Should attend any of Meisels Seminaries!

It is rare for a Beis Din in America to reject the psak of a respected Beis Din in Beni Brak. But that is exactly what they have done. 
Remember that the Special Beis Din consisted of some of the most respected Rabbonim/Dayanim in all of Chicago. Their Hashkafos run from Centrist to Charedi. An Agudah Dayan, the Av Beis Din of the RCA, and the Rosh Kolllel of the Choshen Mishpat Kollel here in Chicago were the 3 Dayanim on this case. And they all rejected the conclusions of the Bnei Brak Beis Din in a published letter. 

Mr. Meisels

From Yerachmiel Lopin’s blog, here is what they said: 
We stand by our July 10 statement that we do not recommend prospective students attend these seminaries, and also note, based on evidence including testimony by victims and staff and admissions by Elimelech Meisels, our conclusion that certain senior staff members failed in their responsibilities toward students. 
This statement was not written by some hot-headed blogger with an anti Charedi agenda. It was written by some of the most respected Rabbonim in America.

The Bnei Brak Beis Din has said not to listen to the ‘naysayers’ since they do not know all of the facts. The problem is that the Chicago ‘naysayers’ not only know the facts, but spent an enormously greater amount of time studying them. I think we must all conclude that the Bnei Brak Beis Din has grievously erred here. Here is a point by point refutation of their ‘Psak’:

1) It is unclear as to whether these seminaries are safe even now after Meisels has sold them to one of his friends.

2) The staff may be incredible but despite their many legitimate successes with vast numbers of students, they nonetheless failed some of them miserably. They can no longer be trusted with the safety of their students.

3) Touro (and HTC) should not restore their relationship with these seminaries.

4) Since these schools are no longer recommended, other schools have a right, and perhaps a responsibility to recruit students from those schools. The claim by the Bnei Brak Beis Din that it is forbidden by Halacha to do so is based on their erroneous conclusions.

5) Slander and defamation is normally prohibited, unless there is a Toeles… a purpose that will protect people from harm. In the case of these seminaries, it is fair to say that the teachers who allowed this kind of thing to go on by looking the other way even though they suspected something are not the kind of teachers you want teaching your daughters anything!

6) Those that have intervened – specifically the Special Beis Din - should most definitely NOT be ignored. They not only have the facts, but they know them better than the Bnei Brak Beis Din does.

I realize that the Bnei Brak Beis Din wants to protect the livelihoods and reputations of those teachers. I’m sure those teachers are all fine people who otherwise deserve the accolades they have gotten in the past from students, parents, and now the Bnei Brak Beis Din. But the judgment of these teachers on this issue was at best foolish and at worst self centered.

By saying that these teachers failed in their responsibilities to their students - the Special Beis Din determined that these teachers did not do or say anything about their suspicions. Why? Who knows... but it is not a stretch to believe that they were quiet because they did not want to rock any boats.  Whistle blowers tend to get fired very quickly. Losing their jobs by reporting suspicions about their boss was certainly something to worry about. So they ignored the suspicious scenarios they saw.  Ignoring suspected sexual abuse because of the fear of losing one’s job does not deserve to be rewarded.

This is a very significant development. The 3 Chicago Rabbonim have decided to speak truth to power. They have stood on principle and sided against the conventional wisdom of sympathy for the institution and protecting the reputations of their staff.  Yes those teachers will be hurt. Sadly so will their families who are innocent of any wrong doing. But they will all survive. These 3 Rabbonim have instead sided with justice for the victims and the protection of our daughters. God bless them. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Satmar excommunicates owner of Pomegranate Grocery, because he is a Satmar Tziyoinie

Excommunication Letter Against Pomegranate Grocery Owner
One of the owners of the Pomegranate Grocery in Flatbush is a Satmar Chasid. Two weeks ago, one of his employees, a Satmar Chasid, made an anti-Israel remark, and caused customers to stop shopping in the store. 

The owner did the right thing and fired the Satmar skunk, and put up a sign in the store that Pomegranate supports Israel and its war against Gaza.

Bad mistake!
The Romanian Satmar Mafia, put signs all over Brooklyn, that he is a traitor to the irrelevant crazy Satmar "Shita,"  that he, a Satmar Chassid "sold the entire Torah" by firing a self hating Jew, posting a pro Jewish sign in the store, and caused a "Chillul Hashem that will remain to the end of days, because he agreed with the Avoda Zara (State of Israel), and because his customers will now see that a Satmar Chasid can and will forgo the entire (irrelevant) Satmar Shita for a couple of dollars"

They put him in Cheirim until he apologizes to the long deceased Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoel Teitelbaum z"l!

Question: What do we want from the entire world, that advocates the  boycott of Israel, when we have people that are Shomrei Torah Umitzvos that hate the State of Israel, and are willing to turn over the State to the blood thirsty terrorists? 
What do they want ? They want ISIS to take over? 
What's the plan? Satmar? 


France will shut down the JDL because the Arabs are beating up the Jews,?

Now you know why we need a Jewish Army!
They are shutting down an organization that tries to defend the French Jews, but they look away when Arabs beat up Jews??

Following a string of pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have turned violent , the French government is blaming a radical Jewish group known as the Jewish Defense League, or LDJ, for the violence and is actively pursuing legal avenues in an attempt to shut the group down.

AFP reports that sources say authorities believe it has been an active LDJ presence at pro-Palestinian rallies that has resulted in fights and arrests, including a July 13 clash outside a synagogue that resulted in a ban on any further pro-Palestinian rallies.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said last week that that LDJ’s actions were “excessive” and “should be condemned.”

A source said the French extremely fine analysis of the law” in its attempt to disband the group.

LDJ has denied breaking any laws and said it is currently planning a pro-Israel rally.

LDJ was labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S.‘s FBI in 2001, and has largely been ostracized by France’s over-500,000 member Jewish community.government is “carrying out an  extremely fine analysis of the law” in its attempt to disband the group.

Arab Neighbors Back Israel In Gaza Conflict

Due to an increasing fear of political Islam in the region, many of Israel’s Arab neighbors are aligning themselves with the Jewish state this time around in its efforts to eradicate Hamas’ presence in Gaza.
US Secretary of State John Kerry (2-R) and Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi (2-L) with their respective delegations meet for talks in Cairo, Egypt, 22 July 2014

The NY Times (http://nyti.ms/1qpLg91) reports that as part of a newly formed coalition with Egypt, leaders from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have not officially come out in supports of Israel, but through their continued backing of proposed Egyptian ceasefires—-which to date have leaned heavily towards meeting only the demands of Israel—-they have sent a de facto message of support.

The unofficial gag-order currently in place among Arab nations with regard to the continued blood-shed of fellow Arabs in Gaza has left Middle East experts in awe.

Former U. S. presidential Middle East negotiator Aaron David Miller said, “The Arab states’ loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy to Benjamin Netanyahu. I have never seen a situation like it, where you have so many Arab states acquiescing in the death and destruction in Gaza and the pummeling of Hamas. The silence is deafening.”

Agudah is busy with the Dead, while the IDF is busy protecting the living!

This is too bizarre for words!
Jews throughout Israel are cowering in their shelters, and instead of making a pro-Israel rally in lower Manhattan, they are busy with cemeteries.

We know that Agudah can muster tremendous crowds; witness the disgraceful "Yom Tefillah" that they organized in Lower Manhattan just a few months ago. 

Where are they now?  Why is it ok now to say thillim secretly in their prospective shuls? Why arn't they organizing the masses to show the world that we are 100% behind our brothers and sisters in the land that G-D gave us????

The United States Senate has passed, by unanimous consent, legislation that seeks to protect cemeteries abroad from vandalism and desecration.  Agudath Israel of America is applauding passage of the bill, which was introduced by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Senator James Risch (R-ID).  The measure has already been approved by the House of Representatives, where it was sponsored by Representative Grace Meng (D-NY), and is now headed to the President’s desk for signature.

Obama finally admits that he is a Muslim? Video

See for yourself! In Obama's own words!

Britain's largest supermarket chain Tesco, founded by Jews, pulls West Bank products from shelves,

Britain's largest supermarket chain, founded by Jews, announced that it will no longer sell products from the West Bank.

Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen.

Tesco emphasized that the decision was not politically motivated and not related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

“It was made as part of a regular review process,” the company said.

As part of the boycott, Tesco asked two health and beauty products companies to provide a list of all their products and ingredients imported from Israel and the Palestinian territories.

“We have received some questions from customers about the products we sell, which are obtained from Israel or the West Bank,” the Tesco spokesperson said.

“To make sure that we answered their questions with the most accurate and updated information, we contacted suppliers to corroborate our own data, particularly for branded products,” the spokesperson also said

Kiryas Yoel "Shul Maintenance Worker" has Sexual Relationship with 15 year old boy

But it's ok, because he is not a "Tzionie" and did "Chesed" with the 15 year old boy!

Government that Satmar would prefer in Israel! Video

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

List Of IDF Soldiers Injured In Operation Protective Edge

Turkey Govt will not allow 'Women to Laugh in Public'

A minister in Recep Tayyip Erdogan's conservative government has outraged Turkey's secular community by claiming that honest women should not laugh in public.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arınc also urged women and men to be chaste during a meeting of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) held during Turkey's celebration of Eid, the day marking the end of Islam's holy month of Ramadan.
"Chastity is so important. It is not only a name. It is an ornament for both women and men," Arınc said, according to Hurriyet daily newspaper.

Praising traditional values, the 66-year-old politician listed some rules women should abide to, saying:
 "She will not laugh in public. She will not make display of her attractiveness."

Arınc also lambasted racy TV shows and series, saying they are turning the young into a generation of "sex addicts" and claimed easy access to pornography online was causing moral decay in Turkish society.

Opposition leader Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu tweeted: "What our country needs the most is to hear the merry laugher of our women and of everyone else."

In recent years, Erdogan's government has implemented a religious conservative agenda that included, for example, the adoption of stricter rules on alcohol consumption and abortion.
Ihsanoglu is running against the current prime minister in Turkey's Presidential elections that are to be held in August.

NYPD Looking For 2 Black Suspects In Robbery On Ave M & East 18th Street VIDEO

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance with the whereabouts and identity of the following individual’s wanted in connection to a robbery in the confines of the 70th Precinct. The circumstances are as follows:
On Sunday, July 27th, 2014 at approximately 9:40PM two black males followed a 18 year old female into her apartment building in the vicinity of Avenue M and East 18th Street in the Midwood section of Brooklyn. 
The suspects then pulled the victim out of the elevator, punched and kicked her and removed her purse. They fled the location.

The suspects are described as: 
 1) a male black, 20 to 25 years of age, wearing a black t-shirt and multi-colored pants 
 2) a male black, late teens to early 20′s, approx. 240 pounds, wearing an orange t-shirt, beige shorts and a backpack 

 A video is attached. 

 Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

Obama told Netanyahu he trusts Turkey, Qatar as mediators

US President Barack Obama told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a phone conversation that Israel must immediately stop all military activities in Gaza, and said Jerusalem was not in a position to pick the mediators of a cease-fire, Channel 1 reported Tuesday night.

According to what Channel 1 said was a partial transcript of the Sunday phone call, when Netanyahu asked what Israel would get from stopping its military operation, Obama said that he believed Hamas would stop the firing of rockets, and that “quiet would be met with quiet.”

The White House quickly issued a denial, with Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, calling the supposed transcript of the call “totally false.”
“Neither the reports nor alleged transcript bear any resemblance to reality,” the National Security Council press office immediately posted on its Twitter account. It was “shocking and disappointing someone would sink to misrepresenting” a private conversation between Obama and Netanyahu, the press office said.

Netanyahu, according to the report, replied to Obama that Hamas was a terrorist organization committed to Israel’s destruction, and one that had already violated five cease-fires.

Obama reportedly repeated his call for an immediate end to the IDF operation, saying the pictures of the destruction from the Gaza Strip were distancing the world from Israel. He said that a week after the operation ended, Turkey and Qatar would negotiate with Hamas on the basis of the understanding that ended Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012.

When Netanyahu said that Turkey and Qatar were Hamas’s biggest supporters, and it was impossible for Israel to rely on them, Obama reportedly said that he would rely on them, and that Israel was not in a position to chose the mediators.
The ball was in Israel’s court, Obama told Netanyahu, according to the report, and it must stop the military operation.

Meanwhile, Hamas’s rocket fire on Israel and Israel’s bombardment of Gaza continued unabated Tuesday night, even amid reports that Israel, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and Egypt have agreed to a cease-fire framework.

Channel 2 reported that under the terms of the deal, there would be a cease-fire for between 24 and 72 hours, during which Israel would continue to decommission Gaza’s attack tunnels. After that, if the cease-fire holds, the sides would meet and hold indirect talks in Cairo to hammer out a long-term accord.

This framework is similar to the Egyptian proposal put forward a few days after Operation Protective Edge began 22 days ago, and which Hamas rejected.
An Israeli government official denied, however, that any agreement had been reached.
“The fighting continues,” he said. “The military campaign is ongoing, but the diplomacy is also ongoing.”

The official said Israel has always accepted the Egyptian proposal, but would not say whether Jerusalem would accept anything different.

Hamas, through Qatar and Turkey, is demanding in exchange for a cease-fire that a number of conditions be met, including opening Gaza’s border crossings, lifting Israel’s blockade, allowing the transfer of funds to pay Hamas salaries, and the release of Hamas prisoners released in the exchange for IDF tank gunner Gilad Schalit but rearrested last month following the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers.

Additional contradictions between Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry continued to surface on Tuesday, with Kerry saying the prime minister asked him on Monday night to work toward a humanitarian cease-fire, and a diplomatic source in Jerusalem saying it was Kerry who raised the issue.

Washington has expressed dismay in recent days over the harsh criticism in Israel of a draft cease-fire proposal the US presented on Friday. Israel felt the proposal fell far short of meeting its security requirements and leaned toward Hamas’s demands, giving the organization a standing it had not hitherto enjoyed. One of Israel’s main concerns with the draft was that it did not spell out that Israel would be able to continue to work against the tunnels during the proposed weeklong ceasefire.

Kerry said that the plan put forth did, in fact, allow Israel “to continue to deal with its tunnels.”
He also said that what the US was proposing did not deviate at all from the Cairo proposal.
“No variation, no deviation. We’ve been in touch with the Egyptians; we have honored the Egyptian concept. If there is a negotiation, it would be in Cairo,” he said. “It would be entirely without preconditions, and it would not prejudice Israel’s ability to defend itself.”

Repeating what he said a number of months ago when Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon slammed his efforts at brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, Kerry said of the Israeli criticism that “I’ve taken hits before in politics. I’m not worried about that.”
Now, like then, he highlighted his 29 years of a perfect pro-Israel voting record in the US Senate, adding that “I will not take a second seat to anybody in my friendship or my devotion to the protection of the State of Israel.”

Kerry, who said that in recent days he has talked to Netanyahu two to four times a day, added that on Monday night, the prime minister raised the issue of a cease-fire, “as he has consistently.
He has consistently said that he would embrace a cease-fire that permits Israel to protect itself against the tunnels and obviously not be disadvantaged for the great sacrifice that they have made in order to be able to protect themselves thus far.”
The secretary of state said that if it were not for Netanyahu’s commitment to a cease-fire, the US would not be expending the effort to bring one about.
“Now, either I take his commitment at face value, or someone is playing a different game here, and I hope that’s not the fact,” he said.

A senior official in the Prime Minister’s Office, however, contradicted this telling of events, saying it was Kerry who raised the issue of a cease-fire to Netanyahu.

According to this official, the prime minister told Kerry the IDF operation in Gaza, including the actions against the tunnels, was necessary for the security of Israel and would continue. He added that there was a need to continue acting against the tunnels “until the job was completed.”

In a related development, Chile and Peru followed Brazil’s lead from last week and recalled their ambassadors for consultation in protest over Israel’s operation in Gaza. Once Brazil recalled its ambassador, it was widely expected that a number of other South American countries would do the same.