I have been in touch with Chaim's classmates in the last 24 hours, and if we keep up this momentum, we will be able to finally resolve this atrocity! (See side bar on the case)
The classmates have formed a chat and are anxious to get to the bottom of this.
We need anyone who knows anything even if you think it is "nothing" to come forward, it might actually be part of a puzzle.
We are also looking for Chaim's fellow summer campers, some believe that his last camp experience may very well be crucial to the case.
We are looking for people who can pressure Rabbi Avraham Cooper, who lives in Lakewood, to talk about his last private conversation with Chaim z"l, even though Cooper is elderly, he must talk and talk now. Asking people from Lakewood to give us info where Creepy Cooper davens.
To my women readers:
You are all, hopefully, mothers, and I'm asking you to find it in your hearts to help your sister, also a mother, who had her son brutally murdered. As mothers you can break this wall of silence. If your husband learned in Long Beach and is in his 50s, he may know something. If he went to camp with Chaim, Chaim may have confided with him some of his fears.
This week will be Parshas Zachor!
We must also remember that a Jewish child whose name means "life" was never given the chance to be a father. Was never given the opportunity to be a star amongst his Jewish brothers and sisters, but instead his neshama was mercilessly snuffed out by a murderer who is still enjoying his life!
For those familiar with the case, just know, the polish janitor has been ruled out of the equation. Also ruled out is the theory that it was an antisemitic incident! Also ruled out was robbery.
All now agree that it was an inside job, perpetrated by a fellow classmate or a staff member.
Meaning that this was done by a "Shomer Torah Umitzvois!.
He must face justice, no matter his age, how big his beard is, or how big of a family he has or how long ago this happened!
Please email dusiznies@aol.com