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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Shmarya Rosenberg from "Failed Messiah" Totally Unhinged Because of Trumps' Landslide and his Appointments


He also hates Netanyahu with a passion, though Netanyahu was elected overwhelmingly in a democratically held election by Jewish citizens in a majority never accomplished in Israel's history! 

 The self-important Rosenberg owned a now-defunct blog called "Failed Messiah" which was set up to bash the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. But then he started attacking Satmar and frum people in general and so some rich guy paid him off to take it down, rumor has it that it was over $500,000. So for money he threw all of his principals in the garbage dump, but keeps calling Netanyahu a crook for taking some cigars!

 But this bitter old man has a Facebook page! 

 His bizarre rants are mostly against Netanyahu and Trump, and the Jewish people in general, but to make himself look even-handed he throws in some pro-Israel comments! 

His posts are a jumble of incoherent hate-fest diatribes against Israel's government and when he can find something nasty to say against the IDF, even when it may very well be a bogus report, he pounces on the story. 

The majority of his followers are in total agreement with him, mostly a bunch of far-leftists anarchists! 

He has contempt and hate for the American people, the 75 million who voted overwhelmingly for Trump!

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