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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Schumer to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegals to Replace Vanishing U.S. Population


In a chilling video, Senator Chuck Schumer  admitted that he wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegals, because the US population is not “reproducing on its own. ”

In other words, Schumer is replacing the traditional American family with illegals (who will no doubt become Democrat voters).

It is not a stretch to believe that this has been the Democrat game plan all along: Encourage Americans to abort babies and not have families, and then use the “population shortage” as a pretext to encourage more illegal migrants.

The shocking comments were made during a press conference near the Capitol on Wednesday, in which Schumer, Senator Dick Durbin and other Democrat lawmakers discussed planned DACA Legislation.

This is what happens when Democrats win an election after two years of radical leftist policies, and are not rebuffed by voters. They feel empowered to do things even more radical.

See the entire press conference here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Evil Biden administration is weaponizing the FBI against Israel


The Biden administration is feeding Israel to the wolves. 

That is the only reasonable way to understand Channel 14’s bombshell report on Sunday that the FBI has opened an investigation of IDF soldiers in relation to the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh.

Abu Akleh died on May 11 in Jenin while she was embedded with Iranian-controlled Palestinian Arab Islamic Jihad terrorists engaged in a gun battle with IDF soldiers. The battle took place in the midst of an onslaught of murderous terror attacks carried out by Jenin-based terrorists affiliated with the Iranian-proxy. On May 5, two PIJ terrorists from Jenin hacked three Israelis to death with axes and wounded three more in the haredi city of Elad, just as Israel’s Independence Day celebrations were ending. The soldiers that entered Jenin on May 11 were part of a counter-terror force tasked with breaking up the PIJ infrastructure in the city.



What is going on? This is a problem across the entire frum spectrum.
We need to change our entire chinuch structure.

 I am proposing the following:
1) No men teaching girls, period! (yes, women are also abusers)

2) Eliminating all "Loshon Hara" classes in all schools, both boys and girls. Shmiras Ha'Loshon should only be taught to boys and girls once they are engaged. 

3) Specialty counselors trained in sexual abuse should meet every single student twice a year, one on one, beginning in second grade, discussing and giving them age-appropriate social skill tools so that they are able to distinguish between appropriate and not appropriate touching by strangers, teachers, and even their own fellow family members. Stein allegedly raped his own children. 

4) Schools should send these counselors to the homes of students that are absent for 3 says or longer.

5)  Counselors should take note of students that look sad, angry or constantly hungry, not dressed properly i.e. no warm clothing in the winter, torn shoes etc. 

6) For Chassidishe yeshivois, no mikva until 21 and married.

7) All suspected abusers should be immediately reported to authorities, not to rabbis.

8) Zero Tolerance!

Charges against Zev Steen have been upgraded since his arrest last week. There are now charges against him from an alleged incident in 2005. 

He is now charged with the following:


Zev Steen is now being held without bond.

Israel will not participate in the annual Miss Universe Contest this year


Miss Israel 1976 now frum 

Last week, organizers of the Miss Israel contest announced that the beauty pageant will not be held this year, meaning no contestant would be sent to the annual Miss Universe contest, which will be staged in the U.S. in January 2023.

“People change, [and] the world changes,” commented Miss Israel 1998, Linor Abargil, who is now an attorney and practices Orthodox Judaism, in an Instagram post. “A woman is not a body or a face and no one in the world has the right to criticize us, or to assess our weight to see if it matches what is going on in the market,” she added, according to a Times of Israel report.

While Miss Israel 1976, Rina Messinger, won the the Miss Universe pageant, Abergil took home the title of Miss World in 1998. The most famous Miss Israel internationally is movie star Gal Gadot, who won in 2004 and went on to a succesful career in Hollywood.

Abargil’s sentiments about winding down the contest were echoed by another past winner of the contest quoted by the Times, Sivan Klein. Conversely, former Miss Israel 2019, Sella Sharlin, thought the contest could have been reformed.

The Miss Israel competition did not provide a reason for the contest’s cancellation, or indicate if it might be brought back at any point, announcing simply, “We will not participate in the Miss Universe contest this year.”

Likud cancels planned coalition talks with right-wing partners


The Likud cancelled meetings planned with its right-wing partners Wednesday, following a contentious meeting between Likud chief Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Zionist Party chairman Bezalel Smotrich.

On Wednesday morning, the Likud announced that it nixed meetings planned with negotiating teams from the Religious Zionist Party and United Torah Judaism, as part of the ongoing efforts to form a new coalition government.

The announcement came after Netanyahu met with Smotrich Tuesday evening in a bid to iron out differences over the allocation of key ministerial portfolios – chief among them the defense and finance ministries.

Smotrich has demanded the defense ministry portfolio, but Netanyahu is under heavy pressure not to appoint the Religious Zionist Party leader to the position.

Netanyahu has also thus far refused to give Smotrich the finance ministry portfolio, Smotrich’s second choice, due to Shas chairman Aryeh Deri’s demand for the ministry.

According to Amit Segal of Channel 12, the no progress was made in the meeting between Netanyahu and Smotrich.

Netanyahu reportedly told Smotrich that due to the security situation, there is a need to act with moderation on diplomatic and security issues, at least until the end of President Joe Biden's time in office.

Oh Oh! Netanyahu in talks with Lapid, Gantz for unity government


While the Likud continues its efforts to secure coalition deals with its right-wing allies in order to establish a narrow rightist government, officials close to Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu are simultaneously negotiating with center-left leaders, eyeing a possible national unity government, Ma’ariv reported Wednesday.

According to the report, members of Netanyahu’s entourage are in the midst of quiet yet intensive talks with associates of Defense Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) and Prime Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid).

The talks are centered around the possibility of forming a new government without the rightist Religious Zionist Party, Otzma Yehudit, and Noam factions, with Yesh Atid and at least part of the National Unity party joining in their place. It appears that the New Hope faction within National Unity is not inclined to join a government with Netanyahu, even if the Blue and White faction of Benny Gantz would.

The talks began as a result of pressure by the Biden administration on Netanyahu, Lapid, Gantz, and President Isaac Herzog to form a unity government and prevent the inclusion of rightist elements.

The report claimed that the Biden administration told Netanyahu and leaders on the center-left that Israel will pay a price in the international community if a narrow right-wing government is formed.

Representatives of Yesh Atid and National Unity denied any talks are underway with the Likud.

A spokesperson for the Likud called Wednesday’s report “fake news.”

“This is more fake news. Spin, it never happened.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Chareidim Egged on by Rabbi Zvi Meir Zilberberg Now Destroy "Donation Devices" in Shuls in Beit Shemesh & Yerushalyim


Army... collect these sick "leideguyers" and send them to serve our country in the IDF! 

In other extremist action against technological devices, the Nedarim plus donation devices which are installed in hundreds of shuls in Israel have recently been targeted and broken by Chareidim. 

In a fiery speech at a rally against technology a few weeks ago, Rabbi Zvi Meir Zilberberg spoke out against the devices, claiming that they can easily be hacked and used for internet.

 In the wake of his speech some Chareidim went round a number of shuls and smashed the devices. 

Family Creates Mini-Meah Shearim in Hotel Lobby


A family celebrating a simcha at a hotel in the New York area turned the lobby of the venue into a full-on replica of Yerushalayim’s Meah Shearim neighborhood.

A video tour provided by an attendee shows the lobby decked out in signage, fake storefronts, and even workers dressed as Yerushalmis – all to create an atmosphere of being in the epicenter of Yerushalayim’s foremost charedi neighborhood.

As can be seen in the video below, the “stores” included Mefoar with tzitzis hanging outside of it, Falafel Geulah with non-Jewish servers dressed as Yerushalmim, and pashkevilin announcing a “kinnus neturei karta” hung on supporting pillars and walls.

Perhaps the only thing missing was having a group of chareidim yelling “Gevalt!” at guests as they arrived at the hotel.

DemonRats ask Corrupted FBI To Investigate Death Of Al Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh


53 DemonRats asked the corrupted FBI to launch an investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in May.

In September, the IDF concluded its own investigation into the death of Abu Akleh, who was killed during a firefight between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin. The IDF stated at the time that “it appears that it is not possible to unequivocally determine the source of the gunfire which hit Ms. Abu Akleh. However, there is a high possibility that Ms. Abu Akleh was accidentally hit by IDF gunfire that was fired toward suspects identified as armed Palestinian gunmen, during an exchange of fire in which life-risking, widespread and indiscriminate [fire was directed] toward IDF soldiers.”

The IDF had added that the possibility of Abu Akleh being hit by Palestinian fire “remains relevant.”

On Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel would not cooperate with the FBI’s probe or any external investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh.

“The U.S. Justice Ministry’s decision to investigate the unfortunate death of Shireen Abu Akleh is a serious mistake,” Gantz said in a statement. 

The IDF had added that the possibility of Abu Akleh being hit by Palestinian fire “remains relevant.”

Second woman to testify about alleged rape by Rabbi Zvi Tau the Walder Defender

Nehama Te’ena speaks to Channel 12 news about allegations that Zvi Tau, a prominent ultra-conservative rabbi, sexually had abused her since she was a 10-year-old girl 


Screen capture from video of Dorit, one of two women who accuse Rabbi Zvi Tau of rape, November 13, 2022. (Channel 13. Used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Der Groiser Tzaddik Tau

Israel Police will take a statement from a second woman who claims that Rabbi Zvi Tau raped her decades ago, seeking to bolster allegations against the politically connected religious leader.

The second woman, who has been named in media only as Dorit, is expected to speak with investigators on Tuesday. Though the alleged incident happened too long ago to prosecute, her testimony may help support that of another woman who also accuses Tau of sexual assault.

Multiple women have accused Tau of sexual abuse and rape dating back decades, with two going public so far.

Tau, 85, is the head of the influential Har Hamor Yeshiva in Jerusalem, as well as the spiritual leader of the anti-LGBT Noam political party, which won a single seat in the next Knesset as part of the far-right Religious Zionism slate.

The police initially asked Dorit to come to the Hebron police station in the southern West Bank, which is handling the case. At her request, they agreed to meet with her at a station closer to her home in the northern West Bank,

The first woman, Nechama Te’ena, went public in August, but her allegations were largely ignored at the time by the police and the media. In recent weeks, she has staged small protests outside the Knesset, accusing Tau of raping her and others, and demanding to know why the Israel Police have refused to investigate.

Last week, Dorit also accused Tau of assaulting her in a video testimony recorded in her home. After viewing the video, several prominent rabbis called for Tau to be investigated. Police said Sunday that they will set up a special team to handle the case.

Monday, November 14, 2022

American Jews didn’t want Netanyahu. Now that they have him, they want him to govern in the opposite manner from which he pledged to govern.


American Jews have every right to complain about, lament, oppose and even support the policies of the Israeli government. 

What happens here affects Jews in the Diaspora and for many American Jews, their whole Jewish identity is subsumed by the Jewish state. Threats to divorce the State of Israel are heartfelt but hollow because, shorn of Torah and mitzvot, Israel remains for many their only link to Jewishness. Their right to attempt to influence policy is assumed, as is the right of Israelis to consider what they have to say or to ignore it because we are a sovereign country that makes its own decisions.

DIN Wishes Both Ukraine and Russia "Hatzlacha" in Their War

Let them wipe each other off soon, but like R' Yoelish Teitelbaum z"l wrote in his book "Al Hagilah" in reference to his wish that the State of Israel collapses," I pray that Jewish blood be spared." 

 Israel condemned Ukraine’s decision to vote in favor of an anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations last Friday, as Kyiv continues to pressure the Jewish state to provide it with advanced weaponry.

On Friday, Israeli ambassador to Ukraine, Michael Brodsky, took Kyiv to task after the Ukrainian delegation to the United Nations voted in favor of a draft resolution in the General Assembly’s Special Political and Decolonization Committee backed by the Palestinian Authority’s delegation.

Brodsky took to Twitter shortly after the vote, calling Ukraine out over its U.N. vote.

“Ukraine’s support of the UN resolution ‘Israeli Practices’, denying Jewish ties to Temple Mount and calling for ICJ advisory opinion is extremely disappointing. Supporting anti Israeli initiatives in the UN doesn’t help to build trust between Israel and Ukraine,” Brodsky tweeted.

The resolution, which passed the committee by a margin of 98 to 17 with 52 abstentions, accused Israel of denying Palestinian Arabs the right to self-determination, negated Israel’s historical connection to the Temple Mount, and urged the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to render an opinion against Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria.

The countries that voted with Israel in opposing the resolution were Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Liberia, Lithuania, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and the United States.

American Jews, get out now!


It’s not like me to be an alarmist, but I’ve been thinking about something for months, maybe years. As time passes, it’s become increasingly clear that the worst-case scenario is about to happen.

The Jewish people outside of Israel must step back and examine their reality.

Too many things are happening at once that point to the fact that the s**t is about to hit the fan.

This isn’t new. It’s been going on for years, escalation after escalation. But over the past few months, it’s reached the point of no return.

It’s just too much to ignore.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Time for Jews to Dump the ADL


Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets (L) and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt (R)

Which of these two individuals do you find more problematic?

Kyrie Irving, a kooky basketball player who believes that the Earth is flat, that JFK was shot by bankers, that the COVID vaccines were secretly a plot to connect all Black people to a supercomputer, and that Jews worship Satan and launched the slave trade?

Or Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, who accepted $500,000 from Irving last week without even meeting or even talking to the all-star—and who was then forced to give back the donation when Irving blatantly refused to apologize?

Let’s think about it for a minute. One of these guys is a weirdo with dumb opinions he may or may not actually believe. The other is running a soulless racket which just made it clear that you can say whatever you want about the Jews and buy your indulgences at a discount price.

Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely believe that Irving’s endorsement of a Black nationalist documentary based on an obscure Jew-hating book, to say nothing of Kanye West’s meltdown, will most likely contribute to a surge in antisemitism in America, particularly in the Black community.

 But we Jews don’t control Kyrie Irving; in theory, we do control the ADL, and we shouldn’t want our chief defense group to behave in a way that advances antisemitic conspiracy theories about shadowy Jews trafficking in money and influence for fun and profit.

All of this leads to one sorry conclusion: 

Liberman Wants Lapid to Fire Chief Rabbi Yosef



Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman called on Prime Minister Lapid to “fire” chief rabbi Yitzchak Yosef after he called for the Knesset to legislate an override clause against the Supreme Court. Liberman claimed that the chief rabbi’s political intervention is not his first, as he called a few days ago to raise the allotments for Avreichim to three or four times their current level. [During the current negotiations it was announced that the government allotments for Avreichim will be doubled to 1350 NIS- about $400]

Shas leaders mocked Liberman’s demand, stating that “he will have five years to complain about what happens in the government, he will attack and fulminate in an ugly manner and we will continue to act. Nobody will silence the Rishon Letzion {Rabbi Yosef].”

UTJ leader Yitzchak Goldknopf said that “I wish to express sharp protest against the scathing words of the departing Finance Minister against Rabbi Yosef Shlita. This person, who constantly berated and incited against an entire community shouldn’t attempt to restrict the free speech of others, especially not that of a Rabbi in Israel.

“I remind Liberman that the elections are over, in the few days you still have in the ministry try and mitigate the damage you have caused in your short term there instead of making superfluous provocations.”

Rabbi Yosef spoke in his weekly shiur about the fact that new appointments could not be made for neighborhood rabbis because the Supreme Court demanded that reform rabbis also be appointed. He said that the override law should be passed and establish that only orthodox rabbis be appointed in contravention of the court.

Rabbi Yosef also called for the amendment of the Law of Return, since “there are now 32 religious and chareidi Knesset members, which has never occurred previously.”

Israeli Chareidie Media Mock Satmar & Skver for voting for "Same Sex Marriage" Candidate a "Torah Abomination"


סערה בקהילה היהודית בניו יורק: קהילות סאטמר וסקווירא בניו יורק, הנחשבות לקנאיות ולקיצוניות ביותר, הפרו את הקונצנזוס היהודי לגבי 'בחירות האמצע' שהתקיימו השבוע בארה"ב, והצביעו בעד המועמדות הדמוקרטית קאת'י הוקול לתפקיד מושלת מדינת ניו יורק, שמוצגת בתקשורת כלהט"בית התומכת בנישואין חד מיניים. מולה התייצבו חברי כל שאר בתי הכנסת והחצרות החסידיות בניו יורק, שתמכו במועמד היהודי לתפקיד מושל ניו יורק לי זלדין, חבר הקונגרס בסיעה הרפובליקנית.

בקהילות החרדיות בניו יורק מתקשים להסביר את תמיכת שתי החסידויות הקנאיות קיצוניות במועמדת הדמוקרטית, בניגוד לעמדת שאר החצרות. אחד ההסברים, שלא זכה לאישור, הוא שהמועמדת הוקול הבטיחה לחסידויות אלה מחיקת חובות וקנסות לקופת המדינה בסך עשרות מיליוני דולר, ואולי גם לא להקפיד בסוגיית הסירוב ללימודי ליבה.

הזעזוע מהמהלך היה כה גדול, עד שבתקשורת הפנימית של יהודי ניו יורק, הוצגה המועמדת הנתמכת ע"י סאטמר, במלים אלה: "להם, לסאטמרים ולסקווירים, מותר הכל. אם תופעה כזו היתה נחשפת בישראל, היו כל האדמו"רים והרבנים בניו יורק, יוצאים במחאות גדולות וזועקים על הידרדרות החרדים בישראל. והנה, זה קורה בניו יורק, והכל בגלל הבטחות המועמדת הוקול, לספק תקציבים גדולים, הם מעודדים הצבעה למען המועמדים הכי מלוכלכים מבחינה הלכתית, מי שנשואים גברים לגברים ונשים לנשים, והם אומרים במפורש שכל עניינם להפוך את ארה"ב למדינה פרוגרסיבית שכזו, שכל מה שהיה אסור אצל הגויים עד לפני לא כל כך הרבה שנים, יהפוך להיות מותר, ויחייבו את כולם להכיר בהם ואף לקבל אותם כחלק מן החיים".

בחצרות החרדים התומכים במועמד היהודי לי זלדין, מוסיפים ש"במקום שסקווירא וסאטמר יכריזו ויאמרו כי אינם יכולים להיות שותפים לחיים מתועבים כאלו, הם קוראים להצביע להם ולחזק אותם, וכל זאת מפני שהבטיחו תקציבים גדולים למוסדותיהם. החינוך היהודי השורשי בניו יורק נאבק קשות על המשך החינוך הכשר, ששולל להחדיר תועבה לסדר הלימודים, ובמקום שסאטמר וסקווירא יסייעו בידם להילחם באותם פרוגרסיבים התובעים לחייב את החרדים ללמד לימודים אסורים, באים סאטמר וסקווירא לתמוך במתועבים האלה, מפני שהבטיחו להם כל מיני טובות הנאה".

עמדת האדמו"ר מסאטמר וגיסו האדמו"ר מסקווירא מנוגדת לעמדת שאר הקהילות והרבנויות בניו יורק. ועל אף זאת, הפעם גדולה מבעבר התמיכה של סאטמר במועמדת הפרוגרסיבית. התמיכה הגורפת התבטאה בכך שהאדמו"ר עצמו יצא בהכרזה, באמצעות מזכירו האישי הרב מאיר צוויבל, שיש להצביע למועמדת הדמוקרטית. הכרזה ישירה כזו מפי האדמו"ר עצמו נעשתה בסאטמר רק לפני 50 שנה, בשלהי יום הכיפורים תשל"ג, כשהאדמו"ר הקודם רבי ייואל'יש טייטלבאום הכריז לפני תפילת נעילה כי יש לתמוך במועמד החצר לכהונת מושל מדינת ניו יורק.

Below English Translation

Except for Satmar & Skver American Jews Finally Leaving the Democratic Party


American Jews need to remove themselves from the Democratic Party, which no longer exemplifies Jewish values, no longer supports Israel, and is controlled by leftist extremists who are anti-Semitic.

 Although slower than hoped for, it looks like this might finally be happening.

A recent poll after the midterms demonstrates this optimistic change. Thirty-three percent of Jews voted Republican in the primaries, up from 30% in 2020 and 24% in 2016. 

This new voting bloc proves two things: 

Jews are starting to wake up to political realities and letting go of their indoctrinated belief that Democrats are the “Jewish party”; and the rise has nothing to do with and is not tied to Donald Trump and his pro-Israel positions.



Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto won her re-election bid Saturday night, solidifying Democratic control of the chamber.

The Associated Press was among the outlets to call the race late Saturday for the incumbent against Republican challenger Adam Laxalt.

Cortez Masto’s campaign focused on supporting the right to abortion access and a permanent pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers.”

Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto won her re-election bid Saturday night, solidifying Democratic control of the chamber.

The Associated Press was among the outlets to call the race late Saturday for the incumbent against Republican challenger Adam Laxalt.

Cortez Masto’s campaign focused on supporting the right to abortion access and a permanent pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers.”

Laxalt had been leading just one day before the race was called, but saw his edge dwindle as mail-in-votes were tallied. He and his team foresaw an impending loss Friday morning and were considering demanding a recount, an advisor said.

Cortez Masto’s win guarantees that the Senate will be controlled by Democrats for the next two years of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Cortez Masto tweeted a simple, “Thank you, Nevada!” after several media outlets called the race in her favor.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Praises Satmar Rebbe For Voting Against Torah Values!



 Ezra who backed Obama and "fat nadler" in their "Iran Deal" vote and who ran around like a poisoned rat to get Sadat, the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish IDF soldiers a Congressional Medal of honor, is now praising the perfidy of the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, R' Aaron Teitelbaum, for abandoning Torah Values and voting for the  shiksa Hochul. Hochul is totally ineffectual. Why would any sane person vote for certain decline in their city and state, unless they were promised payback.

Ezra in his arrogance and sheer chutzpa, tweets, that the Satmar Rebbe had "far sighted and forward looking decision" for making his decision. Ezra adds that the "rebbe shlita truly understood what is the best interests of the ENTIRE community and NOT just his own." 

This is an unmitigated lie as the Satmar Rebbe was promised to be forgiven millions of dollars for his water pipeline in Monroe in exchange for his endorsement. The Rebbe had only his interest in mind and dragged his brother-in-law the Skverer Rebbe into his den of selfishness. 

We all remember when the "farsighted & forward looking" R' Aron asked his naive sheep to write letters to congressmen to support the murderous "Iran Deal" against Israel. Did the rebbe have the "best interests of the ENTIRE community" all the 6.8 million Jews living Israel in mind or did he only care about the outdated and irrelevant shitah?   Ezra the"kapo" also supported this initiative against Israel.

There is something to be said when the ENTIRE frum community voted for Zeldin except for these two brother-in laws. 

Let's watch what the shiksa, loved by this rebbe, does now about crime etc. 

Hope I am proven wrong, but I don't see any hope for New York !

Ukraine Votes Against Israel in the UN Again


Ukraine’s support of the UN resolution 'Israeli Practices', denying Jewish ties to Temple Mount and calling for ICJ advisory opinion is extremely disappointing.

 Supporting anti Israeli initiatives in the UN doesn’t help to build trust between Israel and Ukraine  

Leftists Meltdown over Ben Gvir & Smotrich Election


Over the past few days, since President Herzog started his meetings with representatives of the different Knesset factions to hear recommendations about the next Prime Minister, every single Reshet Bet radio news report on the hour starts with a quote from somebody important demonizing Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gvir.

It began with the president himself, who concluded a meeting with a hot mic comment to the Shas delegation: “There’s one issue I didn’t mention, because I don’t want to shame anyone, but you will have a problem with the Temple Mount. This is a critical issue. You have a partner that the whole world around us is anxious about. I also told him that. Between us – it’s really not for publication. I don’t want to make trouble. It’s your responsibility to speak up.”

Now, in Israeli politics, there’s hardly ever a leak or a hot mic incident that takes place without the active initiation of the person being leaked or miked. Herzog wanted his message to go viral, and it was pushed by every news outlet in the country for an entire news cycle.

They say that if you meet a lot of resistance, it means you’re doing something right. Judging by resistance alone, Itamar Ben Gvir is absolutely on the right track, including his attending the 32nd yahrzeit of his mentor (whom he never met in person) Rabbi Meir Kahane. Remember that one episode during the campaign when a follower yelled out “Death to the Arabs,” and Ben Gvir rebuked him, saying he should say, “Death to the terrorists?” It was such a succinct point, many wondered if the fan wasn’t a plant. Well, Ben Gvir repeated the maneuver at the yahrzeit ceremony, telling his audience of dyed-in-the-wool Kahanists that there are issues on which he disagrees with Rabbi Kahane – and the audience booed him, as was to be expected. Perfect.

That wasn’t good enough for State Dept. Spokesman Ned Price, who told reporters in Washington that “celebrating the legacy of a terrorist organization is abhorrent,” regardless if the other people in the room booed you for not being extreme enough (Ben Gvir said: “It’s no secret that today I am not Rabbi Kahane, and don’t support the expulsion of all the Arabs and will not pass laws for separate beaches for Arabs and Jews.”)

Price didn’t care, he stuck by “abhorrent,” insisting that “there is no other word for it – it is abhorrent. And we remain concerned, as we’ve said before, by the legacy of Kahane Chai and the continued use of rhetoric among violent right-wing extremists.”

Reuters described Ben Gvir as “a settler living in the West Bank, which Israel occupied in a 1967 Arab-Israeli war,” who “wants the Palestinian Authority, which has limited rule in parts of the territory under interim US-sponsored peace deals, dismantled,” and “also supports Jewish prayer on a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site that houses al-Aqsa mosque and which is a vestige of ancient Jewish temples.”

Kudos to Reuters for getting their facts right. They only forgot to mention that Ben Gvir and his faction were elected by half a million Israelis who didn’t choose them for the transfer of Arabs, nor for the right to Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount (if you put together all the Jews who ascended Temple mount this year you still won’t get one Knesset mandate, even if some of them went up several times). Ben Gvir was elected by Israelis across the board, many of them non-religious (he did surprisingly well in the kibbutzim) because the Lapid-Gantz government has failed to preserve law and order on the country’s streets and highways, in the periphery cities and the center, in Jerusalem, the Negev, and Galilee. Israelis don’t care about a transfer at this point, they’re OK with the Arabs staying, just don’t let them kill our women, children, and the elderly in broad daylight, thank you very much.

Meanwhile, a senior Qatari official told Reuters: “We sent a message to Israel that any escalation in Jerusalem, Gaza, or the West Bank during the World Cup will endanger the agreements with Israel.”

An estimated 30,000 Israelis will fly to Qatar to attend the World Cup between November 20 and December 18. Israel and Qatar don’t have diplomatic relations, but they reportedly signed an agreement allowing Israelis to obtain an entry visa to Qatar with proof of purchase of a ticket to one of the games.

The anonymous official’s threat against Israeli soccer fans is not a real thing, because Qatar as the host country of the World Cup cannot ban the citizens of any country, regardless of its security situation back home. This, too, is part of the mad campaign against Ben Gvir, and his partner, Bezalel Smotrich, who wants to become Netanyahu’s defense minister.

The Kan 11 and Reshet Bet radio news––both part of Israel’s public broadcasting conglomerate––have been repeating a separate mantra against Smotrich, citing an anonymous “senior security official,” who warned appointing the Religious Zionism Chairman to the post of defense minister may lead to a serious escalation and even the disintegration of the Palestinian Authority.

Did Imma Smotrich know she raised such a powerful boy?

According to the source, as far as the PA is concerned, five main issues could lead to the apocalypse: legalizing the yeshiva in Homesh; letting Evyatar residents go home, based on their deal with the Bennett government; evacuating Khan al-Ahmar based on the Supreme Court’s repeated rulings; posting a permanent security unit at Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem to protect Jewish worshippers against armed Arab rioters;
And legalizing dozens of agricultural farms and outposts throughout Judea and Samaria.

Clearly, these were not concerns communicated by the PA to this anonymous security official, it’s the Benny Gantz apparatus doing whatever it can to prevent the realization of all the promises his departing government has made or hinted at making, and never bothered to keep. The thought that Smotrich, like Ben Gvir, would just go ahead and make good on all those promises that were made in bad faith is driving the other side mad.

To sum it all up: it’s the Israeli establishment, starting with President Herzog and including everyone who has been involved in the effort to keep Israel weak and secular, who is trying to torpedo the massive turn to the right. The big question now is: will Benjamin Netanyahu side with the right-wing folks who elected him and his coalition partners, or will he once again show his true colors, skip over Ben Gvir and Smotrich and strike a last-minute deal with Gantz, Sa’ar, and Eisenkot.

Knowing Netanyahu, he could easily use the massive offensive against Ben Gvir and Smotrich to call on Gantz et al to forget past hostilities for the sake of saving the country from the extremists. It’s such a Bibi move. But it could prove to be his last popular move, as so many inside his Likud party are much closer ideologically to Ben Gvir and Smotrich than they are to him.

One thing we must learn from the relentless offensive whose purpose is to quash the dream of Jewish renewal in the land of Israel: should the national religious get past Netanyahu’s resistance and land their desired offices, they must launch a mad wave of corrective legislation, get it all in, just as that anonymous apparatchik suggested, starting with passing the override clause, disabling the Supreme Court’s thuggery.

Let us be strong and resolute for the sake of our people and the cities of our God, and God will do what He deems right. (2 Samuel 10:12)


 David Israel

Rabbi Tzvi Tau Huge Defender of Walder Now Being Investigated for Sexual Abuse Crimes Himself


The police are investigating a complaint that was filed recently against Rabbi Zvi Tau over alleged harassment of a woman which happened many years ago, Channel 12 News reported Thursday.

Rabbi Tau is a Religious Zionist rabbi and co-founder and president of Yeshivat Har Hamor in Jerusalem.

According to the report, the investigation is being carried out under the auspices of the prosecutor's office and, due to the time that has passed since the incident to which the statute of limitations applies, it is difficult to confirm the credibility of the complainant.

Kan 11 News reported that the investigation is being conducted by the Judea and Samaria District of the Israel Police. Rabbi Tau has not yet been summoned for questioning, and the police are considering how to proceed with the investigation.

Shulamit Bracha Landau Arrested on suspicion of molesting her students in Beitar Illit

  Shulamit Bracha Landau, 50 years old, was arrested on suspicion that a few years ago she committed indecent acts on her students at a school in Beitar Illit that she managed. 

So far, three complaints have been filed. The court allowed the name of the principal to be published to try and find more victims

שולמית ברכה לנדאו, בת 50, נעצרה בחשד שלפני כמה שנים ביצעה מעשים מגונים בתלמידות שלה בבית ספר בביתר עילית שאותו ניהלה. עד כה הוגשו שלוש תלונות. מעצרה הוארך בארבעה ימים

פרסום ראשון: משטרת מחוז ש"י עצרה היום (שני) מנהלת בית ספר בביתר עילית בחשד שביצעה עבירות מין בתלמידות שלה. מעצרה הוארך בארבעה ימים. ככל הידוע, עד כה הוגשו שלוש תלונות והן מתייחסות לפרק זמן שלפני חמש שנים. כעת בודקים במשטרה האם ישנן תלמידות נוספות שנפגעו מהתנהלותה של המנהלת.

המנהלת, שולמית ברכה לנדאו בת ה-50, חשודה בעבירות של מעשים מגונים. לפי הודעת המשטרה, לפני כמה שנים בהיותה מנהלת בית הספר היא ביצעה לפי החשד מעשים מגונים בכמה תלמידות שהיו קטינות. בית המשפט התיר לפרסם את שמה של המנהלת כדי לנסות ולאתר קורבנות נוספים.

מארגון מגן, המלווה את הנפגעות, נמסר: "אנו שמחים ששמה של שולמית לנדאו הותר לפרסום ומקווים שפרסום שמה יביא מתלוננות נוספות לאזור אומץ ולהתלונן נגדה. אנו מודים למשטרה על עבודה קשה ומקצועית.

"לצערנו, שנים רבות אנשים בקהילה ידעו ושתקו דבר שאיפשר לה לפגוע לכאורה בנפגעות נוספות. הגיע הזמן שחברי הקהילה יסתכלו פנימה ויבינו כי השתקה היא מקור הרע וישנו את הגישה. אנו גאים במתלוננות הגיבורות שפעלו מתוך רצון למנוע פגיעות נוספות ומחזיקים את ידם".

Friday, November 11, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Va'yeirah


George Soros-backed district attorney candidates sweep elections


Far-left district attorney candidates who appeared on November ballots and received backing from billionaire George Soros have swept their elections, according to a nationwide search of records and election results. 

Fox News Digital performed a 50-state search of campaign finance databases and identified at least four prosecutor candidates who received financial backing from Soros and won their November elections, including two newcomers and two candidates he’s previously backed. 

Soros’ district attorney operation involves his longtime treasurer, Whitney Tymas, establishing “pop-up” political action committees in states where he targets the prosecutor races. Once set up, the financier injects money into the PACs, which tend to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars backing his preferred candidates. The PACs typically dissolve after the elections. 

In some past cases, Tymas established committees on the city level, such as in Philadelphia for District Attorney Larry Krasner. 

Fox News Digital’s sweep solely covered state databases, which means there could be more candidates. 

The Soros-backed candidates who made it to the November elections include Kimberly Graham in Iowa. This past summer, Graham received more than $300,000 in backing from the financier in her Polk County Attorney Democratic primary election. The progressive candidate faced Republican defense attorney Allan Richards in Tuesday’s general election but easily defeated him by nearly 14 percentage points.