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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Bombshell: Police Illegally Hacked Phone Of Key Witness In Netanyahu Cases


Israel Police illegally hacked into the phone of a key witness in the criminal cases against former prime minister Binyanim Netanyahu, retrieving a large amount of data without a court warrant, Channel 13 News reported on Wednesday evening.

The retrieved data included text, photos, phone numbers, and use of various apps.

Channel 12 News played recordings in which police investigators are heard talking about illegally hacking someone’s phone, immediately prior to speaking with Shlomo Filber, a state witness in Case 4000.

In the ensuing uproar in response to the report, right-wing politicians called to drop the criminal cases against Netanyahu.

Netanyahu responded to the report by writing on Twitter: “An earthquake: This evening it was revealed that police illegally hacked phones in order to topple a strong right-wing prime minister.”

The revelation is likely to lead to significant delays in Netanyahu’s trial as his lawyers could demand to review the material and take appropriate action or demand a retrial if the individual in question was a witness who already testified in the case.

The report comes after Israel Police admitted that they illegally used spy software to hack into private citizens’ phones.

According to the Channel 13 report, the information about Netanyahu’s case was revealed as part of an inquiry by the Justice Ministry into the NSO exposé.

Leora Ezoray, Mother of 5 Killed in Car Accident in Denver She Was From LA


Tragedy struck the Los Angeles Jewish community on Thursday morning, when word spread of a horrific incident.

Sources say that a young couple from the community traveled to Denver to go on a skiing trip. They were travelling on Interstate 70 in Idaho Springs, when their vehicle (Jeep Compass Trailhawk) collided with a disabled tractor-trailer at around 5:30PM on Wednesday evening.

Tragically, 33-year-old Leora Ezoray A”H was Niftar at the scene. Her husband was rushed to the hospital where he was initially listed in serious condition. Bichasdei Hashem he has stabilized.

Misaskim of Los Angeles has been working around the clock to ensure Kavod Hames, and have arranged for Hatzolah Air to fly a family member of the husband to be with him, while taking the Nifteres back to Los Angeles for Kevura.

Tragically, left behind are five young children, the oldest just 11-years-old, and the youngest just 7 months-old.

New Jersey Groundhog Drops Dead Day Before His Big Day!


This is why Chazal insisted that there would be a sgan kohen gadol prepared for Yom Kippur pic.twitter.com/rME3tJjrlC

— Vaad HaBadchanim (@VaadHaBadchanim) February 2, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg threatening to quit ‘The View’ over her suspension


If someone time traveled from 1882 to the present, what would they find more surprising, that someone is saying Jews aren't a race, or that someone named Goldberg isn't a member?

Whoopi Goldberg is “livid” after she was suspended from “The View” over her claim that the Holocaust was “not about race” — and is telling co-workers she is going to quit the show, according to a source.

Goldberg, 66, feels “humiliated” at being disciplined by ABC execs after she followed their advice to apologize for the ill-conceived comments, a well-placed insider told The Post.

“She feels ABC executives mishandled this. She followed their playbook. She went on ‘The Late Show With Stephen Colbert’ and then apologized again on ‘The View’ the next day,” a source said.

The source added that while Goldberg is taking the suspension hard and says she wants to leave the show, insiders believe she’s likely just sounding off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What's really the Margulies "behind the scene" Story?

I received hundreds of emails asking me the background of R' Margulies. 

So here is a copy of a post by Paul Mendlowitz on August 16, 2011.

Ten years after Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky zt"l forced Lipa Margulies to surrender his property at 150 Ocean Parkway to Bais Din, to be held in Trust pending a full accounting of the sources of the millions of dollars raised under the name Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush, Rabbi Gedalya Schorr (a good friend of Margulies), released the property back to Margulies WITHOUT any accounting of the millions of dollars raised, with a "promise" from Margulies to never use the name of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath again or lose 150 Ocean Parkway (which was sold subsequently by Margulies). 

That would make it a full 21 years that Margulies was raising large sums of money from the unwitting masses, under the guise of being Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.

 By that time, Margulies had already built the new building at 555 Ocean Parkway, and Rabbi Gedalya Schorr had attended the groundbreaking years before, during his tenure as principal or menahel of YTV.

It is interesting to note, and no coincidence, that Frank Klein, the deceased nursing home magnate, who in 1966 was on the original deed transferring the property to YTV, and a board member of Margulies' school, in 1977 was a board member of YTV, a very close ally of Margulies and Schorr, and a very "prominent" Ger chasid, as was Rabbi Schorr (for different reasons of course).

This could only have been done if R' Yaakov Kaminetzky or his designated rosh yeshiva of YTV, R' Zelig Epstein, was out of the hanhala of YTV....

With these facts now disclosed, we will shortly revisit the years of YTV after R' Reuvain Grozofsky z"tl passed away, the subsequent din Torah with Rabbi Aaron Kotler z"tl, his ruling regarding Rabbi Schorr's duties at YTV, the fierce battle for the Rosh Yeshiva position waged by Rabbi Schorr once Rabbi Kaminetzky announced his intentions to retire in 1966, and the events that ultimately destroyed Beth Medrash Elyon in Monsey, and brought YTV to the brink of disaster, causing YTV to become a third-rate Banana yeshiva!

Unvaccinated Students Can Enter Israel


Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of Eretz Hakodesh announced on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, that anyone with valid student visas can now enter Israel even if they’re not vaccinated or recovered.

Students holding valid student visas can just show up at the airport and will be allowed to fly to Israel. This means that yeshivah bochurim and seminary students will be able to return home for Pesach without being vaccinated or recovered.

Another new development is that children of student visa holders will no longer need special permits to enter Israel.

It’s a mitzvah, not anti-Semitism, to attack George Soros’


It was wrong for Obama acolytes to denounce criticisms of the Obama presidency as “racist.” Yes, one of Barack Obama’s parents was black. But his policies were not “black.” They were just bad.

Likewise, it is wrong to uniformly censure attacks on billionaire George Soros as “anti-Semitic.”

Ever since Jonathan Greenblatt, a woke former Obama White House official, took over the Anti-Defamation League, it reflexively screams “Anti-Semitism!” when critics fault Soros’ political work — and the left loyally follows suit.

It therefore falls upon established rabbis with authentic Jewish lifetime bona fides, like yours truly, to assert unequivocally that it’s a mitzvah (a righteous act) — not “anti-Semitism” — to castigate George Soros for his radical attempts to undermine public safety and the American republic.

I’ll be clear: Political pundits, ranging from columnists to cartoonists to on-air talent, should not hesitate to condemn Soros as perhaps the most despicable person in public affairs.

Ami's Favorite Cult Lev Tahor Being Deported From Bosnia


Lev Tahor cult members are being deported from Bosnia, according to local media reports in the region. 

Bosnian authorities are cracking down on the dozens of members of the extremist Jewish group, after local residents reported their presence.

Thirty-seven of the group’s estimated 200-300 loyalists are believed to have relocated to Bosnia in November. They were reportedly living there legally on three-month visas which are about to expire. Local residents apparently discovered the group after seeing pictures in media reports of the cult members traveling through the Middle East.

Human Rights and Refugees Minister Milos Lucic announced on Tuesday that the entire group will be deported before the end of the month.

He said, “According to the latest information, this religious group is currently looking for a new destination and transportation. I have received assurances that they do not pose a threat to the local community and no incidents have been recorded so far.”

Since fleeing Guatemala, the group of radicals has been searching for a new homeland. At one point they requested asylum in Iran, but that plan was crushed when Iraqi authorities deported them to Turkey.

They relocated to Guatemala from Canada in 2014 following allegations of mistreatment of its children including abuse and child marriages.

Arranged marriages between teenagers and older cult members are reported to be common. The group shuns technology and its female members wear black robes from head to toe, leaving only their faces exposed.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kollel in Yerushalyim Supports and covers for a "Get-Refuser"


Rabbi Eliyahu Maimon, Head of the Rabbinical Court's Division for Agunot, at the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem

In a rare, possibly precedence-setting ruling against the troubling phenomenon of men refusing to release their wives from unwanted religious-Jewish marriages, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court last week sanctioned that a specific get-refuser should be denied housing by any property owners—including his current landlord.

The case involved a couple who married in 2006 and had five children before the marriage began to deteriorate after about ten years. In 2017, the wife officially began divorce proceedings in the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court but was largely ignored by the husband, who repeatedly refused her requests for a get, claiming that he still loved her and that she was being manipulated by others who were opposed to the marriage.

In 2019, with representation by the Yad La’isha Legal Aid Center, part of the Ohr Torah Stone network, the Court imposed a legal demand for the husband’s compliance and issued a series of sanctions against him upon his continued refusal.

16 employees of Beit Yosef yeshiva Arrested in France on suspicion of bullying AND ABUSING the boys

On Monday, January 31, French law enforcement agencies arrested 16 employees of the Beit Yosef yeshiva on suspicion of ill-treatment of students, in their forcible retention. This was written by Le Parisien.

According to media reports, hundreds of gendarmes took part in the operation, which took place in the Seine-et-Marne department.

40 underage boys and about twenty young men from Israel and the USA studied at the yeshiva “Beit Yosef”. Prosecutors said the administration took advantage of the fact that the students did not speak French and therefore could not complain. Students were confiscated mobile phones and documents, they were deprived of the opportunity to tell their families about what was happening within the walls of the educational institution or to return home.

Law enforcement agencies became interested in what was happening in the yeshiva in July 2021, when one of the students managed to escape. The student took refuge on the grounds of the US Embassy in Paris. He spoke about unsanitary conditions in the boarding school, about poor nutrition, and cruel punishments that students are subjected to. Soon, several more boys managed to escape from the yeshiva, they confirmed his words. A preliminary investigation was initiated.

TV channel i24 reported that the building of the yeshiva will be closed, as it is in disrepair. The fate of the children was taken up by social services.

Ariel Elyse Gold a Self-Hating Jew Says That Israelis Are Planting Trees to displace Palestinians


Trans Vaccinated ??


Hamas commander accused of spying for Israel escapes from Gaza prison


A former Hamas military commander who was accused of spying for Israel has escaped from a maximum-security prison in the Gaza Strip.

The fugitive, Abed al-Karim Abu Odeh, 35, was arrested by Hamas in 2019 on suspicion of mapping underground tunnels with a tracking device he allegedly received from his Israeli handlers.

It was not clear how Abu Odeh, who was being held in the Ansar Prison in the Gaza Strip, managed to escape.

The rare escape is seen by many Palestinians as a severe embarrassment for Hamas.

Hamas has arrested a number of suspects on suspicion of helping Abu Odeh, according to a Palestinian journalist in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas officials described Abu Odeh as an “extremely dangerous security prisoner” and offered a reward for information leading to his capture.

The officials said they did not rule out the possibility that Abu Odeh, who was a top commander of the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, the “military” wing of Hamas, would try to cross the border into Israel.

Hamas set up checkpoints and deployed dozens of security officers in several parts of the Gaza Strip, especially near the border with Israel, in an attempt to prevent Abu Odeh from leaving the coastal enclave.

Jonathan Pollard Says Kaddish for His Wife Esther


Monday, January 31, 2022

"Chaim Walder's Best Friend Was the Chafetz Chayim" His Victim in a Powerful Statement!


Without question the most powerful testimony to emerge regarding `#ChaimWalder saga. Very painful reading, but it's worth reading every last word.

A Walder Survivor Speaks Out

Rena Salomon is the pseudonym of a woman repeatedly raped as a child by Chaim Walder. Her letter was first circulated in the weekly vort email of Rav Ron Yitzchok Eisenman (Congregation Ahavas Israel, Passaic) who translated it from Hebrew.

When Weeping Is Not Enough

by Rena Salomon

Dear Rabbi Eisenman,

My name is Rena Salomon, and I am a victim of cw.

ADL Hires Self-Hating Jew Who Embraces Ilhan Omar and calls her fellow Jews "Racists"


Jews have to be ok with Palestinians explaining why some turn to terrorism.”

After the Hamas, kidnapping and murder of three Israeli Jewish teens, resulting in Israeli forces aggressively pursuing the Islamic terrorist group over the horrifying atrocity, Tema Smith retweeted and praised an article titled, « There Are No Good Guys In The Gaza-Israel Conflict ».

The article, among other things, claimed that, « Hamas — and the Palestinians as a whole — have desperately real and legitimate grievances against Israel. »

She also retweeted another piece urging Jews to, “repent for Gaza’s dead.”

“Here’s the thing: Jews *have* to be ok with Palestinians *explaining* why some turn to terrorism,” Tema Smith insisted two years ago.

Snow Plow Driver Suspended After Dumping Snow On Lakewood Jews


Two Lakewood men were the target of an anti-semitic attack while minding their own business and walking to Shul on Shabbos.

Video footage shows men driving a snow plow on a Lakewood street, while two Jewish men are walking ahead of them on the street. As the drivers pass by the men, they intentionally lower the plow, causing the men to be accosted with a storm of snow and ice.

The men then laugh diabolically and drive away.

Video Player

The men in the vehicle were allegedly Donny Klarmann and Brandon Ebbs. The footage was originally uploaded to Facebook by Klarmann himself. Klarmann’s facebook page identifies him as an employee of Waste Management, which would be the reason for him driving a snow plow. Ebbs’ employment status is unknown.

UPDATE: Waste Management has released a statement condemning the behavior, and also revealed that the driver has been suspended from his job.

The full statement reads as follows:

“We are aware of an incident that was posted by an off-duty WM employee to his personal social media account. The hateful conduct depicted in this video is unacceptable and does not reflect the values of inclusion and diversity we hold as a company.”

“The employee is suspended while we investigate the incident, but we can confirm this behavior will not be tolerated from any WM employee and we will not employ those who act in this way.”

Esther Pollard, Passes Away


Esther Pollard, z’l, the wife of Jonathan Pollard who worked tirelessly for decades to secure his release, has passed away at the age of 68, a statement issued by the family on Monday morning stated.

The levaya is scheduled to take place on Monday at Har Hamenuchos in Jerusalem.

Esther, z’l, who had been battling cancer for years, contracted COVID about two weeks ago and was rushed to the hospital on Shabbos after suffering a severe deterioration in her condition. At the hospital she was found to be suffering from septic shock.

Jonathan Pollard spoke to Arutz Sheva after Esther’s petirah, saying: “In my worst nightmares I never thought I would lose Esther. After decades of her fighting for my release, I felt so helpless that I couldn’t help her in her battle for life.”

Jonathan’s lawyer, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of the Shuras HaDin organization, said: “Esther Pollard, a’h, a lioness and a woman of great stature who fought for her husband and led the struggle for his release for 30 years, passed away this morning. She acted fearlessly out of a genuine belief in the tzidkut of the way.”

“She was by his side every day, in every prison and every crisis, and didn’t lose sight of the goal until they finally landed in Eretz Yisrael to begin their free life. It’s so painful to hear this morning that she only enjoyed their shared freedom for one year. I send my deepest consolations to Yonatan and the entire family. Yehi Zichra Baruch.”

Esther, a’h, and Jonathan made aliyah in December 2020 and settled in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Was Rav Lipa Margulies a Tzaddik? Or Was He Hiding a Dark Secret

I was debating whether to even write about this, and I thought that in the light of the recent Walder scandal maybe I should just  let "dead dogs lie." 
But as I glanced at the cover of the latest issue of Ami Magazine,  with the caption "Remembering Rav Lipa Margulies" my interest piqued and I asked the storekeeper if he had an open copy so that I can peruse the article.

Before even reading the article I knew that Ami is always on the wrong side of the news. DIN readers remember the recent outrageous cover story about Rabbi Zamer Cohen who claimed that the Zionists wanted to shut down his school because it was a Kiruv Yeshiva

It turned out to be a fabrication; his school which was coed wasn't a classic yeshiva patterned after our "mesorah"  it was patterned after the "Finnish school system," and he admitted that there was absolutely no Torah being taught there except for boys putting on a kipa and girls putting on a skirt while making a blessing "bla bla bla thanks for the grub". Rabbi Cohen couldn't explain why the Zionists would close a school that was doing this kind of "Kiruv" when the Zionists government was funding Chinuch Atzmai, Shuvu Schools, Ohr Samaich etc.at the very same time!

Not too long ago Ami was telling its foolish readers that the cult Lev Tahor was a legitimate chassidius, and gave the story 5 pages filled with fiction and lies!

And so back to Rav Lipa Margulies.
As I was reading this glowing article I noticed that they left out the fact that his Yeshiva started out on a  fraudulent premise. R Margulies opened his Yeshiva calling it Torah V'Daas, and he did this to steal students from the real Torah V"Daas.
The real Torah V"Daas had to take R' Lipa to Bais Din to issue a cease and desist order. He then changed the name to Torah Temimah only  after enormous pressure from Gedoilei Hador that were outraged at this chutzpah. 

The glowing article also left out the huge elephant in the room the fact  that R' Margulies settled a lawsuit by two former talmidim who accused him of covering up for a serial sexual molester called Kolko. Margulies finally settled by paying them over 2 million dollars.
This was not money from his pocket but taken out of the Yeshiva coffers. Tzaddaka money!
There are a half dozen lawsuits still pending in the courts.

In the Ami article they write the following about R' Margulies:

"Rav Lipa was strongly opposed to bachurim attending college classes while they were a part of Yeshiva Torah Temimah. One time, the hanhala found out that a bachur was taking a college class at night, and Rav Lipa presented him with an ultimatum: Quit collage or leave the yeshiva. Someone objected and mentioned that this boy's parents were among the yeshivah's biggest donors. "If they want, they can get back all the money they have donated," Rav Lipa said. He never compromised on his principles"

So R' Lipa objected that a guy going to college would G-d forbid learn a trade, make a living to support his family, while allowing at the very same time a murderer of children to continue to teach, because as Ami put it so beautifuly "He never compromised on his principles" as warped as they obviously were.

I will now list a chronology of Kolko's Molesting & Lipa Marguilies' Protection  Read it for yourself and judge!

Iphone will introduce a "Pregnant Man" Emoji


Governor Justice tells Bette Midler to 'kiss' his dog's 'hiney'


Republican West Virginia Governor Jim Justice told actress Bette Midler to "kiss" his dog, Babydog’s "hiney."

 Justice’s jab at Midler came at the end of his State of the State address, where he touted West Virginia’s wins and recently announced economic developments.

"Absolutely too many people doubted us. They never believed in West Virginia," Justice said in his remarks. "They never believed in West Virginia — that we could do it."

"They told every bad joke in the world about us," Justice continued. "And so from that standpoint, Babydog tells Bette Midler and all those out there: kiss her hiney!"

Summary of the Daf by Miriam on Tic Tac


Hussain Obama Tweets on "Holocaust Remembrance Day" But Doesn't Mention the word "Jew"


Friday, January 28, 2022


School Board Bans Pulitzer-Winning Graphic Novel About the Holocaust Because It Contained Photos of "Naked Mice"


The board cited the inclusion of the words “God Damn” and drawings of “naked pictures” in “Maus,” though the pictures are of mice.

A Tennessee school board barred schools from teaching a beloved graphic novel about the Holocaust in an unanimous vote the day before Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The move to ban Art Spiegelman’s Maus, first reported by The Tennessee Holler [http://tnholler.com/2022/01/mcminn-county-bans-maus-pulitzer-prize-winning-holocaust-book], is the latest in a wave of book banning sweeping the country, particularly school districts in conservative areas.

The McMinn County school board’s 10 members voted to axe Maus from curricula and school libraries, citing its use of the phrase “God Damn” and its drawings of “naked pictures,” though those are cartoon mice.

School members said the ban was not related to the book’s depiction of the Holocaust as it tells the story of author Spiegelman’s father in German concentration camps, with Jews depicted as mice and Nazis as cats. Serialized over nearly a decade, it was collected in a book that in 1992 became the first, and so far the only, graphic novel to win the Pulitzer Prize.

Asked for comment on Wednesday evening, Spiegelman sent The Daily Beast a bookmark he designed for Banned Books Week a few years ago:


R' Dovi Bensoussan Begs Americanos to Come to Israel


Phrases That Make Sense Only To Jews But to Everyone Else they Are Weird