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Thursday, January 27, 2022

New photograph of Rabbi Kook unveiled


Rabbi Kook museum publishes photograph of Rabbi Kook with mayor of Chicago from rabbinical delegation to the US in 1924.

Beit HaRav Kook, the Rabbi Kook Museum, has published a newly unveiled photograph of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, the first Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of pre-state Israel. The picture was taken during Rabbi Kook's meeting with the mayor of Chicago, William Emmett Dever, during his visit to the United States in 1924.

In early 1924, a delegation of rabbis arrived in the Port of New York, which included Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Avraham Dover Shapira, and Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein.

The purpose of the delegation was to raise funds for yeshivas in Europe and Israel. In practice, the visit strengthened the connection of the young American Jewish communities in the United States and Canada with the longstanding Jewish communities from Europe and Israel. In addition to the donations collected, the rabbis' visit accelerated the trend of young people from America to travel and study in yeshivas in Israel and Europe.

The audience in the United States was particularly interested in Rabbi Kook, because he represented for them the Land of Israel and religious Zionism. The rabbinical delegation was received with great respect wherever they went. Mayors met with them, and receptions were held in their honor.

 Rabbi Kook even met with then-US President Calvin Coolidge. In fact, Rabbi Kook was the first official Jewish representative to meet with the President of the United States.

Although he had already spoken to the mayor of New York in English, Rabbi Kook preferred to use an interpreter during his conversation with President Calvin Coolidge. Rabbi Kook opened the conversation with an apology for the inconvenience of holding the conversation through an interpreter instead of entirely in English. Later in the conversation, Rabbi Kook thanked the President for the support of the two houses of Congress for the Balfour Declaration, which meant the recognition of the right of the Jewish people to establish a state in the Land of Israel. The president promised that the United States would do everything in its power to help build the Land of Israel. At the end of the conversation, Rabbi Kook expressed to the President a hope that the United States would remain a power of idealism and freedom.

Two Orthodox Jews Viciously Beaten In Unprovoked Attack in London


Two orthodox Jewish men were viciously attacked on Wednesday evening in front of a Stamford Hill bakery.

Video footage released by London Shomrim showse two men exiting the bakery, as a man passes by them. The man appears to address them as he passes, but it is difficult to ascertain as his mouth is covered by a scarf.

After he passes, both men turn around and seem to recoil defensively. After a moment, the man comes back into the camera view and starts pummeling both men.

As the men begin to back off, the attacker advances and violently punches one of them in the face, knocking him to the ground. As the second man looks down at his friend in concern, the attacker then begins punching him, repeatedly hitting him in the face area while following him down the sidewalk.

When the first victim finally musters up the strength to stand up and start escaping, the thug then leaves the second victim to go chase after the first victim again.

Shortly after that the attacker casually walks off.

The two victims were treated by Hatzolah, while the suspect was later apprehended by Shomrim and then arrested.


Israel Called In To Mediate Between US And Russia


Israel is involved in trying to defuse growing tensions between the US and Russia over the latter’s build-up of troops on the Ukrainian border, Army Radio reported on Wednesday morning.

According to the report, the Biden administration requested that Israel serve as a mediator in an attempt to thwart a major crisis between the two world powers.

The report added that Israel is avoiding any public statements about the tension between Russia and Ukraine, both of which have large Jewish populations, out of fear that public support for either side could lead to a surge in anti-Semitism.

Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected an offer from Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to mediate between him and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Prior to Bennett’s trip to meet Putin in Sochi, Russia in October 2021, Ukrainian senior officials requested that Bennett assist Kyiv in mediating with Moscow, even suggesting that a summit be held in Jerusalem.

The Ukrainian officials noted that “Israel has good relations with both Russia and Ukraine.”

Bennett did bring up the suggestion during his meeting with Putin but Putin not only turned him down but also expressed harsh criticism of Zelensky, Israeli officials later said.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

About 165,800 Holocaust Survivors Currently Live in Israe


About 165,800 Holocaust survivors currently live in Israel, most of them over 80 years of age, according to data published by the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which will be observed today, Arutz Sheva reports.

The data show that 15,324 Holocaust survivors died the past year, an average of 42 per day.

ULTRA COOL: Migdal Dovid In Your Home

The Tower of David Museum has created “Unearthed,” a virtual exhibition that enables you to view the historical site from the comfort of your home.

Also included are animated representations of Dovid Hamelech’s palace and Chizkiyohu’s water tunnels.

Hebrew-language viewing is available gratis at www.tod.org.il/virtual/tour.html.

Ancient Hebrew Amulet Discovered at Joshua’s Altar in Samaria


An ancient amulet made of lead and written in ancient Hebrew was found among the remains of the excavation carried out at the archeological site on Mount Ebal in Samaria, where the biblical-era altar of Joshua bin Nun is located.

The amulet is inscribed with the letter Alef and a mark reminiscent of a lotus flower.

The Book of Joshua describes how the Israelite General who commanded the conquest of Canaan, built an altar on Mount Ebal, acting on instructions from Moses after the Israelites had crossed the Jordan River.

Haifa University archaeologist Adam Zertal, who passed away in 2015, identified the remains of an altar found at the site as the one described in the Bible, where Joshua distributed the land among the tribes.

Belz Hassidim to Join Israel’s Education System, Core Curriculum and All


The Belz Hassidut Education Committee met on Monday with the director-general of the Education Ministry and top education officials in an attempt to formulate a unique model for the Belz Talmud Torah institutions that would be fully budgeted by the state and include core curriculum subjects such as Math and English, Reshet Bet radio reported on Wednesday.

Bnei Brak Library Burns all of its Walder Books at his grave on his "Shloishim"


17 year-old Zinaida Portnova Killed 100 Nazis


Soar over Egypt's Pyramids and Sphinx in this stunning video


Ezra Capo Where Are You? 3 US Nuke Deal Negotiators Quit Over Biden Administration’s Soft Stance


Guys remember when Ezra "Capo" Friedlander urged Holocaust survivors to back the Iran deal? 

Remember when the Satmar "Chucem" R' Aaron Teitelbaum urged his naive fools to write letters to congressmen to stop the then Prime Minister Natanyahu from addressing both houses of congress how dangerous a deal would be? 

Remember when Mr. Labin the Satmar stooge wrote an op-ed telling Holocaust survivors that the Iran Deal is a good thing!

So where are they now?

 Even the US negotiators are quitting because as they say it's a very bad and dangerous deal!

At least three members of the US team negotiating with Iran over restoring the 2015 nuclear deal have quit due to the Biden administration’s soft stance, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, US officials confirmed over the weekend that Richard Nephew, the deputy special envoy for Iran, has quit the team. Nephew hasn’t been part of the team since early December after he left due to his frustration over the Biden administration’s failure to maintain a harder negotiating stance. Two other members of the team left for the same reason.

There are no deadlines set for the talks, which leaves Western diplomats doubting that the Biden administration would let anything get in their way of forging an agreement.

Officials familiar with the negotiations told the WSJ that conflicting opinions have divided the US negotiation team, headed by State Department veteran Robert Malley, since the summer. Additionally, some members of the team wanted to leave the talks in early December after Iran’s new negotiation team under the “Butcher of Iran,” President Ebrahim Raisi, returned to Vienna and reversed most of the concessions the previous government made. The Biden administration chose to continue talks despite Iran’s reversals.

There were also conflicting opinions among the US team about whether to demand that the International Atomic Energy Agency board censure Iran last year for preventing inspectors from monitoring its nuclear activities. The Biden administration chose not to take action on the issue after Tehran said it would torpedo talks.

The report follows an earlier report on Monday that the US State Department said it is ready to hold direct talks with Iran following a statement from Tehran that it would consider the option.

“We are prepared to meet directly,” a State Department spokesperson said, quoted by France24.

“We have long held the position that it would be more productive to engage with Iran directly, on both JCPOA negotiations and other issues,” the spokesperson added.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

14 Chareidie Women Accuse the great Askan Choine Deautch of Abusing them sexually


Incredible performance by a 7 year old girl No She didn't attend Bais Yaakov


Joseph Schwartz Former owner of national nursing home chain faces 22 federal tax, labor charges


The former owner of a national nursing home chain that collapsed amid widespread allegations of neglect and mismanagement revealed in an NBC News investigation now faces 22 federal charges of labor violations and failure to pay federal taxes.

Joseph Schwartz was arrested at his home in Rockland County, N.Y., say two law enforcement officials, and appeared at a hearing in Newark, N.J., on Thursday afternoon. Schwartz’s lawyer Robert Fedor did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

The indictment that was sought by the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Philip Sellinger, charges that Schwartz, former owner of Skyline Healthcare, failed to pay employment and unemployment taxes for the 15,000 employees he had at 95 facilities across 11 states.

Schwartz already faces 10 state felony charges in Arkansas for tax and Medicaid fraud and civil suits in Nebraska and other states.

25% of Children in Israeli Hospitals are from Gaza but Media Refuse to report it!


Sheldon Silver dies in prison at 77


Sheldon Silver, the Democratic powerhouse who ruled Albany with an iron fist until he was busted and later convicted on federal corruption charges in a stunning fall from grace, died Monday in prison. He was 77. 

The disgraced politician died at the Nashoba Valley Medical Center in Ayer, Massachusetts, while serving out a six-and-half-year sentence at a nearby prison after he was convicted for accepting nearly $4 million in bribes while in office, the Federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed. 

His official cause of death will be determined by a medical examiner but the longtime kingmaker had a history of chronic kidney disease and cancer. 

Biden Calls a Fox Reporter a "Stupid SOB"


President Joe Biden responded to a question about inflation on Monday by calling a Fox News reporter a vulgarity.

The president was in the East Room of the White House for a meeting of his Competition Council, which is focused on changing regulations and enforcing laws to help consumers deal with high prices. Reporters in the room shouted a number of questions after Biden’s remarks.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Biden about inflation, which is at a nearly 40-year high and has hurt the president’s public approval. 

Doocy called out, “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”

Biden responded with sarcasm, “It’s a great asset — more inflation.” Then he shook his head and added, “What a stupid son of a bitch.”

His comments were captured on video and by the microphone in front of him. Doocy laughed it off in a subsequent appearance on his network, joking, “Nobody has fact-checked him yet and said it’s not true.”

The White House did not immediately responded to a request for comment.

The White House has insisted repeatedly that it is focused on curbing inflation, with Biden reorienting his entire economic agenda around the issue. But the president has also shown a willingness to challenge a media that he deems to be too critical, especially Fox News and Doocy.

At his news conference last week, Biden said to Doocy with sarcasm, “You always ask me the nicest questions.”

“I have a whole binder full,” the reporter answered.

“I know you do,” Biden said. “None of them make a lot of sense to me. Fire away.

Zionists Ministries Meet To Plan Possible Airlift Of Ukrainian Jews If Russia Attacks


Israeli President Isaac Herzog is greeted by an honor guard upon his arrival in Ukraine, 

Do you think that any of the Satmar Yiddish weeklies will report on this?

I think not! But fabricate hate that is now being used by antisemites around the world, they have no problem reporting! Satmar propaganda made up a story that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis! What they didn't write was that it actually saved Jews. 

And who will be doing the airlift? The IDF! Not the Kollel guys, the IDF!

Top Israeli government officials and leaders of Jewish organizations held a meeting on Sunday to discuss the possibility of evacuating Jews from Ukraine if Russia invades.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been amassing troops at the two countries’ borders since the fall, reportedly including the placement of weapons such as ballistic missiles, with some estimates of an impending crossing or invasion early this year.

According to a report in Haaretz, the meeting was held with members of the National Security Council, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Defense Ministry, the Diaspora Affairs Ministry, and the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety.

It also included representatives from the Jewish Agency for Israel and Nativ, which maintains connections with Jews in former Soviet countries.

Jewish organizations estimate that some 75,000 Ukrainians living in the eastern part of the country, many of them elderly, are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return, which allows immigration to those who have one Jewish grandparent

Monday, January 24, 2022

Walder and Parshas Mishpatim


 This Parsha appears immediately after Parshas Yisro, the Parsha where Klall Yisrael receives the Torah. At this point, the story of the Meraglim, the story of the spies had not occurred yet . For all practical purposes, the Jewish people were going to be in Eretz Yisrael in a matter of weeks. 

If you had written the Torah, which mitzvah would you have written last in Pashas Mishpatim? 

I thought about this and I would have put the halchos of slaves last.

We were heading to Eretz Yisrael, we would  need to know all the halachos of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael?
 No one owned any slaves and none would own any slaves in the near future. We would need to know the basics of manufacturing Tefillin, what color should the be? How many compartments? What shape? We would need to know halachos of Terumois Umassrois, Leket, Shikcha and Peah, at least the basics...
 The Torah chose to put the halchos of slaves first, number one , and gave this priority over all the 613 mitzvos.
Because it was a "teachable moment!"
Klall Yisrael had just been slaves merely weeks before and the tortures they had experienced were very fresh in their minds. It was "davka" at this time that Hashem chose to teach them how to treat slaves.

There were many who claimed that after Walder was exposed as the monster that we all learned he was, and then having decided not to give his victims "closure" by killing himself, we should all "protect" our children by not telling them what really transpired. 
We learn that the juxtaposition of the Halchos of slavery immediately after Matan Torah, draws an entirely different picture.

The Torah is telling us that when an incident occurs, the lessons learned should be immediately applied, while the story is still fresh!
We need to teach our children President Reagan's dictum "trust but verify." Children need to know the dictum of the Talmud  
אין אפוטרופות לעריות meaning you cannot trust any one when it comes to sexual matters. Not your rebbe, not your Rosh Yeshiva, not your therapist and not even a grandfather or even a father, unfortunately!

I also suggest that when it comes to children up to 12 years old,  halachos of Loshon Hara should not be taught to them at all.  Children should not be encumbered by halachos that can actually harm them. 
We as parents want to know every single thing that happens to them in school. We want to know if they are being bullied, we want to know if they are being sexually abused and even verbally abused. And children should be told very sternly that if they they are being touched inappropriately by someone in school, they should never report this to anyone in authority or anyone on staff in school, but to come home and report that to you.

We don't teach children Halachos of Niddah or even Aveilus. Don't teach them Hilchos Loshon Hara, I am positive that the Chafetz Chayim didn't write these Halachos for toddlers .

Yeshivas Now Hiring Stand-Up Comics to teach them how to treat and respect Women

The video below captured the comedian mocking Women EMTs'

How will these boys who will be in shidduchim very soon now think of women in a professional setting?

Toldos Avraham Rebbe and R' Shimon Dov Brandsdorfer Stand by as Their Followers Break Down a Kosher Cell Phone Store!


This storekeeper doesn't sell any smartphones at all, he sells only Kosher phones but refuses to be intimidated by the Eida Hachreidis Terrorists!

Hundreds of Chassidim of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak sect demonstrated outside a cellular phone store in central Geula Sunday evening. The chasidim were dispersed by police, who used water cannon and other dispersal methods on the  gathering .

Initially police attempted to protect the store from the angry protesters, who included the Admor of Toldos Avraham Yitzchak as well as other senior members of the sect including Rabbi Shimon Dov Bransdorfer and Rabbi Shmuel Bransdorfer who spoke to the gathering.

After the rabbis spoke the crowd sparred with police. Some of the assembled protesters succeeded in bypassing police and breaking open the door of the store. Six protesters were arrested and traffic was backed up on Malchei Israel street as police dispersed the demonstration.

Police released a statement saying that ” a short time after the beginning of protests at the site, tens of rioters began creating a public disturbance and blocking the street. Later they caused damage to a store, attacked police and damaged a police van. After police told them to disperse and they continued to demonstrate, police arrested three suspects for allegedly causing damage and public disturbance. Two policemen were lightly injured and received treatment at the scene.”

Demonstrators have stepped up their struggle in the last few weeks against three stores selling non-kosher phones in the Geula neighborhood. Some of the protesters explained to Kikar Hashabat that they simply wish to prevent their children from being exposed to internet. “Those who want to sell non-kosher phones can do so on Jaffa street, we don’t know why they come to our neighborhood. We’re not demonstrating against all stores in Jerusalem.”

A few weeks ago one of the three stores was targeted by protesters who attempted to set it on fire. Another store had its window smashed but continues to be active in the neighborhood.

Brave Frum Brooklyn Woman Chases Away Package Thieves


Having Thrown Victims of Abuse Under the Bus the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Releases Kol Korei on Decrees of Israeli Government


Instead of cleaning house in their own institutions and moisdois, the Agudah releases this useless irrelevant statement condemning the Israeli Government.

Does anyone out there really believe that Bennett after reading this Kol Korah, will call  an emergency meeting with his cabinet to discuss the points in this rebuke?

Does anyone out there seriously think that Lieberman will now shiver in his boots because some rabbis in New York are not happy with the government?

Now, I am not happy with the government either and yes precisely because of the points brought up in the Kol Korah, but is this the way they will change even one MK's mind?

If they, the Moetzes keep covering up and looking away at serial sexual abusers, at thieves and refuse to clean up their own moisdois why in the world should  the Israeli government give two bits and take seriously what the Agudah is concerned about?

And who exactly respects what the Moetzes says or does?

Satmar? Chabad? Belz? Klozenberg? 

Who do they represent? Ed Koch, former mayor of New York once said about the Chassidic community, "They are a minority of a minority," The Moetzis represents a minority of a minority of a minority!

And now I'll let the Moetzes into a little secret. The Chareidie Parties said last week on Kan 11 an Israeli TV Station  that should the government collapse they are ready to sit with Lapid! 

With Lapid? The Rasha Me' Rusha? who they called Hitler ym"s? Yes with that very Lapid ...and do you know something, they would sit with Lieberman too , if only he gave the moisdis some money!

Guys.. It's all about the rent!

Agudath Israel of America, today, shared a Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America:

(Free translation)

Shevat 5782

We hear cries of pain from our brothers who dwell in Eretz Yisroel as the Israeli government plans decrees that will seriously affect the Torah population there. Examples include:


  • desecrating the Kosel HaMaaravi – the last remnant of the Beis Hamikdash and the place from which the Divine Presence has never left – by permitting in it mixed prayer services and desecrations of our holy religious values;
  • acting to remove the safeguards for modesty accepted by the chareidi population upon themselves with respect to the use of “kosher” phones;
  • spreading Shabbos desecration such as in public transportation and the like;
  • canceling oversight over kashrus;
  • intruding into the education systems of chareidi institutions;
  • conspiring to undermine the yeshivos by forcibly conscripting their students;
  • and, most pressing now, acting towards weakening Jewish identity and holiness by allowing any community the authority to perform conversions. This will result in invalid conversions where the convert does not properly accept upon himself the obligations of Torah and mitzvos.


The ultimate outcome of all this will be to uproot the Torah from its status as the foundational identity and eternity of the Jewish people, and to turn the Jewish people into a nation like all others.

We address the Israeli government: You have no right to intrude into the realm of Torah, mitzvos, or Jewish education. These are the pupil of the eye of the Jewish nation. We will object strongly against these plans, just as our ancestors have over the course of history stood against any who have attempted to turn us away from Torah law.

To the G-d fearing religious public we say: This is a time fraught with danger for the Jewish nation, and we must cry out – from the depths of our hearts – that Hashem save us. We are obligated to increase our tefillah until Hashem awakens a heavenly spirit by which these edicts will be cancelled.

May it be Hashem’s will that the words, “They shall do no evil nor any destruction in my entire holy land,” (Yeshayah 11:9) speedily be fulfilled, and may we merit the day when the Glory of Hashem fills the world.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Harav Mordechai Bari the Head of Chinuch in Elad Arrested For Molesting Students When he was a Rebbe in Modiin Elite

 I was sitting on this story for over a week , but couldn't divulge his name because of the strict libel laws in Israel.

But he must be a dangerous guy since the police now gave the media permission to expose him. This is because they want other students, and women that he molested  to come forward ..This is a very unusual move, usually the name can only be made public after a conviction. 

This menuval is very well known in Chareidie circles and it seems that Rabbanim in Modiin Elite knew all about him..

Also this morning in Beit Shemesh, a young Chareidie man was arrested for rape.

מנהל אגף החינוך בעיריית אלעד, מרדכי בארי, נעצר בחשד לשורת מעשים

 מגונים בתלמידיו בזמן שהיה מורה. כך הותר לפרסום בצהריים (ראשון). המשטרה קוראת למתלוננים שנפגעו ממנו להגיש תלונה.

החקירה נפתחה בשבוע שעבר, ובמסגרתה נאספו כמה תלונות מתלמידים לשעבר של בארי על כך שפגע בהם מינית כשהיו בני פחות מ-14. המעשים נעשו לפני כמה שנים, בזמן שהיה מורה בבית ספר במודיעין עילית.

בדיון שהתקיים ביום חמישי התיר בית משפט השלום בפתח תקווה לפרסם את שמו של החשוד, וכן האריכה את מעצרו עד ליום שלישי.

המשטרה מבקשת מגברים ונשים שהחשוד פגע בהם לדווח למשטרת מודיעין עילית בטלפון 08-6447200 או במוקד 100, ובכל תחנת משטרה אחרת.

Antisemites Now Using The Old Satmar Outrageous Lie that "the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis"


The fact is that the Zionists did in fact "collaborate" with the Nazis but not in deporting Jews to the death camps and murdering them, but the Zionists were making deals with the Nazis to save Jews. In fact they were successful many times.

The Satmar liars say that yes the Zionists succeeded in saving Jews but the Jews that they saved were Zionists, as if to say that Zionists weren't Jews. 

What the Satmars won't tell you that their very founder of their movement, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l was saved by the Zionists in one of those deals. 

The Satmar Liars say that the Zionists saved only young people that would fight for the State...which is a brazen lie since we all know the roster of people that were on the Kastner train. And even if it were true? So what ? What's wrong with that? 

There is a two-volume book called 'Hidden in the Heights" by the Holocaust historian Esther Farbstein who is in fact a Satmar apologist who writes in detail of all the attempted deals and negotiating deals that Chareidim did or tried to do with the Nazis!

And who do you think they were trying to save by making deals with the Nazis? 

I'll let you into a little secret ... they were trying to save only Jews that were frum and Chareidie rabbanim, and if they would have had to make a choice ala Sofia's choice,  they  would have never chosen the  Jews whose sympathies were with the Zionists, they would have allowed the Zionists to rot in Poland and other countries overrun by the Nazis, they would have done the exact same thing, given the opportunity.

Instead of praising Jews that saved Jews they twisted the entire story to say that the "Zionists collaborated with the Nazis"

When Rav Weismandel tried without success to get to Eichmann that was ok but when the Zionists did it.. it's "collaboration"

Well now the goyim, the antisemites are taking the Satmar talking points and using them against all Jews, whether they be Chassidim, Litvaks, Safardim, Ashkenazim, Dati Leumi, Chilonim and Zionists.

Mordy Gelfand from Lakewood Missing.. Police Searching in the Mississippi River


After 11 days of searching for Frum Jackson resident Mordy (Michael) Gelfand, who went missing during a business trip to New Orleans and never returned home, the New Orleans Police Department now sadly believe that an unfortunate accident has taken place and Mordy seems to have tragically drowned in the Mississippi River R”L.

A massive search and recovery effort is underway and the Achiezer organization who is leading the efforts has released a message to Jewish organizations requesting groups to step forward with manpower and logistics, to quickly and honorably bring Mordy to proper Kevuras Yisroel.

Local authorities are welcoming all the help that is being offered.

Harry Rosenberg ..May You Rest in Peace ..You Changed My life!


Singing Carlbach in Krestir


TV Host Melissa Harris-Perry Says That Children Should not Belong to Parents They Should belong to the State

Apparently, this clip from 2013 is being recirculated because this is what is happening now - school boards, teachers, Democrat politicians, and the Biden administration all believe that your kids are theirs to educate and control. & if you try and have a say in what they're being taught, who's teaching them or how they're being taught (remotely, with masks), you'll be threatened, silenced and punished.