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Monday, November 15, 2021

Israel Has New "invisible" Defense System

Israel has a new weapon in its defense arsenal — and enemies of the Jewish state will never see it coming.

The weapon, which reportedly can halt electronic capabilities of an enemy, is part of a new suite of electromagnetic warfare called Scorpius. 

The Scorpius “missiles” send narrowly targeted beams of energy that disrupt enemy electronic sensors, navigation, radar or other electronic activity, according to Gideon Fustick, the marketing VP of Israel Aerospace Industries, Israel’s state-run defense contractor.

Fustick told Forbes the electronic weapons fall under a category Israel calls “soft protection.”

Listen to this Freak Assistant Professor Explain Away Pedophilia ...Sick


The DemonRats are abandoning Biden and His Camel by the Millions


IDF Soldier Converts to Judaism ... Very Moving

I think I already posted this last year when it actually happened, but I find it inspiring 

Neturei Karta like the Arabs Oppose Me'aaras Ha'Machpeilah Ramp for the Handicapped

The Inside of the Satmar Matza Bakery

Narration in Yiddish

Schumer Visits Anti-Zionist Rabbi in Kiryat Yoel


Senator Schumer visited the village of Kiryas Joel on Sunday afternoon, where he was welcomed by Village Administrator Gedalye Szegedin.

Schumer, who was accompanied by Ezra Friedlander, had lunch in Kiryas Joel with Village Administrator Gedalye Szegedin and others where Szegedin gave the Senator an overview of the incredible growth of the Village and expressed his appreciation to the Senator for his help in ensuring the vibrancy of the community.

Schumer also paid a visit to the home of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel.

The Lisker Faker up to his tricks again shlepping Schumer who supports the anti-semite squad, to the anti-Zionist community ..

see how Ezra managed to get a seat next to the blond chickiepoo

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Zev Brenner Interviews Muslim Lebanese Man Who Deceived Syrian Jewish Girl Into Marrying Him


Talkline With Zev Brenner EXCLUSIVE with Moslem "Chosson" Who married a Syrian Jewish Girl

EXCLUSIVE interview on Talkline With Zev Brenner, with Moslem Chosson, Eliyah Hawila, who married a Syrian Jewish girl by claiming he was Jewish. Eliyah talks about his life in Lebanon, His llve for Judaism and Israel and why he lied about being Jewish. 

"There is no anti-semitism in Iran, but we don't put mezuzzas on the door, and we don't fly to Israel" Says Iranian Rabbi


I was wondering why Ami Magazine would feature this Rabbi from Iran and give him the front cover. 

 Even a fool knows that this Rabbi cannot say what he really wants to say; if he did, the Iranian Mullas would learn with him the sugye of Mesactas Beitza, when he returns.

I remember well when I was only a young boy, Reb Yehuda Leib Levin the then Chief Rabbi of Moscow came to New York in 1968 and said on a radio interview the following about Jews living under Communist rule:
"all the restrictions on culture, work and similar matters were eliminated and the Jews have the same rights as other nationalities."
Charges of such anti-semitism, he said, stemmed from "bad tongues, evil tongues, those that engage in gossip" and were circulated by "false prophets" who sought "strained relations among the governments"

Of course, none of that was remotely true, but Chareidim saw him as a heroic figure who had managed to maintain some semblance of Jewish life, such as synagogue activities and matzoh baking in his officially atheistic country, and saw him as a tragic figure who had to say publicly what he with his deep religious convictions, did not really believe.

At least Reb Yuda Leib was a huge scholar a talmid chachim of note and who had learned in Slobodka, under R' Baruch Ber Leibowitz. And it's important to note that Communist Russia didn't vow publicly to wipe Israel off the map.

Rabbi Yehuda Gerami, Chief Rabbi of Iran,  in an interview with Ami Magazine says the following about Jews living in Iran
"Everyone is able to live openly as a Jew without any problems. They do not need to hide their Judaism. We have full freedom of religion. We are able to keep all of the mitzvot. The vast majority of Jewish Iranians keep kashrut, anti-semitism is the exception rather than the rule. We are able to walk through  the streets in our kippot."
And adds with a straight face:
"The observance of Shabbat has improved a lot in recent years. Today, baruch Hashem, most of the Jews in the country are Shomer Shabbat."
Without realizing he says nonchalantly:
"Most people don't have mezuzot on their front door, not because of anti-semitism but because of fear that they will be stolen. But inside the house there are mezuzot on every door."

Then he drops a bomb: 
"We also respect the law. It is illegal to travel to Israel, so we don't do it." I guess not if you want to continue breathing Iranian air.

Yitzchok Frankfurter the one who did the interview writes, thinking that his readers are a bunch of idiots...
"The picture Rabbi Gerami paints of Jewish life in Iran is quite a good one. In some ways, it echoes some of the challenges faced by many who live in "out of town" communities."
"it echoes out of town communities?" 
Is Yitzi  Frankfurter encouraging frum Jews to move to Iran? After all its a country where almost everyone "is shomar shabbat" "and you can walk the streets of Teheran with a kippa"

Now read what the "upgerissiner naar" Frankfurter says:
"I ask Rabbi Gerami if after the Islamic Revolution, when the entire country became more religious, it became some what easier for Jews to be religious as well."

We all knew that Frankfurter is not the sharpest blade in the drawer but now I question if he has all his marbles . 
Before the revolution, the Shah was in power, Iran was basically a free country like any other Western European country, so now he asks the good rabbi from Iran if Jews have it easier with Koumani in power?  How is this guy an editor? 

Now let's go back to my opening sentence:
 Why would Ami Magazine feature this Iranian stooge and give him the front cover? 

Iran told this Gerami guy, leave your wife and children here and  go to the USA and portray the Iranian murderers in a good light, so the world would be fooled into thinking that Iran loves Jews! 
Iran the country that vowed to wipe Gerami's brothers and sisters living in Israel, off the map, and who are developing nuclear weapons to do just that, ordered this "chuchim" to spread the lies and propaganda, to make the Mullas look civilized.
Ami Magazine with its naive and foolish editor "Yitzy the Frank" is helped him with this charade.
Any Jewish blood that will G-d forbid be spilled because of this dirty and dangerous scheme will be  on the head of this fool, Yitzy Frankfurter. 

Why Artscroll Stopped Translating Nefesh Hachyim Why Judaica Press Translation of Nefesh Hachyim is "totally distorted"

by Avinoam Fraenkel

*** Fraenkel’s new book, Shomer Emunim: The Introduction to Kabbalah (Urim Publications, 2021), is a full facing page translation and expansive commentary on Shomer Emunim by R. Yosef Ergas, together with an extensive Kabbalah Overview systematically explaining key concepts of Lurianic Kabbalah in the context of a revolutionary framework of scientific understanding (see here).

His previous two-volume Nefesh HaTzimtzum (Urim Publications, 2015), is a full facing page translation and expansive commentary on Nefesh HaChaim together with all related writings by R. Chaim Volozhin, and a broad study on the Kabbalistic concept of Tzimtzum

Before publishing Nefesh HaTzimtzum and Shomer Emunim, I sought the feedback and approbation of several scholarly Kabbalists of note. Most were warmly encouraging and actively supportive. However, I encountered some who vigorously opposed any form of translation of Kabbalistic texts from their original Hebrew/Aramaic and who fundamentally challenged my objectives in the strongest terms.

When subsequently approaching potential publishers, I discovered that this vocal group exerts substantial influence over various Jewish publishers serving the ultra-orthodox community. In 1996, Artscroll/Mesorah Publications was halfway into a Nefesh HaChaim translation project, when the project was suddenly shelved following the intervention of a respected Kabbalist.[2] I understand from an authoritative senior source at Artscroll, that the project was stopped as they were fearful that continuing would jeopardize their multimillion-dollar Talmud business. As a result, to this day, they do not publish serious Kabbalah works in English. For example, their publication of an English translation of Nachmanides/Ramban’s commentary on the Torah, while keeping the original Hebrew intact, omits the translation of all the many Kabbalistic comments (which I understand were translated but omitted on publication). Feldheim Publishers, who act as a distribution channel for several Jewish book publishers, also refused to distribute English Kabbalah works.[3]

Then we have Judaica Press who published what they claim is a translation of Nefesh HaChaim, where in the translator’s introduction it states “Please note: The sections of Nefesh HaChaim dealing with Kabbalistic subjects have been omitted, as the subject matter is not suitable for translation.”[4] Given that Nefesh HaChaim is a Kabbalistic work with its primary messages expressed in Kabbalistic language, it is beyond comprehension how Judaica Press can consider their publication to be anything other than a radical distortion of the original work. Not only is the English translation severely expurgated and summarized, without any hint given to its reader either in its Hebrew or English sections, the original Hebrew text published at the back of the book has also undergone a drastic act of editing. It entirely omits R. Chaim Volozhin’s fifty-two notes, many of which are lengthy and Kabbalistic, amounting to a major part of the original Hebrew text, that were written and published as an integral part of Nefesh HaChaim.[5]

"Kids Speak" Author Chaim Walder Has "Women Speak" Alleging that He raped them

 Ultra-Orthodox Israeli author Chaim Walder allegedly engaged in sex with minors, two girls aged 12 and 15, according to an investigation published in Haaretz on Friday morning.

Additionally, a third testimony alleged that Walder regularly raped a 20-year-old woman, his therapy patient, on a regular basis.
Walder is a well-known author publishing literature for children and young adults in the Ultra-Orthodox world, with his series Kids Speak (in Hebrew - Yeladim Mesaprim Al Atzmam) selling over two million copies of his books in ultra-Orthodox communities across Israel and the Diaspora. The first book in the series became one of the top five best-selling books in Israel of all time.

In the testimony shared with Haaretz, Talia (not her real name) recounted the first time she met Walder, at the age of 12, more than 20 years ago. 

"There's No Place in the World Where a Person Can Get a Yeshuah like Sighet" says Satmar Rebbe


In this week's Ami Magazine, Issue 542, Yitzchok Frankfurter interviews Rabbi Usher Horowitz, the one who was instrumental in arranging both the building of the new Sighter Bais Medresh in Sighet and the Satmarerer Rebbe's trip to Romania to inaugurate the new Bais Medrish.

R' Usher Horowitz describes in this interview how he managed to buy the properties in Sighet and the difficulties getting to Sighet:

"The thing is that Sighet is very out of the way from anywhere else important to frum Yidden, and the journey isn't easy either. It happens to be quite close geographically to Munkatch, but it's in a different country, which means a very inconvenient border crossing.
But the Rebbe didn't want just want to build something anywhere in town. He said it's only worth it if we can build in the place where the Kedusha always was."
" The closest airport that's currently open for commercial travel is in Cluj (Klausenburg) which is a three-and-a-half hour ride away by car and requires a stopover in Frankfort from New York. "

Did you read this? 
He wanted to build "in the place where the Kedusha always was."
If this place is the only place where "kedusha always was", why is it that R' Yoel Teitelbaum left Sighet to go to Krula eventually settling in Sata-Mara? 

R' Usher Horowitz continues:
"All of the Sigheter sefarim say that when one goes to a place where ancestors davened, even if they're no longer alive, the tefillos ascend immediately to shamayim. This was the strongest point for him (the Satmarer Rebbe) we have to be able to daven in that place. The Rebbe believes that there's no place in the world where a person can get a yeshuah like Sighet." 

Notice that he says that the premise that one should go to a place "where ancestors davened, even if they're no longer alive, the tefillos ascend immediately to shamayim" is written in "all of the Sigheter sefarim" ... 
Why is this idea found only in "Sigheter sefarim?" Why wouldn't this great secret be found in any other Chassidishe sefer?

So let's understand this ..."The Rebbe believes  that there's no place in the world where a person can get a yeshuah like Sighet." 
How about a Chabad guy? Will he only get a Yeshuah if he travels to Maramorsh Sighet? Is this Chabad guy wasting his time at the Ohel in Queens?

What about the tens of thousands that make the annual pilgrimage to Uman? Should they start making the treacherous journey to Sighet?

" no place in the world where a person can get a yeshuah like Sighet." 
I think based on this idea, Kalev ben Yefuna , one of the meraglim made a huge mistake travelling to the Mearas Ha'Machpeilah, to be mispallel, he should have gone to Sighet, he would have been successful!

All the Jews that were chased out of Israel and stopped at Kever Rachel to cry and daven,  "Rachel mevakah al ba'neighu" should have gone to Marmerosh.

"the tefillos ascend immediately to shamayim" this statement is actually blasphemous, this statement is a takeoff from last week's parsha where Yaakov said when he woke up at the place where the Bais Hamikdash would stand
"מה נורא המקום הזה אין זה כי אם בית אלוקים וזה שער השמים"

Listen R' Usher ....
Hashem doesn't want any Jews to go to Sighet and daven. Eli Weisel was a native "Sigheter" open his book  read his description of how the Sigheter goyim helped Nazis lead the Sigheter Jews out to their slaughter, and burnt down the Sigheter shul, read how the "friendly" Sigheter neighbors  (words straight out of R' Usher's naive lips) couldn't wait to  pave over the area to build a soccer field.

In this 4 page interview, Eretz Yisrael, is not mentioned once. Not once.

Poiskim question whether making a blessing, a bracha, is a Biblical obligation or a Rabbinic obligation. The one bracha that comes the closest to be a Biblical obligation is "birchas ha'Torah" the bracha that one makes before davening or learning. But that isn't so simple as there are Rishonim that argue and say that this bracha is Rabbinic" 

There is one solitary bracha where there is not any dispute and all agree that it is Biblical.
The blessing of Birchas Ha'mozon 
הזן את הכל , which thanks Hasem for the miraculous Manna in the desert
and the second bracha
ואכלת ושבעת, וברכת את ה' אלוקך על הארץ הטובה אשר נתן לך ברוך אתה ה' על הארץ ועל המזון

this blessing goes for food in general and for giving us Eretz Yisrael
So What does food have to do with Eretz Yisrael?

Meforshim point out that in the bracha, הארץ is mentioned before המזון, and that is because any substance that you get is only in the merit  of Eretz Yisrael
In fact Chazal say if someone bentched and left out the words 
ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה
he must repeat the entire bentching.

Can it be that when Sigheters bentch they have in mind soil of the cursed Sighet, the soil soaked in Jewish blood? Do you really think after reading this interview that Satmar Chassidim really thank Hashem for Eretz Yisrael? Or are they thanking the "Samach Mem" that made it possible for them to buy the cursed Sigheter properties to build a shul where goyim hate them and can't stand looking at a Jew? After all they think that Sighet "is their homeland."

Saturday, November 13, 2021

500 National Guard troops will be on stand-by in Wisconsin for Rittenhouse verdict as police forces across America brace for acquittal


500 National Guard troops have been put on standby in Wisconsin in anticipation of a verdict in the case of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

Governor Tony Evers announced that the guardsmen will be stationed outside Kenosha, ready to support local police in the event of unrest over the weekend and next week. 

'We continue to be in close contact with our partners at the local level to ensure the state provides support and resources to help keep the Kenosha community and greater area safe. 

'The Kenosha community has been strong, resilient, and has come together through incredibly difficult times these past two years, and that healing is still ongoing.

'I urge folks who are otherwise not from the area to please respect the community by reconsidering any plans to travel there and encourage those who might choose to assemble and exercise their First Amendment rights to do so safely and peacefully,' he said. 

Closing arguments begin on Monday and the likelihood of an acquittal or mistrial is growing by the day.  

Danny Fenster from Detroit Sentenced by Myanmar Military Court to 11 years in prison


A military court in Myanmar has sentenced Jewish American journalist Danny Fenster to 11 years in prison, CNN reported.

Fenster, 37, has been detained in the country since the end of May when the Detroit, Michigan native, on his way home to see family and friends, was taken into custody at the Yangon International Airport shortly before boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

At the hearing on Friday, Fenster’s lawyer Than Zaw Aung said the journalist was found guilty of visa breaches, associating with an illegal group and incitement under section 505a of the Myanmar penal code – publishing comments that “cause fear” or spread “false news.”

He was also fined the equivalent of $50 USD.

Turkey Charging Israeli couple with espionage

 A Turkish court on Friday decided to extend by 20 days the remand of Mordy and Natali Oknin, the Israeli couple detained for photographing the palace of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, until the start of their trial.

This is contradictory to earlier reports that a deportation order would be issued, and that the couple will be flown to Israel immediately afterwards.

According to reports in Israel, the couple is suspected of espionage. Channel 12 News reported that during Friday’s hearing, a representative of the Turkish prosecutor's office claimed that the couple photographed not only Erdogan's palace and private home, but also the security positions and cameras.

The prosecution claimed that the two marked the photos, highlighted them and sent them to a third party, and as such they intend to file an indictment against them for espionage.

A local lawyer representing the Israelis claimed that the couple took pictures for their family because they did not know that it was forbidden to take pictures.

The Turkish lawyer is expected to appeal the decision to keep the Oknins in custody. He told Kan 11 News that the couple is in good condition and added that the Israeli Foreign Ministry and diplomats stationed in Turkey must intervene because this is an issue that is also related to relations between the two countries.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke on Friday evening with the families of the Oknins and informed them that the Foreign Ministry had requested an urgent consular visit to the couple, and is working to release them at all levels.

The Foreign Minister stressed that the couple "do not work for any Israeli agency."

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Song of Rosh Hashana


The Anti-Defamation League allies with haters of Israel, Hamas apologists and blood libelers


The Arab Stooge, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of ADL

When three Jewish teens were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas, Israel fought back, Jews mourned, and Sheera Frenkel rushed to claim that Hamas wasn’t responsible.

“There is a Hamas official in the story saying they are not Hamas,” she insisted on Twitter.

It was a low point in her career of smearing Israel with lies and hate, but not unusual.

Frenkel had accused Israel of using white phosphorus, falsely claimed that there had been a blast at an Iranian nuclear facility, wrongly described an Israeli ban on construction materials, and concluded her coverage of the brutal murder of a Rabbi and his family in Mumbai, India with a quote suggesting that “the attitudes of the Chabad, which gives the sense of an elite club for Jews alone, is part of what provoked the terrorists to target them for the attack.”

This is the sort of ugly hateful behavior the ADL should be condemning, not celebrating.

‘Yalla Brandon!’: How the Jewish Vote May (Finally) Be Changing

“Yalla Brandon,” as former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer explained during a press gaggle at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual leadership conference in Las Vegas (the former White House press secretary is on the board of the organization), meant “Let’s go, Brandon” in Hebrew.

We had all been hearing a lot of “Let’s go Brandon’s,” mostly in English, during the conference speeches from a group of around one hundred Southern California college students (UCLA, Cal State Long Beach and so forth) bussed in from Los Angeles for the event and seated near the back at tables labeled “Young Adults.”

Their jubilant cries were soon taken up by the other six hundred or more older attendees during a barn burner speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, filling the mammoth ballroom at The Palazzo with a literal cacophony of chandelier-shaking “Let’s go Brandons” with most of the audience jumping to their feet. It was like a football game in a Vegas hotel.

From his sour expression, the New York Times reporter sitting next to me in the press section was not amused.

As for the “Kosher Cattle Call” that was a phrase used by Fleischer and RJC executive director Matt Brooks during that same gaggle. For many years, this event has been used as an early try-out for aspiring Republican presidential candidates. It was again, this time with possibly more import, since the Jewish Republican group has grown, seemingly exponentially, since the days I covered some of their events for PJMedia around 2008.

EuroPisher Union Sends Millions of Euros To Palestinians to Help Wipe Out Jewish Presence in Yerushalyim


An agreement was signed Tuesday for support and budgeting that the EU will transfer to a Palestinian Authority organization whose purpose is to strengthen "Palestinian identity" among the residents of eastern Jerusalem.

According to the Facebook page of the "Office of the EU Representative (West Bank and Gaza strip, UNRWA)," Deputy EU Representative Maria Velasco said that “the Palestinian civil society organizations remain one of our key partners in maintaining the Palestinian identity of East Jerusalem."

She added that the EU provides around 12 million euros every year to address multiple needs and sectors in "East Jerusalem," including "inclusive education, economic empowerment, legal aid, human rights and advocacy, housing, culture and identity."

"Resilience is at the core of our work, and resilience is what we are celebrating today,’’ said the Deputy EU Representative.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Berland Gave the Orders to Have Nissim Shitrit Murdered ..Israeli Police


An Israel Police representative said during a court hearing on Wednesday that Eliezer Berland, the disgraced leader of the Shuvu Banim community, was the one who gave the orders to the kidnappers and murderers in two murder cases from over 30 years ago, but was not present himself when the acts took place, Kan News reported on Wednesday.

The police said that there is evidence that there was premeditated intent to commit the murders but the prosecution must evaluate whether there is sufficient evidentiary basis to file an indictment – and that will be done next week.

Kan report on Tuesday night said that Berland sent messages to his followers in recent days indicating he is aware he will be charged in the cases and may serve a long prison sentence.

“I understand the story is over,” Berland said in a message he sent from prison, where he is serving a five-month sentence for fraud, exploitation, attempted intimidation, tax offenses, and money laundering. “Many people testified against me and the investigators told me that there is evidence against me.”

“I hope that the truth emerges. I want my suffering in jail to end.”

It was also reported on Tuesday night that the police believe that there is little hope of finding the remains of Nissim Shitrit, z’l, but meanwhile, they are continuing the search.

Channel 13 News reported on Monday that another suspect of alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murder of Shitrit admitted to his role in the case.

Last week, one of the main suspects of Shitrit’s murder confessed his role in the case and incriminated three others, providing a detailed description of the events that day that led to Shitrit’s murder. A female suspect has also confessed to playing a role in Shitrit’s kidnapping and one suspect signed a state witness agreement.

GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! Two Lev Tahor Cult Leaders Face Life in Prison after Jury Finds Them Guilty of 2018 Kidnapping


Two leaders of the Lev Tahor cult have been found guilty by a jury on all charges pertaining to the 2018 Shabbos kidnapping of two children who escaped the cult, and now face life in prison.

Nachman Helbrans and Meyer Rosner, two Lev Tahor officials who were involved in the kidnapping, were found guilty on all six charges they faced, including conspiracy to travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct, and conspiracy to commit international parental kidnapping.

“The defendants engaged in a brazen kidnapping of a minor girl in the middle of the night, taking her across the border to Mexico in order to reunite her with her adult ‘husband’ to continue their sexual relationship. These charges send a clear message that the sexual exploitation of children will not be tolerated,” US Attorney Audrey Strauss said when the cultists were charged in 2019.

Several other Lev Tahor cultists have been arrested in connection with the case, including brothers Yoel, Yaakov, and Shmiel Weingarten, who were picked up by Guatemala authorities earlier this year.

They are expected to be extradited to the United States to face charges and a trial.

Three others in the United States are reportedly cooperating with authorities.

Shekel Hits Yet Another 25-Year High Against The Dollar


The shekel-to-dollar exchange rate hit a new 25-year-high on Monday, with $1 briefly fetching just NIS 3.08 before closing for the day around NIS 3.11.

The shekel has been gaining in strength against major currencies like the dollar and euro, thanks in large part to high levels of foreign direct investment and the strength of the tech sector.

While a stronger currency allows for cheaper imports, it can also hurt exporters by making their goods more expensive for foreign customers.

The new record high came just days after the previous record high was briefly reached, before receding.

The shekel traded at around 3.6 to the dollar for several years, but more recently was in the 3.2 – 3.3 range.

Read more at Times of Israel.

Italy issues international arrest warrant for Shmuel Peleg, grandfather who smuggled child survivor of cable car crash out of Italy.


Italy has issued an international arrest warrant for Shmuel Peleg, grandfather of cable car crash survivor Eitan Biran, Italian news outlet Corriere della Sera reported.

According to the report, a warrant was also issued for driver Gavriel Abutbul Alon, age 50, who lives in Cyprus.

The newspaper quoted the words of the Italian prosecutor, who claimed that, "The grandfather planned how to take the child out of Italy the moment he understood that he would no longer be able to receive authority over him within the country."

He added that Peleg "together with Gavriel Alon, implemented a strategic, thought-out plan which allowed him to take the child with him to Israel."

The plan used "military and intelligence spy techniques" during the "operation" and was carried out with "suspicious" cooperation, the prosecutor added. According to him, when Italian investigators reconstructed the plan, they found that the vehicle in which Peleg and his grandson crossed the Italy-Switzerland border was not stopped for a border check.

Eitan is the sole survivor of a cable car crash in Italy which killed 14 people, including both his parents and his two-year-old brother. He was brought to Israel by his grandfather Shmuel Peleg without his guardian aunt's permission.

How Hillary Clinton pushed the Media to Report Lies and Fabricated Stories Against Trump


Russiagate has fallen apart, with special counsel John Durham exposing the notorious Steele Dossier as a collection of lies and made-up stories. But you wouldn’t know it by reading most of the Christopher Steele: Beginning in March 2016, the former British spy collects rumor and innuendo supposedly from “inside sources.” But his primary source really is . . .media, which have mostly ignored the story.

More importantly, they haven’t faced up to their own part in pushing this witch hunt. Relying on one anonymous source — ex-British spy Christopher Steele — they spun a supposed conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russia. But they never revealed the fact that Steele was being paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign for opposition research, and they never examined Steele’s sources, who were unreliable or nonexistent.

Here’s how the media amplified Steele’s baseless claims to create hysteria. None of these stories have been updated, no corrections have been made.

The players

Shuli Rand Famous Israeli Actor (Ushpizin, Shtisel) Leaves his Frum wife of 7 Children to marry Secular Actress

 In one of Israel’s most controversial and public divorce wars, Shuli Rand, 59, a leading actor in the Israeli movie industry who had become religiously observant, was seeking a divorce from his wife, Michal. On Tuesday of this week, After having received permission from an Israeli Beit Din to marry a second wife, in a secretly held wedding, Shuli Rand got married.

Video Player

In 1988, Shuli Rand became famous, after playing the lead role in Andrzej Wajda’s play The Dybbuk at Habima theater. Rand was chosen as Israel’s Theater Actor of the Year several times.

He abandoned acting in 1996, when he rediscovered religion and joined the Breslav Hasidic sect. In 2004, he returned to acting with his film debut “Ushpizin.”

Ger Expels Over 30 Teenage Girls Because Their Fathers Went to R' Shaul Alter's Tish


One thing is for sure ... It's not the internet that's holding up Moshiach

The Headlines Will Move On. But Will The Girls?

 The following letter was written by a concerned educator regarding recent events:

It is late at night and sleep eludes me as I close my eyes. All I see is a world of pain and anguish, with heartbreak that will only surface well after the current chapter appears to be closed. Yet for those affected by it, these few weeks are going to be among the most pivotal in their life, with scars that might never heal – scars that are both figurative, and shockingly often, literal.

The local news cycle is as passionate and animated as it’s been in a long time. The visit of Harav Shaul Alter Shlit”a and the response by Ger leadership is getting a lot of attention, but its most profound long term impact isn’t being discussed at all! Right now, the conversation is whether girls will be kicked out of school due to their father’s position on this matter, and whether a school should or even has a right to take such measures in response. Lost in this conversation is what will happen to the girls involved, even if they immediately land on their feet elsewhere.

As someone with many years of experience in the field of chinuch, I say with complete confidence that in these very moments when the words in this letter are being written and read, there are heimish, frum, healthy teenage girls whose spiritual, emotional, and even physical lives are being extinguished or damaged beyond repair! I’ve seen it happen before and I know with certainty that it will happen again. Unless there is a change of heart and the girls remain in their natural environment, the end result will be dire.

Nearly 17 years have passed since the last bitter intercommunal split roiled the streets of Borough Park, when the passing of the Bobov Rebbe, Harav Naftali ZT”L led to bitter strife within the kehilla. Then, too, children were removed from the only school they’ve ever known and left to their own devices in a sea of uncertainty. I am personally familiar with multiple hair-raising stories of the negative impact this development had, leading to the most unimaginable results for the girls and their parents. Countless adults are still impacted by the childhood trauma experienced then!

It does not take an expert or a mechanech to understand why this is. Schools are not just places where children learn to spell and count, they are spaces that serve primarily as social structure systems to help cultivate the next generation of Jewish wives and mothers. To suddenly tear children away from their friends, social circles and their sense of personal belonging is not to punish their father – it is to render worthless all the work that was put into them. No matter how they turn out, they will never fully recover. It’s just not possible! In addition, when a child is removed from their surroundings and told implicitly or explicitly that this is because her father’s actions have made her entire family tamei and labeled them as undesirables, a part of them has been destroyed forever.

It might be too late for Ger, but I implore anyone and everyone reading these words to at least begin making this part of the conversation. Those who have been on the receiving end of such treatment in the past should consider seeking therapy for their pain, and all of us should vow to do better going forward. Right now, we are ignoring the destruction of our most prized possessions before our very eyes. Please, let’s end this madness before it ends us.