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Monday, August 16, 2021

Storing half an avocado in a tub of cold WATER keeps it fresh and prevents it from going brown for two days


Obama Disinvited to his 60th Birthday Bash ..Two Jews Who Helped put him on the Map Rahm Emanuel & David Axelrod and the Famous Jew Comedian Larry David

 A New York Times star columnist has lashed Barack Obama for axing people who helped him to the top from his lavish 60th birthday guest list in favor of A-list stars.  

Maureen Dowd branded Obama 'Barack Antoinette' - a reference to the out-of-touch renaissance queen - and likened him to Jay Gatsby, the shallow people-pleaser from F Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby in her scathing piece, published Saturday. 

She highlighted how the former president cut his ex-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and former campaign strategist David Axelrod from the original 600-person guest list, despite both helping him secure his presidential victory.

Dowd was also scathing of Obama's decision to disinvite Caroline Kennedy - a key member of the political dynasty whose endorsement in the run up to the 2008 presidency was seen as critical to his eventual choice as the party's nominee.  

Those who did make the cut after surging COVID rates forced Obama to slash his guest list included Beyoncé, John Legend, Steven Spielberg and Bradley Cooper - none of whom knew Obama before he ascended to the presidency. 

Boy, 6 who survived Italian cable car disaster is caught in custody battle between two aunts - with Israeli family saying Italian relatives have KIDNAPPED him


A six-year-old Israeli boy who was the only survivor of a cable car tragedy is now the centre of a bitter custody battle between the families of his two aunts - one of whom accuses the other of 'kidnapping' him. 

Eitan Biran miraculously survived the tragedy in the Alps on May 23, but his mother, father, younger brother and great-grandparents all lost their lives.

The cable car was carrying the passengers up a mountain overlooking Lake Maggiore when it dropped 1,000ft away from the station shortly after 12pm.

The crash had killed his mother Tal, 26, father Amit, 30, two-year-old brother Tom and great-grandparents Itshak and Barbara Cohen, 82 and 70. 

Eitan has been living with paternal aunt Aya Biran-Nirko, a mother of two and doctor who lives near Pavia, north Italy,  since he was released from a hospital in Turin in June.

But last week his maternal aunt Gali Peleg revealed her family would be taking legal action so he could have a 'normal' life in Israel, The Times reports. 

Mrs Peleg said: 'He was abducted by relatives who don't know him at all. [Biran-Nirko] was not close to him in any way. The family there won't take him to a park or out to eat, things we have done so he feels he has a family.'

She claimed her sister Tal Peleg-Biran, 26, valued Jewish and Israeli identity and this would be eroded while in Italy. 

Mrs Peleg added: 'In a few years he'll look back and see where he grew up and who his parents were, and it's important to me that he sees that we were always there for him. He already lost one family and does not need to lose another.'

She added that her family had only been allowed to see the child briefly, claiming he 'breaks into tears' when she leaves. 

Biran-Nirko's lawyers called the allegations 'surreal', adding: 'We sincerely cannot understand the reason for such acrimony and falsehood.'

Reports had earlier revealed that doctors believe the boy was suffering from post traumatic amnesia after tests ruled out any neurological damage.   

In a statement translated from Italian, doctors said: 'Eitan's conditions are significantly improving both from the point of view of thoracic trauma and from the point of view of abdominal trauma.'   

His aunt Aya, 41, and his grandmother both travelled from Israel to sit at his bedside after the crash on May 23 and remained with him in hospital.

Three stowaways 'fall to their deaths from plane' and five are killed at airport as increasingly desperate Afghans climb on MOVING US Air Force jet as they flee from Taliban


Eight people have died at Kabul airport where thousands of desperate Afghans have clambered onto moving military planes and U.S. troops have fired warning shots into the air amid a chaotic scramble to flee the Taliban.

Three stowaways are believed to have plunged to their deaths, with footage showing bodies falling from the underside of a hulking USAF transport jet as it climbed into the skies over the fallen city on Monday. Further images later showed mutilated corpses strewn across a rooftop.

Earlier US soldiers fired warning shots to deter people from forcing their way onto a plane as video showed hundreds chasing after a transport plane, darting beneath its wheels and clinging to the fuselage as it hurtled down the runway at Hamid Karzai International Airport. 

'The crowd was out of control,' a U.S. official told Reuters. 'The firing was only done to defuse the chaos.' 

It is unclear whether the five who died at the airport had been shot or killed in a stampede. 

Joe Biden's calamitous surrender of Afghanistan and his 'shameful' silence since Kabul fell has been widely condemned by all sides of the media in the US and the UK. 

The President has failed to speak publicly on the chaos but issued a statement on Saturday which ridiculously blamed Donald Trump for an earlier deal which he says handed too much power to the Taliban.

Listen to the Fool Biden Talk About Afghanistan Army Just 30 Days ago


Metzuda winery went up in flames on very day of grape harvest


Eliyahu Bash, the manager of the Metzuda winery in Givat Ye’arim that went up in flames on Sunday due to the massive blaze – set apparently by arsonists – in the Jerusalem hills, told Galei Tzahal on Monday morning that “the winery is gone. It’s dust and ashes. Nothing is left. Around 150 barrels were burned. Last Thursday, we received a consignment of 30,000 new bottles that we were going to fill yesterday. It happened in the most tragic manner possible,” he said.

The fire – which is still burning as of this writing on Monday morning – is being called one of the largest blazes ever recorded in the wider Jerusalem area. It appears to have been set near the town of Beit Meir, an area targeted by arsonists in the past. Due to the strong westerly winds prevailing on Sunday, it spread rapidly to nearby communities which were swiftly evacuated – some 10,000 people were directly affected.

The Metzuda winery is a haredi-owned vineyard that was founded around a decade ago in the small town of Givat Ye’arim, around twenty minutes’ drive from Jerusalem, producing around 40,000 bottles of wine per year. On Sunday evening, Bash described the events of that terrible day to Kikar Hashabbat.

“It was going to be a day of harvesting the grapes,” Bash related. “We started work indoors that morning, and suddenly, the world seemed to be going dark outside. The skies looked strange, but we didn’t realize the reason why, and we went back to work.”

“After around a quarter of an hour, the electricity went down, and we started to get worried. We went outside and then we saw the flames – they were already approaching – and there was an acrid smell of smoke. Then we realized what was going on. All of us – all the winery workers – ran for our cars and fled for our lives.

“A quarter hour later or so, I tried to see what was going on at the winery from a distant vantage point, and I saw it going up in flames and I could actually hear the sounds of explosions as the bottles of wine shattered.”

Bash then related the extent of his losses: “The winery wasn’t insured, and we’re talking about damages amounting to around seven or eight million shekels,” he said. “When I realized the extent of what was happening, I strengthened my faith in the Al-mighty and reminded my friend that ‘We are obligated to bless G-d for the bad just as we bless for the good.’ I believe that everything is from G-d,” he stressed.

“Really, I don’t know yet how we will recover,” he added. “But my faith has become stronger as a result of this. I also heard from local residents that because of the winery, the fire was stopped in that area, which saved other houses in the town from going up in flames, and that thought gives me some solace.”

Bash noted that the blaze occurred in the Jewish month of Elul, during which Jews examine themselves for their misdeeds and return wholeheartedly to G-d, to follow His commandments with love and awe: “As we stood and watched the winery going up in flames, I was reminded of the prayers we recite on the High Holidays: Who by fire… who will be at ease; and who will be troubled… And I realized that the moment that G-d decided that the winery was going to be burned, that was it – there was nothing anyone could do about it – not the planes, not the fire fighters – because this was G-d’s will. And that thought comforted me.”

FBI Arrests Man Who Was Hours Away of Posting DNA Evidence that Proves Ilhnan Omar Married Her brother


Only hours after Minnesota GOP operative Anton Lazarro posted online DNA evidence that allegedly shows Rep. Ilhan Omar was once married to her brother, the FBI busted him. 

The test results stated there is a 99.999998 percent chance that Omar and her second husband, Ahmed Elmi, now her ex-husband, are siblings, according to an analysis by British company Endeavor DNA Laboratories. But before Minnesota Republican strategist Anton Lazarro could share the results with the media, he was arrested Thursday on underage sex-trafficking charges and jailed pending a court hearing Monday. 

His Web site, IlhanOmarDNA.com, containing the DNA test results, was online briefly before it was taken down Wednesday. 

Lazarro and a group of conservative donors had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on three continents hiring private investigators to track down Elmi Omar’s ex-husband in the UK and procure his DNA from a drinking straw. Omar’s DNA, Lazarro’s Web site claimed, was extracted from saliva on a cigarette butt she was photographed smoking. 

Omar previously has denied Elmi is her brother, calling the claim “absolutely false,” “absurd” and “offensive.” 

Special Agent Joy Hess, from the FBI’s Twin Cities field office, which investigated allegations that Omar married her brother Elmi to get around US immigration laws, says the “statute of limitations” had run out on the case. In a recorded conversation with an associate of Lazarro, posted on his Web site Wednesday, Hess also said that the FBI could not pursue the case because Omar’s ex-husband Elmi had moved overseas.

“The statute of limitations is over,” she said. “According to the US Attorney’s office The Statute of Limitations is not something we can overcome in that matter . . . The individual in question left the country so there’s nothing to [do],” she said. 

Asked if the new DNA evidence would be considered, she said: “All I can just say is that according to the United States Attorney’s Office the Statute of Limitations limits what we can do in this matter.” 

There is no statute of limitations for immigration fraud, but there also appears to be no appetite in Democratic-run Minneapolis to investigate the claim that has dogged the Democratic Squad member Omar for years. 

It is shoddy that private citizens felt compelled to do the FBI’s job. Why didn’t the FBI do their own DNA tests and clear up the cloud hanging over Omar’s head? 

The FBI did not respond to questions.

BIDEN"S DISASTER AS TALIBAN TAKEOVER: Afghan President Flees Country As Taliban Move Into Kabul ...Biden Runs and Hides in Camp David


Gunfire could be heard at Kabul International Airport on Monday morning as Afghan citizens flooded the tarmac, some clinging to the jet bridge of a plane, as they desperately tried to flee Taliban.

Afghanistan’s embattled president left the country Sunday, joining thousands of his fellow citizens and foreigners in a stampede fleeing the advancing Taliban and signaling the end of a 20-year Western experiment aimed at remaking the country.

The Taliban fanned out across the capital, and an official with the militant group said it would soon announce the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the presidential palace in Kabul. That was the name of the country under Taliban rule before the militants were ousted by U.S.-led forces after the 9/11 attacks. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The Al-Jazeera news network later aired footage showing a group of Taliban fighters inside the presidential palace.

The city was gripped by panic, with helicopters racing overhead throughout the day to evacuate personnel from the U.S. Embassy. Smoke rose near the compound as staff destroyed important documents, and the American flag was lowered. Several other Western missions also prepared to pull their people out.

Chinese State Media Publishes Anti-Semitic Caricature Of Tony Blinken


The Chinese state-owned news agency Xinhua published a caricature of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken with appalling anti-Semitic imagery.

The caricature, which accompanied a report about a meeting between Blinken and WHO head Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Kuwait last month, depicts Blinken with a grossly enlarged nose, devil horns and an American flag cape symbolizing his “power over the world” holding a “COVID origin” report.

“This anti-Semitic tweet from Chinese state media is despicable,” the American Jewish Committee (AJC) stated.

“Xinhua’s depiction of [Blinken], a Jew and stepson of a Holocaust survivor, utilizes overt tropes of anti-Semitism, including a large nose, devil horns, and accusations of global control. What a shameful display.”

“Throughout history, anti-Semites have used ‘Jewish features,’ like enlarged noses, in cartoons or propaganda to sway the public against the Jewish people.”

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Rosh Yeshivah from Hell


In this week's Ami Magazine issued on August 11, a broken mother tells a horror story of how a popular Rosh Yeshivah lied and manipulated her, her husband and her 15 year old son.

In Chassidishe Yeshivos this would never have happened, since the bochrum who graduate elementary school continue their learning in the same Yeshiva for High School.  If a Chassidishe parent feels that the yeshiva is not a good fit for his child he will try to find him another unaffiliated place, but he can rest assured that his child has a place in the yeshiva he attended, if he wishes to continue.

If you are not Chassidish, but you are more or less Yeshivash, you are up the creek without a paddle.

You have to start searching for a Mesivta or a yeshiva gedoilah that would take your child in, and it's a bloody nightmare, especially if you have no money and no connections.

Did Lakewood Railroad R" Itche Meir Greenwald the Caterer?


Greenwald Caterers located in Lakewood, New Jersey started his catering operation in the kitchen of the Lakewood Cheder. The Cheder administration insisted that he be kosher certified by BMG’s KCL Hashgocha. Mr. Isaac Greenwald spoke to the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva that when he opens his own commissary for the tri-State catering operation, he does not want to use the KCL, they agreed that he could take whomever he wants.

Greenwald Caterers opened his large catering commissary in Lakewood, and he took Rabbi Gornish from Brooklyn, New York, as he was an established Hashgocha for some large caterers in the Metro New York area.

BMG’s KCL started  a vicious campaign against Greenwald caterers to take the KCL. The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva told Isaac Greenwald, “we know we told you that you don’t have to take the KCL for your hashgocha for your commissary, we changed our mind and you have to take the KCL, otherwise we will publicize that we will not eat from your catering establishment“.

Greenwald Caterers was forced to succumb to the threats and took the KCL and dropped Rabbi Gornish’s Hashgocha.

What is puzzling: at every affair, wedding, convention, etc. the Roshei Yeshiva attend and eat without even knowing if the caterer or Hashgocha are reliable; Yet by Greenwald, they will publicize that they don’t trust him because he does not use the KCL. A wake-up call?

Recently, at a Shabbos simcha catered by Greenwald, BMG’s KCL did not even send a mashgiach (Note: their mashgichim, often are not qualified). The host complained to one of the KCL Rabbonim, how come KCL did not have a mashgiach at my Shabbos affair? The KCL Rabbi got very upset on the host “one more complaint about the KCL the greatest Hashgocha, and we will remove our Hashgocha from Greenwald caterers”.

By the way, BMG’s KCL will never remove their hashgocha from anyplace, as long as they pay their fees and the additional “baksheesh”. BMG’s KCL has been milking heavy fees from Greenwald caterers among other certified establishments for the longest period of time. Isaac Greenwald is deathly afraid to get rid of BMG’s KCL, as the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva will force him to close up. 

Related: Is KCL Really Kosher??

Posted by Yudel Shain- kashrusy@aol.com – I had shimush in Kashrus and Halacha by Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Neuschloss, The Debreciner Rav, Rav Pam, Rav Eliyashev, Reb Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z”L. I was appointed by Reb Shnuer Kotler as the kitchen Mashgiach in Bais Medrash Govoha (BMG). 

Over 160 future lone soldiers arrive in Israel with Nefesh B'Nefesh


A dozen future lone soldiers were among the olim who landed in Israel this week as  part of a Nefesh B'Nefesh flight, in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, JNF-USA and Tzofim-Garin Tzabar.

Some 160 lone soldiers from North America are making aliyah this summer, with approximately 300 expected to arrive by the end of 2021, the organization said.

"It is remarkable to see, that despite the obstacles and challenges over the last year and a half, these young men and women bravely pick up their lives and leave their families in order to contribute to the Jewish State," said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, executive director of Nefesh B'Nefesh. "These future Lone Soldiers instill in all of us a huge sense of pride and embody the essence of Zionism by choosing to protect and serve the State of Israel."

Biden blowing America's reputation as world watches the Taliban's sick slaughter rampage


Afghan citizens face executions, forced marriages and other possible war crimes as the Taliban sweeps across the country, wrestling control from ineffective government forces as the U.S. troop withdrawal nears, according to U.S. officials and watchdog groups.

The militants have seized territory at an alarming rate while Afghan government troops and their allied militias fail to put up an effective resistance – surrendering at times without even putting up a fight.

The U.S. embassy in Kabul said Wednesday that it was receiving reports that Taliban members were executing surrendering Afghan troops and unlawfully detaining some members of the government, including military leaders, provincial officials and police officers.

The executions "could constitute war crimes," the embassy tweeted.

A Taliban spokesman denied that the group was executing prisoners to the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, even as witness accounts contradicted that claim. The Taliban has also denied allegations that its militants have demanded conquered territories provide them with females aged 15 and older as brides.

"The Taliban’s statements in Doha do not resemble their actions in Badakhshan, Ghazni, Helmand & Kandahar," Ross Wilson, the U.S. chargé d’affaires in Kabul, wrote on Twitter, referencing stalled peace talks going on in the capital of Qatar. "Attempts to monopolize power through violence, fear, & war will only lead to international isolation."

Biden Begging Taliban Terrorists To Spare U.S. Embassy In Kabul


Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly pleading with Taliban terrorists to spare the U.S. Embassy in Kabul as the the extremist group has rapidly regained control of the majority of Afghanistan.

“American negotiators are trying to extract assurances from the Taliban that they will not attack the U.S. Embassy in Kabul if the extremist group takes over the country’s government and ever wants to receive foreign aid,” The New York Times reported. “The effort, led by Zalmay Khalilzad, the chief American envoy in talks with the Taliban, seeks to stave off a full evacuation of the embassy as they rapidly seize cities across Afghanistan.”

The news comes as the Taliban seized Kandahar and Herat on Thursday, two of the largest cities in Afghanistan. The Taliban now controls 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals, an estimated two-thirds of the country, and has cut off a critical highway linking Kabul to the nation’s southern provinces. U.S. officials suggest that Kabul could fall to the terrorists in a matter of weeks.

Convicted conman sues his NYC victims — and wins $12M


A convicted thief has successfully sued a family for more than $12 million — after robbing them of $1 million, his victims claim.

The Queens conman — who raked in more than $1 million by swiping the IDs of six unsuspecting family members more than a decade ago — could now walk away with an even bigger pile of cash after convincing a Manhattan jury that his victims were to blame for his criminal conviction, according to court records.

The victims claim they had no idea the lawsuit filed against them by ex-con Jacob Milton had gone to trial, until getting an Aug. 5 letter telling them they owed him a whopping $12.5 million.

“How can victims of his fraud ‘repay’ him this amount when their financial lives are still hurt by this?” said Kate Alvarez, a family member of one of the victims.

Milton, 55, was a Queens mortgage broker who pleaded guilty to grand larceny and served three years behind bars.

He was accused of taking out hefty mortgages and running up huge credit card bills on behalf of more than half a dozen unsuspecting victims in the 2007 scheme, six of whom are related. In 2010, Milton was sentenced to two to six years in prison, according to the Queens District Attorney’s Office.

About a year after Milton got his freedom back, he lodged a $50 million lawsuit against the people he stole from — claiming they’d wrongly accused him, court documents show.

The family — Mayra Macias, Juan C. Alvarez, Juan B. Alvarez, Lorena Alvarez, Martha Viteri and Hector Sandoval — initially hired lawyer Noah Goldstein to fight the case.

But when Goldstein later dropped out of the case, they failed to hire a new lawyer or respond to orders from the judge directing them to appear at court.

“The family said they had no idea a trial was scheduled and held, and a judgment awarded until last week,” said Goldstein, who has reconnected with the family. “The jury, seeing an empty defendant’s chair, probably [thought] they [were] supposed to believe Milton and give him what he wants.”

Milton’s lawyer, John DeMaio, told the court in 2017 he’d mailed the victims various documents alerting them to the proceedings as the case dragged on, legal papers show.

“I have no reason to believe Defendants will ever appear,” he wrote in one 2018 filing.

The case landed in front of a jury in Justice Doris Ling-Cohan’s courtroom in March 2019.

Alvarez insisted that “no letter was ever received stating any court date or document saying they had to show up or else. Instead they receive this first letter stating he won his case and [they] have to pay 12 million.”

The victims can go back to court and try to wipe out the judgment, or appeal, said Lucian Chalfen, spokesman for the state Office of Court Administration.

Milton, a Bangladeshi immigrant with a bombastic personality who once had a public access television show in Queens called “We Are The People With Jacob Milton,” has maintained his innocence despite his guilty plea.

Reached for comment, Milton claimed to The Post that the prosecutors who handled his case misrepresented evidence, and repeated his allegations that his victims in the criminal case had falsely accused him.

Goldstein told The Post he is expected to meet with them Monday. The victims declined comment to The Post.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

In Ponovitz the New Zman Opened Up "In Full Swing" Learning Mesectas "Makkos"


Why people keep sending their children to this swamp, I'll never ever know. 

There are two camps in this Bais Hamedrish that sports a beautiful golden Aron Kodesh. 

One group follow Rav Kahanaman, and the other group consist of the "Auerbach Terrorists" headed by a guy named Harav Hatzaddik Hagoen Markowitz Shlita who issued a fatwa against his opponents giving them a signal to let loose and they beat the crap out of Rav Kahanaman's son.

It used to be when someone heard the word "Ellul" in Yeshivois the talmidim would shiver from fright worrying about the upcoming "Yom Ha'din" 

But now when the talmidim in Ponovitz hear the word "Ellul" they shiver from fright wondering when someone will beat the living daylights out of them.

On the other hand, there is a silver lining; because since they are busy bashing each other,  they are off the streets and not protesting and blocking traffic.

Viznitz Chassidim Falsify "Green Covid Passport" Get Caught and Yell "Zionist Rashuim"

 Those of who learned in  Chareidie Mosdois are not surprised by this huge Chillul Hashem, as we remember how the Yeshivos would regularly rip off the government with their false  "Lunch Programs"  the "Summer Youth Programs" and then recently when the government gave away free computers to every single child, and the "Moisdois" took millions of dollars and never bought the computers. We remember The College Programs where the "moisdois" registered  as "colleges" and then took in millions in grant money and didn't teach the required courses. etc etc.

But this latest massive fraud took things to a new level. 

The Monsey Visnitzer Rebbe's son took 21 of his Tzaddikim to the Zionist State of Israel for a visit, and instead of going thru the normal channels of getting vaccinated they forged "Vaccination Green Passports" and got caught at Ben Gurion airport. 

What is interesting is, that Israel has no requirement of being vaccinated in order to enter, if you are not vaccinated you must take a rapid covid test prior to the flight and if you test negative then you can enter Israel. There are of course other restrictions, which have nothing to do with Covid itself.

So they could have all entered Israel with this covid test but instead, feeling entitlement, and believing that Zionists are a bunch of fools they decided to try to beat the system. We who went thru the Chareidie School system are very familiar with these antics.

When they got caught, they started screaming "SHMAD" "SHMAD" which just shows that these Visnitzers are a bunch of hypocrites. We all know that Visnitz takes money from the medina, but now they are screaming that they were set up by the Zionists.

Now the leader of this gang of 22 "tzadikim" is the Vizniter Rebbe's son who will after 120 years of his father's reign, take over as rebbe.

This will be the role model of the future Visnitzer Chassidus,

You Can Now Access all the Smithsonian research centers for free


Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. 

With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to more than 3 million 2D and 3D digital items from our collections—with many more to come. 

This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.

What's in a Covid Vaccine?

Well.... it's actually in an apple ....so will you stop eating apples?

Politician Fatally Shoots Man In Russia, Says He Mistook Him For Bear


Russian politician and millionaire Igor Redkin shot and killed a man that he mistook for a bear on Aug. 2 and eventually confessed to the crime four days later, according to CNN.

Redkin was sentenced to two months of house arrest for accidentally shooting a man, who later died in a hospital, near Ozernovsky village outside of a dump, CNN reported Thursday. The politician allegedly confessed to the crime after it had been reported on Aug. 6 by the regional CEO of the Investigative Committee, the federal investigating body of Russia, according to the outlet.

“In the evening, I learned that a bear was wandering around a landfill in the village of Ozernovsky and was threatening local residents,” he said, according to the Moscow Times. “I took a gun and decided to scare it away. I shot at the bear at dusk. I later learned that a local resident was wounded in the area around the same time and died in the hospital.”

Redkin has been expelled from the United Russia party, which is led by Russian President Vladimir Putin, CNN reported.

Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents' consent


Children as young as four will be able to change their gender at school without their parents’ consent under guidance introduced in Scotland.

Any pupil who decides they want to switch gender must be supported and listened to in school following the Scottish Government advice.

The guidance applies in primary schools, where the youngest children are only four or five, because ‘recognition and development of gender identity can occur at a young age’.

It also tells teachers not to question a child who says they want to transition to live as a boy or a girl - and instead ask for their new name and pronouns. 

Primary and secondary schools have also been told to put books featuring transgender people on the curriculum, allow pupils to choose which changing room or toilets to use, and consider introducing a gender neutral uniform.

But the guidance was branded ‘shocking’ and led to concerns that children are being allowed to make life-changing decisions at too young an age.

The advice says: ‘Some young people are exploring their gender identity in primary school settings. Primary schools need to be able to meet the needs of these young people to ensure they have a safe, inclusive and respectful environment in which to learn.’

How "Frum Moroccans" date


Friday, August 13, 2021

Zera Shimshom Parshas Shoiftim


New book dredges up Warsaw Ghetto ‘police’ who sent fellow Jews to their deaths


Already suffering from disease and hunger, Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto started to be rounded up for deportation to the Treblinka extermination camp in 1942. The German authorities directed the operations, but they also relied upon Jewish policemen in the ghetto — a group formally called the Jewish Order Service — to round up the Jews.

A painful chapter of Holocaust history, the narrative of the Jewish police in the occupied Polish capital is the subject of a new book, “Warsaw Ghetto Police: The Jewish Order Service During the Nazi Occupation,” by historian Katarzyna Person.

“It’s a topic of great emotion, even more so after the war,” said Person, who currently works at the Warsaw-based Jewish Historical Institute. She told The Times of Israel in a Zoom interview, “It’s a topic that linked, after the war, collaborators with their actions against their community during the war.”

“I felt it’s something we should talk about,” she said. “Nobody has really carried out a proper look into it.”

First published in Polish, the book has been translated into English by Zygmunt Nowak-Solinski and released by Cornell University Press in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

New York City 1900-1919 In Color


Color Footage of Berlin July 1945 Days After Germany Surrendered


IDF Girl Sodiers Donate Their Hair to children With Cancer


Crazy World as a White CEO Calls a Black Conservative Author a "racist"


"Romance is Sheker" Rav Avigdar Miller


Watch as "Heimishe Yiddin" Blow up a Tractor that was working on the New "Light Rail"


These gangsters are sophisticated arsonists who are not experts in Torah but are outstanding in causing damage worth millions of shekels..
זו תורה וזו שכרה
I'm sure that they are shukling a way a storm saying לדוד ה' אורי... 
These are not guys that work for a living so the money they used to buy sophisticated material came from "schnorring" for their holy "moisdois"
This is the 5th Tractor they blew up....
however that will not stop the Zionists from continuing to beautify and expand Yerushlayim
כאשר יענו אתו, כן ירבה וכן יפרץ